GT6 Sales Discussion

I can see loads of GT6 used copies at various stores near my area, if people are already returning this game I don't it'll continue to sell for long. I don't think anybody will be buying it by the end of this year.
I can see loads of GT6 used copies at various stores near my area, if people are already returning this game I don't it'll continue to sell for long. I don't think anybody will be buying it by the end of this year.
That's what i thought was gonna happen with most uninformed people that bought it expecting a great new GT.
Once chasing the rabbit get's old (after a day), and people realize it's almost the same as GT5 (same flaws included), it's not gonna take long for copies to end up on the bargain shelve, as GT6 has great potential for a 'WTF' style disappointment:

Also for the total sales numbers; I think that now all the die hard GT fans bought it, it will drop in sales greatly.
2.8 as of jan 4th, not bad, i'm guessing it's 4 mil with DD and retail together.
Probably going for a 5-7 mil total then in the end no?

Well if it was because a lot of fans gave up on the series, they will blame PS4 anyway so it's not gonna hurt their pride.
No i mean like in total sales at the end of GT6 ;).
Frankly i don't see millions of punters still buying this game in the next years.
i get what you mean, i run into very few punters etc, seems like alot more serious/pro GT players online, enjoying doing what they do best with there copy, be it drag, drifting or racing. and end sells, im guessing 6 million.
What exactly did you want from a title that is seeing out the previous generation? It's still routing most competition and putting in good sales. Plus, like I said...expect a slow burner in terms of sales.
Where's you see that?
Sorry, 2,077,464 copies, it's back in the top 10 at #7 global, and up 44# in the us compared to #75 from december 21st... it moved 132.238 copies in a week, compared to 170k-180k from other big titles like GTAV and Cod ghost, so it's not doing bad at all.
What exactly did you want from a title that is seeing out the previous generation? It's still routing most competition and putting in good sales. Plus, like I said...expect a slow burner in terms of sales.
Every GT has been more or less a slow burner, hasn't it?
I wasn't expecting a 60% difference in sales in a span of 3 years.
I see your point though. Didn't think of it that way.
Every GT has been more or less a slow burner, hasn't it?
I wasn't expecting a 60% difference in sales in a span of 3 years.
I see your point though. Didn't think of it that way.
I think the difference in sales is also down to the racing genre becoming a bit obsolete too, it's terrible to say but unfortunately it looks like most game players are growing out of it. There needs to be a revolution, and neither of the leaders are anywhere near that. Forza 5 wouldn't have sold as much if it wasn't for the push of it being the definitive reason to try out the One. If it launched on 360 it would be at around 0.5 Mil right now. Just my opinion though.
A 3 million unit shortfall compared to GT5 is a free fall, a disaster. Alarms are sounding and red lights are flashing at PD.

Also, GT6 sold 300,000 units stateside. Over the same period, GT5 sold 1,169,074 copies to American owners.


2 million retail copies in a month without counting digital downloads for a game that released a few days after a new generation of consoles at full RRP isn't a disaster by any means.

The second GT game on every playstation has always sold less and the buzz around gt5 was 1000% higher!

I can see sales picking up considerably once it gets a bit cheaper as well… I was expecting a lower RRP for GT6 anyways as if i remember correctly was always the case when a newer console launched the games for the previous generation were always cheaper, well at least here in the uk.
Even though it's only been out for just over a month I'm surprised how well GT6 is holding its price on sites such as Amazon here in the UK. I expected the price to have begun to drop like a lead balloon by now, but it still has legs.
Approx 75% revenue loss. Is that clear enough or do you need it to be simplified further?

You're also not counting in digital sales which is a mystery to us all at this point. That said, I doubt they actually made any losses since this is a game that was built on an improved engine from GT5.

What costed PD the most was building the engine from scratch.
I can see loads of GT6 used copies at various stores near my area, if people are already returning this game I don't it'll continue to sell for long. I don't think anybody will be buying it by the end of this year.

One has to also keep in mind that quite a few copies may have been bought as Chistmas presents for their kids.. a racing game that stands out like a sore thumb on the store shelf (that pretty blue) is always a hit as it's something non-violent ect.. giving them peace of mind they bought something nice for their younger kid. Little do they know, it can be a challenging yet rather boring game for younger people, they tend to get frustrated and not find the joy of racing and return the game for something 'cooler'.. which is understandable, at least that's how I felt about GT2 when I was something like 12-15.. things changed around GT3 times though ;)
That's what i thought was gonna happen with most uninformed people that bought it expecting a great new GT.
Once chasing the rabbit get's old (after a day), and people realize it's almost the same as GT5 (same flaws included), it's not gonna take long for copies to end up on the bargain shelve, as GT6 has great potential for a 'WTF' style disappointment:

Also for the total sales numbers; I think that now all the die hard GT fans bought it, it will drop in sales greatly.

Well according to it only sold for America 300K take that for what you will, but that's very low which leads me to believe most of the stuff you're saying is indeed correct.

Heck as of right now I can't even be bothered to finish A class races sadly it just got old and I've only had this game since Christmas Day already thinking of letting it collect dust update 1.03 I thought would add some major stuff or at least semi-major, but sadly no just got another BMW M4 Coupe that I already had(Hooray)
You're also not counting in digital sales which is a mystery to us all at this point. That said, I doubt they actually made any losses since this is a game that was built on an improved engine from GT5.

What costed PD the most was building the engine from scratch.
That information is counting digital sales. Keep in mind it's an estimation through deep analysis, it's the clearest picture we have yet.