CAMARO chuck us oldies a couple of load out tips. These young uns are kicking my arse.
Maybe Close combat, Vehicle destruction, sniper type load outs. In your humble opinion of course. Anyone else have any tips for online I'm all ears.
Haven't played a shooter since MW2. I'm rusty. Lol.
I think most of us have our good and bad games. I sure do. I think of myself as an average player. I just try not to take it too serious and try to have a good time. The more you play, the more options that will unlock for your loadouts. You cant get snipers or any power weapon as a loadout option. Those are found on the map or as an ordinance drop.
If you are looking to level up quick to unlock goodies then I highly recommend playing Spartan Ops online. Its pretty much firefight with a storyline and there will be 5 new episodes per week. Click "find room" or "find game" whatever it is. It will put you with other players. The best news is there is no team killing in Spartan ops. So you cant kill anyone on your team by accident. Plus when you play online they reward you with dang near double the amount of points you would get playing private games with friends. I was averaging about 4,800 points per level and they are only around 10 minutes long.
For your main weapon thats up to you. Some like the BR, some like the carbine, some like the DMR, and some like the Light Rifle. Its all personal preference because they are all balanced dang near perfect. I love the DMR and the Light Rifle and I do the best with those. But again, its personal preference.
Since my main focus in any multiplayer is ALWAYS to take out vehicles, I learned very quick how to take them out. Having a plasma pistol is mandatory. Fully charge your plasma pistol and shoot the vehicle, it will stop in its tracks. Instantly follow with a couple grenades and they are gone.
For abilities I like to use the auto turret. Great distraction and helps tell me where enemies are at. I also have the mod equipped that lets me get ordinance drops quicker. Thats great for the big team battle mode. But if I play modes without ordinance then I use I think the extra grenades loadout.
Just play and have a good time. Learn the maps. If you are in a map with vehicles, dont run out in the open if you dont have something to take out vehicles. Other than that get a couple friends together in a party and work together. Communication goes a long way in any multiplayer game.