GTPlanet vs. Wham! - Round 3 (Endorsed by George Michael!*)

  • Thread starter Daniel
Went shopping for four hours.

If I was whammed, I didn't notice.

It really helps if you can forget you're playing the game while you're out.
There isn't any, I was actually pleased you tried it. Everyone else had some unspoken truce or something :lol:
Well I'm still going strong.
Tomorrow will be my last day of Christmas shopping in a large shopping centre so I could nearly be home safely.

Must not let my guard down though.

Cheers Shaun.
Ah, so I wasn't the only one?


Uncool man, uncool. :grumpy:

Well I'm out. :grumpy:
See, being unpopular you slide under the radar and don't become the victim of malicious whamming. :P
I got a call from my sis bugging me to check my e-mail - apparently she had sent me an invitation and wanted me to answer. What the hell is the phone for anyway? I am really slow to check my emails - so I go in there to check the usual junk I get, when - bam! message from GTPlanet re GT-R - yada yada - help with GT4 Prob. Now since I've dipped into this thread at least once a day and heard that others had fallen and while still mourning my fallen comrades SVX and Daniel - let alone being already traumatised by nealcropper's horrible, grisly, repetitive Whamming - I was ready for this - or I would have immediately clicked on it to find out what the problem was.


So I gather some evidence for our cyber forensics ex-sp-perts to ruminate over and come over to GTPlanet to add my warnings about this dastardly work by this Quisling, GT-R, when - bam - another reminder to click on the link.
As you can see - saved by the thread.


Trust No One. As soon as they're infected they turn to the Dark side.
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Taking the car to have the headlight sorted and decided to set the radio to auto scan for a sports station. It stops on one and out blasts I Wish It Could Be Christmas by Wizard. What was I thinking?! I switched to my iPhone pronto. Phew!
I reckon I'm in with a chance to win the coveted "Most Wham!ings" title this year. Heard it a further 9 times today at work! :lol:
Went to town to get all my cards today. The ability to lip read really comes in handy when you're shopping and need to pay.
See, being unpopular you slide under the radar and don't become the victim of malicious whamming. :P

:lol: This ^

Today I decided not to go shopping with my parents - and it was a good thing, too. They both got Whammed about 5 times, apparently nearly every shop they walked into was playing it. Definitely taking my iPod when I go Christmas shopping! :nervous:
Well, being as I've decided to continue posting for a little while longer...

My sister, mother, and brother are out - they went Christmas shopping with my dad yesterday while I went with my friends to a youth group event.
Apparently, while in F.Y.E. (the exact store from earlier that played the cover) the song gets played. My dad was in the car, getting my mother's purse (she had forgotten it...) so he was safe.

He also dodged the second playing, this time in Bon-Ton (He went to use the bathroom.)

And how GT-R's attempted Whamming has made me paranoid; I didn't play online in GT5 today, just in GT Mode (no Open Lobbys.) I put my mic on with it muted and set it on the desk where the PS3 is, then plugged in the USB cable to keep it from running out of charge. I did this for MW3 and Black Ops (original.)
That's what the GT4 video was!

Saved by the Chinese government firewall!!!! :D

This is the one true reason for having it in place. The Chinese government were thinking of you. :lol:

I should say that GT-R never actually PMed the video link to me. Instead he linked it when he came in the chatroom I use, and I should have known that he'd pull something like that again. The other week he linked the actual Last Christmas video, but I had it muted.

(Yes, GT-R was the guy I was referring to in my second post in this thread).
Lost today, on December 8th, at 06:40 PM... My uncle loves that god-damn song an insisted on playing it today. I begged him to not do it, but the had no mercy.
Lost today, on December 8th, at 06:40 PM... My uncle loves that god-damn song an insisted on playing it today. I begged him to not do it, but the had no mercy.

This is the price Germans pay for playing English music on the radio!
I whammed myself today, On purpose. It's called opting out...

We gather today to mourn the passing of Adam46, he was a true trooper who was lost in the saddest of circumstances. Always missed, never forgotten.

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