GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I find it disappointing to get called out for stuff in a race that's not my fault. This afternoon, racing Suzuka, I ended up in a tangle with a guy in a Silvia with me in the 650S, and a guy behind in a 458. I was running the Silvia very narrow down the main straight as they defended right out of the final chicane and I had the slip. Gave them space (probably opening up to about 1/3 of the track), but they started turning into me. I swung back wide to get close to the racing line to get the cutback, which I very nearly managed to do, until the 458 behind smacked into me, meaning I hit the Sivlia. The Silvia driver then just blames me, saying I bump the entire time (anything more than a small nudge and I'll drop back to try and overtake cleanly) and made some comment about the punt which I never got the chance to read as it was during the race, nor did I get a chance to explain what happened as they left immediately at the end of the race. The 458 ended up ahead of me so they gained 2 positions through heavy contact and weren't penalised at all.

Running a car narrow is a perfectly valid tactic and if I'm pinning someone to the inside, I will never turn into them as it's simply bad racing. But I've had countless cars turn into me to try and force space when I'm holding my line. If I accidentally take someone out, I will wait for them and then serve the inevitable penalty. But to get all the stick for using fair moves and contact that wasn't my fault is pretty annoying.

it can happen quite easily, it depends on a lot of things as far as I can tell but one of the biggest factors is time of day.

And that is the problem with the "lesser spotted GT player" they are like magpies and just see gaps not the racing.

I'm in the Ferrari for B this week and the lines are different (and gearing) to the silva so my swooping lines invite....people who want to share DNA with me. But it is what it is. The wild Wild West unfortunately.

This is in B/S lobbies with a 2:10:5 time
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After a lot of disaster races last week on Spa, I finally managed to climb the ranks again. I'm A/S again for the second time. Hopefully I can stay a little bit longer in these A lobbies.
Only Daily B for me this week. First time I'm in the Ferrari since I bought the game, and I really like it! It's also the first time I have a decent QT into the top 1000. => 2:10,558s
Already have multiple wins this week. So I've changed my racing suit for pictures 🤣

Gran Turismo™ 7_20230418190431.jpg
Gran Turismo™ 7_20230420182410.jpg

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Is it normal to have a mixed lobby like this (A+ to B)? For reference, I'm almost exactly mid-B/S.
I’m the same level DR/SR as you and the same thing seems to occur every so often. I’ll play 4 or 5 Race B’s in one sitting (8 to 10pm EST for reference) and I’ll get put in a mixed lobby after 3 or 4 B/S only lobbies. I’m generally fine with it, but it does seem kind of random at times.
I’m the same level DR/SR as you and the same thing seems to occur every so often. I’ll play 4 or 5 Race B’s in one sitting (8 to 10pm EST for reference) and I’ll get put in a mixed lobby after 3 or 4 B/S only lobbies. I’m generally fine with it, but it does seem kind of random at times.

It's to do with player volumes, if I play through the day in my region then I'll play in very mixed lobbies. My daytime play coincides with a lot of YouTubers who are faster than me so I wait till my evening and that's hit and miss but at least I feel competitive.
And that is the problem with the "lesser spotted GT player" they are like magpies and just see gaps not the racing.

I'm in the Ferrari for B this week and the lines are different (and gearing) to the silva so my swooping lines invite....people who want to share DNA with me. But it is what it is. The wild Wild West unfortunately.

This is in B/S lobbies with a 2:10:5 time
I've been very tempted to try the 458 as it seems to out accelerate both the 650S and the Silvia, but this late into the week, I'm very familiar with the McLaren so I don't want to jeopardise my newly found A+ DR by changing car and having to relearn (used the McLaren at Spa last week also, I find it to be quite well balanced). I might give it a go in qualifying to see how I fare against my existing time (I want to say 2.10:2 off the top of my head but I can't remember what I've managed)
I know the difference between bad driving and dirty driving. I have a lot of experience of my own with the former and try my hardest to avoid the latter

Though I do snap on occasion as I have documented in several posts here. However, I can say with some confidence that my reasons for snapping are justified. It's often sustained punting by the same person usually over several races that does it.

Even though I do think it's justified I always feel ashamed of myself for sinking to their level. Which is why I try my hardest to maintain SR S even at the expense of my DR .

In the previous post it wasn't bad driving or a mistake by me that caused this person to initially crash. Nor were they trying to widen the track by easing me wide for a better run into the next corner. When I was along side they turned so violently into me that when I hit the wall they pinged all the way back across the track and spun twice.

That's dirty driving no matter how you look at it. I was just an innocent bystander to someone having a tantrum because they took themselves off track. The fact they rage quit when they came off worse kind of seals the deal to me.
I am sorry if you took my post as somehow blaming you or your driving, that was not the point at all.
I was merely pointing it why it's risky to take a wider approach to the apex.
I do that all the time mysel, but are always aware of the risk
I've been very tempted to try the 458 as it seems to out accelerate both the 650S and the Silvia, but this late into the week, I'm very familiar with the McLaren so I don't want to jeopardise my newly found A+ DR by changing car and having to relearn (used the McLaren at Spa last week also, I find it to be quite well balanced). I might give it a go in qualifying to see how I fare against my existing time (I want to say 2.10:2 off the top of my head but I can't remember what I've managed)

The thing with the 458 is managing the understeer it's similar to the Macca in that you have to time the inputs the silva apart from hairpin oversteer is just go go go.

If you are doing well in the MCL the Ferrari is probably better just in that it pulls better and there is only 1 place short shifting is needed to ride out the torque curve and top speed.

I tried the 650 but it just doesn't have a good enough power spread to correct mistakes like a deeper line or turning in to early. It's for me a car you have to really be buttery smooth to get the optimum from.
Just had an awesome race C - got punted from 10th to 16th on the first lap, but soon starting making up places. The car felt so much more planted than usual and I got more and more confident, working my way up to 7th place by lap 13...

I noticed my tyres were more worn than usual and couldn't quite make it to 6th place, but crossed the line all happy in 7th - then I noticed the 1 minute penalty:lol: I was certain I changed them at the warm up :guilty:
I didn't do any daily races yesterday as I was busy laying an egg in the GTWS race at Daytona. That was a rough go last night. I tried to improve my qualifying time for Road Atlanta and failed to do so. I was still P2 on the grid which was a surprise. But I can't keep my car on the track and was getting blown by with drivers in the GT-R. Was that always the META car this week? I find some semblance of a rhythm and finish P8 in the end. I call it night and get some practice in for the GTWS race at the new Endurance layout of the Nordschleife. And that is also looking like a big disaster of a race for me.
I didn't do any daily races yesterday as I was busy laying an egg in the GTWS race at Daytona. That was a rough go last night. I tried to improve my qualifying time for Road Atlanta and failed to do so. I was still P2 on the grid which was a surprise. But I can't keep my car on the track and was getting blown by with drivers in the GT-R. Was that always the META car this week? I find some semblance of a rhythm and finish P8 in the end. I call it night and get some practice in for the GTWS race at the new Endurance layout of the Nordschleife. And that is also looking like a big disaster of a race for me.
I was in a good battle last night against the GT-R. I was able to hold ground or gain a few tenths with the 911 in S1/S2 but the GT-R would always close the gap in the back straights. He finally got to the inside on the chicane and passed me clean.

I never liked the car to much but I thought I would try again with the new physics. I ran around 8 QT laps and never got close to my 911 times. I don't know what it is but I'm just not fast in that car.
I was in a good battle last night against the GT-R. I was able to hold ground or gain a few tenths with the 911 in S1/S2 but the GT-R would always close the gap in the back straights. He finally got to the inside on the chicane and passed me clean.

I never liked the car to much but I thought I would try again with the new physics. I ran around 8 QT laps and never got close to my 911 times. I don't know what it is but I'm just not fast in that car.
I'll try a few laps with it tomorrow and see what I can do in it. I could not beleive the closing speed they had on me in the 911. It was like I was standing still on the track.
Thanks for proving me right. I have a few accounts. But you're not bright enough to know which one I use. So that's an epic fail from you. If you are faster than me as you claim, then you should have no problem beating my times. I'll bet a lot of money you get no where near my Daily race A time. You literally scream beta male hatred. Congratulations! Also I've been on here since 2009 and you literally just arrived! Hilarious!
How did that work out for you Monday glory boy lol
Cheating requires doing something outside of the intended game mechanics. Entering a race on a different account and having to start from lower down is an intended game mechanic, because that's how the ELO-style ranking system works.

Please do not abuse people for doing something you wouldn't do. Although, you know:

C could be fun! I hope it's either raining the whole time or the dynamic weather is better than it has been. Will probably be a CLK race.

I would hope that they balance the new RS5 properly in that race, otherwise it'll just drive away on the straights thanks to DRS.
I got my 15 minutes* of fame... Featured on Rory's stream for the first time yesterday!

*Ok it was literally a 2-minute cameo in race 1 but I think I held my own.

My car starts to become a relevance around the 4-minute mark. In the end I was just another obstacle for Rory to get by, but I wasn't going to do so without a fight.

Also, a brief insignificant appearance in race 2.

Running a car narrow is a perfectly valid tactic and if I'm pinning someone to the inside, I will never turn into them as it's simply bad racing. But I've had countless cars turn into me to try and force space when I'm holding my line. If I accidentally take someone out, I will wait for them and then serve the inevitable penalty. But to get all the stick for using fair moves and contact that wasn't my fault is pretty annoying.
This is something I'm learning is very prominent at Suzuka. Quite a few times now I've fairly been holding the inside line and then got turned into despite being obviously there. The problem comes when they inevitably 'get you back' for the imaginary indiscretion on the next corner, usually the hairpin.

It seems there are drivers at all levels who can't find alternative lines through the esses, or don't understand the idea of not trying to pass there in the first place!
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It was almost always like that for GTS as well. We thought that PD uses the RH tyres when settling the BOP.
And it's not really a bad thing. When you're used to run on RH you will shine in the GTWT where they often use medium and hards

I guess, but I still hate RH with a passion. I don’t mind using RH when there’s some strategy behind it though. And I know it’s simpler for people less experienced to not having to worry about tyres types, BB, or setups, but I would love RS for qualy, and RM/RH for races and leave it up to the player do decide what to use.

But who am I kidding, I then forget to change tyres for qualy when RM are available 🤦‍♂️
Oh well, I had a warm welcome in the A lobby today. Pushed of the track 3 times in barely 1 minute.
After a great day yesterday, nothing goes well today. Pushed off in almost every race I did..... 😭

And here it is 🤣 My P15 to P6 start/ finish at Suzuka, guaranteed to never happen again, especially on main account 🤣 which btw is now rated lower than this one... ⚰️

About as bad and good a week as I can have in Daily Races. Up in the A/B lobbies and putting in mid 1:20s with RHs in the 911 which is the only car that works for me at RA. Have only ever survived the race unscathed once. Some of my own doing, not knowing how to take the right lines under pressure, and others just getting punted in the esses. I can keep pace but definitely need to figure out where that last second is to feel like I can really race in those lobbies. Have yet to crack a 1:19 in a race with RHs and have a 1:18.3 which started me in 7th. Yeesh. Gotta keep on practicing and praying for an emergency balance patch.
They are obsessed with Maggiore. It is wild.

Next weeks better than this anyway, Le Mans Gr 2 however will be ruined by the AMG.
They are obsessed with Maggiore. It is wild.
It's 10% of all the tracks in the game. Considering the vanishingly rare Colorado/Fisherman/Windmills Dailies (and Catalunya RC) and the probability we'll never see BB Raceway/Blue Moon Bay Oval/Daytona Tri-Oval/Northern Isle/Route X, it's likely we'll see Maggiore at least at one in nine races - or once every three weeks.

And that's not taking into account the lack of races at other disfavoured circuits (Alsace Test, Sainte-Croix) and the... extreme unlikelihood of racing at Horse Thief Mile. I don't know if reality bears it out because I haven't kept track (despite the articles) but I'd estimate Lago Maggiore to appear in just under half of all weekly races (roughly one in eight races, or three times every eight weeks).
It's 10% of all the tracks in the game. Considering the vanishingly rare Colorado/Fisherman/Windmills Dailies (and Catalunya RC) and the probability we'll never see BB Raceway/Blue Moon Bay Oval/Daytona Tri-Oval/Northern Isle/Route X, it's likely we'll see Maggiore at least at one in nine races - or once every three weeks.

And that's not taking into account the lack of races at other disfavoured circuits (Alsace Test, Sainte-Croix) and the... extreme unlikelihood of racing at Horse Thief Mile. I don't know if reality bears it out because I haven't kept track (despite the articles) but I'd estimate Lago Maggiore to appear in just under half of all weekly races (roughly one in eight races, or three times every eight weeks).

But goodwood, Tokyo (any variant), sardgena, are tracks that don't hit the rotations often if 'barely' at all.

I do appreciate that for online players smashing 7 days of the same tracks makes them all seem overly regular but maybe that is a lack of variety in the events rather than the circuits we do them on?