I'll join you guys in a few as soon as I'm done with practice at Spa, gotta tame that C6.R beast!
Everything about that pic is why GT5 is terrible....
And this contact is beyond a damn joke. First Mags pushes me thru a corner like he's trying to spin me out and I go onto the grass, then someone in an Audi R8 kept running up my backside. How bout the driving standards improve otherwise I'm outta here...
Everything about that pic is why GT5 is terrible....
And this contact is beyond a damn joke. First Mags pushes me thru a corner like he's trying to spin me out and I go onto the grass, then someone in an Audi R8 kept running up my backside. How bout the driving standards improve otherwise I'm outta here...
Blaze_409Yes...and i thought i had seen it all....Wow ESPN. when did hot dog eating become a sport....lolol
gogatrsThey also broadcast the national spelling bee. lol
better if you understood the situation before you accuse.
DAMN YOU BLAZE! Beating me by 0.014...
JavLol!! Some good racing guys!
Where are you Owens!!
Just got home. Be on in by 12:30!!!!
Doing anything online Jav?
Bob grinding? Care to PM me the details?
MitchZ06Ah right....
I'll say it right now shall I? I got frustrated with Blaze and getting crashed out by others so I decided to play wreckingball with Blaze's car, big whup....mind you my language wasn't the best I will admit but Blaze you still haven't given me an answer....
heres the analysis.....the aforementioned incident occurs at around 7:13secs into turn 1......Mitch on ever other lap of this race you braked at the 150 marker and easily made the entry to turn 1 even with the extra speed i provided you by bumpdrafting.....Mysteriously on lap 4 into turn 1 you braked wellll before even the 200 marker..if their was a marker for it it would have been 300. you brake miles early and i was still bumpdrafting you which is why you got sent onto the barriers
I was more annoyed at you bumping me every chance you got and was sick of you being right on my bumper. I got fed up with you just not passing me and racing on so I hit the brakes early going into that corner.