GTP NASCAR Sprint Cup S4 Champs: Akmuq, Hendrick, Chevrolet

  • Thread starter Niop
Why do we race here 3 times a season? All the HMS cars got wrecked by other people's bs and there's nothing you can do about it because it's a 30km straight line; what're you gonna do? Put rockets on the back of my #24? I get tagged once in turn 4 and I'm done for the day, stupid.
Oh the irony in Trucks race being cleaner than this...

Lag is unavoidable. Carbonox you cannot blame me for that.
Laggy room + impatient drivers pushing hard = wreckfest. Glad I was able to catch up and get ahead of the 2nd big one. Pushed drop to the win.
That's really not fun. I feel like I'm wasting my time here.
The past SSRX races were never as bad as this. Hopefully we learn from these mistakes and not make them in the Grand slam race.

EDIT: omg the replay is skipping every 4000 meters rather then an entire lap!!!!
The past SSRX races were never as bad as this. Hopefully we learn from these mistakes and not make them in the Grand slam race.

The 600 is 32 laps of saving fuel. This was a sprint race. just had to save half a lap of gas and that was it.

No way the 600 is as bad as this.
Agreed. Bloody annoying though, I get screwed over again and again... Anyhow, congrats to Drop and Akmuq for a fine fighting drive.

There is no issue with 3 races, its general impatience and lag.
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Ok so the first wreck, there was a lot of things going on in turns 3-4. Aggresive bumping, 3-wides. Few people got loose managed but managed to save. But what basically happened was Tom decided to go down a lane when he really wasn't clear and got into MULE's front end and led to all but three cars getting wrecked.

The wreck between Furi and Knelly, from what I see, Knelly just got underneath him. Furi was getting pushed around a bit on the entry of turn 3. It looked like Knelly was going to give Furi a push but Furi was still swerving very little and Knelly just tapped his side and they were both gone.

The wreck between me and Litchi which took out Niop, ACDC, and a few others happened on turn 1-2. I had a run going and went to pass Litchi on the outside, so we went 3-wide with someone under Litchi and me on the outside. That someone knocked Litchi around a little just as I was about to pass clear of Litchi, so as he got knocked, he clipped my rear end and I was gone and took a couple guys with me. I spun out infront of Litchi but he went through unscaved and went on to finish third.

My car is pretty loose as I'm sure all of your cars are. It just makes me run a lot faster. With these loose cars, there is very little room for error. These setups can make smallest nudge take out 10 cars. But what causes most wrecks are lag bumps and aggresive bumping into the turns. Three bumping into the turn is dangerous with these loose setups.
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From what I can see and remember, Joe washed up a bit into me which caused me to go go high, I corrected myself but by the time that had happened Mule had his nose in front of my quarter panel in the low/middle lane.

Not much I could have done.
All I remember was Tom spinning in front of me. I didn't think I had touched him until after he started spinning.
All I remember was Tom spinning in front of me. I didn't think I had touched him until after he started spinning.

You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time by a couple of feet, I was recovering from the side bump Joe gave me which was probably an accident as well.
And also the wreck on lap 7 on the backstretch involving Carbon and Joe and Furi, I think that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a while. Joe was the third car in a 4 car push, as Joe was pushing minding his own buisness when the craziest lap bump ever from Joe was given to Carbon but Mudd was infront of him so that momentum from the lag bump was given to Mudd who went up to about 280MPH. But that crazy amount of force given to Carbon caused him to crash very violently on the straight. I'm still laughing just imagining how Carb reacted when he was driving minding his own buisness and suddenly his car just exploded and Mudd goes all the way up to 280 MPH.
This happened a few times with Joe who was gettin very insane lag bumps. On the last lap in the battle for 5th position, Joe was pushing me and Matty was pushing Joe. So as we were pushing and everything was normal, Joe get bumped from Matty to up to 250MPH and flew right by me even though I was right behind him.

This was definitely one of the oddest races I've ever seen.
End of lap I did same to Joe :lol:

Omg I just saw that, someone needs to get a picture of that, it literally read 357 MPH for a second.

I mean honestly what is that, Furi get bumped up so fast he catches the car ahead of him and you get engine damaged. The problems of this race was 99% due to lag.
Omg I just saw that, someone needs to get a picture of that, it literally read 357 MPH for second.

I mean honestly what is that, Furi get bumped up so fast he catches the car ahead of him and you get engine damaged. The problems of this race were 99% due to lag.

I think my rep as a solid pusher was done no harm though :lol:
And also the wreck on lap 7 on the backstretch involving Carbon and Joe and Furi, I think that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a while. Joe was the third car in a 4 car push, as Joe was pushing minding his own buisness when the craziest lap bump ever from Joe was given to Carbon but Mudd was infront of him so that momentum from the lag bump was given to Mudd who went up to about 280MPH. But that crazy amount of force given to Carbon caused him to crash very violently on the straight. I'm still laughing just imagining how Carb reacted when he was driving minding his own buisness and suddenly his car just exploded and Mudd goes all the way up to 280 MPH.
This happened a few times with Joe who was gettin very insane lag bumps. On the last lap in the battle for 5th position, Joe was pushing me and Matty was pushing Joe. So as we were pushing and everything was normal, Joe get bumped from Matty to up to 250MPH and flew right by me even though I was right behind him.

This was definitely one of the oddest races I've ever seen.

I don't know if I should be glad or something that at least someone found that amusing.........
Opening a full power dirty Daytona room. Come take out your frustrations.
If I have time I'll join later.

With my new alternate account ;)
I'd kill you all as I was probably the angriest driver after that race, but it's getting late for that. 'Nother time.
As for SPRINTS guys, I can't think of anything that would constitute as worthy consideration from this race.

If anyone has anything though, post it.

^What? At least I can push people forward rather than instantly spinning them...

Oh well, at least I led a lap :)

@Sprints. Tom fast becoming unluckiest driver. Again.
As for SPRINTS guys, I can't think of anything that would constitute as worthy consideration from this race.

If anyone has anything though, post it.

Well, you can always nominate me for unluckiest guy of the season.

I doubt this is the last time something this bad happens.
Carb was unluckiest driver here. Cruising down the straight just to have your car get instantly destroyed right infront of you for something that could not have been prevented is pretty unlucky :scared:
I mean did anyone else see that? I'm sorry to laugh at you Carb but that was just unbelievable what happened.
^What? At least I can push people forward rather than instantly spinning them...

Oh well, at least I led a lap :)

@Sprints. Tom fast becoming unluckiest driver. Again.

Come back to me when you can hold a line on an oval Furi. Just saying
Come back to me when you can hold a line on an oval Furi. Just saying

Do the same when you learn the word "patience" and "letting off" :)

Now i'm going to get a stream and watch some Bristol Sprint Cup action. Night all.
Oh okay. I moved up half a lane to accommodate Litchi who was driving under me, while Tom came down about a little bit too much after getting hit by Joe. Don't think that was anyone's fault.
Mule got wrecked, he came second, Litchi got wrecked, he came 3rd, I got wrecked, I was 4th. Had we not worked together after the wreck, with RPH, we would have all had crappy finishes, you need to work with what you've got, not moan like hell.

Although I did get lucky in the final wreck, I just about dived under, and barely had the draft, took me like 3 kilometer's to catch up again.:P