GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I can echo the thoughts on Race C. I ran the DBR9 and it was 10kmh slower on the straights than the Supras. I settled in p6 and just stayed there. I also looked up at the top left to see whether I was on the last or second last lap and it was only lap 7! Just a super-boring combo. No imagination whatsoever.

Not the worst week for my T3PA pedals to have disintegrated.
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Here are some observations i've noticed recently in the daily races and i just wondered if anyone has seen the same or has answers as to why they happen... it may also turn in to a bit of a moan...

Recently managed to get myself a PS5 so have been putting a bit more time and effort in to the online races as i found the new controllers allowed me to get better times... putting it down to the feedback in the triggers giving greater feel..

Mainly been doing Race B and the last few weeks the start has been on a straight, yet even with the same car in front and behind I noticed that when the gap ahead and behind appear at the start I might be 0.5 behind the car ahead, yet the car behind me is only 0.2 behind... yet we are all in the same car and are on a straight and in the tow of the car ahead.... is the car behind closer because they are getting a double tow.... just find it a bit odd, I mean sometimes I can be 1.5 sec behind the car ahead and still have the car behind up my chuff... even once got overtaken on dragon trail before the first corner...

Penalties i find are very inconsistent too... i've slightly out braked myself the odd time and nudged the car ahead, not enough to punt them off the track fully, just enough to make them go deep in to the corner, and I get a 3 sec pen... yet i can be punted off on purpose in to the gravel and the punter gets nothing.... Most recently on Sardegna people had spun off and re-joined right in front of me, so i've nowhere to go and end up hitting them, smacks me with a 5 sec pen... someone even spun across the track and just caught my rear quarter, i still got a 3 sec penalty.... all seems very odd...

I'm also trying to figure out how the matching works... at the end of last week i was a high B DR yet was getting matched at times with A and A+ drivers, who were a good 1.5-2 sec faster, going off the fastest laps.. so i'm starting near the back and have no chance of getting in the top half (which i think is where you need to get to gain DR points....???)

Finally managed to get in to DR A and expected the racing to be a bit better and cleaner, but it seemed to be a lot worse... seems if you defend for more than a few corners you will eventually just get punted off, and if you dare get you car along side at all you will find yourself being pushed off in to the gravel, or a wall.... even on the straights....

I'm hoping that was just a few bad races and that in the general things will be a better as B could be like bumpers cars at the best of times...
The rolling starts are highly inconsistent, launching cars at different speeds :/ At race C sometimes I started at 70 kph ready to shift into 2nd, sometimes at 40 kph or less crawling start. It depended on which position I was starting in. Sometimes that meant getting a run on the car in front and sometimes the car behind me closed in fast. Overall the separation was very big at race C (Maybe due to fps issues on ps4, I had plenty frame rate dips in the early races)

Penalties simply do not work, never have. But to avoid them, never touch a car with your front bumper. Side swipes are fine :/ but any contact with your front bumper makes you vulnerable to a penalty. And yep, that includes hitting a wreck with your front bumper which is unavoidable sometimes.

Matching is explained in here
It all depends on who else has signed up for the race. As high DR B you can end up in the 'top split' which means you're part of the room with the highest DR players starting with A+. If there are less than 15 A+ plus A drivers signed up, the rest of the spots go to highest DR B drivers.

Yes DR A is worse for the simple reason that you gain DR by finishing higher up. Dirty driving goes 99% unpunished and often increases the dirty driver's finishing position. Hence it logically follows that dirty drivers end up with higher DR than clean drivers in the same speed range. As a clean driver you're faster than a dirty driver with similar DR, you're matched together and the dirty driver will do everything to beat you unfairly to maintain their DR.

Race C is usually the cleanest, early morning and late night races are usually the cleanest and I've found that races on PS4 are cleaner than on PS5. Also the top split at the front of the pack is usually clean for the reason that most people know each other and have to live with each other race after race. In this case familiarity breeds respect. What also helps is that by getting matched with the same drivers, everyone learns each other's patterns which reduces the surprises and accidents. However you need to be high DR A / A+ (pace) with a good qualifying time to get with that crowd, with enough people on not to add the 'frustrated' low DR A players in the mix, The ones clinging on to DR A are the worst... Or have a good enough qualifying time to start out of reach of these. Easier said than done :/
Just did a Race C on PS5. Pretty boring, ended up with only 9 cars on the track near the end. For it to be fun, I feel like you'd need triple that, or a mix of groups. No strategy needed either at all, just go around the track 12 times.

@Nebuc72 the GT LM Race Spec I was using seemed to me to be keeping up on the straights with the Supra.
Im thinking about just renting different cars on alt and trying them out in race, no qualy for couple days, just to see which ones can compete with that supra... I have noticed that while people drive the meta supra alot, they make alot of mistakes and cant really handle that car well, at least in B-C lobbies anyways
I didn' t even test a bulk post of images. I recommend new users posting one at a time first, as error message system could be confused otherwise. And once it works, bulk post should be fine 👍
I love your new tracker. Graphs are fun (yes I'm weird) and I end up making excuses for graphs in all kinds of games :lol:

One thing what might be nice to have is a weekly overview / variation, like you separate it by day now, a second tier that goes from race set to race set. In the Americas the first new race is at 3 AM EST (7 AM UTC). It could be nice to see what a week of races did for your DR.

And :bowdown: your estimate is only 2 points off! 3002 DR after a reset!
race a - kind of thing that only makes sense if its ranked... also its a car we had early in Nations Cup, so the idea of 'master the random car for the sake of it' doesn't apply personally. while the existing PP system has been made completely null, would it have killed them to give the users a choice of cars at least???

race b - looks like 97/100 on page 1 are GTRs, which is fine... but it wrinkles my brain that they continue to choose Racing Hards for sprint races. also... maybe it was my PS5... but i experienced a lot of resolution drops on my qualifying laps. the texture dropped off on one of turns, every time.

i don't care if i am fast or putting in consistent times if i know that any amount of disruption is going to cause me to slam into another car.... i don't think i'd have that problem on medium or softs. i've been one-ish win away from A+ going on four weeks now, mostly because these races are 'kill or be killed' now, and part of why i liked GTS was that it wasn't an entirely antagonistic online experience.

race c is supras at monza. that seems like a long 12 laps.

i think this is the week i accept that they just don't really care that much about this mode.
The network disruption thing is hard to deal with. I'm afraid to drive to my full potential because I don't know if I can brake as usual or have to brake way early and lose time and potentially get rear ended. It's terrible when it happens in the middle of an easy high speed corner and you and the guy ahead of you just lose all grip and go off the track at the same time. Sometimes it feels like a car is pushing you through a corner but no one is even there. It's not all time but it only takes one small mistake and you're done.
you would think a one make DR/SR no counting race would be a great one to allow set up and maybe some Sport softs tires. I still think Race A and Race B are far more interesting than Monza.
I have returned after a prolonged period of disappearance due to some real life stuff happening but now I'm ready to tackle dailies again.

And judging so far it looks to me that A and B are the sweet spots right now but I'm gonna go with Daily Race A only because its a combo that I have never touched before even in Sport in terms of the track alone.

As per usual during the first day I usually focus on qualifying and try to sneak in some races while I can. I was able to sneak in at least two races for this while I was only able to clock in a 1:20.9.

My first attempt have almost gotten me a win due to the T1 chaos on Streets of Willow and the pole sitter got punted by a guy in third but because I was still adapting to the Civic's handling it costed me some time and eventually the pole sitter managed to make some progress and caught up to me on lap 3 and eventually pass me on the esses. From there I can only keep P2 up until the final lap. Suffice to say I got a long way to go before getting used to the Civic's handling.

Second attempt goes and started in third. Just like my first attempt chaos happened in T1 and thankfully I once again avoided getting collected by the chaos. Gained P2 because of that and then the guy who took the lead went wide on the exit after the esses and because of that I managed to gain the lead and never looked back even going as far as building a 5 sec gap to bring home a win.

Overall I look forward to doing this daily for the week. Also this daily makes me wanna do a Civic livery but I feel like the Apex Glide Joe Tackett livery feels fitting for this race. It feels nice to be back in doing dailies.

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I really like St Croix but the Gr 4 cars, to me at least, aren't quite the best cars for the track on a controller. The tight bends, especially the downhills aren't friendly to me 🫤

Getting a lot of understeer from 4WD cars and oversteer from RWD, which I prefer, but the cars are slow compared to GTR on such a fast track. I feel sad for this week 😖

Race C is boring without the chicane, even fell asleep in qualy practice 🤣
I really like St Croix but the Gr 4 cars, to me at least, aren't quite the best cars for the track on a controller. The tight bends, especially the downhills aren't friendly to me 🫤

Getting a lot of understeer from 4WD cars and oversteer from RWD, which I prefer, but the cars are slow compared to GTR on such a fast track. I feel sad for this week 😖

Race C is boring without the chicane, even fell asleep in qualy practice 🤣
learn to steer slower by pushing the stick forward.
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learn to steer slower by pushing the stick forward.

Yep. It's how I've ways driven, but thank you 🙂


Best I managed with GTR during my lunch break was a 2:26:6 and only improved by a tenth this evening. The car and track combo isn't working for me.

Decided to take a breathe and try different cars and be patient and see a few ghosts to see the line they're taking, albeit all in GTR's.

Only tried the TT so far and I'm WAY HAPPIER driving it. Yeah, it's about 9mph slower on the straights but handles corners like a champ. After just 4 qualy laps, I'm already down to a 2:22:6 and I know I'm losing a lot of time in the first and last corners, so still quite a lot of improvement to happen

Once I'm more in tune with the racing line and braking points, will try my luck with more powerful and twitchier cars and see how it goes 🙂
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So the general impression I get so far is Race C is pretty boring?
Been dipping in and out of a live YT stream and from the limited laps I saw it looks like 16 Supras, in single file racing for 11 laps and then lap 12, P2 using the slip on start finish to slingshot pass and take the win?
Im hoping the lower rank lobbies have better racing due to people not been as consistent then A+ players.

I did a practice race of daily b and that was fun, but 3 laps was too short (I assume this is still 3 laps)
So the general impression I get so far is Race C is pretty boring?
Been dipping in and out of a live YT stream and from the limited laps I saw it looks like 16 Supras, in single file racing for 11 laps and then lap 12, P2 using the slip on start finish to slingshot pass and take the win?
Im hoping the lower rank lobbies have better racing due to people not been as consistent then A+ players.

I did a practice race of daily b and that was fun, but 3 laps was too short (I assume this is still 3 laps)

Yeah, it's just as boring as you think. Lap 1 usually is a wreck-fest for the first chicane, approx 26 seconds into the lap. Then the field will split into top 3 or 4, then about 4 seconds behind you'll get half the field and another few seconds behind the will be the bottom people fighting and ramming each other 🤣

Unless top or midfield drivers get a pen, skid or shoved, they usually remain in the same groups. Either way, boring ...
Saw the schedule and immediately noped out of Race C. Tried B as I like the track and the walls on lots of corners makes it a punishing track if you miss a little bit. Knew the 4WD cars were the go to but grabbed a WRX to be silly. That's allowed me to have a lot of fun. It's slightly slower than Godzilla on the straights, but it seems to corner a little better and it launches way better from the rolling start so I've usually got a race on with the driver in front by the time we hit turn 2.

Seen and been involved in some good racing, seen and run across a couple of oddballs who were causing a bit of inadvertent chaos, but mostly quite good. 1 driver accidentally put his teammate into the wall on the final corner lap 2 and then decided to spend the next section blocking and slowing me down to allow said teammate to pass BOTH of us to give the spot back. Garbage, you want or need to give it back then you do it yourself, don't involve me. It ended poorly for them as I was alongside on the inside entering the bridge and they didn't back out, turned into me and bounced out to the wall of death there.

Got Scooby down to a 21.6 though, so some fun to be had there still.
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I found some time today, set qualifiers for C and B, but both are rather slow, at least way too slow for A+ and even for A they wouldn't be that great. I had tried Race C, but seriously it was 0 fun. First I made a sticky mistake that cost me places, then one of the last guys pushed me too far in the first chicane, so I was ghosted, again on the track I had the TCS3 bug... had deactivated TCS again, because of it but a curve messed up and turned me.... bang.. gravel bed and last.... no desire to drive anywhere this week.
Had a little time this afternoon so I figured I'd do some quali runs in C; even though I don't really intended to do that race... honestly, I couldn't think of anything else to do. Got the quali time down to 1:37.2. In the Supra of course. Lap seems decent; time will tell as others have a chance to make some runs.

I swear, the penalty system on that first chicane has a mind of its own... I think it just flips a coin on whether or not to dole out penalties.
Saw the schedule and immediately noped out of Race C. Tried B as I like the track and the walls on lots of corners makes it a punishing track if you miss a little bit. Knew the 4WD cars were the go to but grabbed a WRX to be silly. That's allowed me to have a lot of fun. It's slightly slower than Godzilla on the straights, but it seems to corner a little better and it launches way better from the rolling start so I've usually got a race on with the driver in front by the time we hit turn 2.

Seen and been involved in some good racing, seen and run across a couple of oddballs who were causing a bit of inadvertent chaos, but mostly quite good. 1 driver accidentally put his teammate into the wall on the final corner lap 2 and then decided to spend the next section blocking and slowing me down to allow said teammate to pass BOTH of us to give the spot back. Garbage, you want or need to give it back then you do it yourself, don't involve me. It ended poorly for them as I was alongside on the inside entering the bridge and they didn't back out, turned into me and bounced out to the wall of death there.

Got Scooby down to a 21.6 though, so some fun to be had there still.
I’ve had good luck with the WRX as well. It treats me better than the GT-R for some reason. I also did well in the Mustang. My go-to Jaguar, however, seems to hate this track.

What other cars have people been having success in?
I found some time today, set qualifiers for C and B, but both are rather slow, at least way too slow for A+ and even for A they wouldn't be that great. I had tried Race C, but seriously it was 0 fun. First I made a sticky mistake that cost me places, then one of the last guys pushed me too far in the first chicane, so I was ghosted, again on the track I had the TCS3 bug... had deactivated TCS again, because of it but a curve messed up and turned me.... bang.. gravel bed and last.... no desire to drive anywhere this week.

Mate, at first I had the same feeling about this week but....

Give Race B a try but start by practicing slow, i.e. the TT, AMG or McLaren to get used to the track.

Once you're confident, go for the meta as it's the only car to have a chance.. However, on a positive note and a massive difference from last week, the racing has been fun and clean! 4 of 4 races without incident and I even got my SR back to S after last week's nightmare 🎉

Slowly but surely, starting to tame Godzilla and my best time so far (2:21:3) is enough for an 8 - 10 start in top split lobbies! And I know I can squeeze another second for sure 🙂

Race C is boring, however 🤣

Don't give up!


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Tried no-qualy Race A. Grid was A+/A/B.

The A+ either went off or pulled over, not sure. So most of the race in the back was A+ getting back up to the front which all happened in front of me. I was last for the first few laps but only 4 seconds off 1st. Crazy good race.
Got some really good laps in Race B in the Porsche. It doesn't have the top speed, but it corners so well you can virtually be assured of being in somebody's slipstream on the straights. Give it a shot.

Gonna play around with some other cars too. The Genesis was meh, and I had hopes for the Lexus but it was also meh and incredibly slippery.
I'm going to try race B this week as I've never raced here and race C seems boring from what I've seen. I'm in the META GT-R to have a chance and I had some struggles in the beginning. Mainly with the downhill lead up to the bridge and the blind apex turn. I was happy to get a 2:24.XXX, but the optimal time showed 2:23.XXX and I thought I would try for that time. I did have to reset as I was losing light fast, but the sunset did look pretty. I took a break to make a new livery that matches the style of my other cars and to clear my head a bit.

Back to practice and I'm slowly getting the hang of the track and set the 2:23.XXX time and I wonder if I can go faster. About half an hour later, I'm down to a 2:22.111. I'll need to to wait until Wednesday to try again as I have some plans and won't have time to practice/race. It should be some good racing whenever I get to it.
Had a little time this afternoon so I figured I'd do some quali runs in C; even though I don't really intended to do that race... honestly, I couldn't think of anything else to do. Got the quali time down to 1:37.2. In the Supra of course. Lap seems decent; time will tell as others have a chance to make some runs.

I swear, the penalty system on that first chicane has a mind of its own... I think it just flips a coin on whether or not to dole out penalties.
Great time. I am stuck on 1:37.6. I was up by over three tenths on that lap twice and binned ascari both times. Haven’t replicated those laps in a while and keep getting slower through ascari lol. Rest of lap I have become consistent, but consistently slow.
Race c obviously a supra cup in effect, I've not even tried another car astheres no car with strong top end that I trust out of the slow corners other than the supra. Has anyone tried the stang?

Managed to qualy with a 38.7 which seems ok for SA rooms. It's a funy race, needs patience and mmm perfect control, as soon as you slip-up you get gobbled up.
I’m a race B only kinda guy and really enjoyed last weeks to the point where I got a few wins and manage to gold the circuit experience, and that’s one tough circuit. Appreciate another challenging one this week - my only gripe is the one make start to the week, if it’s going to be like this then at least let there be some choice, last week seemed to do that well, this week back to gtr
fairly new to sport and online gran turismo racing, but I think grid start would be interesting unless there are bad experiences with it.