Halo 4 *The best Halo IMO*

Cheers mate. Plasma pistol is a must on vehicle levels. What about those pesky flying things. Can they be taken out? Oh and those mechs.

Sorry for very nooby questions.
The War Master helmet has really grown on me the more that I have seen it.
I might have to use it when I level up high enough to unlock it. Though, my overall goal is to unlock the Scout helmet. That has been a favorite of mine from Halo 3. And the Halo 4 version looks pretty sweet!

Here is my current set up until that happens:

Its the Venator/ Raptor skin. (Best Buy's pre-order bonus)
It has that stealthy angular look/feel to it.

As far as load outs, I have purchased the DMR, Promethean Vision, Extra Ammo and the Shield Boost. Not sure how well it will work in Matchmaking, but it seems to work well in Spartan Ops. Thought about opening up the BR, but I'm more of a fan of the DMR. One of the few good things that came out of Reach.
That is sick! I want that helmet! I also prefer the dmr but thats whats great about this game. Everyone gets the loadout weapon they want. BR, DMR, Carbine, or light rifle and they are all balanced very well.

Here is a closer version of my character in the assassin stance. Oh and my pre-order receipt with 21 codes after ordering 2 Halo 4 games. No joke 21 codes and almost 4 feet long!


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Thanks! I thought it was pretty sweet too. Much better than starting off with the Recruit armor.

Here is the "Unskinned" version as shown on Waypoint.

Holy %^&@!

You ordered through Gamestop didn't you. I hear that they gave out a load of things for pre-ordering. That's insane!!

In other news, I finished my first Campaign play through tonight. DAMN!!!!! what a rush!
The final level was great! And I loved the ending!!!

Next time through it will be on Heroic!
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Yes I pre-ordered through Gamestop and they gave a ton of goodies away as you can see from the receipt.

I have beat the campaign several times in co-op on normal. We started over and have completed about 4 co-op campaign missions on Legendary. For some reason it doesnt recognize I beat level 3 but thats fine. I will be playing through this campaign many times. Cant wait to beat it on legendary to see the true ending.

Wow the unskinned looks so amazing. I love the look of all those triangles. Reminds me a lot of the Lamborghini Sesto Elemento. Where did you find that "unskinned" pic on Waypoint? I am still trying to find my way around that site.

I hit level 40 last night while playing the new Spartan Ops missions. The 5 new missions are quite fun and have a lot more enemies. They are also harder on legendary.

It will also be nice once they get the file share fully up and running. I know they want to avoid spoilers.
On the main page, hover over Halo 4 intell untill the drop down appears. Bottom left corner is the armor.

The terminal video's are also on Waypoint under your halo 4 stats, campaign. Those are interesting to watch.
Ok, I believe that this is correct, but may need some editing.

Halo 4 Armor Unlock Requirements list:

Armor received from Special Purchases:
Fotus - Halo 4 Xbox Console owners
Recruit PRIME - Limited Edition Halo 4

Helmets Received from Special Purchases/Pre-orders:
Deadeye - Pre-order from BestBuy / Play.com
Locus - Pre-order from Future Shop / Mighty Ape or Play Mountain Dew King of the Hill iPhone app game
Scanner - Comes with the War Games Map Pass DLC
Strider - Comes with the War Games Map Pass DLC

Armor Received from Pre-ordering:
C.I.O. WEB (s) - Pre-order from Amazon
Gungnir Pulse (s) - Pre-order from MS Store / Mighty Ape
Hazop FRST (s) - Pre-order from Gamestop
Oceanic CIRCUIT (s) - Pre-order from Walmart
Vernator Raptor (s) - Pre-order from BestBuy / Mighty Ape

Armor Available through Halo Waypoint:

Armor Unlocked by Ranking Up:
SR11 - Air Assault
SR15 - Soldier
SR17 - Aviator
SR21 - Defender
SR26 - Recon
SR27 - E.V.A.
SR37 - War Master
SR38 - Scout
SR41 - Orbital
SR42 - Infiltrator
SR43 - Hazop
SR45 - E.O.D.
SR47 - Oceanic
SR50 - Enforcer

Armor unlocked from Accommodations:
C.I.O. - Spartan Slayer - Master commedation
Commando - Dominion Victory - Master commedation
Gungnir - Slayer Victory - Master commedation
Protector - UNSC Loadout - Master commedation
Ranger - Protector - Master commedation
Vanguard - Flag victory commedation
Venator - Assassin - Master commedation

Armor Skins unlocked from Accommodations:
Air Assault Verg :Vehicle Master
Aviator Bond : Wheelman Master
Commando FRCT : Flood Victory Master
Defender CTRL : Bullet in the Brain Master
Enforcer Tribal : Turret Master
EOD Shadow : Hail to the king Master
E.V.A. BRCH : Hail of Death Master
Infiltrator TRAC : Multikill Master
Orbital AEON : Covenant Destroyer
Protector Drift : Weapon Master
Ranger STRK : Protector Master
Recon Surge : Covenant Loadout Master
Scout APEX : Oddball Victory Master
Soldier Zenith : Spartan Spree Master
Vanguard Converge : Flag Victory Master
Warrior Matrix : Forerunner Loadout Master

Armor unlocked from Specializations:
Wetworks - Complete specialization
Pioneer - Complete specialization
Engineer - Complete specialization
Tracker - Complete specialization
Rogue - Complete specialization
Stalker - Complete specialization
Pathfinder - Complete specialization
Operator - Complete specialization
Did you play through co-op or solo? The co-op is soo much fun. I usually ONLY play the halo games co-op but this campaign is so amazing I might actually play through it solo on normal. I have no plans to ever play through it on legendary. Thats just insane. But I give much respect for those that do actually complete H4 on legendary solo. You are in for one heck of a battle. I currently dont have a single friend that has completed this game solo on legendary yet.
What's the best ways to take down mechs guys?
Can foot soldiers in numbers take em down?
Or is it Banshees, Vehicles etc to take em.

I've not ridden a mech yet myself lol. When I see em on the battle field I scarper quick.

I'm a Halo newbie if you hadn't guessed.
Played three chapters offline, went online and never looked back lol.
What's the best ways to take down mechs guys?
Can foot soldiers in numbers take em down?
Or is it Banshees, Vehicles etc to take em.

I've not ridden a mech yet myself lol. When I see em on the battle field I scarper quick.

I'm a Halo newbie if you hadn't guessed.
Played three chapters offline, went online and never looked back lol.
I would recommend reading my detailed reply in post#180 about taking out vehicles. Overall the best ways are:
1. Plasma pistol fully charged drops ANY vehicle.
2. Laser (usually in the center of the map) Always rush to get the laser or you are in big trouble.
3. Warthog gunner
4. Ghost
5. Get behind it and jack the driver out of the mech and take it for yourself.
I would recommend reading my detailed reply in post#180 about taking out vehicles. Overall the best ways are:
1. Plasma pistol fully charged drops ANY vehicle.
2. Laser (usually in the center of the map) Always rush to get the laser or you are in big trouble.
3. Warthog gunner
4. Ghost
5. Get behind it and jack the driver out of the mech and take it for yourself.

6. Sniper Rifle. Wrecks vehicles, and they're pretty prevalent in Big Team. If there's already some fire coming in, a clip will take a 'shee and ~5-6 shots takes a mech.

I would generally not recommended trying #5 against the mantis, the stomp will ruin your day.
6. Sniper Rifle. Wrecks vehicles, and they're pretty prevalent in Big Team. If there's already some fire coming in, a clip will take a 'shee and ~5-6 shots takes a mech.

I would generally not recommended trying #5 against the mantis, the stomp will ruin your day.
Yes correct about the sniper rifle. Surprised I forgot that. Oh and for #5, make sure you plasma blast it first to disable it or yes, it will ruin your day. :lol:
Finally finished up the co-op campaign a couple times on legendary this weekend. I guess you dont see the true ending unless you beat the co-op campaign on legendary solo. So I googled the true legendary ending because there is no way I will beat any Halo game on solo legendary.
Thats what I sid about Reach, and I pulled it off.

I find that using the same techniques as shown in the LASO runs really pays off.

Granted, I haven't even begun a Legendary run yet.

I'm still working through the Spartan Ops first episode. I just completed a Normal run last night. Now on to episode 2.
I just have no interrest at all playing through solo on legendary. I started solo on normal and the experience is just so much more fun as a co-op. It will probably take me forever to beat it solo on normal. Legendary solo just does not interrest me at all and never has in any game. Its rare I complete any game on the hardest difficulty solo. Fallout 3, NV, and Skyrim are the only exceptions. But the game was very fun as a co-op on legendary. I helped several friends complete the game on co-op legendary this weekend.
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Spartan Ops Episode 3: Chapter 3 and 4 are amazing!!!

Yesterday was officially Spartan Ops Monday again. Played through the co-op Spartan ops yesterday on Legendary and I could not believe how amazing Chapter 3 and 4 were. If you haven not played the Spartan ops then you need to at least try out Episode 3, Chapter 3 and 4. Play on Legendary. Wow

There is also a rumor that they will be bringing back the matchmaking rank numbers like Halo 2 and Halo 3 had. You will still have your SR rank number but next to that will be a different number indicating your online trueskill rank number. Thats supposed to be available sometime around January or February. Really looking forward to that to help balance the game even more.
There is also a rumor that they will be bringing back the matchmaking rank numbers like Halo 2 and Halo 3 had. You will still have your SR rank number but next to that will be a different number indicating your online trueskill rank number. Thats supposed to be available sometime around January or February. Really looking forward to that to help balance the game even more.
My understanding based on the 343i statement is that it won't be visible in game or used in the matchmaking algorithm; it will only appear on Waypoint for certain playlists and is really no different than any number of third party stat scanning ranking systems.

I have my own personal thoughts on ranking, which I will post once I'm on a computer, cause I don't really want to type that much on my phone.
The Halo 2 and Halo 3 visible trueskill matchmaking systems worked perfect IMO. The number would go up and down for each playlist depending on how well or how poor your game was. I personally loved that. I averaged around level 25 on H2 and H3 between BTB and Team SLayer. I was lower in team sniper and other modes. I never had any desire to reach level 50. I just wanted to play with people of my skill level and so far Halo 2 and Halo 3 are the only games that have mastered this trueskill matchmaking. Reach had something similar but it was hidden and didnt work very well. No other developer has this on the console. No one. Hopefully it returns in H4.
News: Halo 4 killed my Xbox. :lol: After 5 years of owning it (never had any problems), I got an E74 error while I was booting up my Xbox. The long, and painful wait to get my Xbox back begins...

That aside, I love Halo 4. I thought at first it was going to suck badly as this isn't a Bungie game. I rented it on release to try it out, 2 hours later I took it back to buy it. I was amazed by what I saw, the campaign is the best yet, IMO the opening level feels like a cross between Halo 1's alien attack on the Pillar of Autumn and the Zero-G section on Halo 2's Armoury. The story is great, Cortana has a very substantial role for once, and Didact is one of the best Halo villains. Spartan Ops is a nice addition, free stuff is always a good thing. The MP is one of the best yet, very solid and has lots of content. The Flood mode is epic, its one thing I've always wanted to do. Overall, this Halo game is my 2nd favourite, but it just can't top Halo Reach for me, the only thing I miss is Firefight. That was fun with friends and Spartan Ops is too, but Firefight just had more reason to come back to it, Spartan Ops has no replayablity after you've done a mission.
News: Halo 4 killed my Xbox. :lol: After 5 years of owning it (never had any problems), I got an E74 error while I was booting up my Xbox. The long, and painful wait to get my Xbox back begins...

That aside, I love Halo 4. I thought at first it was going to suck badly as this isn't a Bungie game. I rented it on release to try it out, 2 hours later I took it back to buy it. I was amazed by what I saw, the campaign is the best yet, IMO the opening level feels like a cross between Halo 1's alien attack on the Pillar of Autumn and the Zero-G section on Halo 2's Armoury. The story is great, Cortana has a very substantial role for once, and Didact is one of the best Halo villains. Spartan Ops is a nice addition, free stuff is always a good thing. The MP is one of the best yet, very solid and has lots of content. The Flood mode is epic, its one thing I've always wanted to do. Overall, this Halo game is my 2nd favourite, but it just can't top Halo Reach for me, the only thing I miss is Firefight. That was fun with friends and Spartan Ops is too, but Firefight just had more reason to come back to it, Spartan Ops has no replayablity after you've done a mission.

Glad you are enjoying the game. I too loved Firefight in Reach but I disagree about the Spartan Ops not having replayablity. I have played quite a few of the missions over and over again. Just like I did with firefight especially on Legendary. But thats just my opinion.

Spartan Ops Episode 3: Chapter 3 and 4 are just incredible this week. You are not even going to believe what happens during those 2 chapters. So I cant wait until you get your 360 repaired so you can check those out. By far THE best Spartan Ops that has been released. After you play Epidode 3 chapter 3 and 4 I dont think you will miss Firefight ever again. Thats coming from someone that loved Firefight. This weeks Spartan Ops was just epic. If its this epic at Episode 3, I cant wait to see what they do by the time Episode 10 comes around. H4 is just getting better and better each week.
I don't mind Spartan Ops, but its definitley something that bennifits from playing Co-op vs on your own.

I've only played through the 1st episode so far (yeah, a little behind) because it seems like such a grind to get through on your own.
I don't mind Spartan Ops, but its definitley something that bennifits from playing Co-op vs on your own.

I've only played through the 1st episode so far (yeah, a little behind) because it seems like such a grind to get through on your own.

Just join up with randoms. It takes around 7 mins a section. The Valhalla level on episode 3 is great. You all get a mech each to play around in.
I've thought about it, but play time is speratic at best for me at times. I usually try to play in the evenings after the wife and kids go to sleep, but lately the kiddies keep waking up screaming for what ever reason. I usually spend more time paused, or just idle in one of the menu's than playing recently.
I've thought about it, but play time is speratic at best for me at times. I usually try to play in the evenings after the wife and kids go to sleep, but lately the kiddies keep waking up screaming for what ever reason. I usually spend more time paused, or just idle in one of the menu's than playing recently.

For what it's worth I have everyone set on mute so I don't get involved on a personal level with any of them. I've never met the same person in a lobby anyhow and in spartan mode everyone does very much his own thing.

One other point is that matchmaking is flawless on my end and from turning the box on and booting up the game you can be playing in minutes.

Worth a look and Exp points needed for armour upgrades and such are quicker to earn.

I've not really played halo before but jumping in team slayer 8v8 is great fun. Some you win some you lose. The matchmaking under the hood have given some really close matches.

Have fun.
I've thought about it, but play time is speratic at best for me at times. I usually try to play in the evenings after the wife and kids go to sleep, but lately the kiddies keep waking up screaming for what ever reason. I usually spend more time paused, or just idle in one of the menu's than playing recently.

Yes you HAVE to at least check out Episode 3:Chapter 4. Its is by far better than any firefight mode I ever played or anything else I have seen in any of the Halo games. I dont want to spoil the rest for you but it is epic!! You will not believe what happens in that level. Something that has never happened in any of the Halo games. Obviously better as co-op especially on legendary.

I played that level at least 6-7 times in a row last night again. In fact I will be playing that chapter a lot more over the weekend too. Its just so epic. I wouldnt have expected anything like that until maybe episode 3. I cant even imagine how they can top that.

If you ever see me on and want to play, just shoot me an invite. Even if its just the 2 of us its a blast on that chapter. Oh woops I think I deleted you along with about 30+ other friends. Well just add me again. :lol:
Yes you HAVE to at least check out Episode 3:Chapter 4. Its is by far better than any firefight mode I ever played or anything else I have seen in any of the Halo games. I dont want to spoil the rest for you but it is epic!! You will not believe what happens in that level. Something that has never happened in any of the Halo games. Obviously better as co-op especially on legendary.

I played that level at least 6-7 times in a row last night again. In fact I will be playing that chapter a lot more over the weekend too. Its just so epic. I wouldnt have expected anything like that until maybe episode 3. I cant even imagine how they can top that.

If you ever see me on and want to play, just shoot me an invite. Even if its just the 2 of us its a blast on that chapter. Oh woops I think I deleted you along with about 30+ other friends. Well just add me again. :lol:

I think you might have. No biggie, I'll send out an invite when I get on again.

I keep hearing great things about it as the chapters keep going, I just haven't taken the time to get into them.

Today is officially "Spartan Ops Monday" again. Week 3 was beyond amazing especially chapter 4. I played that chapter at least 25 times over the week. 👍 With that said I have played at least 600+ games of Halo 4 between co-op campaign, spartan ops, and the multiplayer. My spartan rank is 67. Been loving this game. In fact I have not even hit the eject button since I put Halo 4 in 4 weeks ago. :)

For those wondering about the emblems.
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More great news!!! The Halo 2 and Halo 3 rank system will indeed be returning for Halo 4. They have been testing this behind the scenes but we will have our own individual visible trueskill rank system for each playlist. I loved that in H2 and H3. So glad its returning for H4. This is the one last thing they needed to push the H4 multiplayer to perfection. 👍


"Players will receive a different Competitive Skill Rank for each game type, “so, for example, you will have a unique CSR for your Slayer Pro games vs. your CTF games.” The ranks will be on a 1-50 scale and each player’s rank will go up or down based on match outcomes. Competitive Skill Ranks will be supported by all competitive playlists, and 343 notes that “as the playlists will continuously change post-launch, the exact list of playlists that will support CSR will be determined when the system is ready to drop.”

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