GTP vs. Wham - Last Year's Thread

  • Thread starter Daniel
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Im playing with fire. Made a necessary trip to the mall to replace my macbook charger. forgot headphones. made it out without hearing the forbidden song.
I'm playing with fire and water.
I took a little portable radio into the shower, switched it on to the Christmas channel and listened while steaming in there. I was screaming, too.
Don't think I got whammed.

I shut it off soon as I finished showering.

I'm beginning to feel more like Bond. Really living dangerously.
My car got Whammed, but that was by another car, and I wasn't near it.

Getting in the rental car the radio came on, set to some station playing Christmas music. Turned it off immediately and drove home in silence. Got the Bluetooth hooked up on my phone before I turned the ignition off.
I'm truly afraid of the mass Whammicides, that may occour. Other than that should be smooth sailing, as it was last year.
If I decide to join Fun Runs this weekend with Angel's PS3, then oh definitely. But I don't want to lose brain cells in exchange. It's containable.

My lack of PS3 will keep me safe.

A friend of mine sang Last Christmas.

I don't think I can befriend her anymore.

How can you be sure she's heard the original, and not just a cover?
Made a trip to a Hallmark inside a mall to get a small gift for my best girl friend since she's moving far away and I thought I would've gotten the Wham! hammer but I didn't. Not that I'd really care under the circumstances though.
The Christmas decorations have gone-up at work, it seems every new day the 'Holiday-spirit' gets stronger. :nervous:

I think I'll be Ok so long as I avoid various radio stations.
I'm most likely to get Whammed at my local shopping centre and on TV, so I better watch out. I much prefer Get Me up Before You Go Go
That....that's cold.

@KuniKino****a I do not envy your position. Somehow I sense revenge will be swift and possibly brutal or painful.
If it's "swift" then you got off lucky and didn't get Whammed :dopey: :lol:
Quick get me Radio-2's request line, stat.

If you really want to then between 9:10-9:40 and 6:10-6:45 is when I get a lift to work and the guy loves Radio 2. I swear it's just all Chris Evans though....
Was in the living room, browsing through the web. An advert for a CD featuring "the best Christmas songs" appeared on TV (my mother watched TV). I quickly ran away, thank god the first song that played wasn't Last :censored:mas. For my safety, I covered my ears so I couldn't hear a thing. After about 15 seconds, I returned to the living room, the advert was over. I thought "Man, that was some proper luck right there." As soon as the door closed after entering the living room, another Christmas CD advert appeared...

Dodged a bullet today, I was down by the front desk at work sorting some stuff out, and the radio was set to 'Absolute 80's' (first I've heard of that one). I think they may have been taking requests for #1's to be played, because as I was sat down, the presenter said "We've had a few requests for 'Last Christmas'..."

At that point I was frozen in an in-between state of maintaining a sense of decorum and bolting for the staff toilet, but then it was followed by something along the lines of "people are forgetting that it never made #1 here in the UK". Cue a state of relief, and a hasty explanation to my manager as to why I looked like a startled deer...
close call today. Was picking up a package from a shop and when i turned the car on my heart sank. Luckily it was pogues fairytale of new york lol:lol::lol:. It was just all Christmas songs set off alarm bells now.
Oh hey. Since I've been Whammed!... :mischievous:

After my last post I decided to listen to the song again on youtube. The song finished and I went to the tab and I swear the timer has just finished and the next song was about to play. You can guess what song but I had the tab closed in a flash closest call this year.
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If I decide to join Fun Runs this weekend with Angel's PS3, then oh definitely. But I don't want to lose brain cells in exchange. It's containable.

Well most Fun Runs members are already out (I fell this morning), so it'll be a pretty fruitless exercise.

This, combined with my schoolwork, may or may not be the reason I haven't been in Fun Runs or any online GTP lobby. :lol:

@nascarfan1400 Fun Runs is a Wham! free zone, correct?
Yes it is. If you attempt to Wham! Anyone at any given time in our lobbies, the penalties will be detrimental. We join to have fun and focus on racing. Both hands on the wheel, not one on the wheel and one ready to mute your tv.

Even if most of you got whammed by now, you guys can't just break that rule...
I don't really care much since my PS3 is "Dead" anyway and i have much better games to play on my PS4 than some rushed broken Game...

I'm amazed that i didn't get whammed yet! considering what i'm seeing right now.
Still haven't been closed to getting whammed. I even calmly walked in EB Games when they were playing Christmas Mjsic, no Wham to be heard.
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