Interesting the comments on bad driving for daily race C. I do not disagree with
@Bullwinkle in that currently PD is incentivizing bad driving. The issue with Grand Valley is that while, for the most part, I thought the standard of driving was better than race B or those last week, one incident can ruin your race. It is next to impossible to recover on this course so the lack of consequence for bad or deliberate aggressive driving makes it easier to dispatch your opponents than pass cleanly.
I (kind of) like GVH1 and its technical challenge and had good results at the start of the week. But the races yesterday, both ending in last place along with last place finishes in B were disastrous to my DR. I will admit my driving yesterday was less than stellar. I made mistakes which cost me dearly. However, my mistakes were to braking points and I never impacted anyone else. However, those mistakes set me up in positions where I then came off the worse to another driver. That's not to say that would not have happened anyway but you never know.
This is one incident.
It starts at turn 1 where I overshoot the corner and lose a spot. Then as we approach the hairpin, at first I thought the car behind me got punted, sending them into me, but on reviewing other angles I am not so sure. Sure I think it was close my I think P8 hits their brakes and P7 just continues and dive bombs me into the hairpin. I was way ahead and had the line into the corner. They weren't even into my side when they hit my rear flanks. I went from 6th to 14th to never recover.
I have more like this.
What do you think?