GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I am sick and tired of the whining in this group. 1.25 this, 1.24 that - sickening. Don't you people understand the more you race the more you get your money's worth from the game. Just like golf, the higher the QT the more you can enjoy racing. For those who post a QT of 1.29 or worse I salute you . . . and will see you on the track.

Happy weekend to all!
I was there this time last year. My first race was at RA and it was a disaster.

You’ll get there. Keep at it and the time will come.

We whine because the racing at A+/A is fierce. And we expect better from the races there because they’ve been doing this a long time. We also whine because honestly we’re having fun and there’s nothing like human nature than whining about everything when having fun. We’re just idiots.
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I am sick and tired of the whining in this group. 1.25 this, 1.24 that - sickening. Don't you people understand the more you race the more you get your money's worth from the game. Just like golf, the higher the QT the more you can enjoy racing. For those who post a QT of 1.29 or worse I salute you . . . and will see you on the track.

Happy weekend to all!
I mean I feel like I'm getting my monies worth :)



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I found my way up to DR B after I started in early December. Didn't play much mp up until now because I was mostly finishing SP stuff. Up to that point I was pleasantly surprised how clean the lobbies were. As soon as I hit B 180 turnaround. Rammers everywhere...People will not leave you any space ever and generally driving like they own all the road. Kind of pissed about it case I thought in better lobbies race craft will be better...nope 😂 pepegas everywhere.
Just checked out my stats, GT7 631h.

Around 8% races ended up with a win and proud of 50% races ending in top 5 finishes!

Think I have just less hours put into GTS as I was late to playing that one in sport mode, I accumulated those since GT7 came out.


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Surprisingly, I changed my engine oil and my Veyron suddenly found some mojo. I know it’s not supposed to work like that for BoP events so 🤷🏼‍♂️
I believe dirty oil affects qualifying if you're not waiting for a lobby - in other words, when you go straight into qualifying, and do not "enter the race". I know some people don't agree, but my experience says they're wrong.

EDIT: By the way, you suck. :lol:
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Bit harsh this reaction I thought!
Didn't see much wrong with my original overtake but please let me know if I'm wrong.

That penalty wasn't from the contact made in the overtake though - it because you cut the corner. The overtake itself, it's 50/50 as you were getting to the corner first but he had the apex and turned into you, instead of leaving space. Good thing is you both slowed down to not purposefully hit one another. That's my opinion :)

On a related note, I just had an entire race with those 50/ 50 incidents. Bit of a back story, the race just before this one was with drivers from the same lobby and they went hard into me. Plenty of times and about 5 different people. Ended up from P6 to finishing in P11.

So for this race, I decided to not fall to their scummy level but I did keep my elbows out! Tried to give space where I could but didn't hold back and it got me a clean race, +3 positions to finish in P3 and fastest lap as well :) Not my style of racing but I feel like I was hard but also fair.

Happy to hear opinions :)

Bit harsh this reaction I thought!
Didn't see much wrong with my original overtake but please let me know if I'm wrong.

Errrr ummm

Unless something happened earlier it looks like a straight forward overtake. The tiniest bit of contact but that's literally racing and just two people driving closely.

The reaction was just a petulant child like one on his part.
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Bit harsh this reaction I thought!
Didn't see much wrong with my original overtake but please let me know if I'm wrong.

Well apart from the reaction that i didagree with.
About the overtake you clearly did not keep a line that give him space and force him to slow down or you will have been thrown out of the track , while him at the same time did not try to close and let you enough place to try your overtake.
So it is my feeling about it watching the image and i'm pretty sure i did the same more than once.
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Well apart from the reaction that i didagree with.
About the overtake you clearly did not keep a line that give him space and force him to slow down or you will have been thrown out of the track , while him at the same time did not try to close and let you enough place to try your overtake.
So it is my feeling about it watching the image and i'm pretty sure i did the same more than once.
Mercia is in the Alfa.....

There was more than enough room. That is how overtakes happen. Someone takes a different line.

The exit line of both cars is fine and both exit and continue in the direction they were going. No running wide of anyone, just less traction on the curb for the Mazda especially as the diff would have been working overtime at this point.

There is a broader question in terms of race position in that the Mazda had a penalty so could have hung back. I haven't used the 155 here but I'm guessing the sensible move is to be ahead of the Mazda before it serves its penalty.
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Mercia is in the Alfa.....
Yes i know and he did not give a chance to the car he passed to let them both go out if this one had not lift power a bit .
So as i said it is my point of view and i often did give pos back after such a move .

I almost always go to watch my replay when i had contact to check if i did not earlier did something wrong that could explain later contact as @Mercia did.
And as the game give us the possibility i use also other driver view to get better understanding of the situation.

Now in the end the worst move was not from @Mercia clearly.
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Let's talk about giving up positions.

Firstly, if you out brake yourself and send someone flying yes, give back/up positions.

If you run someone wide with zealous exit that pushes a driver wide, yes.

If you are racing and a few taps here and there. No. That is racing. The above are Mario kart. Work on closing the skill gap.

Let me post 2 vids from today, unedited all from my perspective in one I tried to give the position back in the other I didn't.

Have a look and tell me what you think. I rarely post full durations of my races but here ya go.

Race 1: great over takes with a jag driven exceptionally well. This was probably one of my most enjoyable races ever on GT in 25 years.

Gran Turismo 7_20240127160225

TL;DW last lap, last corner

Next we have a race I enjoyed fighting in and the race before I clipped him so waited and we got home 5/6.

But I didn't appreciate this move, it was the 4th time in the race he'd done it. I get why, because you need to be in front of the Mazda when you are in a handling car just smarted a bit. But you guys tell me.

Bit harsh this reaction I thought!
Didn't see much wrong with my original overtake but please let me know if I'm wrong.

That was awful, nothing you did mate!

Added another 3 wins today, my 1.24.6 had me starting mostly 3-5 but there was good competition out there today and not much ramming

Role on the Glen next weeks when our US friends can show us how it’s done

Edit: Mmm 1.25.6 I mean


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Role on the Glen next weeks when our US friends can show us how it’s done
I mean, no offence to my American friends (being half American myself) I'd really rather they didn't role on me and "show me how it's done"

*my name is Glen ;)


@GrumpyOldMan im B/S ability.

Also full transparency this was my alt account. And obviously these guys as well as the pace and driving was largely exceptional apart from dive bomber lancer who liked to go slower than you'd expect.
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I have missed the banter with all of you during my absence. Unfortunately, Race B at Road Atlanta is basically a barge-fest with pointy elbows ruled by a single make that is clumsy but so overpowered on the straits that it renders any other car irrelevant.

The funny thing is, this was my reaction nearly a year ago when the Supra was the op Gr3 car, and I quit racing because every week became the same race over and over again. It’s happening again right now, this week with Gr4, but I’m about to quit racing again because it’s a snore. Still!

I had hoped that a “Spec II” update, or a BoP update might be enough to make the game interesting again. Nope. Race A this week has been fun, but it got old fast.

There just isn’t enough interesting stuff to do other than TT. Why do they save the interesting races only for single day events for the World Series? Couldn’t they copy and paste these to weeklies once they’ve been run? Remember how challenging the Human Comedy missions were, but then they weren’t repeatable? Why can’t those become weeklies? ANYTHING different would be enough right now. It’s as if PD is punishing us for being stupidly loyal to a game. I’m giving it one more week before I pull the plug again. This is just ridiculous.

Rant over

What you said to me yesterday stuck with me - I thank you for the life lesson and I feel that I have grown a lot as a person.


And with my lesson being learned, decorum absorbed, I just will politely, humbly and with the utmost of respect, invite you to ever so kindly, please take a look at the screenshot I have below, with my 2nd account being highlighted in red for your convenience and admiration.


Many thanks and may you always remain an inspiration to myself and I am sure, also to many others. My bleedings fingers thank you as well. ❤️

Also had an "interesting" race, starting in P2 and having to deal with multiple brake-checks from leader as well as hits and punts from P3 behind me. Was faster than both, just could not get past to take lead since the Mazda is so over-powered on the downhill straight.... Managed to at least hold my starting postion.

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@GrumpyOldMan im B/S ability.
I guess that means I'm A/S ability, since I've been there since Wednesday. :lol: What it actually means is that I drive the Mazda better than other cars, even though I hate it.
Unfortunately, Race B at Road Atlanta is basically a barge-fest with pointy elbows ruled by a single make that is clumsy but so overpowered on the straits that it renders any other car irrelevant.
The Mazda is certainly the meta, but the Jag does really well also - it is by no means irrelevant. As for elbows, other than a race I had a few races ago, these have been the cleanest races I've seen in a long time, albeit with a lot of paint scraping, but almost all of it has been no harm, no foul. So I would say that it may be a barge-fest, but the elbows aren't all that pointy. ;)

Let me just add, and I'm not commenting on your driving, but some of the races I've done have been during times when I wasn't driving my best by any means, and when that happened, I got eaten up by the guys behind me. But I feel like I deserved it, because I just plain sucked. I would have run up my butt if I were them. Um, er, you know what I mean.
It's amazing the impact time of day can have on the quality of racing...

Jumped in last evening (9:00 PM, EST) for a couple of races. I'm sitting at mid-25's and that has me starting 11 - 16th in A/A+ lobbies. Was kinda looking forward to it as I'd have been more than happy to pick up a couple spots and move on. My driving was crap, their driving was crap, a crap time was had. Ran three and called it a night.

This morning (9:00 AM, EST) was a whole different barrel-o-monkeys. Sans one race where P4 decided to destroy everyone else's race, the driving was good. On their part, that is, mine still sucked. Starting P4 - 7 was a bonus and made for some better races. The Bug' is surprisingly nimble around RA and the AWD is a nice advantage to have. Finally finished one blue on DR and bailed. 🤣

It seems having one or two Mazdas on the track isn't's the swarm that's insurmountable.😁

It's amazing the impact time of day can have on the quality


You’re spot on, I got on early yesterday and it was good racing and clean, come back late on in the pm and it’s far more aggressive,

@Bullwinkle don’t lose faith in the racing sure it’ll be great at the glen next week, should be gr3 I guess! Maybe sit out a week or two if it doesn’t suit you, I had the same recently but RA got me hooked back in
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I'm putting together the next update for Daily Race qualification participation, but there are some recent records that have been set that I think are interesting:

  • Last week's Daily Race B (Gr.3 at Laguna, 75.0k) has more qualification times set than any other daily race I have tracked since I started recording the numbers in Feb 2023.
  • This week's Daily Race B (Gr.4 at Road Atlanta, 73.6k) already has more qualification times set than any other non-Gr.3 daily race I've tracked (and could even surpass the overall record tonight!)...
  • ..taking the non-Gr.3 record that was only set two weeks ago by that week's Daily B (Gr.4 at Seaside, 68.9k). In addition, the full set of dailies for the week of 8/1/24 are the highest qualification numbers I've seen for the three races combined at 155k.
The TL;DR is the player base seems to be as healthy as it's ever been.
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I'm putting together the next update for Daily Race qualification participation, but there are some recent records that have been set that I think are interesting:

  • Last week's Daily Race B (Gr.3 at Laguna, 75.0k) has more qualification times set than any other daily race I have tracked since I started recording the numbers in Feb 2023.
  • This week's Daily Race B (Gr.4 at Road Atlanta, 73.6k) already has more qualification times set than any other non-Gr.3 daily race I've tracked (and could even surpass the overall record tonight!)...
  • ..taking the non-Gr.3 record that was only set two weeks ago by that week's Daily B (Gr.4 at Seaside, 68.9k). In addition, the full set of dailies for the week of 8/1/24 are the highest qualification numbers I've seen for the three races combined at 122k.
The TL;DR is the player base seems to be as healthy as it's ever been.
I'd love to see the distributions of the player base for daily B last week (Laguna) and this week (RA) in both weeks it has been really tight in the A/B levels.

Ignoring the wider spread in B it would be seriously interesting to know what influx of players vs returning players.

Really great work.
I'm putting together the next update for Daily Race qualification participation, but there are some recent records that have been set that I think are interesting:

  • Last week's Daily Race B (Gr.3 at Laguna, 75.0k) has more qualification times set than any other daily race I have tracked since I started recording the numbers in Feb 2023.
  • This week's Daily Race B (Gr.4 at Road Atlanta, 73.6k) already has more qualification times set than any other non-Gr.3 daily race I've tracked (and could even surpass the overall record tonight!)...
  • ..taking the non-Gr.3 record that was only set two weeks ago by that week's Daily B (Gr.4 at Seaside, 68.9k). In addition, the full set of dailies for the week of 8/1/24 are the highest qualification numbers I've seen for the three races combined at 155k.
The TL;DR is the player base seems to be as healthy as it's ever been.
Are these unique player qualifications or qualification attempts?
I'd love to see the distributions of the player base for daily B last week (Laguna) and this week (RA) in both weeks it has been really tight in the A/B levels.

Ignoring the wider spread in B it would be seriously interesting to know what influx of players vs returning players.

Really great work.
Presently, i think we’re riding a joint bounce from netflix and xmas. The quick knucklehead population is still strong in lower levels. Personally, the 💩 updates are a product of the bean counters looking at metrica and telling pd they don’t need to provide a worthwhile update to bump the population. Yet…

Its a dumb philosophy which destroys brands, but the bean counters have too much pull these days.
Presently, i think we’re riding a joint bounce from netflix and xmas. The quick knucklehead population is still strong in lower levels. Personally, the 💩 updates are a product of the bean counters looking at metrica and telling pd they don’t need to provide a worthwhile update to bump the population. Yet…

Its a dumb philosophy which destroys brands, but the bean counters have too much pull these days.
I think you are right, hence wondering about the numbers.

The race choices and update content feels a little off.

Especially tracks, just the timing of them or not the timing the sequence. Just feels a bit off.

Lake Louise and the jimny perfect pre xmas together.

The wanky rally cross track at Braca, these are not catering for anyone.

You'd have to dig really really deep and far to find fans of the game so drawn to it for rally...and that they were an under supported part of the community.