How did you get that? Pre-order for H4?
I never buy the LE versions of games but I will be buying the LE for Halo 4 for sure because it has a season pass for the 3 map packs. Oh wait I dont see it on the Gamestop website anymore. Is the LE version for H4 still available? Nevermind it is still available.
Nope ... The Halo 4 Master Chief Avatar was handed out at E3 this year at the 343 booth from what I understand. Possibly at PAX too. (Don't know for certain) So they weren't easy to come by if you weren't there.
And I wasn't ... so I had to go another route to get one.
Last week I asked BSAngel as nicely as I possibly could (winking, smiling, batting eyes) if she might happen to have a code left over for the H4 Chief armor. A short while later she DM'd me a code for it. Completely made my day! I had the Steel Mk VI armor from the parket place that I was using before, but I think that the H4 Chief armor looks much better. It even has the battle scaring on the breast plate.
Oh, on another note: I won a Warthog Avatar ride yesterday on Twitter!!!! So now my MC has a set of wheels to roll around in!!
For the two Halo games I have been around for the release for I have bought the Limited editions. NOT the Legendary editions, but the Limited editions of them. I bought the ODST's Limited edition because it came with a controller, and at the time I only had one. (I still use it to the day) And Reach's Limited edition came with quite a few things I was interested in, so I got that one too.
Halo 4's Limited edition has so much extra stuff, its almost hard to pass up.
I hear that Gamestop actually ran out of their pre-order alottment. THey must have gotten more some how.
I PO'd through Best Buy. Mostly because I liked the armor skin they were offering.
Sorry for the novel. lol!