Halo 4 *The best Halo IMO*

Walmart pre-order bonus. I will add this to the first post.

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Wow some of that looks incredible. Huge step forward graphically for the series. It has almost a Doom 3 look in a couple of the spots in that video.

Dominion gameplay with yes you heard it right KILL CAM and FINAL KILL CAM.
That game mode looks very fun. I always play Conquest in BF3 so this looks like something I would enjoy for sure. Halo with a kill cam does not surprise me with as many other features they are using from COD. (Those in denial about this copying COD are just in denial) So those that wanted a kill cam for Halo, its in Halo 4. I cant even count the amount of times people have said they wanted this feature. Doesnt matter to me either way but I think it will be a welcomed feature.

New mode called Flood which is a much better twist on the previous infected game type. Similar to Left 4 Dead or Gears Of War 3.

Halo 4 on GTTV
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How did you get that? Pre-order for H4?

I never buy the LE versions of games but I will be buying the LE for Halo 4 for sure because it has a season pass for the 3 map packs. Oh wait I dont see it on the Gamestop website anymore. Is the LE version for H4 still available? Nevermind it is still available. http://www.gamestop.com/xbox-360/games/halo-4-limited-edition/102028

Nope ... The Halo 4 Master Chief Avatar was handed out at E3 this year at the 343 booth from what I understand. Possibly at PAX too. (Don't know for certain) So they weren't easy to come by if you weren't there.

And I wasn't ... so I had to go another route to get one.

Last week I asked BSAngel as nicely as I possibly could (winking, smiling, batting eyes) if she might happen to have a code left over for the H4 Chief armor. A short while later she DM'd me a code for it. Completely made my day! I had the Steel Mk VI armor from the parket place that I was using before, but I think that the H4 Chief armor looks much better. It even has the battle scaring on the breast plate.

Oh, on another note: I won a Warthog Avatar ride yesterday on Twitter!!!! So now my MC has a set of wheels to roll around in!!

For the two Halo games I have been around for the release for I have bought the Limited editions. NOT the Legendary editions, but the Limited editions of them. I bought the ODST's Limited edition because it came with a controller, and at the time I only had one. (I still use it to the day) And Reach's Limited edition came with quite a few things I was interested in, so I got that one too.

Halo 4's Limited edition has so much extra stuff, its almost hard to pass up.

I hear that Gamestop actually ran out of their pre-order alottment. THey must have gotten more some how.

I PO'd through Best Buy. Mostly because I liked the armor skin they were offering.

Sorry for the novel. lol!
Cool story bro. Jk jk!! Its actually very cool you got such a quick response from her. Yes I need to pre-order the LE of this game asap.

I cant believe how much my opinion of this game has changed. At first it truly sounded terrible with the amount of ideas they were using that were in COD. But after seeing all the gameplay videos my opinion has greatly changed.

From what I can tell, it looks like 343 is trying to take the best features from multiple games out there and pour them all into Halo 4. Which is going to make one heck of an awesome game IMO. Its almost like they have sat back the last few years and looked at the most played, most enjoyed multiplayer and co-op games out there. Then used all those same ideas, added some Halo flavor to them, and put all of it into Halo 4. All the stuff I love in other multiplayers and co-op modes looks like its in Halo 4. This has the potential to be one of the best multiplayer and co-op game created IMO.

I dont know if I have been this excited about a game since Halo 3. And I still love Halo 3 to this day especially the co-op campaign. I never get enough of that campaign. I didnt like ODST and didnt care for Reach campaign very much. Finally this is the true next sequal to the Halo series. I will be taking a week off work paid for sure when Halo 4 comes out.
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Halo 4 has gone gold!


Halo 4 development is complete

Game is in certification before heading off to manufacturing

Development of Halo 4 is complete with the game now in certification, franchise development director Frank O'Connor told an audience at this morning's Halo 4 press event taking place at the London Film Museum in Covent Garden.

"We had a big piece of news yesterday back in the office, which is that the game is literally finished at this point," said O'Connor. "They are handing it off through the various certification processes and that, and we're done.

"It's been three years of incredibly hard work by about 300 people."

With the game now in certification it's only a matter of time until the gold disc is sent to manufacturing to begin printing the millions of copies which will flood stores worldwide this holiday season.

Halo 4 will be released November 6 only on Xbox 360.

You know what that means. More people in the public will be playing the full version of Halo 4 very soon and leaking spoilers. So it wont be much longer and I will be leaving the Halo 4 forums on other sites. This site is great about avoiding spoilers so I might hang out here for a while.

Skip to 13:30. Warning contains campaign spoilers!!! So I didnt watch the entire video.
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I just announced I was disappearing from anything Halo 4 related this morning on a few of the forums I visit.

Over the last week I have been skimming HAlo 4 stuff as it has popped up, but I've hit that saturation point with H4 info. I'm done. I don't want to know anymore until I actually play the game. And even then I'll probably stay away from most places until I beat the game. Which will take some time as I don't rush through on the first play through.
I am at the same point as you. As soon as it was mentioned it went gold, that was it for me. Because we all know what happens after it hits gold. The copies get shipped out within a couple days to public stores. They are not supposed to break the ship date but as we all know, it ALWAYS happens. So yes today is the day I officially leave any other forums and only reply in the GTplanet or Forzaplanet forums. I will no longer be watching anymore campaign videos. I might still watch the Forward until Dawn series but nothing related to Halo 4.
*Ignoring videos.*

I only stopped in to give an update on the status of the Limited Edition for Halo 4. My friend in NY told me he went to pre-order H4 LCE and it was sold out. So I went to check in Michigan and sure enough. It looks like they are already sold out!!! :ouch:

SO I had to order the regular edition. If you have not ordered the LE yet and you are interrested, it might be too late. :guilty:
Try Target, kmart and walmart online.
They are still listing pre-orders as available.

When it comes to pre-orders, I have NEVER had any bad experiences with Gamestop. Plus I am going to the midnight launch. So its not too big of a deal. I will just stick with the regular version. At least I still get the awesome camo Gamestop skin. 👍 If I like the game I can always buy the season pass.

1 month to go and I have that week off paid! Cant wait!! I havent been THIS excited for a game since Halo 3.
Could always order one up, then buy one at the release. If you order from the wal, it comes with the circuit skin that you posted earlier.

Might be a good thing to have them both. Say you got one for the little lady.
Forward Unto Dawn Episode 1

I already posted this in the movies/tv section, but those who visit here may wish to check it out also.
Forward Unto Dawn Episode 1

I already posted this in the movies/tv section, but those who visit here may wish to check it out also.

This looks pretty cool, hopefully it will make up for a big screen movie never happening.
Still avoiding all videos regarding H4. I have however been watching the Forward Unto Dawn videos. Episode 2 ended quite suspenseful. I am quite surprised how interrested I have been in this live action series. So far it has actually been pretty good and getting better. I think they play a new one every Friday. So episode 3 should be tonight. 👍

I have also been playing through the Halo 3 co-op campaign with a friend that never played it before. He has been loving the campaign. One thing I noticed, on the level called "The Storm" there is a quick mention of "Forward unto Dawn". I am still trying to understand how that ties exactly into Halo 3? I still have MUCH to learn when it comes to the Halo storyline.
FotD is the name of the vessle that takes Chief & Arby through the portal to the Arc. Its also the one that gets clipped in half when the portal closes. I think thats really about the big/small of it.

Not sure how its going to tie into the series aside from the fact that Chief is still in it.
^ Yes thats correct. I just played through the Halo 3 campaign again and noticed the "Forward Unto Dawn" ship that Chief landed in. Never even realized that was the name of it.

BTW the Forward Unto Dawn Episode 3 was very good!!! 👍

Oh and so was the new "Halo 4 Scanned" Trailer. One of the best Halo trailers IMO. Can not wait for this game!!! I honestly have not been this excited for a game since Halo 3.