GTP's Official Drink Thread!

  • Thread starter Diego440
Looks like the billions on space research has finally paid off, they made a new beer using space-grown barley.,2933,358843,00.html

Astronauts may soon be able to enjoy a cold brew after a space walk.

According to Agence France-Presse, Japanese brewer Sapporo Holdings said Tuesday it's working on the first "space beer," using the third-generation descendants of barley grown on the International Space Station.

Researchers said the beer project is one of many efforts to prepare for a future where people spend lengthy periods of time in space.

Sapporo's partner in the project, biologist Manabu Sugimoto, said they hope their research will someday be "not just about producing food, but about enjoying food and relaxing."

The company reportedly hopes to launch the new beer by November and has enough space grain for about 100 bottles. Still, Sapporo officials said there are no immediate plans to make it available to the general public.

Finally, we have all the supplies necessary for a manned Mars mission.
I felt so gangsta last night. I had some gin & juice, lol. It was very good.

Quintessential London dry gin + grapefruit juice + orange juice = delicious.

Plus, the bottle looks badass.

Has anyone had the Samuel Adams Scotch Ale? It looks like something I might like but can't seem to find it. Before I go questing for it I would like some input.
Hmmm... I've been meaning to do a Pimm's Cup for the past couple of days. I've never had one before, any advice? I've had a helluva time just finding Pimm's in the first place...
That's a great pic you posted there, Joey. Someone may even return the favour and... report you :odd:
That's a great pic you posted there, Joey. Someone may even return the favour and... report you :odd:

Hmm that was weird it worked for me just fine at home. I don't understand why when I post an image from home it looks ok on my computer but ends up to be something else on someone else's?

And I did not mean to post a photo like that.
So guys I need you years of experience to help me find a good little summer beer.

Now I've drunk abit of San Miguel and it's pretty good but I'd be interested in trying other drinks. Sol is one I've seen about and mighty try and but there's a fair collection available in Tesco.

So, summer beers, shoot.
I have been enjoying a Swedish cider called Kopparberg. Comes in the traditional apple variety but the pear and summerfruits flavours are also tasty. You can buy it in Morrisons and is normally sold in most Wetherspoons.


It's a nice change from beer.
I have been enjoying a Swedish cider called Kopparberg. Comes in the traditional apple variety but the pear and summerfruits flavours are also tasty. You can buy it in Morrisons and is normally sold in most Wetherspoons.


It's a nice change from beer.

That stuff is awesome, I've looked for it here in the states but can't see to find it.
So, this past Wednesday was the kick off for the summer mini-tour at my favorite bar, Old Chicago. I get notified of this stuff by email and snail mail, and I saw that Franziskaner was on the list. My favorite beer.

As a bonus, being my birthday month, I also got a free medium pizza.

I get there and decide to have a few of the other mini-tour beers first. Then I see it: Franziskaner on tap. I didn't know that existed around here. So, a 25oz mug it was. YUUUUUMMMMYYYY!!!!

Then to top the night off, they have parties around mini-tour kick offs that involve prize drawings. They usually draw about ten names at a time and give away shirts and hats that were given to them by the beer companies. I had yet to win one of these things in two years. I finally win this time around.

And while I am thinking I will get the Blue Moon T-shirt (worth $3-$4) or Blue Moon golf visor (worth $2) I win this glass:


Not this exact one

That would be a Franziskaner labeled pint glass designed for proper hefe-weizen drinking. This would be worth about $8 ($12 if you count shipping because I had to order it online). I know because I have bought one before.

Now, I have a pair. :D

I felt like Silenus and Dionysus both reached down from Olympus and blessed my night of drinking and fun.
How do you get to the beer past the head on that!? :odd:
Well, for one it does go down after some time.

But also as it is a very heavy yeast beer you only get that foam if you swirl the bottle properly to activate the yeast. And hefe-weissen foam is a bit thicker than regular beer head so it will actually lean and hold when you tilt the glass.

I've also never gotten mine to get quite like that. Maybe a centimeter above the glass but no more. I am guessing it is an advertising thing.
What a weekend, North-Western-Lower Michigan is our version of wine country not to mention has a bunch of micro-breweries strewn about that serve wonderful fish n' chips with ice cold beer.

Thursday night I stopped off at a pub near Traverse City and found that they had Magner's Irish Cider. This is the first time I've seen it anywhere state side. Magners with some fried Lake Perch was just awesome! Then throughout Friday I went and sampled the micro-breweries throughout the area and come across some pretty good beers. My favourite was a cherry beer, it probably sounds bad but it wasn't. The Traverse City area is known for their cherries so pretty much everything get a cherry version of it.

Yesterday I went wine tasting at some vineyards "near" the cabin I was staying in and had some absolutely great wines. I typically dislike red wines but I found several Merlots that were very tasty, also there was a cherry wine which was pretty good too. I grabbed a couple bottles, mainly for my parents who are big wine drinkers but I picked up a bottle which is 40% Merlot and 60% Cabernet Franc (whatever that means) from 2005. It was some special edition wine and I got bottles out of the last case. Here is the link to what it is:
Had a couple Strongbow Ciders yesterday. Perfect in this 30+ weather we've been having, what with me not being a beer person.

Despite the inherent similarities between the two, I quite like Strongbow and similar dry ciders while still being unable to come around with beer.
I just got home from a martini bar. Holy smokes what a selection - 132 drinks on the menu and I only had the time to widdle them down to 3 to enjoy. First up was this pineapply vodka drink called Plaster I believe, then on to a vodka-banana liquer-OJ extravagance called Blonde and closed with a sour tequila-based number called Lisboa. All of my selections were knockouts, which is good considering my friends were ordering duds some of the time. One in particular, Chocolate Factory, was very tasty; peanut butter, cacao and chocolate among others. Couldn't imagine having more than one without barfing though.

We then migrated over to another place for great Mojitos to wrap up the socializing. I've made better minties myself, but it was pushing last call and you can't expect the best when the bartendress is wrapping things up. Overall it was an enjoyably great experience 👍
Had a couple Strongbow Ciders yesterday. Perfect in this 30+ weather we've been having, what with me not being a beer person.

Despite the inherent similarities between the two, I quite like Strongbow and similar dry ciders while still being unable to come around with beer.
You can do so much better than 'bow. It's what all the 15yr olds and borderline alcoholics (my mate included) drink simply because it's cheap and fairly potent.
Can always make a cheap Strongbow taste better with a blackcurrent cordial. Cider Black.

I do agree with ExigeEvan though, there are better Ciders out there than Strongbow. Strongbow's kinda....weak for the taste in my opinion, Bulmers is where it's at. Then you got Koppaberg, Magners and others with Cider in it. Don't go for White Star. That's strong and it'll mark you out as a bum. A street bum. Unless of course, you like the paint thinner style of cider.

Interestingly, anyone know WHY ciders are often served with ice?! It's something that's been vexing me recently every time i go to a bar...."Want it with ice?"....Actually I prefer it without, allows me to get the flavour of the drink and know it's real flavour. :)
I've never been served cider here in American with ice, they don't even ask. You are right though, when I was in the UK they always gave me ice...I found it strange.
I don't mind it actually, just wish that sometimes when the cider is cold, what's the point (if you're on the lash) for actually wanting to freeze the pint even more with ice when you're gonna finish it in 10-15 mins? In the UK, it's the same everywhere. Apart from this one club near me that has Blackthorns Cider. Served without ice. It wasn't that nice tasting due to the way it was made so had to order a shot of Disaronno to make it taste better.....

Its good when you're out in a summer's weather on a pub table. But in a club/bar/winter-time? No. No ice! Wait for the guy to ask for ice!

Sorry, just a little thing I have with it. :)
I don't mind it actually, just wish that sometimes when the cider is cold, what's the point (if you're on the lash) for actually wanting to freeze the pint even more with ice when you're gonna finish it in 10-15 mins? In the UK, it's the same everywhere. Apart from this one club near me that has Blackthorns Cider. Served without ice. It wasn't that nice tasting due to the way it was made so had to order a shot of Disaronno to make it taste better.....

Its good when you're out in a summer's weather on a pub table. But in a club/bar/winter-time? No. No ice! Wait for the guy to ask for ice!

Sorry, just a little thing I have with it. :)
I have this same thing with ALL ice, even non-alcohol drinks. I only ever want ice in my water and drinks that are otherwise warm, like tea.

Soft drinks come out of a fountain machine cold. Adding ice just means you get less drink and if you aren't fast on a hot day it will be watered down. If it is from a refrigerator, same thing. I don't want my drinks risking getting watered down unless it is water.

So, yeah, as little ice as possible. Also why I commonly rant about shaken martinis. Breaking the ice makes it melt faster, watering it down. This right here is why a lot of people store liquor in the freezer. You don't need ice.
You can do so much better than 'bow. It's what all the 15yr olds and borderline alcoholics (my mate included) drink simply because it's cheap and fairly potent.

Most liquor stores around here only stock a couple types of cider - Always Growers, sometimes Strongbow, and very rarely anything else.

Perhaps one or two pubs downtown may have an expanded selection, but I'm not optimistic.
I should have told my friend's it was mu birthday something someting free booze.[/translation]
I think it should have been,
"I shouldn't have told my friends it was my birthday, then again, free booze"

Though there's no hint of the "'n't".