GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I think race A would be alright if the penalty system was decent and it was two laps but what would make it good is having different cars available each week it's in the rotation. Maybe sometimes have all engine swapped cars, occasionally Tomahawk X one make and maybe even one week 0.01 pp Fiat 500s (maybe the last one is just me wanting it).
My DR/SR dropped down with all those hangups ... Even with trying the server connection within each race.

I want to drive with VR all week, but Idk if it´s going to sink my ratings even more if this keep happening.
Even if it's a repeat for the third time, SSRX as Race A is a blast, good fun combo, doesn't take itself seriously 👍. Oval races are always entertaining personally, I used to dabble in those top-speed run lobbies on GT5 and 6, so I'll try to run some Race A's this week.

Would e nice to see the likes of BMB make a return at some point.
I don't understand the appeal of Stage X, do people actually enjoy racing there?
You might say it's a skill issue on my side, but I only race when I see it. I don't have good connection and I am too ashamed of looking like a fool online, so I try to avoid online in every game I play, but SSRX is difficult to bin, so I dare to put my nose out of my den in this case.

Plus, it's super fun as it is a sure strategy race rather than a skill race and I got my first ever sport win there, so it will always have a place in my heart (again, skill issue on my side) and I'm even thinking of entering in Nations Cup just because of it

Dude! Third in world?

Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 10.58.00 AM.png

Race A is stupid but I love it. It's the only race where I can sit on the couch and use controller and where the controller is probably better than the wheel.

Just did one race and was doing well in 3rd with no threat from behind when something happened up front and before I knew it I was doing 360 spins for like a 1/4 mile. Glad this wasn't VR. I probably would have thrown up from the dizziness. :P

Still came 5th. Very entertaining.
Perhaps one race I'll complete it without going backwards 10 times.. :D
Third race I only went backwards once so that's an.. improvement? 🤷‍♂️

This was back on the wheel that does give more control I find but it still doesn't help with the other cars around you. Amazingly I still came 5th. Only because of the mega crash of all mega crashes allowed me to catch up.

EDIT: Side note, for race A at least I've had no glitched races this lunch time.
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I mean
Shorten the track to about 2.5 miles, give it 4 corners instead of two, make it 200 laps long and use cars that are similar to F1 cars and I might enjoy it.
you could do that with BB oval if you want and tune up all the cars with nox and put it on hard difficulty?
I don't understand the appeal of Stage X, do people actually enjoy racing there?
If it was a ranked race it would be horrible. The fact that it is not and it is all about bump drafting in high HP vehicles makes it like a game of Russian Roulette. Knowing that any incident is not going to wipe out your rating, you can try to be strategic in when to boost and when to make a move. It is kind of like track cycling. Not much happens for 90% of the race but the audience is on the edge of their seats for the 10% that may lead to glory or utter carnage.

An analog is an Alfred Hitchcock quote (I believe) for creating tension in movies: "Having diners round a dinner table table talking about baseball for 5 minutes will seem dull and then have a bomb go off. The audience will be shocked. But show the audience the bomb placed under the table, then have the diners talk about baseball for five minute, will create tension as the audience wants to scream at the screen to let the diners know there is a bomb there. They are like, why are you talking? Get out of there!"

I paraphrase that badly but I feel race A is the same. There is tension throughout the race because of the chaos that could ensue. Also it might be relatively dull. But I find that tension a great draw back as I'm always "Will I survive this race and win?" Sometimes yes, but today, so far no.
@Leon Kowalski

Just gonna leave this here... 😂😘


Was trying to avoid the meta but gave it a go. 3 laps, with a few mistakes, and went faster. Will need to put some proper time in Mazda I guess...
I'm going to do all I can in the next few days to avoid the Mazda3. I know the last time this particular race was in the B slot, I could get the Supra into the 1:26s, but the physics have been tweaked since then so we'll see what I can muster before I've got to get back to work for the weekend.

People still can't drive in a straight line from the looks. Got this in part I think because of hitting the boost at the exact moment and catching everyone else off guard.
I'm going to do all I can in the next few days to avoid the Mazda3. I know the last time this particular race was in the B slot, I could get the Supra into the 1:26s, but the physics have been tweaked since then so we'll see what I can muster before I've got to get back to work for the weekend.
Managed to break into the 1:26's after about 7 laps but only had about 20 minutes of game time left today (dinner and all) so hopped into a race, starting in P4. The car felt a bit different on lap 1 lol and got a penalty avoiding someone making a mistake at the corkscrew and I ended up getting all 4 tires past the line and got a 0.5s as a reward for avoiding a collision 😂

Dropped down to 7th but as the tire-wear started on lap 4, I got faster (again, lol) and ended up finishing back in P4 about 4 seconds away from P1.

More tomorrow I guess 😀


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I'm not able to see any leaderboards for qualifying on Race B as I'm stuck at work for a bit yet, is anyone able to shed some light on what cars are attaining something close to the Mazda3? @GrumpyOldMan @TheNormsk @TechnoIsLove
I've only done a few - poor - laps with the Mazda so far. On Global leader board it is mostly Mazda with the odd F-type, Huracán, 650S and GT by Citroën showing up. Also GR Supra, Lancer Evo, Silvia Spec-R , Mustang and even Scirocco make the top 50. I would say if you are good with the others then there's potential.

Otherwise the leaderboard is 90% Mazda3.
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