GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Main Thread

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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I'm afraid I'm going to have to withdraw from this pre-season race due to an unplanned and rather poorly timed visit to Hospital. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope to be out next time!
i can drive for you window but i dont have a broke calsonic have anyone a broke calsonic??
I think i have posted my car 30mins ago but iam not in the list !

Yes but i never drove with this car , that's the problem .
I bought it 10mins ago and set it up for the regulations. After that i drove just 1Lap -> it was ok but i was shoked with my rear tyres ! In the second sector of lap 1 my REAR tyres were at 97% !
I will win - not the race -> I will win max pit stops XD

Thanks for the picture Litchi , Iam sure we would get dq XD
.: Preseason Round 1 | Roll-Call | WSGTC Members Only :.​

Color Code: PAL Conference | NTSC Conference
Follow WSGTC on: Facebook | Twitter

PAL Conference
December 9 | Friday 15.00 EST | 20.00 GMT

Room Open

GT300 Class
Room Host: Litchi_GTPlay
Room No: 1472-6399-8451-1929-4623

16-Car Grid (2 drivers per car)
  • Lexus Weds Sport IS350.................[Greennarcotics | hellboyfr]
  • RE Amemiya Asparadrink RX7 '06.........[ByGGy | WattDK]
  • Autobacs Arta Garaiya '08..............[Litchi_GTPlay | C-Falcon89]
  • Subaru Cusco Dunlop Impreza '08........[Joshua1994 | kiyak44 ]
  • Toyota Weds Sport Celica...............[GTP_cicua | GTP_Nissen]
  • Toyota Apex MR-S.......................[paulmac2k9 | MoIeman]
  • Autobacs Arta Garaiya '03..............[Jashugan01 | Scanny_Flick]
  • Subaru Cusco Advan Impreza '03.........[ | ]

.: Drivers Briefing (Read! Read! Read!) :.
Welcome to WSGTC, newbies! I will keep this brief and in simple English. Race clean, disciplined, and respectful around your fellow competitors! Fast but incompetent drivers need not apply - I'd rather have slow and clean! Read the Racing Code 685 times (Click Here!).

You must follow the Car Specs and Regulations pictured below! Not following specs will result in an immediate Disqualification.

While inside the race lobby, do not use the 'CHAT' feature while Stewards are sending out instructions for pre-race checks. If you have questions, go ask them NOW! Otherwise, read the OP, it's there for a reason. We will be using a special pre-race qualifying that is listed below - Read it! Thank you for your patience!

Car Specs and Regulations (All cars at Max Downforce!)
bLVoM.jpg"]GT500 Spec Sheet

7ko86.jpg"]GT300 Spec Sheet
Pre-Race Qualifying
  • Since we're not doing the weekly qualifying, we'll do a pre-race one instead.
  • After pre-race PP Checks are done, the track will be reset.
  • The field will be given 15 minutes to do their Qualifying in Free-Run
  • If you are satisfied with a lap, DRIVE back to the pits. DO NOT press PAUSE and then EXIT!
  • Again, drive back to the pits! Do not press pause and exit!
  • Stay in the Pits and wait for the start of the race.
  • Once everyone has been confirmed to be inside the pits, the host will start the race.
  • Once the countdown hits ZERO, DO NOT MOVE!
  • The field will roll slowly and maintain 50mph/80kph
  • Maintain your grid spots while holding a double-file grid (8 rows, 2 columns)
  • Follow the Rolling Start Procedure Inside the OP!
  • Goodluck and Have Fun!
Eligibility for Winning Reserved Spot in Championship:
  • Win the race
  • Finish 2nd if a Veteran Wins
  • Finish 3rd if Veterans finish 1-2
  • Must not ask any questions that you can easily answer by reading the OP. :sly:
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Sorry for asking buuuut, where are the GT500 specs?


30 mins until connect time for the PAL GT500 room. You better hurry guys :D Room number: 1472-6399-8537-0919-8190

Edit: Specs are right above. 👍
30 mins until connect time for the PAL GT500 room. You better hurry guys :D Room number: 1472-6399-8537-0919-8190

Edit: Specs are right above. 👍

You got tree'd :sly:
Specs of GT500 is maybe the image above GT300 but it is actually corrupt
Missing Mesano, Hamilton and Wardez. Aderrrm and Widow have stated that they cant make it, so its cool with them. 👍
Same bloody s:censored:e GT5 servers!

Ive reset my router for the 3rd and final time if the crap continues just race without me :(.
Please guys, respect this:


The startline is NOT the same line as the one where the timer starts. So just because the timer starts when you pass the line to do your first real race lap, you can not overtake.. The startline is where the pit exit is place.. I'll post a picture..

Im going to start PP/HP checks. From now on, Im not allowing anyone to join. Good luck to all.
Can't make it, thought I'd be back in time but I got stuck on the other side of town.
Im going to start PP/HP checks. From now on, Im not allowing anyone to join. Good luck to all.

WTF your room is cursed or something I'm having so many problems joining your room I think I have given up trying to join
Just a-wondering. The race info says these rooms open at 8pm GMT. It's 7:43pm GMT and we're already doing weight/pp checks. Is there a typo in the 8pm GMT 'room open' time?
Mole its race start room open time was 7:30pm qually 7:45pm race 8pm ....
Andil is right, assuming it's the classic WSGTC PAL time slot, race wouldn't start for another hour.
Andil is right, assuming it's the classic WSGTC PAL time slot, race wouldn't start for another hour.

It's changed this year. Green flag this season is 8pm gmt. I would personally prefer it 1 hour later as last season
From the Pre Season Race post:

PAL Conference
December 9 | Friday 15.00 EST | 20.00 GMT
Room Open

Don't care what time the season's races start, the pre season race clearly says room open at 8! Not race start, room open, so why don't we stick to it?!
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