I figured out some of my 650S performance issues. While short shifting was okay, if I was doing one thing majorly wrong, it was that I was down shifting too much. I needed to keep the car in a gear higher than I thought. Looking at
@TechnoIsLove replay helped me figure that out. With that I chopped .3s off my lap. But then I hit a plateau again. I went back to downshifting to 3rd for turn 1 rather than keeping it in 4th and some other strategic down shifts and I got sub 1:39. But I was still plateauing.
Then I realized I was driving a line like I had learned for the Mazda 3 and chasing my ghost was reinforcing that bad habit as I needed a new line. I loaded up the highest place replay for the 650S from the leaderboard, switched off my ghost and within a few tries I'd taken a second off yesterday's performance. I think the biggest thing was the line abusing track limits at turn 8 and also tweaking entry into turn 10.
So I now have a 1:38.456 and that includes a less than clean first second that has a potential 2 tenths more..
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Not many of you on C this week. Guess it is not popular.