GT7 Daily Race Discussion

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With the current penalty system? 🤣🤣🤣

Just playing devils advocate here is that money incentivises the wrong type of players as the motivation is based on prize pools not mastering their driving.

I concede the current system isn't the greatest either but looking at other racing games it's clear that people have to firstly enjoy the racing and the craft that goes with it. No one likes to be not first but that's the reality. I'm not sure GT embraces that fully.

It's trying to please all of the people all of the time and from a certain view point isn't doing that nor is it working for any of the player base.
Part of the problem is that there's zero incentive to be a clean and respectful driver. Winning dirty and winning clean pay the same. Taking a SR hit does absolutely nothing to me in real world terms. It may put me in lower lobbies and if I'm fast enough that's a fast pass to some easy wins before ranking my SR back up because I'm that far ahead of 2nd place.

Paying even remotely close to what the equivalent time commitment with worse opponents as provided by the single player experience is the least they can do and remember I'm advocating to remove the penalty system all together because it's that easy to abuse.

If there's no incentive to be clean why be clean other than some artificial sense of sportsmanship and fairness. I can't get penalty points on a license like I would in real life racing. My team isn't going to drop me for being too costly re repairs, and my sponsors don't care if I literally murdered some poor sod into La Source or if I'm King Kitty Pants who pulls over when the argy bargy starts.

Ultimately this is a video game and you've got to use video game incentives if you want things to work. Since PD has no reporting system and won't be building one that path is out of the question. Sony won't take reports for "Driver x is a jerk" it's not against their code of conduct. So the only incentive left is pay.

I quit doing dailies because of how bad it felt to be the one penalized for someone else ruining my race and then getting damage/time penalties on top of that. It's not worth the aggravation at all. In a high payout world I'm at least incentivized to try to stick it out because I'll at least make some money. Last place should be paying out what first currently does. First should be paying out close to a million if it's a long form race for a win (ala Le Mans 700), and 250K for a win in sprint races.

And sure, the higher your SR the better your CRB should be. If your SR is S and you earn the CRB double your money, good job, do it again!
At SR D earn 1/4 extra your race winnings. Scale accordingly idk how you do it really, just incentivize clean racing.
I managed to make someone quit by forcing a mistake today which was pretty funny. Race C, coming to the chicane at the end of Kemmel they had the tow and was coming up quick, I was defensive all the way along the straight right up til the last moment before swinging back on to the racing like and braking, and the person behind just carried straight on. They did attempt to brake but were easily a good 50m too late. I made the corner and just carried on after watching them spear past me. I think they bled another couple of positions before I saw their name pop up in the corner saying they'd left. Gave me a good chuckle to be honest.

I've only done a handful of races this week so far (only playing maybe an hour or hour and a half in sport mode at most, as opposed to probably the 3 or so I would normally do at the least), and it's been another quite boring week. The option of strategy but no real reason to use it as the pit lane is too long, and the time gained on the better tyres isn't enough to offset it. At least there's been a selection of cars in use, the Supra has seemed to be the general choice with the GTR being quite common with the McLaren making a few appearances too.
The Supra being perceived to be the best choice based on top speed alone vs the ability of most to hang on to it over 8 laps with higher tire wear are different things though, and I’m seeing people move away from the Supra over the course of the week as they find “better” ways to cover the 8 laps
There's multiple cars just a few tenths off the top time. Any of those do fine in the race. Most supras on the leaderboard are also several tenths behind the top time. Spending a bit of time with a car will get you a better quali and race time than just picking the meta and setting a lap. Most people are nowhere near maxing out the potential of a car and you don't automatically lose 2 tenths on your lap just cause the top time of the car is 2 tenths quicker than the top time of another car.

Race c might not have a pit stop, but there's definite strategy and race craft involved from a tyre wear point of view on the last few laps, which is interesting in its own right.

Otherwise there's always lobbies and league racing
Decided to RISK my main account tonight on Daily A.

Well after the first race it was like watching BTCC with Matt Neal & Jason Plato going at each other! Some bad blood spilled over from the last race between a few people and in this race they were just taking each other out. It was pretty disgusting racing, but the problem was innocent people were also been taken out from each other bashing people. People like that need banning or have their DRs reset for period time. If these people want to destroy each other drop to the back of the grid and let others through.

As for the racing went with the Genesis G70. Was using the G70 in some Gr3 lobby racing and that felt really good. Thought I’d try the Gr4 as I might go with that for my manufactures now.
Race 1 - it was 11 v 1. 11 155 vs me in the G70 🤣. Race was ok still learning the track and my times were getting quicker & quicker. Finished P9 in a mainly A+/A lobby

Race 2 - again 155 dominated me but this time I had a really good fun race. Starting P10. Made a few really good overtakes, and was really happy with a pass on the inside of the pit straight. The car ahead tried to squeeze me but I just left my foot in and managed to get just a cars width through the gap with no contact. Finished P7. Good race, felt like a good old BTCC race.

Didnt lose any DR either on my main which was good 🤪

One thing I have noticed and I don’t know if it just a Genesis thing but I get this really strange power lag from the car. Full acceleration and then the car just briefly dies then carries on. Anyone else had this?

This my overtake if anyone interested. Maybe not spectacular but I think it was pretty decent.
Did a couple more race Bs today. The Formula car is pretty fun once you get the hang of it. I don't recall particularly liking the SF19 but the 23 feels good; could just be placebo, though.

A couple races on the 3 account with a 3rd and 5th, then a few on the 2 account (not willing to risk getting SR killed as I've seen it happen to some people on this race) with some wins. This Daily B really seems like you have to quali up top or you may be in trouble... more so than other combinations. I've been fortunate and have had some good races with clean drivers.


2 races at Spa for me tonight. I got my qualifying time down to a 2:18.4XX which had me over the moon I hit my goal time and then some.

Race 1 has me P6 to start and that has me happy. A driver wasn't loading in so chat was yelling at them to leave. I tried to do donuts with my car and failed terribly. The race starts eventually and I mess up Eau Rouge/Raidillon and get a 1 second penalty. That knocked me down to P10 and whatever, I've missed it before and it's no big deal. Since the lobby was full of dirty driving, I bide my time and wait for the cars to go flying. I had a front row seat for this exchange.

I grab P5 from that ordeal and finish there. Not too bad for a first run in the GT-R. Tire wear wasn't that bad and manageable in my opinion.

Race 2 has me P3 on the grid and I held off P4 for the opening laps. As usual they stuck their nose on my inside and they plus P5 go on by. I mess up the bus stop going in too hot and even more people get by me. Fortunately, I didn't make contact with anyone so that was good. I get to P6 by final lap and am defending for my life not to lose it. P7 got a penalty so I just let them by. I pass them after the penalty line and we make minor contact entering the bus stop. It wasn't with bad intentions, just a racing incident. I finish P6 and call it a night.

A good return to the daily races for me. I'm liking the GT-R so far as it feels stable enough for me, and it corners nice for the way I drive. I still get on the throttle too early, but way less than yesterday. I'm just glad I didn't get caught up in any incidents in the first race. That was a mess.
Does anyone want to practice with me on daily race c?? I normally set a lap time in the top 1500 ranges so I dont have a problem practicing with other people to get better track time! Just respond to me and we can track up :)
Two races in the GTR tonight - agree with your perspective @Stilva (mostly…)

Race 1 - start third, spin out at La Source on lap one on cold tires like an idiot as the whole pack streams past while I face the wrong way 😂. Recover to 9th

Race 2 - start on pole and get fastest lap on my way to a win. Drove much cleaner and more consistently, and got my SR back to S to boot. Nice way to end the night
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Did a couple more race Bs today. The Formula car is pretty fun once you get the hang of it. I don't recall particularly liking the SF19 but the 23 feels good; could just be placebo, though.

A couple races on the 3 account with a 3rd and 5th, then a few on the 2 account (not willing to risk getting SR killed as I've seen it happen to some people on this race) with some wins. This Daily B really seems like you have to quali up top or you may be in trouble... more so than other combinations. I've been fortunate and have had some good races with clean drivers.


They feel very similiar to me, not that it's a bad thing as they are a blast once you get on top of the throttle burst which can initially send you flying at all angles. I do like the new rear wings, very sleak compared to the SF19 but physics wise in game I'm not sure I felt anything different there.

Predictably carnage especially lap 1 but it is a unique experience that I think is pretty valuable to the game and gives an adrenaline rush like no other series perhaps outside of Gr 1.
I like driving the SF23, but Daily B carnage has me down from longstanding SR S to B. My final race last night I had 3 different cars each make multiple attempts at spinning me out on the straight by slamming into my back wheel.

I miss SR S 😭
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I like driving the SF23, but Daily B carnage has me down from longstanding SR S to B. My final race last night I had 3 different cars each make multiple attempts at spinning me out on the straight by slamming into my back wheel.

I miss SR S 😭
I called it, 3 pages ago. Glad I didn't even try one race B and kept my S rating.
For sure. There are so many great circuits from previous GT games that aren't IRL licensed circuits GT could add a new circuit per month and have a couple of years worth of content they can add. Not to mention that a lot of those circuits have multiple layouts that can be used.

I'm no expert on this, but admittedly it might be a lot of work and effort to craft new tracks or convert existing tracks to PS5 graphics standards (which, to be fair, I think are very good in GT7). On the other hand, for the latter the 3D modeling should be already existing for many tracks, right?
I'm no expert on this, but admittedly it might be a lot of work and effort to craft new tracks or convert existing tracks to PS5 graphics standards (which, to be fair, I think are very good in GT7). On the other hand, for the latter the 3D modeling should be already existing for many tracks, right?
Entirely possible yes! I also don't know what level of effort/time/cost it takes to translate say Cape Ring from GT5 into GT7. I would imagine it's not as simple as just taking code from game A and shoving it into game B even if it is running on the same processing engine.
3D modeling should exist for lots of IRL tracks the problem is licensing and also whether or not that modeling works in the engine you've built.
Neither of these things are plug and play, both of them should be at or near the top for PDs priorities.
A lot of the issue with legacy fantasy tracks is modifying them to fit whatever PD wants them to. Deep Forest got a changed layout, Grand Valley is a road track now and not the Speedway of the old games (which personally I think was a huge mistake). So while it may be easy enough to get track data, making the track compatible with the expectations of the modern day means time consuming modification of layout.

I would imagine that's still quicker than licensing, scanning, modelling etc on a real track though
You have to think about scale as well for these old tracks, the frame rates and cars were slower/lower hence the make overs for the returning tracks.

You then have the issue of not only upscaling the track model, most of the old ones will lack the surface data and undulation data vs current tracks.

You then have textures that need to be remade from scratch to 4K (8K???) re do the hit boxes the sky boxes and track limits.

Testing testing and testing. All while training the AI to drive it factoring bop for all classes and classifications of cars.

Cinematically and replay stuff needs to be coded/recorded. Circuit experience needs to be laid over the top and tested, custom races need to be tested, arcade mode needs to be tested.

Any events need to be made, thumbnail gfx need to be made and approved, events if added to it need to be tested and BALANCED for all difficulty levels.

Weather if it's added needs to be tested and again the AI has to have strategy for them programmed and tested

It really really does go on and on where ever you look even rendering in scapes needs to be tested etc and the track added to that etc etc

Even just licensing a track isn't enough as each developer wants/uses different meta data and scanning alone doesn't do things like surface adhesion differences.

Modern AAA stuff is pretty damn deep and complex these days.
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Glad I didn't even try one race B and kept my S rating.

I don't understand that kind of thinking. Some weeks, keeping a decent SR is within reach, so by all means, do your best. Other weeks it can be a slam-fest, but if you enjoy the race even if it is a slam-fest, then forget about SR and just have fun. It's only a number, er, letter. Yes, it could give you worse lobbies in the future, but you won't be the only one who got a bad SR from this week's race, and next week you'll have something to shoot for.

I'm still enjoying the race even with the mayhem. As an example, in one race I got smashed from behind on T1 (I looked at the replay, and it was a comedy of errors - one guy way at the back tapped someone, who hit the guy in front of him a little harder, who knocked me off the track). I went from P7 to DFL. But when I finally got back on the track, I just kept racing. I ended up having P8 sewn up until a stupid mistake on the last turn cost me a position, ending up P9. But it was a blast! Almost more fun than starting pole and holding it. (I said almost).

It's just a game. Have some fun! That's my opinion, anyway. And feel free to throw it back in my face the next time I complain about the same thing. 😂
I don't understand that kind of thinking. Some weeks, keeping a decent SR is within reach, so by all means, do your best. Other weeks it can be a slam-fest, but if you enjoy the race even if it is a slam-fest, then forget about SR and just have fun. It's only a number, er, letter. Yes, it could give you worse lobbies in the future, but you won't be the only one who got a bad SR from this week's race, and next week you'll have something to shoot for.

I'm still enjoying the race even with the mayhem. As an example, in one race I got smashed from behind on T1 (I looked at the replay, and it was a comedy of errors - one guy way at the back tapped someone, who hit the guy in front of him a little harder, who knocked me off the track). I went from P7 to DFL. But when I finally got back on the track, I just kept racing. I ended up having P8 sewn up until a stupid mistake on the last turn cost me a position, ending up P9. But it was a blast! Almost more fun than starting pole and holding it. (I said almost).

It's just a game. Have some fun! That's my opinion, anyway. And feel free to throw it back in my face the next time I complain about the same thing. 😂
Nah. I'm good. In the past it took me weeks and months to go back to S rating, from B and even C. In general, if you're in C SR lobbies, you won't have a good time compared to S lobbies. Personally, if I get intentionally wrecked I won't forgive, and that won't help improve my SR.
For the past months I've been consistent with my behavior and as a reward I'm having great races in S, getting matched with players who know how to drive and respect others. Sure there are always one or two problematic drivers, but karma does the job almost every time and I don't get mad.

I'm just a happy camper and I'll wait for this weird week to end.

Driving the SF23 won't help because I can't handle it as good as I handle Gr.4 and Gr.3 cars. Others could have the same issue and as a result we all go down. Besides, I don't find the SF23, among others, exciting to drive.
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It took me five Race C's to regain my SR from B to S. I started from last place on the grid and followed the driver in the lowest position ahead of me. It was a long and boring wait, but I didn't lose much of my DR due to rampant fighting in my lobbies, which led to multiple quits. I fell from mid-B to around 40% through B.

Now, I feel apprehensive about returning to proper racing in Daily Races. For some reason, my lobbies have been heavily mixed for the past two weeks, ranging from A+/S to B/C, despite being a solid B/S myself. I also don't have much free time to check other time slots. I still can't forget the awful experience of being one of only two B/S drivers in a B/B-C lobby, which resulted in my SR plummeting from S to straight B, and took me five Race C's to repair. This recent experience made me understand why Assetto Corsa Competizione equally punishes both drivers and penalizes even the smallest contacts. Neither penalty system is perfect. I used to think that GT7's penalty system was superior, but now I would rate both games 50-50 in terms of the pros and cons of their penalty systems.

Now, I'm trying to encourage myself by saying that SR is fictional, and S is easy to regain, so I can go back to enjoying Daily Races.
SR is fleeting, DR is fleeting

They come and go, there is a balance though.

If you are sufficiently quick and think about the entire race you will keep a good SR and move up DR more slowly but it moves up.

If you think about it, you have to compromise each race one for the other so if you want good SR you don't make that move and you hang back, but if you want DR you want to finish as highly as possible or want the top x finish. That's decision making making motivated by what you want out of the race.

Sometimes it's better roll in 6th and take the experience rather than gamble for 3rd

But we all race to win even when we are non meta starting 9th 2 seconds off the pace....we just forget to wait for it to come to us or just finish where we kinda should have.


What good are ratings if you don't race people with the same ratings?

Retire or race and take the highs like the lows but it's about racing not weird artificial hubris. The badge is only worth something in places you can show it and prove you belong to be there.

I tried so hard to embrace B this week but it mulled my DR and SR as it's just an awful race quite honestly.

Begrudgingly I did C I'm not great at spa TT wise but race pace wise I'm ok. Long story short 3 wins and 2 top 6 finishes and a quit for life reasons my stats are back up and the lobbies getting more what I'm used to.

I just don't usually like the C races but hey ho.
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I found more than half a second using the Alfa Romeo around Spa. I broke into the 1.17s which seemed like an absolute pipe dream on Tuesday. The somewhat unorthodox practice of running with a harder-to-handle car (Audi R8) and pulling out decent lap-times and then suddenly finding one which is easier to handle and sufficiently quick. It's better on tyres, too.

The Supra being perceived to be the best choice based on top speed alone vs the ability of most to hang on to it over 8 laps with higher tire wear are different things though, and I’m seeing people move away from the Supra over the course of the week as they find “better” ways to cover the 8 laps
Completely agree. No doubt people have found they can hit a really good Supra lap for quali purposes, but doing so consistently for a 20 minute race is a different beast. Personally I'm taking pride in running with a non meta car that I've put plenty of practice into and I know I can lap consistently in.

For me, it's a pertinent point with regards to the meta argument. How many people have qualified and raced using the Supra because they just don't know any better? I wonder about the percentage of Daily Race participants who have actually tried a different Group 3 just to experiment? To what degree to does the ubiquity of one car in the leaderboards lend itself to more copycat behaviour?
I found more than half a second using the Alfa Romeo around Spa. I broke into the 1.17s which seemed like an absolute pipe dream on Tuesday. The somewhat unorthodox practice of running with a harder-to-handle car (Audi R8) and pulling out decent lap-times and then suddenly finding one which is easier to handle and sufficiently quick. It's better on tyres, too.

Completely agree. No doubt people have found they can hit a really good Supra lap for quali purposes, but doing so consistently for a 20 minute race is a different beast. Personally I'm taking pride in running with a non meta car that I've put plenty of practice into and I know I can lap consistently in.

For me, it's a pertinent point with regards to the meta argument. How many people have qualified and raced using the Supra because they just don't know any better? I wonder about the percentage of Daily Race participants who have actually tried a different Group 3 just to experiment? To what degree to does the ubiquity of one car in the leaderboards lend itself to more copycat behaviour?
If the ghosts are the car you choose and with only a limited amount of racing you can do....the silly thing to do is choose them.

Occam's razor says use the thing you can drive most consistently not the fastest thing people 3-4 seconds ahead are using...

You were in my races earlier I think. NHS?