Have You Purchased Microtransactions in GT7?

Have You Purchased Microtransactions in GT7?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 6.9%
  • No

    Votes: 552 93.1%

  • Total voters
I have never buy any game credits. I can pay for DLC, but not for air. I calculated today that 1 hour of grind = 7.8$. It's better to grind I think.
All cars cost more then 260 000 000 cr, and it's 2600$ or 333,3 hours of grind. I don't need all stuff right now, and I hope there will be interesting good paid events in future
If there will be dop content, I will buy it. For example, there were really cool DLC for Drive Club. If there will be such great stuff will new races, 100 new events, I will buy it.
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I bought the Digital Deluxe edition which came with 1.5 million, none of which I've used.

I also bought a $50 PSN card that was supposed to come with a bonus 250k GT credits from GameStop that didn't come with the bonus credits, and long story short I got GameStop to give me another $50 card that was supposed to come with credits but it didn't either. 🙃

So I have a free $50 in PSN credits on my account courtesy of GameStop that I'm thinking about using all of on GT MTX credits just out of spite towards everyone complaining about MTX's. I don't really care that MTX's exist, I just want more events.
This. I'll move everything over. It'll be a bit redundant but everything here will remain in-tact...in the existing thread.

EDIT: And done.
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If the F40 would have came up in the Legend dealership and I didn’t have the credits, I would have bought them. Same for when the 787B comes up.

For complete transparency, and because there’s no shame in my game…. if purchasing credits were a better investment, or you could straight up buy cars for a couple bucks like I GTS, I could have easily seenmyself spending about $40 by now.

The demand is there for MTX’s; that’s for sure. It’s just the economics for them suck right now.

If I’m being brutally honest, this was a bad business decision and a missed opportunity by Sony. Make the MTX’s more economical and they’ll double, if not triple their income

Good thread square
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I am personally curious to know how many people have purchased credits with real money in GT7.

The purpose of this thread is to gauge how successful Sony's and PD's business model is. This is not the thread to discuss how ethical microtransactions are, or to discuss the game's economy. As such, the votes will be anonymous.

I personally may have bought some credits if they were at a more reasonable price. However, the pricing is set at such a ludicrous amount that I cannot even consider the possibility of buying any credits. I think Sony or PD needs to hire a psychologist to gauge exactly how far the average player can be pushed without completely losing them.
I have, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have done so.
I want to be clear that I’m not an advocate of MTX’s and their questionable implementation in this game, given the current ridiculous IG economy. Buuuuuut….

Here’s an idea Sony should look at with Micro transactions that would make them a lot more money, be of more value to the consumer, and just put it out in the open that Sony wants to implement some kind of gaming as a service business model for the future.

Offer a “membership” of sorts for some, or all of the cars that come up in the UCD and legendary dealer. Hell, make it a tiered system. $50 a year gets you “x” amount of cars a year (and make it a slide scale based on the real life dollar amount of said cars), $75 gives you a more cars on the same kind of slide-scale, $100 gives you all the cars that might come up in the legendary dealership.

I’d be lying if a version of that idea didn’t appeal somewhat to me. I’m guessing there are more than a few that would feel the same too


And have a tier where you could “test drive” or rent the cars that come up in the UCD and Legend dealership for a week or whatever…. Then you have the option of buying them at a discounted rate (via MTX’s or IG credits)
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No Way Meme GIF
I probably would spend a few pound here and there... as in a tenner every few months. Maybe 20 or so first few months to get key cars I like.

But for me, current pricing is in insane. Not enough value imo. You could spend serious money and still only have a car or 2 to show for it.

For me to spend more on a video game it has to offer significant value benefit (to me). Time v money spent v enjoyment derived. I can't even consider or take tge idea of a purchase remotely seriously in its current form.

Only time I've spent money before is on one game. And that 3 or 4 purchases for between 99p and £4. Spent hundreds of hours in that game and the purchases enhanced my enjoyment further. So have no regrets.
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Like I said work those issues out before buying to avoid remorse. Is that such a wild concept?
if people maintained your attitude here and gave them the benefit of the doubt, and there was zero backlash to the macrotransactions and ridiculously priced and fomo cars, do you think things would continue on, or do you think changes will occur? I think that there will be more available races and championships over the next few months, but I think there is a definite benefit to pressuring the development of the game and to make clear that mtx are ******** (even though they won't likely care and any profit from some whales is worth it for them)
I am personally curious to know how many people have purchased credits with real money in GT7.

The purpose of this thread is to gauge how successful Sony's and PD's business model is. This is not the thread to discuss how ethical microtransactions are, or to discuss the game's economy. As such, the votes will be anonymous.

I personally may have bought some credits if they were at a more reasonable price. However, the pricing is set at such a ludicrous amount that I cannot even consider the possibility of buying any credits. I think Sony or PD needs to hire a psychologist to gauge exactly how far the average player can be pushed without completely losing them.
How are votes anonymous when people have to say yes or no and therefore revealing who they are surely you need to do this as a poll or similar
No, and I've never paid for any kind of credits in any game.

If I can 'win' or earn them, I'll just play more.

On the flip side, I have no issues paying for substantial DLC (ie not a skin), or expansions.
Cars, tracks, and expansions of game modes I'm more than happy to pay for.
Right, but they should be in the game already. The link you posted even shows that they're finished. Why can't Kaz even give a bit of info regarding future content, when we've already seen it? It's not like it's a secret they've just withheld content instead of adding it on release.

Cars and tracks are surely finished by now. There's not much added over GT Sport, what else were they doing in that time?

Race events take barely any time to set up, and we know there's more finished, they should be in.
If every race to be in the game was already in it there would be no point in having it as an interactive game just chuck it out as it is and let everybody do what they want and dont add any more to it ?? No game is like that any more all games get dlc and add ons and bug fixes nowadays thats what keeps the game interesting for so many people
No, don't intend to.

I enjoy the game, so far, at cafe #25. Ignoring MTX, the single player campaign is addictive and challenging for me.

The bad press surrounding MTX and always online is hurting the franchise reputation more than anything. I know people holding on their purchase because of that. Too bad, they are missing out a lot.
My answer is yes and I can explain my logic for this one time purchase.
I bought the 25th Anniversary Digital Download Preorder, it gave me 3 additional cars, the soundtrack, and 1.5 million credits. I have currently 3 accounts i play with and all three got the cars, music, etc. But I only get the 1.5 million on the primary account that I used to buy it thru PS store, the other two accounts do not get the bonus credits. So I purchased credits for those two accounts to get equality in funds across the three accounts.
It's my only sin and will not buy anymore. Please forgive me.

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