Guitar Hero III

Yea i've been trying to do that...but failing...

But yea also for some reason I can't beat Holiday in Cambodia on expert...I swear i'm hitting the notes but like at 13% I fail.

I love that song as much as i loved Police truck from GH 80's. I'm shooting for 5 stars on that song as i've gotten 4 but i keep missing notes for some unknown reason.

I can't beat slash expert currently and it was starting to get embarrassing win a bunch of 12 year old girls are laughing at me failing.
My brother rented GHIII from Blockbuster, It's freaking awesome!!!!!!

I don't consider myself Super Ultra Amazing at GH so I can say without the fear of criticism that I have failed 5 times straight at beating One by Metallica. :(

My favoret song in the game, because I'm a huge Disturbed fan is, yes you guessed it, Stricken!!! It's not an easy song, but not a hard one. I also like Before I Forget by Slipnot!
Well I was dirtbike riding this weekend and on saturday night just as the sun was going down we called it a night, my friend and I. We fire up the 360 and start to play some GH3. We go back and forth playing some songs and when it was third turn to play I had warmed my self up a bit with some songs. So I decided i'd try TtFaF for the hell of it. First pass through the intro I fail only just before the end of the intro (about 3 notes before the massive hammer-on ended). I was really suprised so I went for it again. I actually got it halfway through the green meter but because I checked it for half a second I lost beat and swiftly failed only maybe halfway through the intro. So a third try. This time I pay close attention to what I was doing and managed to keep it steady between green and yellow and finish the intro and into "Post Insanity" I go! I was trippin balls because I had no expectations of me actually doing the intro, I was only joking around. So I do all the fun stuff that this song has to offer and actually got a full star power, probably enough times to fill it twice over actually. I suprised myself because I was getting numerous 4x multipliers and at least 2 or 3 50 note streaks and 1 100 note streak (on fast passages of course not crazy solos ;) ) So here comes Herman's Solo, didn't lose too much got about between yellow and green. Sam's Solo I went down a little further. Herman's second solo really tripped me up and just hit the brim of red at the end of it. Then swiftly after that solo came "What The..!?" And made quick work of me and I got this screen: (oh and i acidentally used that starpower I was talking about that I had by tripping the oh so sensitive tilt sensor. :grumpy: If I had it ready for "What The" I might have made it)

I was pretty damn proud of myself but disappointed all at the same time. I actually thought I was going to beat it. I was so caught up in actually playing the song that I forgot about the 3 solos then the what the part and the twin solo. After that I had to eat dinner then afterwards I tried twice to get past the intro again and got past the What The part but slowly my rock meter drained as the Twin Solo tore me apart slowly and terribly. (I saw the three note chord that ended the solo too) I didn't get a picture of that but I failed at 81% this time. I tried again and came out with the same outcome, 81%. After that I called it quits and played some other songs then went to bed. I have yet to try it again i'm letting my friend I was with this weekend borrow it for the night. But overall, i'm pretty darn proud of myself.

As far as Slipknot guys, just keep practicing it. I had to work on it for a day or two to pass it and after playing it some more I got a 93% with 352k. Practice, practice, practice. :)

BTW, what's yours guys most enjoyable song for you to play? Mine would have to be Raining Blood followed by One, then by Paint It Black. If I feel like challenging myself I'll play My Curse. (It's hard and awkward but fun)
Congrats on passing the intro Blackbird :D.

Anyway I like Before I Forget, the real song and the one in the game. I beat it my 5th try but still fail every now and then. Stricken is easy once you get the 1 gap 3 chords. I beat it my second try on expert but failed my third try.
I think the song choice is better. Not just the songs themselves but they're more enjoyable maybe than GH1 and 2 songs. Plus a bunch more songs are challenging then GH2 and for someone like me that's good. (Although I absolutely hated Jordan, it was no fun to play) TtFaF is extremely hard but also extremely fun (not to mention extremely rewarding to play)

EDIT: Gah! 83% (very very last part of twin solo [three note rolls]) ended me. So close to the three note chord to end the brutal solo! :(
In my opinion, GH3 is the best of the bunch! The song choice is outstanding (except for the bonus songs). I can enjoy this game simply for the music, and am VERY happy with all the older songs. I don't care about bands like Slipknot and Disturbed. I love the old stuff (I guess that's because I was born in 1971, who knows). Either way, the classics make this game in my opinion.

Regardless, I've completed Knights of Cydonia on Expert, but will be working on the other three in that set for awhile. I'm very happy with the increased difficulty, as well as the easier HO/PO's. If I never beat this game on Expert, I can still have a blast with it.
In my opinion, GH3 is the best of the bunch! The song choice is outstanding (except for the bonus songs). I can enjoy this game simply for the music, and am VERY happy with all the older songs. I don't care about bands like Slipknot and Disturbed. I love the old stuff (I guess that's because I was born in 1971, who knows). Either way, the classics make this game in my opinion.

Regardless, I've completed Knights of Cydonia on Expert, but will be working on the other three in that set for awhile. I'm very happy with the increased difficulty, as well as the easier HO/PO's. If I never beat this game on Expert, I can still have a blast with it.

I love multiple of the bonus songs...

When I looked through them for the first time...I was like "Wow, I know like 5 of these!)

Don't Hold Back, FCPREMIX, Can't Be Saved, and Impulse are great!
By solo what I actually meant was the intro. How in the hell are you getting past the intro? :scared:

I certainly do not hammer on that intro by any means (but i'm absolutely positive they help me from failing the song) But basically just keep up with the tempo and get into a groove with the pattern of the taps.
I've never tried that but I will now. I got to 2% and was shocked i got that far. I can get past Mosh 1 on Raining Blood but being in the red after makes it hard to stay alive when the 1 gap chords surprised me. I like the increased song difficulty since I ran through Rocks the 80's up until Electric Eye and play with me.
One will catch you sleeping too. ;) I'll admit I can't do that first part of the solo without starpower.
I can't do it at all with star power. Its funny, i can be full green with full star power but so many notes close together i can't tell if they go up or down and my meeter drains blistering fast. Only tried 3 times same part kills me. I have not beatin any of the 8th tier yet even though im only at tier 5 on expert.
For any of the Aussies lurking in this thread Guitar Hero 3 is on sale with the guitar at Big W for $98 on November 10 only. That's a pretty good deal ($170 rrp) and I'm gonna pick it up for 360 then. Between this and Galaxy I'm not going to sleep much the next week or so haha.
...I finally beat Before I Forget on expert...

That stupid bridge had took like 20 tries over the period of 4 days to do it.

Now i'm starting Lou's Inferno on Expert.
...Haha yea...I can't wait.

Actually I won't mind playing Cliffs of Dover or One over and over (If I have to)

But I do freakin' hate Raining Blood
Wow, the solo for that is quite a weird one. IRL I mean. I really need to get this game. I just wish I could try it before ploppin a bunch of money on it, you know?
Downlaodable content is up on PSN $6.25 for 3 songs, but I'll haveto see them before getting them. Need Lamb of God Pack or Dethklok pack now :)

Foo Fighters and you guessed it Velvet Revolver 3 song packs.
Whoo! Beat Lou on hard earlier.

Now I just have to gold star all songs on easy for some casshhh...

And then for Expert I have Raining Blood, One, and Lou