Great week at Spa. Had a blast racing and thought I was doing a good job keeping clean and having fun. Friday early afternoon ended-up being a great time to go racing (US, EDT). But then I fired-up the game to play again on Saturday...
Sr. =
***** is going on here??? I had a couple missed brake points and caused a ruckus on two separate occasions and a couple unfortunate racing incidents where the person in front/couple cars up lost it and caused a 💩 storm. But knocked down to B? Was shocked as I hadn't checked before closing out the night before given I didn't think I had done anything THAT egregious. Well then, was gonna go racing but now I gotta babysit my Sr. Sorry but that one means a lot to me. I quit watching Dr when it started sucking the fun out of my races. The Sr, though, that I (try to) defend vigorously.
Five races later I was back to S. Then I got knocked back to A almost immediately. All this said, has anyone else noticed the Sr being a bit more sensitive? I didn't think I was driving any differently but I don't typically struggle with Sr this way. I feel something changed and, if it's me, I can work on it. If it's 'them', I first need to figure it out, then I can adapt.😁
Appreciate any insight that can be lent!!