GT6's Online Mode

  • Thread starter oink83
Well, some room titles are vague. Let's suppose, I (a random player) joins a room called "Races @ 550PP". Soon enough, the host (you) restrict the lobby to a specific car. There's absolutely no way that I (or anyone else) could have known that the room is going to be based on what ever car you chose. Ergo, people leave the lobby in a panic to go find the said car.

If you combine this ability to restrict cars with a pop-up window available in the lobby search screen giving you more detailed information about each room, then I don't see the problem. We don't have enough info about rooms before we enter and it takes sooooooo loooooooooooong before we finally get into a room and learn what the restrictions are.
I was getting at more towards private lobby's for league races not open lobby's where anyone can join.
I see. You're talking about "My Lounge" in the Community in GT5. When I saw your title I equated "Online Lobby" with an Open Lobby.
I think it would be awesome if you could race for pink slips (or in-game credits, suits/helmets, etc...)
Along those same lines, if we are indeed able to set up series of races in open lobbies as PD promised, RD's should be able to give away anything they own as prizes, as an incentive to join their mini-series. Cars, parts, suits, helmets, credits and anything else should be on the table. In fact, it would make sense for PD to institute standard payouts for online race series in open lobbies. For example, in addition to RD offered prizes, a standard 2 race series of X minutes length might pay out $250,000 for the series winner, $150,000 for second place etc in addition to the standard race winnings for individual races. Longer races and more events produce bigger prizes. Special trophies for this would be cool too.

And of course once the room is set up, the prizes and races should be locked in to prevent hosts from withdrawing prizes at the last minute.
^ I'd be very happy if they just awarded/recorded points for each race in a scheduled series of races. Then at the end it would show a results screen with all the drivers points tallied and you could see the overall winner for the session. It could then maybe award the overall winner with an extra $50,000 Cr. or a something like that. This seems like something that would be fairly easy to do and would make running an organized league SOOOOOOO much easier because all the points and results would be already recorded and tallied!

Hi JP, hope all is well. :cheers:
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^ I'd be very happy if they just awarded/recorded points for each race in a scheduled series of races. Then at the end it would show a results screen with all the drivers points tallied and you could see the overall winner for the session. It could then maybe award the overall winner with an extra $50,000 Cr. or a something like that. This seems like something that would be fairly easy to do and would make running an organized league SOOOOOOO much easier because all the points and results would be already recorded and tallied!

Hi JP, hope all is well. :cheers:
Along those same lines, if we are indeed able to set up series of races in open lobbies as PD promised, RD's should be able to give away anything they own as prizes, as an incentive to join their mini-series. Cars, parts, suits, helmets, credits and anything else should be on the table. In fact, it would make sense for PD to institute standard payouts for online race series in open lobbies. For example, in addition to RD offered prizes, a standard 2 race series of X minutes length might pay out $250,000 for the series winner, $150,000 for second place etc in addition to the standard race winnings for individual races. Longer races and more events produce bigger prizes. Special trophies for this would be cool too.

And of course once the room is set up, the prizes and races should be locked in to prevent hosts from withdrawing prizes at the last minute.

To piggyback off these two, how about room loyalty, the longer you stay and complete a race in a hosts room, your payout goes up a percentage after each race. If your connection drops, at any point, next time you connect, you have a Last Room Entered icon. If that room is full or the host drops out, your payout is still saved from your last race. If you choose to enter before the host signs out, it continues from there.
Gedi's newer thread has been merged with Oink's old thread, since we're all talking about the same thing. Gedi's OP from his original thread, and where the merge is, is here.
With GT6 comming soon, and the lack of info on the online part of the game, I want this thread to quickly pick up on small tweaks to the system, and issues or possibilities that comes with them.

Here, we can brainstorm about how to deal with the features, old and new, to make the online leagues pick up the pace.

Basically a tool for online racing admins.

First of all, as I stated earlier, I've not seen much info at all regarding the online structure.
Same amount of cars (16), and a structure that is similar to what we had in GT5 is what I've seen.

There will most likely be a lot of small, and perhaps a couple of big differences, and my hopes are that together, we'll be able to pin-point them, and quickly adapt and make the best out of them.
In GT5, we did'nt get together in one thread to discuss these things which lead to information beeing spread out in many threads with wery different OP's and topics.

So head in here when discussing GT6 online and its features. 👍
Gt6 online will have children that scream so loud on headsets your ear drums will burst. On the other hand, nighttime Daytona looks cool so thats all I have to say.
The structure generally looks the same. But there are still a lot of questions to be answered.

I have seen several mentions of online clubs in GT6 and have asked in a few threads about it, but I haven't got any concrete evidence.

Also possible wishful thinking for one make races? Everyone races the same car picked by lobby leader.

What exactly is quick race?

How will NOS affect online racing? Ability to turn it off? Will it be tunable?

Will we be able to share and use other racers created tracks?

I think people have heard stuff in interviews but it's all speculation right now. I would love to be corrected on this.

Gt6 online will have children that scream so loud on headsets your ear drums will burst. On the other hand, nighttime Daytona looks cool so thats all I have to say.
Mute, leave, or yell back at them
Lots of generalities and no specific but it sounds very promising:

There's this:
Many more functions will be added to the Lobby, the hub of player versus player races: just to name a few, users will have the chance to create and share Race Events amongst them, and the proper community tools will be implemented to support this new feature. These are all improvements that were generated by suggestion and feedback gathered from our online players. Please look forward to the announcement of other online features as we are approaching the release date.

And this:
In Gran Turismo 6, features that were not supported officially in the previous title will now be included: online lobby time trials, drift trials and races with qualifying rounds are just a few examples. Users will also be able to create customised rooms tailored to their favourite play-style and these settings can be saved and shared with others.

And this:
Quick Match
This mode is for those who want to get in and race online right away. Matching is performed according to preset regulations, and the race will start when there are enough participants.
Defenetly some solid new features there Johnnypenso. 👍

Looking so much forward to see how the online section unfolds. Hopefully, all these what appears to be really good features, will make the online racing something completely different even though the basic structure is the same. 👍
Lots of generalities and no specific but it sounds very promising:

There's this:
Many more functions will be added to the Lobby, the hub of player versus player races: just to name a few, users will have the chance to create and share Race Events amongst them, and the proper community tools will be implemented to support this new feature. These are all improvements that were generated by suggestion and feedback gathered from our online players. Please look forward to the announcement of other online features as we are approaching the release date.

And this:
In Gran Turismo 6, features that were not supported officially in the previous title will now be included: online lobby time trials, drift trials and races with qualifying rounds are just a few examples. Users will also be able to create customised rooms tailored to their favourite play-style and these settings can be saved and shared with others.

And this:
I like the idea of quick races when I'm short on time and don't want to spend 10min finding a good room.

I just hope we get some real information soon. That's still to vague for me to get excited. But thanks for the info. If done right we should have an awesome online experience!
I'm thinking of the option for rolling starts, and the admins option to manually select the starting order.

If these kind of improvements are made, it would be awesome!
I like the idea of quick races when I'm short on time and don't want to spend 10min finding a good room.

I just hope we get some real information soon. That's still to vague for me to get excited. But thanks for the info. If done right we should have an awesome online experience!
Like so many other things, it all depends on how Quick Races are implemented. You need the right sort options to find what you want and missing just one, like SRF for me, would nullify it as a useful feature. As an example, to be able to sort for rooms of XXXPP or less, XX or less tires, SRF off, would pay off in spades for me and I think a lot of other guys interested in online.
I'm thinking of the option for rolling starts, and the admins option to manually select the starting order.

If these kind of improvements are made, it would be awesome!

Well with qualifying now included in online, I think that's a given, except not manually.
I hope that the host will be able to choose exactly what cars the lobby can use, whether it's the hosts own custom vehicles, bone-stock production cars, etc etc. without the need of the lobby to own the car.
For me one of the most importants features missing in gt5,the parcial times to all drivers not just for the leader.
We need to now how many time you loose or gain to the drivers near us
It´s a shame if PD not fix.
Any simple game car have it.
No excuses for PD
Sorry my english
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I think PD should focus more on to improve the online lobby's because like in GT5 I only drive in online lobby's from three month after the release of the game.
Well with qualifying now included in online, I think that's a given, except not manually.
I'd say the qualifying online would just end up replacing the week-long qualifying a lot of leagues(including Pure, where Denilson usually races) so the manual grid order may not be necessary.

Although, if some leagues do go for the week-long Q, it could make it a lot harder to get organized into grid order unless there is a formation lap.
Yeah that's true, we're definitely looking at leaving behind the old sole qualifier in favor of the new qualifying mode that's supposed to be in GT6. Although our flagship series JGTS may keep the old format for tradition, and since it is a whole event in itself up to deadline. And yeah, rolling starts make it a non-issue.
What are your expectations for the new online features in GT6 including:
  • New communities
  • Club feature
  • Race Organizer feature
  • Open Lobby
  • Custom Event Creation
I for one am really looking forward to seeing if we got any improvements to the online feature. I've spent almost all my GT5 time in private lobbies racing with good friends. And it's been so much fun that I've actually bought a car and I'm trying to learn to do it in real life too. My expectations are high. This could be the version of GT that changes everything. What are your predictions?
I'm most interested in the online clubs. How they will be implemented, and if PD gives us some sort of visual reference. Will we have clan tags, stickers, or a decal of some sort? Anyway to tell while you are racing that those two guys are together? I spent a lot of time with 1 or 2 buddies assaulting online lobbies and it would be cool if people knew we were together. Other than leagues I don't see how PD's new features will change much of the online play.
I spent a lot of time with 1 or 2 buddies assaulting online lobbies and it would be cool if people knew we were together. Other than leagues I don't see how PD's new features will change much of the online play.

Yeah, I'm not a great driver. But I think it really has impact when you come into a room and you're representing your team and you leave the people there with a little something to think about. Maybe it's how fast you are or maybe it's how clean and respectful you drive. Either way ... I agree, the online clubs will be a cool addition.

As we get more information about the other features, I'll try to update the OP.

Checkout this photo:


Room Privacy? Public? Private? So I'm assuming this means we can create an event, publicize it on forums like this one and still keep it private so that random people outside this community can't join. If so, that's a huge step forward.
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Room Privacy? Public? Private? So I'm assuming this means we can create an event, publicize it on forums like this one and still keep it private so that random people outside this community can't join. If so, that's a huge step forward.
Hopefully you are correct. Although I think it might be just for people on your friends list. In other games they have private lobbies and that means you have to have them on your list. Hopefully Pd added a better invite feature than the games I'm talking about. I also agree on the leaving a good impression. I met the majority of my racing brothers that way. Also for some reason it seems people will remember a clan tag before they will remember your name.
I'd like some matchmaking/quick race things, and car clubs and online championships will be interesting to see how they're implemented.

And some better search options for open lobbies.

I'll also be interested to see if they've improved the connection and stability problems that plagued online in GT5. As a person living on the arse end of the world, connection quality impacts my play experience greatly.
Im sure they will have settings where for example everyone in a room will be forced to race with cockpit view, no abs, clutch and shifter, no HUD etc. when referring to Custom event creators.
Room owners will be able to toggles these settings, along with the older settings of GT5.