GT7 Circuit Experience Overly Difficult....

Nice lap!!! I noticed that you have ABS off, is the game drivable like that? I often drove with ABS off in GTS to learn brake set up and how much brake was required but didnt trust myself to race that way even though I use load a load cell pedal. It was just too easy to lock up in GTS.
Thank you. Yes the game is certainly drivable without ABS, it just isn't competitive online, or I am not quick enough with it yet to be competitive online with it.

Some cars are better in their default setups than others, while the ones that aren't require a brake balance controller to adjust to suit, which is fine outside of the BoP limited setups which remove the brake bias adjustability completely, which is a real shame.

But I have done the whole game so far running no ABS and using that view, in car offset with no HUD. It is a lot of fun and brings out so much more character from the tracks. It took me an hour or so to do the 3rd Sector for Alsace Village CE, primarily down to the left hander into the right hand hairpin which cambers one way then the other, which makes it very easy to lock up the unloaded tire. And then the downhill braking zone for the last 2 corners is very tricky. It is a track I did not enjoy at all in GT Sport, and haven't enjoyed in GT7 until refining my racing line and cracking Gold in the CE with no ABS.
Btw: Here is my latest video.

It is the LeMans CE Sector 5. This test causes problems for many players and is also often used as proof of a fundamental error in the game.

Yes, it requires a lot of tact or a certain "technique". To get a grip on the SnapOverstear use gentle "push" steering to get through the first 3 extreme corners... That means 2 degrees of turn, 1 degree back, then another 2 degrees and 1 degree back again... I hope you get what I mean. .. If you try to hit and hold the perfect lent angle, you can still snap because the tempo is too high.
If you now reduce the steering angle by 1-2 degrees before the snap, the car calms down, builds up grip and you can steer a little harder.

After failing the sector 5 many times, I learned a technique to avoid or at least reduce the risk of a snap oversteer.
At the same time I start turning into a corner, I lift the throttle, and after that when I start to hear/feel the rear starting to loose grip (probably like 0.5-1 sec later), I immediately slam the throttle down again.
Also quickly tapping the throttle on and off through the corner worked too.
Still requires gentle steering input, but after I learned this technique I was able to Gold the sector 5 with a few tries.
Definitely not the fastest way but helped me a lot to gold the sector 5.

I play with controller with all assists off except full ABS.
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It is great for for the aliens but WTF for the rest of us.
Glad I’m not the only one that feels this way lol. The DualShock on the PS4 when I play GT sport is completely normal and unaffected by vibration. Doing the same to my dualsense now and going to see if i get gold
Glad I’m not the only one that feels this way lol. The DualShock on the PS4 when I play GT sport is completely normal and unaffected by vibration. Doing the same to my dualsense now and going to see if i get gold
If you guys think those times for gold are Alien.. I feel bad.. Don’t get me wrong they are challenging but Alien… no way, I’m a decent driver and I have got gold on all the tracks I’ve tried. Some of the people I race with in leagues make me look like I’m driving backwards man those are the aliens 👽. You can definitely get gold just practice because there are plenty of controller users with all gold! Good luck!!!
If you guys think those times for gold are Alien.. I feel bad.. Don’t get me wrong they are challenging but Alien… no way, I’m a decent driver and I have got gold on all the tracks I’ve tried. Some of the people I race with in leagues make me look like I’m driving backwards man those are the aliens 👽. You can definitely get gold just practice because there are plenty of controller users with all gold! Good luck!!!
I also don't understand why everything should always be made easier because some people have problems with these exams.

What's the matter with the people? Yes there are people with disabilities and I'm sorry for them if they just can't get gold because of that, but only for those players, but I haven't read of any of them then requesting relief.
Jimmy Broadbent got gold at Nordschliefe first try. Took me 3 days. We both got it though. The times are probably about right.
It took me 5 tries to do the full loop Gold.

I went for silver on the first one and had a better sense of how hard to push. Then I flew off 3 times because I was careless. And finally came gold... since then there hasn't been a day that I haven't continued to optimize the ring. BUT I know and love the ring so it was a huge benefit for me!
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Based on my experience (almost done with them all, only Tokyo remaining) - Nurburgring is one of the easier ones.

The difficulty is really turned to 11 on CE. Needless imo, I'm not enjoying these CE at all!
Gold times should've been 0.5s lower across all tracks.
I love a challenge. The licenses were fun. Sector one in Nurburgring is pretty simple but the gold time is like esports aggressive. Some just won’t be in reach of most people’s skills.
I also don't understand why everything should always be made easier because some people have problems with these exams.

What's the matter with the people? Yes there are people with disabilities and I'm sorry for them if they just can't get gold because of that, but only for those players, but I haven't read of any of them then requesting relief.
Agreed. I've gotten gold on all the CEs I've done thus far (maybe 75% of them), except the full lap at Laguna. I am not complaining it's too hard, I just need to go back and give it some more tries. Some were really easy to me, others were not.

My first try at the Ring, before even doing any of the sectors, I just decided to give the whole lap a go shortly after the game came out (in fairness, there were no rewards for CEs back then; the 6mil re-motivated me). Not a great lap, I got bronze but was 15 seconds off gold! I wrote it off up until a couple days ago I decided to give all the sectors a go... learning them all until I golded them all. Then, back to the lap. Two completed laps later, golded it by more than a full second. Knocked 16+ seconds off my lap.

Bathurst was another. The full lap was giving me fits and I knew exactly why... I was too timid on the infield seeing how you have to be razor perfect or you lose time and/or touch the wall for an instant fail. First lap was some two seconds off; then 1.8; then 1.5; then 1.2; then .8; then .5; then .3; then .1; then gold. I am making those numbers up but it was something like that... every lap was a little bit closer. Bit by bit chipping away, and it was at least that many steps.

If the gold times were seconds slower, it wouldn't push people to push themselves. That's what participation trophies are for. And when that gold finally comes, it will feel that much better. If your only goal is to check it off the list, then so be it... if your goal (and what the game's goal is) is to make yourself a better driver and better at the game then maybe you should spend less time complaining on the internet and more time practicing...?

And you know what? Some of us (yes, me too!) will just have to 'settle' for a silver now and again. I can sleep just fine at night knowing I still haven't golded Laguna full lap. There will be others for me as well, as the CEs I have left are tracks I am not good at/don't like.

OP made this thread saying CEs were too hard; OP has since golded them all. I rest my case.
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One tip that really helped me at Bathurst and the Sectors at Nur, was:

Whatever the delta was between my best run and gold, I'd set the ghost to that delta. If I was .489 seconds off, I'd set the ghost to .500". That way, I knew all I had to do was beat my ghost and I was gold. Make sure you have the ghost toggle button handy.

As my deltas got closer, I'd adjust the ghost. If the ghost was far ahead I'd leave it on, but as I'd get closer I'd toggle it off because it can get distracting. But, at certain points I'd toggle it on, then back off to see how I was doing.

You can set it up how you want, but that really helped me. Just keep updating the offset... beat the ghost, get the gold.
Agreed. I've gotten gold on all the CEs I've done thus far (maybe 75% of them), except the full lap at Laguna. I am not complaining it's too hard, I just need to go back and give it some more tries. Some were really easy to me, others were not.

My first try at the Ring, before even doing any of the sectors, I just decided to give the whole lap a go shortly after the game came out (in fairness, there were no rewards for CEs back then; the 6mil re-motivated me). Not a great lap, I got bronze but was 15 seconds off gold! I wrote it off up until a couple days ago I decided to give all the sectors a go... learning them all until I golded them all. Then, back to the lap. Two completed laps later, golded it by more than a full second. Knocked 16+ seconds off my lap.

Bathurst was another. The full lap was giving me fits and I knew exactly why... I was too timid on the infield seeing how you have to be razor perfect or you lose time and/or touch the wall for an instant fail. First lap was some two seconds off; then 1.8; then 1.5; then 1.2; then .8; then .5; then .3; then .1; then gold. I am making those numbers up but it was something like that... every lap was a little bit closer. Bit by bit chipping away, and it was at least that many steps.

If the gold times were seconds slower, it wouldn't push people to push themselves. That's what participation trophies are for. And when that gold finally comes, it will feel that much better. If your only goal is to check it off the list, then so be it... if your goal (and what the game's goal is) is to make yourself a better driver and better at the game then maybe you should spend less time complaining on the internet and more time practicing...?

And you know what? Some of us (yes, me too!) will just have to 'settle' for a silver now and again. I can sleep just fine at night knowing I still haven't golded Laguna full lap. There will be others for me as well, as the CEs I have left are tracks I am not good at/don't like.

OP made this thread saying CEs were too hard; OP has since golded them all. I rest my case.
Not only is the challenge of getting all golds fun but I like to try to be near the top of my friends list times too. Even after I get gold sectors and laps I will continue running them to not only improve my skills because I see that I am sometimes a second slower than what is possible. That proves that the gold times are not incredibly difficult, they just require a little effort, not everything can be golded on the first or second try, thats the way it should be. I don't understand why so many feel its necessary to have every car, every gold, and a platinum trophy the first week the game came out, what exactly does that prove to anyone??
I would say the gold times are too easy if most can be golded easily within a couple of tries using a controller and no assists, no brake balance changes and no ghosts.

Gold should be close to what is physically possible with each car. Nothing worse than seeing times seconds underneath that.
After getting Gold on Fisherman's Ranch 1 Lap this morning, I just have the lap of Nordschliefe & Lemans left to gold.

I was around 5 secs to slow on Nordschliefe with a lap with mistakes, so it should be do-able.

Lemans is annoying because of the Porsche curves on controller at the end of the lap. I may wait to see if the car sticks any differently after the next update.
After getting Gold on Fisherman's Ranch 1 Lap this morning, I just have the lap of Nordschliefe & Lemans left to gold.

I was around 5 secs to slow on Nordschliefe with a lap with mistakes, so it should be do-able.

Lemans is annoying because of the Porsche curves on controller at the end of the lap. I may wait to see if the car sticks any differently after the next update.
Did lemans last week on controller so its doable
Did lemans last week on controller so its doable
It just get annoying with the problem part of the track at the end of the lap. I know how to get round the corners from getting gold on sector 5, it's like i forget or make a mistake every time i get there if i'm going flat out, haha.

Watching videos of the corners it's apparently possible to go flat out, that doesn't work for me on controller, i have to partial lift every time which mostly works.
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It just get annoying with the problem part of the track at the end of the lap. I know how to get round the corners from getting gold on sector 5, it's like i forget or make a mistake every time i get there if i'm going flat out, haha.

Watching videos of the corners it's apparently possible to go flat out, that doesn't work for me on controller, i have to partial lift every time which mostly works.
For sector 5 maybe try reducing the sensitivity of the controller, similarly also helps with steering wheels by increasing the rotation there.

@nummer0 You're welcome to keep handing out PUH, it just shows how small-minded you are giving it to others for help. Have a nice life...
For sector 5 maybe try reducing the sensitivity of the controller, similarly also helps with steering wheels by increasing the rotation there.

@nummer0 You're welcome to keep handing out PUH, it just shows how small-minded you are giving it to others for help. Have a nice life...
I agree, i putted the stick sensitivity on 5 for this se

Nordschleife Lap gold, just Leman's lap to go to now :)
So managed all silvers in Monza with the exception of gold in S4. I’ve been driving the 458 a lot recently so thought I’d give it another go. S1, 2 & 3 were golded after a couple attempts. When it came to the full lap I thought ‘no way is this a gold’ (messed up the first chicane and second Lesmo) but low and behold it was an easy gold!
I think I'm running on the default controller sensitivity of 0. Is there a major difference between the settings?
I would say the gold times are too easy if most can be golded easily within a couple of tries using a controller and no assists, no brake balance changes and no ghosts.

Gold should be close to what is physically possible with each car. Nothing worse than seeing times seconds underneath that.
I kinda agree with you but rather than making the gold times unreachable for +99% of players, maybe PD should add platinum times on top of gold, silver and bronze times.
It could be like a bonus for super fast players, so maybe there should not be separate money/car prizes for platinum players so rest of the players wouldn't feel like they are missing something.
But maybe reaching platinum times could give you a special mention on your player profile or something.

But yeah, I definitely would have enjoyed CE on my favorite tracks more, if it was more challenging.
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My complaint isn't that it's too hard, or rather it wouldn't be my complaint if they were ALL that hard. Then I would be perfectly happy just accepting my limits and ignoring the gold times.

But after doing so many of them getting golds on the first try by a large margin, it has forced me into the expectation that I should be able to get this done. Then the game decides to slap me in the face with a single track that is just beyond my grasp after five hours of trying. It's insane.

It almost hurts to leave something undone once it's started. I wish I never got a single gold in circuit experience.
My complaint isn't that it's too hard, or rather it wouldn't be my complaint if they were ALL that hard. Then I would be perfectly happy just accepting my limits and ignoring the gold times.

But after doing so many of them getting golds on the first try by a large margin, it has forced me into the expectation that I should be able to get this done. Then the game decides to slap me in the face with a single track that is just beyond my grasp after five hours of trying. It's insane.

It almost hurts to leave something undone once it's started. I wish I never got a single gold in circuit experience.
What route are you having trouble with?
What route are you having trouble with?
I finally gave up when I got to the Le Mans circuit. I was able to do sector 5 after so many tries, but having to do it at the end of the full lap was just asking too much. I know just what to do to get through there, but the window that I have to aim for is so insanely small that I just can't do it reliably. With four hours put into it I was only able to finish 5 times, all within a second of gold. Everytime I tried to squeeze a little more here or there the car just throws itself from under me.