GTP_Registry Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Sphinx
I opened a new acount GTP_coolracer101 and I am ready to rumble tell me whats next

You must now make a blood sacrifice, turn thrice round widdershins and spit over your left shoulder.

And whatever you do don't hassle Sphinx to see if he got your PM - he's a very busy fellow.

You did send him a PM right?
I sent my registration for my GTP_ name on the 18th (Monday) so I should be ready to go tomorrow.

It should be noted that you can't submit your registration and qualifying time in one mail though, it doesn't say you can, it doesn't say you can't. I tried to then got a stern reply which didn't tell me if my registration needed redoing or anything so I had to send another message which wasted more time, annoying for both ends. I still don't understand why I couldn't do both but I accept I can't, I meant to cause less difficulty and instead caused more which made me feel quite guilty as an easily overwhelmed kind of person.
I guess I'll just ask.

What about people in the worst place scenario, no PS3 due to it being repaired? (malfunction before the creation of the qualifier thread) mine should come before the 26 sept. but, What if it doesn't? Am I out of my tag? Should I submit my tag again after the cut?

It's just 4 days until the deadline, I don't think I could make it, and it's entirely not my fault :( I think GTP_Earth is also on this situation still, if I'm not wrong.
Wow, it's amazing the amount of people that don't even know the month they're in.
I often can't remember how old I am, let alone what month or year we're in:grumpy:

I barely remember being that age. Nowadays I can never remember how old I am, what month or year we're in and I'm starting to forget my name occasionally
It should be noted that you can't submit your registration and qualifying time in one mail though, it doesn't say you can, it doesn't say you can't.

It does not have to .... as clearly you need to use 2 different subject lines. Logic dictates that means sending 2 separate PMs.

Sphinx - thread the official gtp_registry
the process of registering your psn id is simple. All you have to do is pm me *snip* (please use 'psn registration' within the pm subject line)

Sphinx - thread gtp_registry qualifier race
please name the pm subject title ‘gtp_registry qualifier (submission)’. Any ambiguous subject titles can easily be lost.

Please God give me the strength to have patience with those that don't bother to read clear instructions.


Edit: see also [post=3122710]Sphinx' warning[/post]
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I used the PSN registration title, and did that bit first with the question and all else after so if i couldnt he could just tell me to send the qualifier seperately, instead he just said no effectively with no explanation. I read that bit so i used the one title with no mixing up, to try to ensure i would be registered at least, then i didn't know if i was or wasnt and had to ask and waste more time.

Surely logic suggests that doing both together would save sphinx time? and surely again logic suggests that my registration should've gone through and he should've just told me to resend my qualifier once im on the registry.
my registration should've gone through and he should've just told me to resend my qualifier once im on the registry.

Now imagine 200 people do that. Sphinx now has to respond to everyone, as well as adding them to the Registry and their Qualifier times.

Stop being selfish.
Or note clearly somewhere not to do both so no-one makes my error which is why i posted about it here, I was trying to save HIM time I have to much spare time right now so I'm in no rush believe me.

I posted here so 200 people don't go and do what I did for whatever reason. I guess thats selfish...
You're fighting a losing battle here Dragon -- you're intentions may have been good but I don't think you're going to find a lot of compassion on this.

Drop it and live to fight another day! ;)
Or note clearly somewhere not to do both so no-one makes my error which is why i posted about it here, I was trying to save HIM time I have to much spare time right now so I'm in no rush believe me.

I posted here so 200 people don't go and do what I did for whatever reason. I guess thats selfish...
That you wrote about what you did is not selfish. That you expect Sphinx to sort out the mess is.
Unfortunately quite a # of people did more or less the same as you did.(= putting 2 separate things in one PM)

My post was not only meant for you and it will soon get lost in this big thread.

Try putting yourself in Sphinx position and you try and deal with an incredible amount of all sorts of PMs coming in and trying to deal with these as efficiently as possible. Besides the 23.5 hours he spends on GTP business he also has a life, work & family etc to deal with.

If you can't picture that then try this.
You are given a 10 litre bucket every hour full of screws and nails and you need to sort them in to two separate piles and repack them in to boxes.
Would you not rather get two 5 litre buckets, one filled with nails and the other one with screws and then repack these....

Which is why once i knew i couldnt do both i didn't question why and sent my registration again on it's own and am now waiting (day 4 now) to be put into the registry, im only trying to avoid people making the same mistake.

I read the warning you linked to, and Sphinx replied not once to me, but twice so why was i treated differently? In the time he took to make one of those replies, someone could've been put on the list (or myself).

I also began using my GTP_ name today even though im not officially on the register, because im a proud member of the forum, and can easily get the required 2 people on the registry to vouch for me should anyone complain about me.

I'll leave this topic alone now as no progress is being made from any point of view it seems. Sorry to have been a bother and I eagerly await any news on my registration regardless of how long it takes within reason.
I barely remember being that age. Nowadays I can never remember how old I am, what month or year we're in and I'm starting to forget my name occasionally

I dont even know who I am... What am I doing here anyway?:scared::crazy:
Surely logic suggests that doing both together would save sphinx time?

The qualifier is for GTP_Registered members only. Therefore, I'm only intrested in submissions from GTP_Registered members.

All qualifying submissions go into one folder to await processing, and all registry requests go into another folder awaiting processing. The two are then handled in completely different ways thereafter (it's not just a matter of putting your name onto the list in the registry thread and then process your qualifying submission at the same time). This system is simple to manage until someone sends in a pm with a registry request combined with a qualifying time that they are not entitled to enter until they have been processed and accepted onto the registry just like the other 400 odd members who had already registered before the qualifier was even posted.


Drivers currently waiting to be added to the registry:

SVT Cobra GT
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Is it wrong to race online under the GTP tag unless your registration isn't totally complete?

Couldn't find this anywhere and I am truly sorry, if this is something that has been talked about already in the past.
I race in intermediate 700 suzuka and 800 pp hsr and I have not seen gtp_ drivers in this classes.or I am wrong
Is it wrong to race online under the GTP tag unless your registration isn't totally complete?

Couldn't find this anywhere and I am truly sorry, if this is something that has been talked about already in the past.

Anyone, incl. non gtp forum members, can create and race with the GTP tag and there's nothing we can do about it.
However if you wish to participate in GTP sanctioned races you'll need
a - a registered GTP PSN id
b - a GTP registered GTP account (see appropriate thread)
c - run the qualifying race with your registered GTP tag (see appropriate thread)

I race in intermediate 700 suzuka and 800 pp hsr and I have not seen gtp_ drivers in this classes.or I am wrong
Wrong thread, and I don't think you'll find many GTP tags in intermediate races. Head over to Pro. :)

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Just needed to make sure that I won't be labelled as an outlaw even if my registration isn't done yet. Time to take the snake to suzuka then. ^^
Way to go, Sphinx.
That's quite an accomplishment.
To the 500 already registered........:cheers:

Yes it is, but I predict about losing 1/3rd of members come the qualifying deadline.