GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Ewww, racing on wireless?
Some people can't get fancy setups depending on where the router has to be relative to the console. And indeed if you are renting then there is less you can do about it than if it was your own home. Still WiFi has seen a lot of improvement in coverage of the house and bandwidth. So nowadays there should be very little issues, with any being the exception rather than the rule.
Can somebody please explain why there's are no Group 1 daily races anymore? Always only Group 3 or 4 or 2 or something. No Group 1. I'm sad. Back in the days with Gran Tourismo Sport there have been regular Group 1 daily races.....
They'll be back at some point. We just need PD to be a little more brave.
Some people can't get fancy setups depending on where the router has to be relative to the console.
A 400mm masonry bit is £6. And a 100m box of Cat 6 (5e is better for tight radius corners, but I can't resist the shiny!) is about £20. :lol:
Just tried race C (all A/S lobby), and it was me in an NSX in 12th along with 15 CLKs ☹️

I was getting held up by them in the first half then getting overtaken on the start finish straight. I soon ended up last, but managed to finish 12th by jumping a few in the pits.

A shame about the CLKs, as otherwise it could be a very tight race with several different options.

I've not tried racing B yet as I need to brush up on WG, and not use the BMW.

Made a livery for A
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Just got promoted to DR A after an overall great performance at Nation Cup/Manufacturer cup season but also thanks to last week Road Atlanta using the beloved Mazda3: I had the closest, most fun bumper to bumper races ever against some Ferraris, Jag but mainly other Mazdas.

As stated in other posts, time of day has an incidence on the quality of the lobbies, The early Saturday/Sunday morning was for me the most valuable in term of being matched with higher rated drivers, even DR A. This is where I gained the most DR. Qtime of 1.25.369 was good enough for mid pack starts and I would gain a few positions with few DR A finishing behind.

So I had exciting fun clean races in the DR B lobbies, can I expect even more of this in DR A?

always interesting to read the posts here...
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Just got promoted to DR A after an overall great performance at Nation Cup/Manufacturer cup season but also thanks to last week Road Atlanta using the beloved Mazda3: I had the closest, most fun bumper to bumper races ever against some Ferraris, Jag but mainly other Mazdas.

As stated in other posts, time of day has an incidence on the quality of the lobbies, The early Saturday/Sunday morning was for me the most valuable in term of being matched with higher rated drivers, even DR A. This is where I gained the most DR. Qtime of 1.25.369 was good enough for mid pack starts and I would gain a few positions with few DR A finishing behind.

So I had exciting fun clean races in the DR B lobbies, can I expect even more of this in DR A?

always interesting to read the posts here...
Well done.

You may find that there is quite a jump in QT and competitive driving between DR B and DR A. You would think it would be more gradual but DR B lobbies where you might be in the top 3 will suddenly find yourself in the mid to lower-half pack in DR A. Keep with it though and don't be discouraged if you bounce from A to B to A again.
Just got promoted to DR A after an overall great performance at Nation Cup/Manufacturer cup season but also thanks to last week Road Atlanta using the beloved Mazda3: I had the closest, most fun bumper to bumper races ever against some Ferraris, Jag but mainly other Mazdas.

As stated in other posts, time of day has an incidence on the quality of the lobbies, The early Saturday/Sunday morning was for me the most valuable in term of being matched with higher rated drivers, even DR A. This is where I gained the most DR. Qtime of 1.25.369 was good enough for mid pack starts and I would gain a few positions with few DR A finishing behind.

So I had exciting fun clean races in the DR B lobbies, can I expect even more of this in DR A?

always interesting to read the posts here...
Excellent work and congratulations!

I think @Barney Da Dog nailed it with this: "...don't be discouraged if you bounce from A to B to A again." Getting discouraged leads to frustration. Frustration leads to bad choices. But, I'm no psychologist, just a (retired) bartender, so take it for what it's worth.😁

IMHO, the entry A lobbies are loaded with drivers that are exceptionally hungry to hold on to that A, which leads to aggressive moves/driving. No malice, just competitive. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.🤣


EDIT: LOL, givin' credit to the wrong peeps...sorry about that @TheNormsk 😇
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Gonna admit this early as I don't mind acknowledging my failures 🤣 Congrats to @Nebuc72 @newmedia_dev @TheNormsk and everyone else who will demolish my time at Watkins Glen this week!

I know I can improve but it won't be anywhere good enough to be remotely close to the times you already managed!
I'm right there with you, and congrats to everyone ahead of me on my leaderboard, which right now is 11 of you. Although I have the feeling I'm "this close" to breaking through, it hasn't happened yet. Right now the RX Vision is the car of choice for me. I can't get the metas to cooperate, although the sound of the M6 is what dreams are made of, as far as I'm concerned.
Another week where one of my favorite tracks is on the menu in Watkins Glen. I've only done laps in the Porsche, in the Rexy livery of course, and have a time of 1:45.6XX. The bus stop is still giving me trouble as I can't get the entry angle correct on a regular basis. I'll try some more cars tomorrow, but I think I'll stick with the Porsche.
@TheNormsk @mellofello9
Thanks for the advices.
My first thought when I got the A was "Let's hold on to this until the next Nation Cup"
I really want to try the GT1 league, very exciting.
I know I won't be able to hold and dive into the daily race later this week. I will be one of those hungry to keep its place...
Already sounds fun, "Drive to survive.".
@TheNormsk @mellofello9
Thanks for the advices.
My first thought when I got the A was "Let's hold on to this until the next Nation Cup"
I really want to try the GT1 league, very exciting.
I know I won't be able to hold and dive into the daily race later this week. I will be one of those hungry to keep its place...
Already sounds fun, "Drive to survive.".

GT1 is a great experience so if you’re on the bubble as the next season is announced I’d be conservative to not drop to B before signing up. Afterwards is fine as you can still race GT1 as a B if you’re bouncing back and forth after signing up. Ask me how I know 😉

The race length and typically clean racing in GT1 makes it a great experience from the GT2 leagues where hungry still thrives.

This point of view is from a middle A racer so not on the border but not in the hunt for top levels either.
Congrats on your achievement and hope you get in the GT1 group for the next season.

GL in dailies this week!
I'm bummed Race A isn't tied to DR and SR. Nothing but repeated clean last-to-first wins as PD forces me to sandbag DR D.

I've been going through a dirt oval racing phase and playing a lot of Outlaw racing. It turns out those skills are custom-made for turn 1 at the lake. High line for the win.
Let's see if I can get my time down under 1'50.000 at WG. I do feel like I'm losing time at the sweepers and then the section after you see the Coca-Cola billboard. Then Sector 3 can pack a punch in my time as well. So, what cars are you all using? And which ones give you all the boxes that are checked? (pros/cons)

Just tried race C (all A/S lobby), and it was me in an NSX in 12th along with 15 CLKs ☹️

I was getting held up by them in the first half then getting overtaken on the start finish straight. I soon ended up last, but managed to finish 12th by jumping a few in the pits.

A shame about the CLKs, as otherwise it could be a very tight race with several different options.

I've not tried racing B yet as I need to brush up on WG, and not use the BMW.

Made a livery for A View attachment 1323741
That is a neat looking livery you made!!

I'm right there with you, and congrats to everyone ahead of me on my leaderboard, which right now is 11 of you. Although I have the feeling I'm "this close" to breaking through, it hasn't happened yet. Right now the RX Vision is the car of choice for me. I can't get the metas to cooperate, although the sound of the M6 is what dreams are made of, as far as I'm concerned.
The RX vision? I'm using the R.S.01 GT3, it gave me my best lap so far at WG, I'd like to dig deeper and cut my time down even more.
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I regret qualifying for Race B. I did a lot of races without a time and had good fun starting from the back. Now that I am starting more in the middle it's a absolute **** show. People only see the car in front of them and nothing else it seems. If you don't want to force the issue with the guys fighting in front of you, the guy behind you definitely will.
I'm still hoping that someone on PD read this thread.

In order to avoid another boring Daily C week (one make race), the person/persons who set the week races could, at least,
remove some grip and/or set more tyre wear to the CLK. No need to have a big IQ to think a bit about it.
It seems that, who sets the races, don't even try or test what is going to happen.

Setting this kind of race on a track with two big sections, which can be made at full throttle and where a car can achieve
more +20km/12miles of top speed, is an invitation for the car choice. At least for those who, the main concern is to see
the world's top 10 list and pick the fast one. Ridiculous!

My personal choice is never drive the fastest car on that list and change car every race. But I play for fun.

Anyway, rant over.

Have fun and a nice day.
I'm still hoping that someone on PD read this thread.

In order to avoid another boring Daily C week (one make race), the person/persons who set the week races could, at least,
remove some grip and/or set more tyre wear to the CLK. No need to have a big IQ to think a bit about it.
It seems that, who sets the races, don't even try or test what is going to happen.

Setting this kind of race on a track with two big sections, which can be made at full throttle and where a car can achieve
more +20km/12miles of top speed, is an invitation for the car choice. At least for those who, the main concern is to see
the world's top 10 list and pick the fast one. Ridiculous!

My personal choice is never drive the fastest car on that list and change car every race. But I play for fun.

Anyway, rant over.

Have fun and a nice day.
Completely agree - I love Gr2 but don't like racing whatever the meta car is in any group. But there's no hope of a decent race result in anything else this week (most annoying as I was setting purples in the first half of the lap on 10 lap old tyres) Wish they'd just delete the CLK this week
Speaking of being anti-meta, another observation from last week around the time of day component...

In the earlier races I was running at RA, it was a WAY more varied field. In the 5 or so races I did early Sunday, they were littered with just about everything. Mclaren, Jag, Mazda, Renault, Bugatti, Nissan, was awesome. Evenings were 50 - 90% Mazda lobbies that look like a sponsored Cup series. Curious if folks are noticing the same thing in their lobbies, too.
Well, I was right - I was just about ready to break through on my QT. I cut more than 4 tenths off my QT at WG:


I may be 10th on my leaderboard, but at least I'm in front of @TheNormsk and @TechnoIsLove! For about an hour, I'm sure.

I'm using the R.S.01 GT3, it gave me my best lap so far at WG,
I used the R.S.01 previously, but it's too slow in the straights for use in a race. At least, that was my experience.
The RX vision?
Yeah, The Mazda RX-Vision. I'm using TCS 2, which I really only "need" for a couple of corners. I'm sure I could get away with TCS 1 or 0, but in races, I tend to have a lead foot, so I'd rather finish the race a tad slower than end it in flames and profanity.




It's too bad I have absolutely no eye for decent picture composition, because it really is gorgeous.


These might show it better:


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I'm still hoping that someone on PD read this thread.

In order to avoid another boring Daily C week (one make race), the person/persons who set the week races could, at least,
remove some grip and/or set more tyre wear to the CLK. No need to have a big IQ to think a bit about it.
It seems that, who sets the races, don't even try or test what is going to happen.

Setting this kind of race on a track with two big sections, which can be made at full throttle and where a car can achieve
more +20km/12miles of top speed, is an invitation for the car choice. At least for those who, the main concern is to see
the world's top 10 list and pick the fast one. Ridiculous!

My personal choice is never drive the fastest car on that list and change car every race. But I play for fun.

Anyway, rant over.

Have fun and a nice day.
I have to disagree.
Could it be a better race? Yes.
Banning the meta (CLK) and allowing multiple competitive choices should improve the experience.

However, I dont think this is a boring race despite being a one-make race.

I did 3 races so far and all of them were superb.
I also saw american servers really stacked in top lobbies at a night time when this is not the usual.
This is a clear indicator to me that this is going to be a really good week for racing daily C.


I also saw very good sportmanship during those races.
People passing clean or returning the place when making contact.

This clip shows an excess of sportmanship with someone killing other driver and waiting for him... but parking in the middle of the track.
Please dont do that, You can cause even more chaos!

Well, I was right - I was just about ready to break through on my QT. I cut more than 4 tenths off my QT at WG:

View attachment 1323881

I may be 10th on my leaderboard, but at least I'm in front of @TheNormsk and @TechnoIsLove! For about an hour, I'm sure.
Nice improvement. I didn’t have much time so I only managed to jump on just to do a handful of laps just to get an initial time.

That said, WG is not one of my better tracks so I may not improve all that much, perhaps a few tenths.

How does your time put you in the A starting grids?
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Have to agree. Really like most things about C including the length as it seems to encourage good driving and sportsmanship. While I also am usually in the anti meta camp, the merc never feels competitive, and its such a great old beast on soft tires. So, for a week, its just fine.
it's a shame they didn't use custom balanced cars for C, so you could have run it like a classic race eg the XJ, 962 R92, 787, etc especially with fuel thrown in to the mix.

The CLK feels out of place as a Gr 2 car to me.

Just did my first daily race B of the day. I use the term race very lightly.

It was like a bar room brawl rather than a race. People murdered at very corner. Giving 1 inch of space was like saying "come on through in your 8 foot wide battering ram"

No one in the top 5 finished in the top 5, and the amount of yellow flag warnings was like being back in a early 90s rave.

Just carnage utter carnage.
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it's a shame they didn't use custom balanced cars for C, so you could have run it like a classic race eg the XJ, 962 R92, 787, etc especially with fuel thrown in to the mix.

The CLK feels out of place as a Gr 2 car to me.
Philosophically, completely agree and would like to see more race weeks defined by criteria similar to what you’ve said. This week though, i’ve got soft tires, a great old car, and a race long enough that it doesn’t encourage people to pit me in the middle of the long straights.

Happy to take what i can get presently!
it's a shame they didn't use custom balanced cars for C, so you could have run it like a classic race eg the XJ, 962 R92, 787, etc especially with fuel thrown in to the mix.

The CLK feels out of place as a Gr 2 car to me.

Just did my first daily race B of the day. I use the term race very lightly.

It was like a bar room brawl rather than a race. People murdered at very corner. Giving 1 inch of space was like saying "come on through in your 8 foot wide battering ram"

No one in the top 5 finished in the top 5, and the amount of yellow flag warnings was like being back in a early 90s rave.

Just carnage utter carnage.

Yep, did a race a lunch and got shafted into the chicane by a Ferrari who I guess used me to assist his braking

So finished p13 again,

Not much fun