GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Main Thread

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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.: Preseason Round 1 | Roll-Call | WSGTC Signees Only :.​

Color Code: PAL Conference | NTSC Conference
Follow WSGTC on: Facebook | Twitter

Reply in this thread by this example template below:
PSN ID: Translator_San
Conference: PAL or NTSC
Class: GT500 or GT300
Car: Whichever car you want that is still open - first come, first serve!


PAL Conference
December 9 | Friday 15.00 EST | 20.00 GMT
GT500 Class
Room Host: Aderrrm/PaggyDaggy
Room No: TBA

16-Car Grid (2 drivers per car)

  • Honda Arta NSX '06.....................[ | ]
  • Honda Raybrig NSX '06..................[Mezano07 | ]
  • Honda Takata Dome NSX '06..............[Josh_F_1998 | ]
  • Lexus Petronas Tom's SC430 '08.........[Lynchy098| ]
  • Lexus Denso Dunlop Sard SC430 '08......[BiffyClyro93 | GTP_paggydaggy]
  • Lexus Bandai Direzza SC430 '06.........[ | ]
  • Nissan Calsonic Impul GTR '08..........[IRT_Nissman32 | RFLXWidowmaker]
  • Nissan Motul Autech GTR '08............[Wardez | Carracerptp]
  • Nissan Yellowhat YMS Tomica GTR '08....[anastasis14 | ProPersian]
Reserve List (Car and PSN IS)
  • Honda Takata Dome NSX '06..............[harrison1476]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]

GT300 Class
Room Host: Paginas1/LitchiGTPlay
Room No: TBA

16-Car Grid (2 drivers per car)
  • Lexus Weds Sport IS350.................[Greennarcotics | ]
  • RE Amemiya Asparadrink RX7 '06.........[iforcev8 | ]
  • Autobacs Arta Garaiya '08..............[Litchi_GTPlay | ]
  • Subaru Cusco Dunlop Impreza '08........[twistedfirework | Joshua1994]
  • Toyota Weds Sport Celica...............[ | ]
  • Toyota Apex MR-S.......................[paulmac2k9 | MoIeman]
  • Autobacs Arta Garaiya '03..............[ | ]
  • Subaru Cusco Advan Impreza '03.........[ | ]
Reserve List (Car and PSN ID)
  • [Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]


NTSC Conference
December 10 | Saturday 22.00 EST | Sunday 03.00 GMT
GT500 Class
Room Host: NEPALII/overheating/oshawa-Joe
Room No: TBA

16-Car Grid (2 Drivers per car)

  • Honda Arta NSX '06.....................[ | ]
  • Honda Raybrig NSX '06..................[Toyotsupra | ]
  • Honda Takata Dome NSX '06..............[El_Alien69 | harrison1476]
  • Lexus Petronas Tom's SC430 '08.........[NEPALII | ]
  • Lexus Denso Dunlop Sard SC430 '08......[ | ]
  • Lexus Bandai Direzza SC430 '06.........[ | ]
  • Nissan Calsonic Impul GTR '08..........[MONSTAR-1 | DRIVER2183]
  • Nissan Motul Autech GTR '08............[GTP_CSL | ]
  • Nissan Yellowhat YMS Tomica GTR '08....[IMMORTALPILOT | ]
Reserve List (Car and PSN ID)
  • [Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]

GT300 Class
Room Host: joetruckv8/GTP_Masicampo
Room No: TBA

16-Car Grid (2 drivers per car)
  • Lexus Weds Sport IS350.................[Troylee2601 | ]
  • RE Amemiya Asparadrink RX7 '06.........[ | ]
  • Autobacs Arta Garaiya '08..............[Otsdarva | GTP_Pinoy2]
  • Subaru Cusco Dunlop Impreza '08........[GTP_Masicampo | ]
  • Toyota Weds Sport Celica...............[RFLX_Niop | ]
  • Toyota Apex MR-S.......................[ | ]
  • Autobacs Arta Garaiya '03..............[ | ]
  • Subaru Cusco Advan Impreza '03.........[ | ]
Reserve List (Car and PSN ID)
  • [Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]


Important Stuff to Remember
Car Specs and Regulations
Pre-Race Qualifying
  • Since we're not doing the weekly qualifying, we'll do a pre-race one instead.
  • After pre-race PP Checks are done, the track will be reset.
  • The field will be given 15 minutes to do their Qualifying in Free-Run
  • If you are satisfied with a lap, DRIVE back to the pits. DO NOT press PAUSE and then EXIT!
  • Again, drive back to the pits! Do not press pause and exit!
  • Stay in the Pits and wait for the start of the race.
  • Once everyone has been confirmed to be inside the pits, the host will start the race.
  • Once the countdown hits ZERO, DO NOT MOVE!
  • The field will roll slowly and maintain 50mph/80kph
  • Maintain your grid spots while holding a double-file grid (8 rows, 2 columns)
  • Follow the Rolling Start Procedure Inside the OP!
  • Goodluck and Have Fun!
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Conference - NTSC
Class - GT500
Car - Motul Autech GTR '08

I might be requesting a conference change for the season too, we'll see. (for less presumed schedule conflicts)
Your in NTSC not PAL though Masi even though you were registered for PAL last time I checked :sly: :P

And again Masi I doubt anyone wants the Bandai so wouldnt a Xanavi GTR, Z or Toms Supra be better?
Your in NTSC not PAL though Masi even though you were registered for PAL last time I checked :sly: :P

And again Masi I doubt anyone wants the Bandai so wouldnt a Xanavi GTR, Z or Toms Supra be better?

haha i got a midterm on tomorrow so i cant do PAL :(

We'll see about the car selection.

I'm using my iphone so its hard to edit.

@ CaptainFalcon89 - both Garaiya 08's are taken.

Tony_kart - pick another car, the tomica gtrs are taken.
Also Masi damage will be Heavy as per usual yes? Would be a good thing to mention to the new guys just so they know they have to be extra careful when trying to pass ect ect :)
Right, you'll be in NTSC then.

Ok, anyone can choose either Conference to race on since its just the preseason. You can't race in both if the grid is full, but you can enter the reserves.

Damage will be set to light. I will have a full briefing a few days before the race.

I'll be introducing the Safety Rating and License tonight if i got the time.
haha i got a midterm on tomorrow so i cant do PAL :(

We'll see about the car selection.

I'm using my iphone so its hard to edit.

@ CaptainFalcon89 - both Garaiya 08's are taken.

Tony_kart - pick another car, the tomica gtrs are taken.

The list is out of date then as only one driver was on that list.
@ Falcon - Latest one is up top ^

Both conference have the 08's picked.

@ Harrison - I dont follow. Can you rephrase?
The cars we have picked. Let's qualify in those / have practice sessions this week fr the race next week
The cars we have picked. Let's qualify in those / have practice sessions this week fr the race next week

Car choice on pre season races dont mean anything. You can choose any car you want, any conference for pre season races. When the actual series starts you will get a car and you'll stick with that car for the rest of the season.
.: Preseason Round 1 | Roll-Call | WSGTC Members Only :.​

Color Code: PAL Conference | NTSC Conference
Follow WSGTC on: Facebook | Twitter

Sign-up! Reply in this thread by following sample template below:
PSN ID: Translator_San
Conference: PAL or NTSC
Class: GT500 or GT300
Car: Whichever car you want that is still open - first come, first serve!


PAL Conference
December 9 | Friday 15.00 EST | 20.00 GMT
GT500 Class
Room Host: Aderrrm/PaggyDaggy
Room No: TBA

16-Car Grid (2 drivers per car)

  • Honda Arta NSX '06.....................[ | ]
  • Honda Raybrig NSX '06..................[Mezano07 | HamiltonMP427]
  • Honda Takata Dome NSX '06..............[Josh_F_1998 | ]
  • Lexus Petronas Tom's SC430 '08.........[Lynchy098| ]
  • Lexus Denso Dunlop Sard SC430 '08......[BiffyClyro93 | GTP_paggydaggy]
  • Nissan Calsonic Impul GTR '08..........[IRT_Nissman32 | RFLXWidowmaker]
  • Nissan Motul Autech GTR '08............[Wardez | Carracerptp]
  • Nissan Yellowhat YMS Tomica GTR '08....[anastasis14 | ProPersian]
Reserve List (Car and PSN IS)
  • Honda Takata Dome NSX '06..............[harrison1476]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]

GT300 Class
Room Host: Paginas1/LitchiGTPlay
Room No: TBA

16-Car Grid (2 drivers per car)
  • Lexus Weds Sport IS350.................[Greennarcotics | ]
  • RE Amemiya Asparadrink RX7 '06.........[ | ]
  • Autobacs Arta Garaiya '08..............[Litchi_GTPlay | C-Falcon89]
  • Subaru Cusco Dunlop Impreza '08........[twistedfirework | Joshua1994]
  • Toyota Weds Sport Celica...............[ | ]
  • Toyota Apex MR-S.......................[paulmac2k9 | MoIeman]
  • Autobacs Arta Garaiya '03..............[ | ]
  • Subaru Cusco Advan Impreza '03.........[ | ]
Reserve List (Car and PSN ID)
  • [Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]


NTSC Conference
December 10 | Saturday 22.00 EST | Sunday 03.00 GMT
GT500 Class
Room Host: NEPALII/overheating/oshawa-Joe
Room No: TBA

16-Car Grid (2 Drivers per car)

  • Honda Arta NSX '06.....................[GTP_L_Hamilton | ]
  • Honda Raybrig NSX '06..................[Toyotsupra | ]
  • Honda Takata Dome NSX '06..............[El_Alien69 | harrison1476]
  • Lexus Petronas Tom's SC430 '08.........[NEPALII | ]
  • Lexus Denso Dunlop Sard SC430 '08......[oalithgow | ]
  • Nissan Calsonic Impul GTR '08..........[MONSTAR-1 | DRIVER2183]
  • Nissan Motul Autech GTR '08............[GTP_CSL | ]
  • Nissan Yellowhat YMS Tomica GTR '08....[IMMORTALPILOT | ItsMeReally]
Reserve List (Car and PSN ID)
  • [Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]

GT300 Class
Room Host: joetruckv8/GTP_Masicampo
Room No: TBA

16-Car Grid (2 drivers per car)
  • Lexus Weds Sport IS350.................[Troylee2601 | skikkelsens]
  • RE Amemiya Asparadrink RX7 '06.........[iforcev8 | ACDCROCKS123]
  • Autobacs Arta Garaiya '08..............[Otsdarva | GTP_Pinoy2]
  • Subaru Cusco Dunlop Impreza '08........[GTP_Masicampo | OwensRacing]
  • Toyota Weds Sport Celica...............[RFLX_Niop | ]
  • Toyota Apex MR-S.......................[ | ]
  • Autobacs Arta Garaiya '03..............[ | ]
  • Subaru Cusco Advan Impreza '03.........[ | ]
Reserve List (Car and PSN ID)
  • [Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]
    [*][Car] [Driver]


Important Stuff to Remember
Car Specs and Regulations
Pre-Race Qualifying
  • Since we're not doing the weekly qualifying, we'll do a pre-race one instead.
  • After pre-race PP Checks are done, the track will be reset.
  • The field will be given 15 minutes to do their Qualifying in Free-Run
  • If you are satisfied with a lap, DRIVE back to the pits. DO NOT press PAUSE and then EXIT!
  • Again, drive back to the pits! Do not press pause and exit!
  • Stay in the Pits and wait for the start of the race.
  • Once everyone has been confirmed to be inside the pits, the host will start the race.
  • Once the countdown hits ZERO, DO NOT MOVE!
  • The field will roll slowly and maintain 50mph/80kph
  • Maintain your grid spots while holding a double-file grid (8 rows, 2 columns)
  • Follow the Rolling Start Procedure Inside the OP!
  • Goodluck and Have Fun!
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Sorry wrong thread. lol
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I'm definitely down for this.

Been meaning to get back into GT5 lately and this looks like the best excuse ever, I'm signed up!
Welcome to the series, Graham 👍


Newest WSGTC Steward (Qualifier)

GTP_L_Hamilton | NTSC
Masi ive just seen a funny error in Gt500 rooms theres 9 cars meaning 18 spots not 16 so you may aswell delete the Bandai :sly:.
Right on, Paul. 👍

Skikkelsen, make sure to follow instructions next time. My inbox get's full fast.

You should've followed the template above to get signed-up for the race. But since you PM'd, ill go right ahead and put you on the list anyway. No biggie.

Oh, which conference are you in?
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