GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I'm liking Race B. Did 7 races and always finished at least 3 places better than I started. In one race i started 7th, hit and shunted lap 1 COD and ended up 16th with damage, including engine. I kept my cool and finished 6th 🙂

This race was better in terms of close and fair racing, made up 3 places and had a podium 😁

And this is my lastest qualy lap, 1:39 flat

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Hopefully next week's races are better. I might hop into the kart race, but I wish it had DR/SR points involved.

This is a pipe dream, but I'd love a mixed race with groups of Gr 3 and Gr 4. It might make for havoc, but running into slower traffic would create more excitement than the processions that the weekly races end up sometimes turning into.
Mixed racing would be so awesome. Doing the 2016 Gr.2 cars alongside Gr.3 cars would be a cool way of having a faux super GT style race. One day, I hope.
My wish is to have a proper track rotation once you're in a Sport mode lobby.
No timer of 15-20 minutes between each lobby. Why being automatically removed from it at the end of the race? ...One race ended? Change to another track. Give the players a couple of minutes or more to adjust and switch car, and let's go.
Yeah, not happening. That's what open lobbies are for. Good idea though.
Make Daily Races daily again.
I really enjoyed the early days of GTS when this was the norm. I looked forward to a new rotation of fresh races each day. My interest in sport mode has waned since the switch to weekly races. I feel 3-4 days would be an optimal time to enjoy a combo before it becomes stale. And my biggest gripe is taking up 2 slots for Gr.3/Gr.4 each week. They could use 1 slot for these cars and swap between the 2 midweek on a single track. That is still an ample enough amount of time for PD to gather info to adjust BOP. And it opens up the other 2 slot for the 350+ cars that barely gets used in sport mode.
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I'm pretty rich in the game, so I don't really need to make more money.
Pay Day Money GIF

Not touxhing
I disagree. Would be good to have dailies back so people wouldn't be able to do 200 quali laps just to get a good starting position.

I wouldn't mind weekly races if they had 10min qualifying before the race.
I think a mix of the 2 would be best. 1 that rotates every day and a couple of longer term races.
Not touxhing
I disagree. Would be good to have dailies back so people wouldn't be able to do 200 quali laps just to get a good starting position.

I wouldn't mind weekly races if they had 10min qualifying before the race.
I've never thought about it but a limit to how much qualifying you get would be a realistic implementation. I wouldn't mind it as long as it had maybe a daily reset or perhaps a reset if you gain DR levels.

Daily reset meaning you get a chance to improve your quali time, not that it resets your quali time for the race totally.
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Had my first few races at DTS today, the place I got my last Sport mode win in GTS (and Gran Tourismo overall). Where did all the understeer come from?! Understeer into the corner and on acceleration on exit. A lot seems to have changed in how you take a few of the corners compared to GTS. The last corner of the esses for example. In GTS only a lift was required. Now it seems to be brake and be very patient otherwise you'll be meeting the outside barrier. My time is at least a second slower than my GTS time. If I push more it'll mean death!
Mixed racing would be so awesome. Doing the 2016 Gr.2 cars alongside Gr.3 cars would be a cool way of having a faux super GT style race. One day, I hope.
It would be. Problem is, in order to do it everyone would need to respect the fact there are different groups out there. Obviously people have a hard enough time respecting being the same class of car.

Had my first few races at DTS today, the place I got my last Sport mode win in GTS (and Gran Tourismo overall). Where did all the understeer come from?! Understeer into the corner and on acceleration on exit. A lot seems to have changed in how you take a few of the corners compared to GTS. The last corner of the esses for example. In GTS only a lift was required. Now it seems to be brake and be very patient otherwise you'll be meeting the outside barrier. My time is at least a second slower than my GTS time. If I push more it'll mean death!
The understeer in GT7 is ridiculous. 95% of the reason I basically hate all of the Gr4 cars.
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Getting in a few races before work (~8am) in OCE, the races I get had only ~10 people, with DR and SR ranging from A+ to D and qualifying times spanning 5+ seconds...surely they should merge regions or something?

I didn't play GT sport - was anything done during low player times for that?

edit: daily race B btw
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Getting in a few races before work (~8am) in OCE, the races I get had only ~10 people, with DR and SR ranging from A+ to D and qualifying times spanning 5+ seconds...surely they should merge regions or something?

I didn't play GT sport - was anything done during low player times for that?

edit: daily race B btw
GTS was the same, early mornings were easy wins (which was handy when going for the trophies). I'm not sure what was going on last night, but I'm normally towards the front of the grid (1.49.0 for race C) and I logged on for a race and I was 9th with a field full of A+ people! LOL! Back to running some qualy laps!
So what causes these random disconnects? I know it's not my connection since other online games using the same connection concurrently all keep going. Just GT randomly disconnects (luckily not very often). Why can't PD provide stable servers.

It's not that sometimes it's this game, sometimes another, it's always GT. My kids play as well, never get disconnected in Rust, never get disconnected in Roblox... What is so difficult about a racing game :banghead:
Getting in a few races before work (~8am) in OCE, the races I get had only ~10 people, with DR and SR ranging from A+ to D and qualifying times spanning 5+ seconds...surely they should merge regions or something?

I didn't play GT sport - was anything done during low player times for that?

edit: daily race B btw

Are you playing the PS5 version or the PS4? For some reason the playerbases are split between the versions. I found myself getting garbage lobbies in Dalies and FIA and eventually switched to the PS4 version, basically because that's just where everyone was.
Getting in a few races before work (~8am) in OCE, the races I get had only ~10 people, with DR and SR ranging from A+ to D and qualifying times spanning 5+ seconds...surely they should merge regions or something?

I didn't play GT sport - was anything done during low player times for that?

edit: daily race B btw

One thing i noticed today from watching a few streams and doing a few races is that much less people were doing daily races on Tuesday.....this may be why, and i might be wrong but I think in the 2 or 3 early morning races (Race C) i did there was crossplay between ps5 and ps4. When lobby loaded up (I'm on PS5) there was a few people that took a while to appear in the list, like it would when someone joins a private can see their name but it's kinda shaded know what i mean. None of the lobbys were full, 10/11 other people......and most were ranked C/S and below (I was on my 2nd account A rated).....had some that were D/D ranked. I know it was early morning but I've never been in a daily race with such a wide spilt of rankings.

I did win all 3 but essentially they were just glorified practice runs as i didn't really have anyone to race and i doubt i DR went up much.
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Getting in a few races before work (~8am) in OCE, the races I get had only ~10 people, with DR and SR ranging from A+ to D and qualifying times spanning 5+ seconds...surely they should merge regions or something?

I didn't play GT sport - was anything done during low player times for that?

edit: daily race B btw

One thing i noticed today from watching a few streams and doing a few races is that much less people were doing daily races on Tuesday....
Compounded by this not being a particularly interesting week and them not really highlighting Sport mode at all. If there was rotating races ech day, even just 1 of the 3, it would help a lot.
and i might be wrong but I think in the 2 or 3 early morning races (Race C) i did there was crossplay between ps5 and ps4. When lobby loaded up (I'm on PS5) there was a few people that took a while to appear in the list, like it would when someone joins a private can see their name but it's kinda shaded know what i mean.
Hmmm! I wonder if this is just a connection delay but I get what you're saying, I feel like they would have announced this publicly if it was a thing? Anyone else on that, have we missed something from PD on cross play? It does need to happen if it's not already...
One thing i noticed today from watching a few streams and doing a few races is that much less people were doing daily races on Tuesday.....this may be why, and i might be wrong but I think in the 2 or 3 early morning races (Race C) i did there was crossplay between ps5 and ps4. When lobby loaded up (I'm on PS5) there was a few people that took a while to appear in the list, like it would when someone joins a private can see their name but it's kinda shaded know what i mean. None of the lobbys were full, 10/11 other people......and most were ranked C/S and below (I was on my 2nd account A rated).....had some that were D/D ranked. I know it was early morning but I've never been in a daily race with such a wide spilt of rankings.

I did win all 3 but essentially they were just glorified practice runs as i didn't really have anyone to race and i doubt i DR went up much.
This game is generally dying

GT7 has less active players than Overwatch (2016), Rocket League (2015), Warframe (2013) and The Crew 2 (2018).

As I've said before, this game is a failure. Since PD isnt even trying to fix it with the patches, its obvious they too consider it a failure and are moving on. Why should they improve a game that has so few players? Makes no sense.
Are you playing the PS5 version or the PS4? For some reason the playerbases are split between the versions. I found myself getting garbage lobbies in Dalies and FIA and eventually switched to the PS4 version, basically because that's just where everyone was.
Interesting - I'm on PS5....

When lobby loaded up (I'm on PS5) there was a few people that took a while to appear in the list, like it would when someone joins a private can see their name but it's kinda shaded know what i mean.
I also noticed this - some people load in really slowly, and this phenomenon didn't exist last time I did dailies regularly (probably a month or more). I assumed they just had rubbish internet or something
My most chaotic (impromptu) challenge yet.

Going in I didn't know how interesting the race would be, so I improvised. The next race though, I was against the current world record holder, so it didn't matter as much what I did.
This game is generally dying

GT7 has less active players than Overwatch (2016), Rocket League (2015), Warframe (2013) and The Crew 2 (2018).

As I've said before, this game is a failure. Since PD isnt even trying to fix it with the patches, its obvious they too consider it a failure and are moving on. Why should they improve a game that has so few players? Makes no sense.
so it's not popular among the 20k-odd people who use that tracker. meanwhile there are 80k entries for the current TT.
This game is generally dying

GT7 has less active players than Overwatch (2016), Rocket League (2015), Warframe (2013) and The Crew 2 (2018).

As I've said before, this game is a failure. Since PD isnt even trying to fix it with the patches, its obvious they too consider it a failure and are moving on. Why should they improve a game that has so few players? Makes no sense.

Imagine comparing GT7 player counts with a hero shooter and Free-to-play games 😂
This game is generally dying

GT7 has less active players than Overwatch (2016), Rocket League (2015), Warframe (2013) and The Crew 2 (2018).

As I've said before, this game is a failure. Since PD isnt even trying to fix it with the patches, its obvious they too consider it a failure and are moving on. Why should they improve a game that has so few players? Makes no sense.
I wouldn’t say the game is dying, but I can see what your saying.

For me, PD just aren’t putting on enough interesting races to keep me wanting to play every day in the daily races.

  • Race Distance - Think they need to add a few more laps to some races. I get they need to have races that fit the time slots, but some races only last 10 mins then you have 10mins wait for the next one to start.
  • Quali - Daily C I’d ditch the TT and just have a one lap shoot out for grid positions. You would end up with mixed grids rather than those predetermined grid from TT.
  • Weather - All tracks need to have weather added to them to start with. Also we need to start seeing some weather added to the daily races. Wet/Dry, Dry/Wet or just full wet races.
  • Strategy - I’m bored of these sprint races. 10 laps on RH with x1 fuel and wear. Where the fun in that?
  • BOP - Gr4 cars for me are broken. Every week we have a Gr4 race and I’m sick of seeing the 155 and GTR every race. I avoid Gr4s races as they just aren’t fun.
  • Variety Of Groups/Cars - They need to include more Gr2, Gr1 & GrB races to mix. Also more Road car races with tuning. I’d love to see a hatchback race (VW Golf, A45, Civic, Focus RS etc…) that allow us to tune them up to race cars.

Last few weeks, I’ve been doing my own custom race championship and that been quite fun. And also open lobbies have been great. Weather, fuel and tyre all mixed in together have brought out some really good races.
Not touxhing
I disagree. Would be good to have dailies back so people wouldn't be able to do 200 quali laps just to get a good starting position.

I wouldn't mind weekly races if they had 10min qualifying before the race.
Agree with this suggestion, bit like assetto corsa, 10 min quali prior to each race, however there were a lot of guys doing strange things in those quali to spoil peoples times. I tend to spend Mondays and Tuesday mainly qualifying so the rest of the week I can race the short sprints
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One thing that helps stabilization of the MR cars is having a little throttle on while braking. Also when crossing curbes, neutral gas.
The 155 is AWD. It behaves rather erratically, but in a different way than an MR car. I actually find the cayman to be much more stable by comparison.