GT7 Daily Race Discussion

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Have PD updated the SR rating system?
Hate to say it but but the SR needs updating. Needs to have a system 10 rating system.
100-91 = S
90-81 = A
80-71 = B etc….. 10-0 = I

I think this would help separate the lobbies a bit and it should be harder to reach S level.
Have PD updated the SR rating system?
Hate to say it but but the SR needs updating. Needs to have a system 10 rating system.
100-91 = S
90-81 = A
80-71 = B etc….. 10-0 = I

I think this would help separate the lobbies a bit and it should be harder to reach S level.
Aren’t lobbies already matched in SR groups of 10? I just don’t think there’s enough players. There was an SR C driver in my race earlier
Sorry for the ignorance but where u getting those data screens from?

Look for the entries about Semi-manual DR tracker.
I snap a screenshot of my stats page after each race, then upload them in bulk (select all, drag 'n drop) to @Milouse's DR tracker.
Aren’t lobbies already matched in SR groups of 10? I just don’t think there’s enough players. There was an SR C driver in my race earlier
Now you mention it I do recall seeing something about splits of 10.

I guess you will always have issue when not enough online. Maybe when the lobby needs extra players they pull the same ranked SR and add the top quali times to these lobbies, so you could technically have A+/S racing a D/S driver but who has the same quali time as a A+. I know they are faster drivers in B & C lobbies than in A lobbies
The only ghosting I see in the S lobbies are when one is serving a penalty or trying to come back on track while going particularly slow. Are you seeing more than that?

But, I agree with the full damage... and it should last. The game already has damage built in so it would not be hard to incorporate. Only issue with that I see is the rammer usually doesn't care if their race gets ruined.

That is why I think the speed delta is super important. If lead car A is taking a turn, and following car B has a delta of more than 20mph (for example), then car B ghosts as it goes flying off the track and gets a penalty, while car A drives away unscathed. Or, car A magically inherits the density of a star thus car B hits car A, car B gets tons of damage and loses control like it just hit a brick wall which car A drives off unscathed.

Another thing, in addition to teh above, is the rammer gets a warning and if he does it again (within that race or within a certain time limit) then out comes the black flag booting that person from the current race (killing DR & SR) and giving them a ban for 12/24/5,000 hours from playing online.

The only way to stop a rammer is take his/her ability away to do so, IMHO.
Exactly. This is why races in low SR tend to be cleaner than at SR.S. In SR.E-SR.C ghosting takes away your ability to punt and side swipe. There is still contact of course, but try to side swipe someone off the track and you just put yourself into the wall.

It does lead to silly situations sometimes where 3 cars are occupying the same space and the game keeps cars ghosted as long as they intersect so people try to keep overlapped to stay ghosted and ghost overtake other cars or use the ghost slipstream that works for both cars...

Yet if the game assigns a time penalty every time it deems you so unsafe you need to be ghosted, it would be another deterrent.

The turn to star density is also in the game. It's in GT Sport. If you try to punt someone there at a big speed delta, their car is not affected, you simply get slowed and stay behind. But again no penalty for attempted murder, so people just keep trying until they get their way.

I'm not a fan of damage. Maybe if the game would leave the victim without damage but I doubt it. I've been punted into the wall so hard a couple times yesterday that I had all wheel, all bumper plus engine damage. Then I'm crawling along the track for 30 seconds while the rest all drives by. Make it permanent damage and there is no point driving on on a long track like the Nordschleife.

The punt denied ghosting seems to be the most effective as at the lowest SR people just don't bother to try that move. And if they do, it's a satisfying crunch when they fly right through you into the wall. But instead of letting people try again, the game should still give that 3 to 5 sec penalty they would have gotten in SR S for a punt like that.

Next to penalties for having to be ghosted for bad driving, the game should also issue a warning for unsafe track re-entry if someone drives through you while getting back up to speed, SR Down. Same warning giving to the one driving through a ghost, SR Down. And if you keep overlap with a ghost, trigger the DQ timer while repeating the SR Down every 3 seconds. Don't intersect another car flashing on screen.
I think permanent damage and a black flag for the offenders would be a great idea and have almost immediate results!

Or just put all the black flag racers into their own lobby and let them kill each other all week long . . .
Nope. I've seen plenty people start at the front, something goes wrong there or it's not going they way they like it and they troll the entire field behind them before quitting when reaching last. Permanent damage is what these trolls want. They want to ruin people's races and adding permanent damage would only encourage them.

I've had people ram me repeatedly and thanks to know permanent damage I manage to get by and still have a good race later. Then they type in the chat, haha loser you didn't win. Permanent damage would just feed these trolls more.

PD tried the DQ for repeated ramming and it got abused :banghead: As long as the game can't get blame assignment right, not even in clear punts, any black flag stuff is not going to work :banghead:
I'm not a fan of damage. Maybe if the game would leave the victim without damage but I doubt it. I've been punted into the wall so hard a couple times yesterday that I had all wheel, all bumper plus engine damage. Then I'm crawling along the track for 30 seconds while the rest all drives by. Make it permanent damage and there is no point driving on on a long track like the Nordschleife.
Nope. I've seen plenty people start at the front, something goes wrong there or it's not going they way they like it and they troll the entire field behind them before quitting when reaching last. Permanent damage is what these trolls want. They want to ruin people's races and adding permanent damage would only encourage them.

I've had people ram me repeatedly and thanks to know permanent damage I manage to get by and still have a good race later. Then they type in the chat, haha loser you didn't win. Permanent damage would just feed these trolls more.

PD tried the DQ for repeated ramming and it got abused :banghead: As long as the game can't get blame assignment right, not even in clear punts, any black flag stuff is not going to work :banghead:
When I said permanent damage I meant for the offending car only. But, issue with that is PD can't seem to figure out which car to give time penalties so I'd imagine it'd be the same with the damage.

I'd even go far as say if you accidentally hit a wall, all on your own, the damage should still expire. However, if you hit another car, then it stays (so long as it's the offending car only).
I'd even go far as say if you accidentally hit a wall, all on your own, the damage should still expire. However, if you hit another car, then it stays (so long as it's the offending car only).
unfortunately i suspect this would end up like the F1 games online - if you're outpacing a car in front, they swerve and brake-check... race over. i don't trust PD to correctly identify the brake-checker as the culprit!
Permanent damage will only work with an overhaul of the SR system, you can't implement it with the SR system as it is right now because it will be too easy to abuse, people are dirty enough as it is, though this time it will completely end their victims race (and in a lot of cases, probably not theirs too).

If your SR is at S, it needs to mean something. If you have contact with someone and it results in them getting damage, your SR needs a major knock, if you DNF every other race because you can't keep it clean and the full damage keeps killing you? Major knock. Both those circumstances have no reason to see a player stay in SR S, but as it is right now there are plenty of offenders who manage to keep it there despite having major contact every other corner, which should never be the case.

I've said it before but if they make it a challenge to keep your SR at S, but increase the payouts for Sport mode based on your SR, you're automatically incentivizing clean driving by encouraging people to drive clean to get paid more. It seems like such a no brainer.
When I said permanent damage I meant for the offending car only. But, issue with that is PD can't seem to figure out which car to give time penalties so I'd imagine it'd be the same with the damage.

I'd even go far as say if you accidentally hit a wall, all on your own, the damage should still expire. However, if you hit another car, then it stays (so long as it's the offending car only).
That might work but kinda hard to explain. But it's better to hit a wall to avoid someone than to hit someone. And it really sucks to get punished for doing the right thing, I'm glad wall penalties are off.

However walls should slow people down a lot more. At the Nord people use the walls a lot to keep their momentum up when going wide. Why do walls in GT have so little friction...

unfortunately i suspect this would end up like the F1 games online - if you're outpacing a car in front, they swerve and brake-check... race over. i don't trust PD to correctly identify the brake-checker as the culprit!
Saw that a lot as well. Either last second block to steal your momentum or push you off when you get alongside. That's all allowed now, as well as blatant brake checking which is extremely effective on the long straight.

These things aren't difficult to detect. Slam on the brakes not near a braking zone with nothing in front, it's a brake check. Push someone off easy to detect as well. You always got to leave room. If the side contact ended close to the side the car went off, the other car was not leaving room. Just needs one extra check to see if the car 'overtaking' wasn't doing so over the grass. But that's probably where PD would fail with their mickey mouse track limits :lol: (Penalties for hitting a car that comes from outside track limits still happen)
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To add to the permanent damage chat, instead of focusing on legend car pricing for "realism" I think PD should:

- Introduce better penalty system, obviously

- Introduce a weekly counter for accidents caused in addition to drop in SR. Cause damage to others 3 times in the same week and you're banned for rest of the week or forced to start dead last for X amount of races.

- If you want realism, why not make you pay for the actual damage caused to your own car and to the victim? A Gr 3 car costs 450k so better think twice before ramming, especially for those who only race online and don't have a massive amount of credits. A massive shunt can cost you almost 1 million... This setting can be applied to those who have been banned (from my point above) as to not punish genuine mistakes.

- Make up your minds (PD) either ghost spun cars or not. I've been on the poop end of cars not ghosting when I expect them to and end up hit or else change from ghost to normal right in front of me!

Finally, stop punishing me for being hit multiple times and downgrading my SR whilst the villains don't even get punished!!

End of rant/ free advice to PD. If they want more, my rate is $100/ hour 🤣🤪
I think people overstate the value of credits. I’d race just as much if they paid nothing. I don’t l even look at the winnings screen. I don’t have a clue how many credits I’ve got now I think about it.
I pretty much agree, but I think "more money" is one of those monkey brain things that will just instinctively make people want to drive cleaner for the reward, even if it doesn't mean much for them.

Also gotta keep in mind half the outrage about this game is entirely just because of the credit payouts, so it's something that a lot of people do care about it. Whilst it might not mean much for us few in here, it's certainly something that I think would positively impact the lower DR ranks as well as the people that don't solely play the game for Sport mode.

Might have the added benefit of boosting the player counts a bit too, as a good credit payout will encourage more people to have a gander, and if they have to drive clean for the reward then they aren't going to just come in and divebomb everyone because it doesn't get them anything.
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I think we’re over thinking it. Just bring back the old penalty system and call it a day. That’s the best we can hope for.
It would only work for a while then the "tap a car, tap the wall" to penalize the car ahead would be in full swing again. As well as the "turn in on people to deny them the ability to pass" since it would trigger a penalty if they still did complete the pass.

May I remind you off

The old penalty system is far too dumb and easily exploited. Only the most complained about version, where both cars would always get a time penalty for contact, was effective as a deterrent to drive contact free. As long as you leave a chance that you can get away with a dirty move, people will keep doing it.

It might seem better than what we have now, yet we would be getting lots of secondary incidents at penalty zones again, plus road rage from BS penalties. PD needs to make an entirely new penalty system, ditch the "only look at what happens after" methodology they use now.

The only thing we can hope for is PD actually giving a crap before people leave sport mode behind.
I’ve had a good week. Signed off from the C ranks with a Grand Slam.



May run into some of you guys in races now (not literally !)
I had a decent week on Nurburgring. No real penanlty related problems for me.

The main problem I saw was cars rejoining after losing control. In Americas DR B/S lobbies there was a mix of players with "replace car" option and players who prefered to control the car on their own. Neither was good. But auto replace had the advantage this week.

It's harder now to control your own car off track. It may be to even things up with the auto replace option. Players who were good at recovery had a big advantage before.

But it's causing worse follow-up problems, cars spinning around or stuck on the side of the road becoming obstacles for other cars. But it's probably a Nurburgring specific problem and less so on other tracks.
Words cannot even describe how ANGRY I am right now! I take so much pride in being a clean driver but because I've been hit, side swiped and punted so many times, I've dropped to an A rating for SR!!

What the hell?! I would not have even gotten a single penalty over the past month even with the old, stricter rules and I get penalized because of others?!

I'm beyond pissed off now!! Unfrigginbelievable 🤐😖
I have noticed this too, they did something to the SR recently or something like that because i had gotten to Sr A on my 2nd account and even though i never got penalty or hit anyone myself in Porsche cup last night, i was hit alot, ran off road and somehow my SR dropped to B after race
The lag handling still needs a lot of work as well. Just now I got pushed off by a clean driver from Argentina. I never had problems with him, he is one of the clean ones and he was just taking the corner behind me. Yet 9,000 km distance, bumper to bumper driving is always risky. On my screen his nose pushed my rear bumper and I ended up in the sand trap. Definite contact since I still got the CRB, thus forgiven for the sand exploring expedition.

I don't know what the solution is to that but it is race ruining.
Just ran a B. I started 6th, and by turn 5 was in 2nd thanks to some shenanigans at turns 1 and 4.

At turn 1, I moved into 5th thanks to someone punting someone else off the track. The punter slowed down, and I drove by them to move into 5th. The one who got punted managed to keep control and got back on track almost immediately (good for them).

At turn 4, someone else hit the brakes way late and smashed someone else into the barrier. I went by the smasher and the smashee and moved into 3rd. In the turn, I exited a bit quicker than 2nd and made a clean pass to move into 2nd. I stayed there until turn 14.

The leader, in a C7.R (I was in the GR Supra), was pulling away slightly, but I was keeping him in sight and hopefully could've caught up to him at some point. 3rd place was on my tail, but I wasn't just going to let him go by without a fight. I drove cleanly and kept in on the track. But then turn 14 happened.

We came down to the braking zone, and I hit the brakes in my normal spot for that track. I made the turn, started to accelerate as I was straightening up, and then was hit while still slightly turned a bit. I got put into the wall, spun 360° twice, and was subsequently passed by 9 cars; putting me down to 11th.

So now I'm in revenge mode. But I had to calm myself or chance doing further damage by trying to overdrive the car. On lap 2 I ran clean and made a pass in turn 6 on someone who'd run a bit wide and got into the wall, there. They'd also run off the track at turn 4, so that made it easy to catch up to them to make the pass at turn 6. And with the exception of a tiny little brush against the wall in turn 9, I nailed all the braking points and turns and was catching up to the 9th. Other than that, lap 2 was fairly uneventful.

Lap 3 saw a lot of fighting between drivers 6 - 9. Cool, you guys fight amongst yourselves and I'll just stay out of the way and benefit from any miscues. Around turns 9 - 13, drivers 7 and 8 got into it and put each other into the wall a couple times. Driver 7 tried to put 8 into the wall hard, but 8 held strong and 7 wound up going head first into the opposite wall and spinning. That put him in 8th, then he got passed and was put down into 9th. That allowed me to get ever closer. Around turn 14, there was some fighting and just general bad driving going on. A couple of cars missed the braking zone and 1 of them plowed into the barrier at turn 14. Another one (9th) went in too hot, but saved it before running off the track and into the barrier. But he had to slow WAY down. That allowed me to catch up to him rather easily. Up ahead, 8th place was all over the track. I don't know if his connection was crappy or what, but it didn't seem like he was glitching, just weaving back and forth. And no one was that close behind him for him to block, so I don't know what it was.

Lap 4
AT the beginning of the lap, I jumped up into 9th. I thought maybe someone accidentally went into the pit. But after watching the replay, it was the person in 1st. At turn 1, they cut it just a bit too much and wound up going off the track across the way and into the gravel. Coming back onto the track (they were still pointed in the right direction), they hit the throttle a bit too much, spun, went back into the gravel, and the wall, then quit. That's where everyone behind jumped up 1 position. Coming out of turn 13, 8th turned in a bit too early. But he over-corrected and almost went into the wall on the right. He saved it, but then over-corrected again and went into the wall on the left and lost a LOT of speed and time. I made the pass there. 6th served a 3-second penalty and was passed by 7th. I stayed in 8th until the finish.

So I started 6th, moved up to 2nd thanks to some luck, got shoved down to 11th due to some bad luck (or a bad driver), but managed to finish 8th.

What might've been if I hadn't been hit at turn 14 on lap 1. I might've passed for 1st on the last lap and won, or I might've made a mistake and totally ruined my entire race, myself. Who knows. It was fun, though, with the exception of getting hit and spun.
I’ve just watched the nations event and it’s completely fitting that on a week of dirty driving complaints the pinnacle of the game was absolutely filthy. Push to pass, running people wide, blocking, pushing people into the wall, and idiotic overtake attempts. Every race I’ve had in race b this week has been cleaner than what I witnessed
I’ve just watched the nations event and it’s completely fitting that on a week of dirty driving complaints the pinnacle of the game was absolutely filthy. Push to pass, running people wide, blocking, pushing people into the wall, and idiotic overtake attempts. Every race I’ve had in race b this week has been cleaner than what I witnessed
Surely that doesn't happen, there. Those are some of the best drivers in the world.

Right? :lol:
I’ve just watched the nations event and it’s completely fitting that on a week of dirty driving complaints the pinnacle of the game was absolutely filthy. Push to pass, running people wide, blocking, pushing people into the wall, and idiotic overtake attempts. Every race I’ve had in race b this week has been cleaner than what I witnessed
Imagine the lag you get in FIA races. Now imagine players are all over the world and not just within 60ms data flight time of Amsterdam like they are in Europe.

McEwen's... very long crash was the result of a lag punt (which he stated in the Youtube chat) into the chicane, due to being 12,000 miles away from the guy he was overtaking.

Now look at the race again through that lens. Sure, there were some... optimistic moments, one big fat mistake, and quite a bit of not accounting for incorrect vehicle positioning due to lag, but with intercontinental lag taken into account it was surprisingly okay.

And if you think it was bad, you should see the GT World Challenge/Intercontinental GT Challenge esport races in ACC...
Tail of two races today on the primary account:

-Race 1, got a win!


-Race 2, on lap one bumped the leader going into one of the 90* lefts and he hit the wall. ****! I waited for him plus got a 5 second penalty. By the time all was said and done, I was in P15. Finished in P13. That is not going to help the DR; the A+ is going to go away quicker than my positions at that race. At least he recovered to P5. Apologized after the race and he responded.
Didn’t have a lot of time for actual racing this week but I did do some hot-lapping and in one of the few races that I did, I feel I managed a pretty decent lap in race trim. Here’s both laps for reference. Watch in 4K if your device is capable.

1:39.7 Qualy lap. I feel I had more, made a few minor errors. I see how the perfect lap would be in the mid 38’s.

1:40.7 in-race. Had a hard time adjusting to the weight of the car going through the chicane at the end of the lap. Could never get it quite right while carrying speed so I tended to take it pretty conservatively in race.