GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Qualifier **Qualifying Deadline Thursday**

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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Ask to Masi if u're allowed to do a 2nd quali... (I'm not the boss here ;) ).
But i think he will answer the same than me...
Im not sure about a second chance but..

I noticed also from one room to another there seems to be a difference happening. I was in a room practicing and I seemed to be off. Then the track was reset to reset the fastest time and start the 5 lap mock run and i was running my times again. Not sure what is was.

Im not as fast or consistant as the top but it seemed weird. I havent qualifed yet so Im not complaining, just saying.
Less grip is something that is discussed a little now and then.
It happens sometimes (I've never noticed, but I've read about it.)

Either way, you only get 1 shot.
"No grip" is a way to subjective reason to allow a 2nd run.

I'll leave the final decition to Masi, but I'm pretty sure you will not be allowed to run your qualifyer one more time.
The steward was NepalII.....might be he can explain why I had to leave the room before and also might be that you in general lose grip when doing that.
For the future this info could be helpful for everybody

I never told you to leave. I wasnt the host of the room, Paginas was. All I did was watch your lap and put the times on the leaderboard. What happened to you has happened to me before. I remember on the first race of FMSC, I was a second slower per lap on race day than I was during the week. It happens. It sucks, I know. :(
yes thats is verry unlucky many drivers beat me then and i dont can take then a good car.
i think i must drop out to much unluck today.
i think its not good enough aderrrm and and many other drivers come no chance for a gtr
So here's what happened.
Paginas had a room up, we all joined. Pag wanted to leave, so I told GTP_Nissen and Immortal to leave and come back so a steward would be host, as is required by the rules.

Immortal ran an impressive 2:06.8xx lap, and his personal best lap total was 2:06.5xx for the day. I don't see where the grounds are to complain about a lack of grip with a time so close to your PB.
I also ran my qualifier shortly after, and not only did I run well and in accordance with previous times, I also set not 1 but 2 personal bests, in a row.

I understand there's weird variances and sometimes it feels like there's less grip, but the lap times strongly disagree.
So here's what happened.
Paginas had a room up, we all joined. Pag wanted to leave, so I told GTP_Nissen and Immortal to leave and come back so a steward would be host, as is required by the rules.

Immortal ran an impressive 2:06.8xx lap, and his personal best lap total was 2:06.5xx for the day. I don't see where the grounds are to complain about a lack of grip with a time so close to your PB.
I also ran my qualifier shortly after, and not only did I run well and in accordance with previous times, I also set not 1 but 2 personal bests, in a row.

I understand there's weird variances and sometimes it feels like there's less grip, but the lap times strongly disagree.

Thanx 👍
Do I have to reply to the message that Masi just sent me confirming that I have already done my qualifier?
As described toyot. You should've just replied to my message instead of posting here.

As described toyot. You should've just replied to my message instead of posting here.


Just thought it meant that if you reply it meant that you don't want to parcipitate in the series anymore
What is allow on nismo 380rs super leggera for tuning.
Prohibited meaning to say all tuning or?

You can only alter the brake bias. Everything else has to stay stock. Don't forget to change to racing hard tires. The default tyre is sports soft.
You can only alter the brake bias. Everything else has to stay stock. Don't forget to change to racing hard tires. The default tyre is sports soft.

I've heard about changing the BB but how do I do it? I use a G27 and it can't be done on the wheel :(
I've heard about changing the BB but how do I do it? I use a G27 and it can't be done on the wheel :(

If you go into controller set up, you should be able to assign buttons for it. Maybe?
I use a dfgt and it has a dial to change it whilst you are on track.
Btw, I will be happy making it into the championship. this understeering pig for a car doesn't suit my driving style as I like to tune for a lively rear end.

How many spots in the championship are we qualifying for.
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