Yes you HAVE to at least check out Episode 3:Chapter 4. Its is by far better than any firefight mode I ever played or anything else I have seen in any of the Halo games. I dont want to spoil the rest for you but it is epic!! You will not believe what happens in that level. Something that has never happened in any of the Halo games. Obviously better as co-op especially on legendary.
I played that level at least 6-7 times in a row last night again. In fact I will be playing that chapter a lot more over the weekend too. Its just so epic. I wouldnt have expected anything like that until maybe episode 3. I cant even imagine how they can top that.
If you ever see me on and want to play, just shoot me an invite. Even if its just the 2 of us its a blast on that chapter. Oh woops I think I deleted you along with about 30+ other friends. Well just add me again.