GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Good luck and hope it works!! Some tracks it jives with, others it does not. Most times for me, though, it's likely placebo effect and improvements are simply a by-product of more laps run. Curious to see how you fare, though, as I'll be doing the same. 👍

I gave it a go… can absolutely see why you needed BB+2, but for me I found that there was too much power on understeer, and a loss of low speed rear end grip/traction. Here’s the results with your set up…

And then a similar number of laps my way - stock with BB-3. That last lap was a screamer before I outbraked myself into Casio…

Well I had an eventful 7 races today. Started at 1% DR A, dropped to 92% DR B and closed out at 19% DR A.

I was called "trash" twice. Thanks for the feedback on the one I posted earlier. That was not intentional and in my defense, I was focused on the side by side drag I was in with the other car and was setting myself up to fully commit to the corner with the intention of slotting in behind the car infront, when I suddenly gained on them faster than expected. I guess they slowed down. Instinctively, I sent it in the corner but I did apply some brake so as not to swing out into them. The other option was probably a full punt in the rear as there was no way I would have slowed in time, once I realised that had slowed. I still see it as more of a racing incident as that move happened to me several times during the day and neither time did I wipe out...

Race 1: 8th --> 12th. Split A+/A lobby but I came a cropper on lap 1, when I tapped 7th in turn 2 (they were okay), but 9th past me, then collided with 7th that slowed them down, causing me to punt them and then I went off. No recovery after that. Back to DR B...

Race 2: 2nd --> 3rd. I dropped two spots in the race but was able to make one back. Otherwise a good result.

Race 3: 2nd --> 2nd. This was the race where I was called trash that I posted about earlier. Both 1st and I had a "moment" going off track at spoon (not at the same time) but that allowed 3rd and 4th past us. However we were clearly faster than them, which led to that incident. In the end I finished 0.8s back from 1st. This put me back to 99% DR B.

Race 4: 9th --> 10th. Clearly the game was trying to condition me for DR A lobbies. I was only one of 2 DR Bs in this race.

Gran Turismo® 7_20240102193125.jpg

It turned out to be a good race and got CRB. For most of it I was in 8th, but towards the end I could not fend off the two behind. The 10th spot was awash for points so I stayed in DR B.

Race 5: 5th --> 4th. Good race with no drama. Finally promoted me back to DR A and I laughed to myself wondering how long I'll be here before I'm back in B...

Race 6: 7th --> 3rd. GREAT RACE with a huge DR gain after beating out much higher ranked drivers including 2 DR A+.

Race 7: 6th --> 8th. The last lap was thrilling as i was defending while under pressure from an obvously faster DR A+ driver but I was ultimately dropped when I picked up a .5s penalty at Degner on the last lap. I thought it was a good race until I was called out for being trash for the second time of the night. I was confused, so I asked, "What did I do?". They claimed I pushed them into the grass. Yeah, I'm not sure about that. They are the light blue Porsche.

At the time I did not know anything even happened but I did hear a crash behind me and I wondered was happened. Basically I lose speed on turn 15, and I'm aware the other car is coming so I stay in the middle of the track to defend the next corner and I'm focused on that. It appears they just ran into my rear quarter (I didn't even realize) and then they blamed me...

I stopped there for the night and tried to find more QT time, but I failed. I may be at the limits of what I can do with the M6. Most DR A lobbies I was in were won by GTRs.
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Well I had an eventful 7 races today. Started at 1% DR A, dropped to 92% DR B and closed out at 19% DR A.

I was called "trash" twice. Thanks for the feedback on the one I posted earlier. That was not intentional and in my defense, I was focused on the side by side drag I was in with the other car and was setting myself up to fully commit to the corner with the intention of slotting in behind the car infront, when I suddenly gained on them faster than expected. I guess they slowed down. Instinctively, I sent it in the corner but I did apply some brake so as not to swing out into them. The other option was probably a full punt in the rear as there was no way I would have slowed in time, once I realised that had slowed. I still see it as more of a racing incident as that move happened to me several times during the day and neither time did I wipe out...

Race 1: 8th --> 12th. Split A+/A lobby but I came a cropper on lap 1, when I tapped 7th in turn 2 (they were okay), but 9th past me, then collided with 7th that slowed them down, causing me to punt them and then I went off. No recovery after that. Back to DR B...

Race 2: 2nd --> 3rd. I dropped two spots in the race but was able to make one back. Otherwise a good result.

Race 3: 2nd --> 2nd. This was the race where I was called trash that I posted about earlier. Both 1st and I had a "moment" going off track at spoon (not at the same time) but that allowed 3rd and 4th past us. However we were clearly faster than them, which led to that incident. In the end I finished 0.8s back from 1st. This put me back to 99% DR B.

Race 4: 9th --> 10th. Clearly the game was trying to condition me for DR A lobbies. I was only one of 2 DR Bs in this race.

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It turned out to be a good race and got CRB. For most of it I was in 8th, but towards the end I could not fend off the two behind. The 10th spot was awash for points so I stayed in DR B.

Race 5: 5th --> 4th. Good race with no drama. Finally promoted me back to DR A and I laughed to myself wondering how long I'll be here before I'm back in B...

Race 6: 7th --> 3rd. GREAT RACE with a huge DR gain after beating out much higher ranked drivers including 2 DR A+.

Race 7: 6th --> 8th. The last lap was thrilling as i was defending while under pressure from an obvously faster DR A+ driver but I was ultimately dropped when I picked up a .5s penalty at Degner on the last lap. I thought it was a good race until I was called out for being trash for the second time of the night. I was confused, so I asked, "What did I do?". They claimed I pushed them into the grass. Yeah, I'm not sure about that. They are the light blue Porsche.

At the time I did not know anything even happened but I did hear a crash behind me and I wondered was happened. Basically I lose speed on turn 15, and I'm aware the other car is coming so I stay in the middle of the track to defend the next corner and I'm focused on that. It appears they just ran into my rear quarter (I didn't even realize) and then they blamed me...

I stopped there for the night and tried to find more QT time, but I failed. I may be at the limits of what I can do with the M6. Most DR A lobbies I were in were won by GTRs.

Don’t go side by side on that corner. Especially with the car/tire choice.
You dropped down to like 117mph mid corner. The corner can be and should taken at 140mph +- not worth the fight.
As for the person behind you. You say you went defensive into the corner because you knew he was coming quick. But then you proceeded to start to go wide squeezing them of track in the braking zone.
I got called trash for this move at Suzuka.
You know I love you, but I gotta agree with @ILLEAGLE_34 - this was 100% your fault. Yes, he didn't hug the corner, but you tagged him in the rear panel and caused him to spin out. I hate posting stuff like this, but you asked! :boggled:

EDIT: As for Daily Race B, I'd be having more fun if I could keep my tires off the edge of the track. It is SO admn easy to spin out on this track, it isn't even funny.
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Wow, I've finished 600 races an hour ago, my last one was at Fuji. I despise the last sector of that track after the Dunlop thing. It's a lot of pulling and pushing on the car when making the right-left-right-left-right turn, it's a job trying to control the car and not go offtrack or run into anyone during the race.
I've been having some great results in Race B since I switched from the Nismo to the Mazda RX Vision. I sacrificed some general stability, but the Mazda loves to ride the oversteer, especially exiting Spoon.

So far, just keeping it on the track and out of the barriers has yielded around 5 positions per race. I'm starting around 10th every time, so it's a damn good return. I think I've performed 1 legitimate overtake in about 4 races today :lol:
B is a two fold race:

The race of those that are consistent and fast.

The race of attrition for everyone else.

With this grey area in between where people just have to over take. For some reason they just have to overtake even if it means dropping off the pack they just gotta have that place for one lap....
Don’t go side by side on that corner. Especially with the car/tire choice.
You dropped down to like 117mph mid corner. The corner can be and should taken at 140mph +- not worth the fight.
As for the person behind you. You say you went defensive into the corner because you knew he was coming quick. But then you proceeded to start to go wide squeezing them of track in the braking zone.
I will respectfully disagree this time. It was not my intention to go side by side. In prior races, depending on who had the advantage either I or the other car would back out. In this case, the white Porsche beside me did not, even though I was just ahead by a nose at the turn in point. Knowing this might be calametous, I hit the brakes to try to slide in behind, but we had both already past the point of return. As it happened, we both made it around the bend but I lost a lot of speed as a result, so I definitely came off worse from that.
You know I love you, but I gotta agree with @ILLEAGLE_34 - this was 100% your fault. Yes, he didn't hug the corner, but you tagged him in the rear panel and caused him to spin out. I hate posting stuff like this, but you asked! :boggled:

EDIT: As for Daily Race B, I'd be having more fun if I could keep my tires off the edge of the track. It is SO admn easy to spin out on this track, it isn't even funny.
As for the other car, I disagree that I hit him. He hit me. He could have slowed more, anticipated my actions or just not crashed himself. He had room and lost it. In this screen grab, this is the least amount of room I left as I prepped for the chicane. He had an entire car width. His fault he hit me, his fault he lost it. Not mine.
Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 12.23.46 PM.png

Certainly I did not "push him into the grass" as he claimed.
Can anyone give me some tips on the last section after the Dunlop thing, it is putting a damper on my time meaning that I'm probably losing at least a second during my lap.
I got called trash for this move at Suzuka.

What do you think?

In my comments on the video I wrote:

In my third daily race B of the new year, I slotted past P2 in the last corners of Suzuka and we bumped. I was called trash for this. While the bump is unfortunate, I say they left the door open, it was not a dive bomb as l'd been coming on them down the straight, and I left over half the track for them at the apex. I was able to turn while passing. I think they did not anticipate me so turned in too soon and not maintain the outside line, having lost the spot.

Which ever way you cut it, there was a car in front.

I mean we can debate racing lines blah blah.

At 140mph bend you dived up the inside making contact.

Let's be very very real here in the real world nobody would do these moves.

You aren't trash just a bit of poor decision making.

If the traffic in front is slowing for incidents why do you think you can just go faster? Everyone should be backing off and regrouping ensuring everyone is whole.

I see this stuff and just laugh a little, we wouldn't do this at 30mph but some how there is a gap at 140mph. lol

Just a racing incident and a little bit of place before race thinking.


Also did my first (second) manufacturers cup.

Pole to win. Absolutely proper chuffed.

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Can anyone give me some tips on the last section after the Dunlop thing, it is putting a damper on my time meaning that I'm probably losing at least a second during my lap.
Track limits in the last sector of Fuji are very liberal. Go even lower than you have been.
Turn 13 is pretty important for your lap time.
Brake early enough that you can get your right tires in the green area.
If you get too far to the left, it seems like the turn has negative camber, which will make you have to slow down a lot to get the car turned.
Can anyone give me some tips on the last section after the Dunlop thing, it is putting a damper on my time meaning that I'm probably losing at least a second during my lap.
yeah, take some dynamite and lay some new track down. I think it's the worst sector of racing tarmac in the world.

a real tip might be to flip your TC a notch or two higher as you're breaking for the sharp right immediately after the Dunlop thing, that might give you just enough traction to really hammer the throttle coming out of those bends. You also might want to play around with brake bias if possible. Other than that it's really about making sure that your entry is as stable as it can be so that you can get on throttle pointed as straight as possible.
Track limits in the last sector of Fuji are very liberal. Go even lower than you have been.
Turn 13 is pretty important for your lap time.
Brake early enough that you can get your right tires in the green area.
If you get too far to the left, it seems like the turn has negative camber, which will make you have to slow down a lot to get the car turned.
What is the context?

In the technical section, you can take a huge amount of speed in the to curb at Dunlop with a break and lift line. The two awkward corners are coast through. Break, coast line up and take a higher gear. For the last corner there are 2 fast lines the sweeping wide one or the tight one. Both work. What specifically is the problem?

Are watching the ghosts?
Yeah, I guess I'll have to watch different replays of the best drivers and see what gears and braking points they use. But I've got 3-4 days to do it so I've got plenty of time, I just have to strategically plan my lap and maybe get below 1'50.000 if I can.
I got called trash for this move at Suzuka.

What do you think?

In my comments on the video I wrote:

In my third daily race B of the new year, I slotted past P2 in the last corners of Suzuka and we bumped. I was called trash for this. While the bump is unfortunate, I say they left the door open, it was not a dive bomb as l'd been coming on them down the straight, and I left over half the track for them at the apex. I was able to turn while passing. I think they did not anticipate me so turned in too soon and not maintain the outside line, having lost the spot.

In my opinion, you would normally expect the car in front to move to the outside as he accelerates which would make your move valid. But he didn't for some reason and as you hit him in the rear, it's your fault. I would've waited as I consider that an apology.
Yeah, I guess I'll have to watch different replays of the best drivers and see what gears and braking points they use. But I've got 3-4 days to do it so I've got plenty of time, I just have to strategically plan my lap and maybe get below 1'50.000 if I can.
Wrong thread I think Chris?
In my opinion, you would normally expect the car in front to move to the outside as he accelerates which would make your move valid. But he didn't for some reason and as you hit him in the rear, it's your fault. I would've waited as I consider that an apology.
I think because of the carnage you have this concertina effect where everyone wants to avoid the drama, it causes drama because unsighted or people watching braking points aren't watching the track.

So this imaginary gap appears, with a massive speed differential. My expectation is always that the person is gonna take the racing line and that a wide line is not a slow line, just a different line in most cases. That's where these artificial gaps come from.

I will take a deliberate wide line for one corner to maximise the exit 2 corners down the road.

But in all reality if cars are crashing in front of you, just lift off or brake. You have a constant decision racing with people a good race or having a place....

I enjoy the racing more than the positions. So that's how I race, mostly when I'm not throwing my toys out of the pram and blaming everyone other than myself....:)
I love Fuji, I love the technical section! I spent 2000miles getting the Veyron in to the top 150 globally, so you will damn well love this track, there are no other track just that one!



Yeah it's a bit frustrating to be honest :)
You're right, in order to master the track I have to feel the rhythm of it by testing certain cars on it or look at a pro's guide on Youtube.
You're right, in order to master the track I have to feel the rhythm of it by testing certain cars on it or look at a pro's guide on Youtube.
Nah it's a very fun track if you like it, it's a very awkward track if you don't like it.

It has a flow that is quite awkward in that it's the pace you carry in to sector 1 is the deciding factor, you, me and everyone will drop time in sector 3 (it's the way the deltas work)

But 2 tips is compromise all the slow stuff to maximise all the straight bits. The time you lose being slower in the corners is nothing compared to the straights.

Also lean on coasting if you can, it's faster than over braking but it is a skill.
I love the fact that Suzuka is 5 laps. Way to go PD!

Except... I don't love it right now because I thought I was crossing the finish line to end the race, only to realize there was 1 more lap, and my taking my foot off the gas wasn't the best thing to do right then... :banghead:
I have to pay attention because sometimes that happens to me, I need a bigger TV, my vision is blurry sometimes so I have to get up close to the screen to see the position/lap info. The laps go by quick though because of the action and keeping up with the crowd.