- 593
- United States
Part of the problem is that there's zero incentive to be a clean and respectful driver. Winning dirty and winning clean pay the same. Taking a SR hit does absolutely nothing to me in real world terms. It may put me in lower lobbies and if I'm fast enough that's a fast pass to some easy wins before ranking my SR back up because I'm that far ahead of 2nd place.With the current penalty system? 🤣🤣🤣
Just playing devils advocate here is that money incentivises the wrong type of players as the motivation is based on prize pools not mastering their driving.
I concede the current system isn't the greatest either but looking at other racing games it's clear that people have to firstly enjoy the racing and the craft that goes with it. No one likes to be not first but that's the reality. I'm not sure GT embraces that fully.
It's trying to please all of the people all of the time and from a certain view point isn't doing that nor is it working for any of the player base.
Paying even remotely close to what the equivalent time commitment with worse opponents as provided by the single player experience is the least they can do and remember I'm advocating to remove the penalty system all together because it's that easy to abuse.
If there's no incentive to be clean why be clean other than some artificial sense of sportsmanship and fairness. I can't get penalty points on a license like I would in real life racing. My team isn't going to drop me for being too costly re repairs, and my sponsors don't care if I literally murdered some poor sod into La Source or if I'm King Kitty Pants who pulls over when the argy bargy starts.
Ultimately this is a video game and you've got to use video game incentives if you want things to work. Since PD has no reporting system and won't be building one that path is out of the question. Sony won't take reports for "Driver x is a jerk" it's not against their code of conduct. So the only incentive left is pay.
I quit doing dailies because of how bad it felt to be the one penalized for someone else ruining my race and then getting damage/time penalties on top of that. It's not worth the aggravation at all. In a high payout world I'm at least incentivized to try to stick it out because I'll at least make some money. Last place should be paying out what first currently does. First should be paying out close to a million if it's a long form race for a win (ala Le Mans 700), and 250K for a win in sprint races.
And sure, the higher your SR the better your CRB should be. If your SR is S and you earn the CRB double your money, good job, do it again!
At SR D earn 1/4 extra your race winnings. Scale accordingly idk how you do it really, just incentivize clean racing.