Heroes - Are you on the list?

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Yeah, this show getting more ridiculous with every episode, but it's still good.

Noticed all those things you mentioned, but overlook them to just enjoy the show. All shows except Cops are fake. Even some "reality" shows are staged. Meh.

Yeah, the big "Sylar and Peter" battle was so lame and stupid. Peter could have pulled out the glass himself. Why didn't the Dr. kill Sylar when he knocked him out? Instead, he picks up Peter and drives away, then goes back to see Sylar is gone and not once said anything about it. Lame.
As a kid that grew up an avid comic book reader I am use to ridiculous being part of the deal. How many characters have come back from the dead (Superman) or had someone conveniently get the exact same power just after dying (The Flash). At least Heroes tries to explain the abilities as being centered around a part of the brain and not just coming straight out of the genetic code. If anyone ever reads Tuesday Morning Quarteback on ESPN, he's been demanding to see an extra organ or whatever that allows for these new bodily functions in any hero, comic or TV.

And I overlook a lot of things as I watch, but I can't help going back over them, wondering what the writers were thinking. For instance, this episode the only thing that occured to me as it happened was the glass and then Peter not regenerating. But I think we were supposed to think about the glass in his head, as we had been shown that earlier this season.

As for Mohinder not killing Sylar on the spot, I like to think that he was distraught about Peter and that was his primary concern.
OK, this episode makes up for the last one. I swear this episode was a lot shorter. lol

I wont spoil it for those that have yet to watch it. Big spoilers if I do.
I enjoyed the episode, but I have to say that once again we got shafted on what should have been an awesome fight scene.
I enjoyed the episode, but I have to say that once again we got shafted on what should have been an awesome fight scene.

Yep. I guess fight sequences take up too much time, effort and money. NBC are well known for being cheap lazy bastards.
Yep. I guess fight sequences take up too much time, effort and money. NBC are well known for being cheap lazy bastards.
Well, judging by the "we have a cure" storyline I would say that creative storylines are too expensive as well. All we are missing is Linderman saying, "We are the cure."


I am curious about something that is nagging at me. If Claire is still alive and Hiro stabbed Sylar in the past/present, how is he still alive in 2012 to be disguised as Nathan? And of course, Peter never once told them the truth about the explosion, so the past/present has been setup to repeat itself.

And I am glad to see that Nikki is back to doing what she does best. :sly:
Is the next chapter the last one of this season? It seems so because we're about to get to the bomb part and things are pretty interesting.

By the way, Hiro has some pretty good skills to master sword fighting in one lesson. :P
Is the next chapter the last one of this season? It seems so because we're about to get to the bomb part and things are pretty interesting.
I believe so, although I don't know if it is actually the bomb explosion part. The election just happened and the bomb supposedly happens two days afterwards. And then I read an interview with eth Executive Producer where he said the saving the world storyline wouldn't be completed until something like November.

Don't forget we have a time traveling member of this cadre of characters. And when future Hiro first approached Peter Petrelli he mentioned creating a rift as if he knew it as fact, not theory. What if the bomb goes off and Hiro stops the wrong person and then tries to go back but just creates a huge time problem?

By the way, Hiro has some pretty good skills to master sword fighting in one lesson. :P
Hey, Captain Sulu can teach anyone to sword fight. Although, I did think the same thing. I thought that they had been at it for maybe a full day or something, but then he finished and ran back into the shop to look for Ando. I was thinking he was crazy if he expected him to still be waiting after all that time.

One thing I thought about that has yet to be brought up, and might never, Peter Petrelli has been near Hiro enough times to have absorbed his time traveling/teleporting powers. Along that same vein future Peter was dating future Nikki. Is Jessica actually a power or just a schizo personality split? Does future Peter occasionally have second personality angry moments ("you won't like me when I'm angry"). Or even just have the super strength thing going on?

So, Peter was beaten by Sylar because Sylar outwitted him, but what if he just turned invisible and then stopped time. It would be worse than when Hiro just kept popping up around the room because you couldn't see when he did just pop up somewhere else. Then suddenly, BOOM, nuclear ball to the face!

Basically, if I were Peter Petrelli I would have so much fun, even when fighting virrains. And even when it got out of hand, I would just heal. He has just not fully explored the extent of his abilities, like walking into a girls locker room unseen. :sly:

Seriously though, the combination of his abilities makes him a truly interesting character that needs much further exploration, even if just for coolness.
I don't ******* believe it! My recording of Heroes got messed up. I only saw up till the point Claire jumped out the window.

So, what happened after that?

I saw the very end, Hiro landing where he did.

EDIT: NBC.com had it up already. Saw it there. Cheesy ending.

So, wtf was that??
I absolutely loved the Finale. But come-on, more Peter - Sylar fight would've been too good. Now as for the question. Sylar isnt dead? We saw his blood marks (seemed like the body was dragged) down till the drainage opening, so that means he's still alive? What about Peter? after exploding, can he heal? Will he return back to this planet? Damn, although I am glad they ended this whole *exploding* storyline in this season and didnt drag it on till next season. Although the new villian (who can see the kid when she's trying to find him) sounds interesting, and much worse. But Sylar was by far the evilest Super Villian I've seen..

What do you think of the 6 episode Spin-off, Heroes : Origin ??
- Peter can heal; he picked that up from Claire back in Homecoming, remember? I'm not sure if he could heal his wounds from being in the centre of a nuclear explosion, but it could be possible.
- He will return to Earth because he can fly. He needed his brother to take him into the stratosphere because he couldn't control his radiation power and thereofre couldn't fly. Also, he was panicking slightly, and as he's proved in the past, he doesn't always think things through. He'll probably heal as he falls back to earth (assuming he survived; but then, Ted always did when he used his ability) before flying before he hits the ground.
- As for Sylar ... well, it was almost a given that his fate would probably be ambiguous as the writers stated they would explain how he was able to absorb his victims' abilities. Some people naturally suggest cannibalism, but I suspect that since he's a watchmaker, he's got some innate non-super ability to see when things aren't as they should be (as he proved with Chandra's watch). But I do agree that he was as awesome villain; unlike the Lex Luthors of this world, Sylar simply wanted power for himself as opposed to ruling the world or growing new continents. Plus, the nature of television (as opposed toa two-hour film) means it is far easier to make him a very interesting character.

The only thing I don't understand is why Peter is the one who exploded. Sylar was clearly shown wanting to cause the explosion at the end of Landslide, but Peter simply lost control. Why? Was it because he lost control of his emotions? Or the power got the better of him as he was tired from the fight with Sylar? Or some kind of prophecy (let's hope not)?
Spoiler for people who havent seen the finale -

To answer your querries in the last paragraph, with a theory of my own.. I think Sylar knew his fate, with all the painting visions he had. He knew he cannot completely change his fate. He would like to but it wasnt solely in his hands. But he still wanted to blow up the city, just in-case the prophecy (his fate, of dying by Hiro's sword) is true, he can take down the city with Peter's help (not fore-seeing, Nathan's change of mind). As for Peter's explosion. I think it was coz he got angry and we've seen with Ted that initially when he wasnt able to control his power was when he was emotionally charged up. Angry, Frustrated, etc.. Sylar knows Peter well by now, he knows his nature and he know what'll aggravate him and eventually the radiation. So he used it in his favour..
I don't know. I'll have to wait for the DVD of the series to come out (which will take forever since they're only at around episode 19 here in Australia; I've been downloading the epsiodes); that way I can watch back through them and look for clues.
I was thinking I'll do the same. Watch the entire season once again after a while. Coz as it is, everything show I watch is either on or almost on a season break.. damn, that rhymes with Prison Break! :)
Did FoolKiller miss this one? It's always interesting to hear his thoughts about the episodes...

Anyway I liked this last one but I hoped it would end better. When Natan comes to Peter I thought he was going to calm him down so Peter wouldn't explode. Now I think they both died but this would suck badly since they're the most interesting characters in the show.
I thought the show was okay it seemed a little forced but I liked nonetheless.I kinda hate how they let Sylar kill Ted the other episode I got so upset I stopped watching the rest of that episode. I would have liked to more Peter vs Sylar myself but it didn't happen. It seems Peter should wipe the floor with Sylar but he doesn't. I guess Sylar is better able to control his powers. I wonder if Peter has picked up all of the abilities that Sylar stole? I'm was also glad they resolved the Nicky/Jessica thing it was starting to get old. By the way did they ever show if Mrs. Petrelli has any powers?
So when will we find out if Peter and his brother died?
I'd really hate to see that happen as Peter was one of my favs on the show. Also, I wasn't too big on how they ended the show with Hiro falling in the field... Just too much of a cliffhanger for me. I'd like to see the show pickup again real soon but I have a feeling it will be a long time before I see anything. :ouch:
I think most of the shows will be back in Fall.. But b4 that they're going to have a Heroes Spin-off show *6 or 7 eps*, probably one or two of the guys already in the show would feature in this spin-off, but it's more like a prequel thing. It's called Heroes : Origins.. It'll be enough to Whet my appitite till Chapter 2 begins.. I really liked this whole season, may be not as much as Prison Break but it was nice to see something of this sort..

Hope they carry on well in Season 2..
I was under the impression Origins was to be braodcast in the mid-season hiatus America has next season, with audiences picking which character they want to appear in season three ...
Did FoolKiller miss this one? It's always interesting to hear his thoughts about the episodes...
Nope, I caught it but life caught up with me. Things should be calming down now as I am finally getting a good flow in my new position at work and the family health issue, um........resolved itself two nights ago.

I would have liked to more Peter vs Sylar myself but it didn't happen. It seems Peter should wipe the floor with Sylar but he doesn't. I guess Sylar is better able to control his powers.
Or Peter is just a nice guy, so the fighting and killing thing isn't a natural reaction the way it was for Nikki.

I wonder if Peter has picked up all of the abilities that Sylar stole?
That's where he got his telekinesis from, so I assume so. It may require the power to be used in his presence though. I still want to know why he isn't time/space traveling.

I'm was also glad they resolved the Nicky/Jessica thing it was starting to get old. By the way did they ever show if Mrs. Petrelli has any powers?
Definitely. I am happy to find out that the super strength and the crazies are seprate things. Nikki just wasn't mentally stable enough to handle the powers until she came to terms with them. Now we have a kick-butt stripper (my favorite kind).

I think most of the shows will be back in Fall.. But b4 that they're going to have a Heroes Spin-off show *6 or 7 eps*, probably one or two of the guys already in the show would feature in this spin-off, but it's more like a prequel thing. It's called Heroes : Origins.. It'll be enough to Whet my appitite till Chapter 2 begins..
I think it will be during the holiday break in December. In Wiki they are saying the mid-season break. But NBC is saying they have yet to hash that all out yet.

Now, my thoughts. First, let me say I enjoyed the finale. Sacrifice in order to save the day is always good. But I like to pick at their obvious comic references, or stolen sources, whichever it is, so here goes:

So the flying dude picks up the problem (who is also a dude in this case) and flies it high enough that it no longer is a threat. I have seen this somewheres (notice the plural) before. If I see Peter fluttering back down to Earth and crash in Central Park I will be very upset. And actually, I have seen the fly the explosive device high up into the atmosphere multiple times, so a Kryptonite continent isn't all there is. Really, I think if you pick a Superman movie you will find him doing this.

So, Sylar got away and Nathan dies (presumably) in the end. Now, if Nathan suddenly shows up I will not believe it is him until shape shifting hottie turns up alive or we see him and Sylar at the same time.

As it stands teh future that we saw will only change in that New York City did not go boom, but the nuclear explosion in the sky cannot be ignored, nor the fact that a prominent businessman (Linderman) was killed the same night. Flashing back to the future (is this Lost?) I recall the law to track down and register the mutants being called the Linderman Law, or bill, I don't remember exactly. But it was named after Linderman. The two new powers future Sylar had were reaching through walls (DL is still alive) and shape shifting (hottie is still alive). Those things can still happen and Sylar/Nathan can still push for the Linderman Bill because the city was attacked, but it had been prevented at the last minute or the terrorists had screwed it up, whatever they want to say. The future we saw is still very much a possibility, minus the hole where New York once stood.

Speaking of hottie, I think she used to be overweight or ugly and was made fun of and found a way to permanently shift into her current hottie status. That is just judging from teh way she was talking to Micah about the world being an ugly place where people are judged by how they look. Honestly, I don't see how that would have ever been a problem for her, and she isn't so hot that people would just assume she is dumber than a box of rocks. Whatever the case may be, it is not important to the main story.

As for Hiro in the past-----he is Kensei. Maybe?

One question....what in the name of Cerebro is with the eclipse? It obviously has nothing to do with their powers. It just makes a really cool logo, so why keep coming back to it? I would like to see some relevance.
Saw the finale yesterday, it was lame. I haven't seen too many episodes but I was hoping for a big fight between Sylar and Peter. Throughout the whole episode, they kept blablabla-ing in such a way I began to look forward to the battle but they never really faught 👎 Also, Sylar was so powerful yet he was beaten so easily? A single blow with a sword?!

And what's up with Nathan flying, too much "The Matrix" style and very exaggorated. I was glued to the screen but how Nathan came flying, just got me "LMAO, that's the worst character move ever!"

And what up with Hiro being caught up in 1671 or something?
I was thinking the same thing. Everything complained about has been part of the show for a while. Nathan never just flies gently and Hiro has jumped to the wrong time/place more often than not. And Peter and Sylar rarely ever get to openly fight.

And if you pay attention in the end Sylar appears to have gotten away. His body was gone and a blood trail led down a manhole cover.

Of course, I am not worried about Sylar. The little girl mentioned someone scarier than Sylar that she can't locate because when she does he then knows where she is. I imagine a villain that is more severe than Sylar in that he doesn't have to kill other metahumans to be powerful, he just is.
But surely Hiro can timetravell back? I haven't seen all the episodes so I donæt know but what he did to save his buddy from Sylar was pretty cool 👍
But surely Hiro can timetravell back? I haven't seen all the episodes so I donæt know but what he did to save his buddy from Sylar was pretty cool 👍
Well, after he accidentally transported himself back to Japan (right as he was going to kiss the girl) he caught a plane back. Whenever he gets all emotional he screws it up.

I am hoping that the issue with Nathan always going faster than sound (yet his clothes don't get messed up - and assuming he lives), Nikki going schizo, Peter blowing up, and various other instances of lack of control are taken care of going forward. I think that some of it was to cover for lack of effects funding, which should be getting fixed, and the rest was for story purposes. If they get more funding and they now know they can move forward with their story they can make it seem as if people just begin to gain control of their powers and that they aren't so unpredictable and sudden (or crazy).

Honestly I imagine that if I knew how to fly that I would probably either crash a lot or blast off uncontrollably. As for time/space travel, well it isn't as if he has a space/time continuum map. Nightcrawler had the benefit of actually entering a second dimension, moving through it to where he wanted, and then coming back out, but Hiro is just trying to think about where he wants to go really hard.
Eh, she is pretty good looking, and she is legal next month :lol:

But ya know stoopid, I think you need to have a seat over there *points* so we can have a little talk about underage girls. :dopey:
I love Heroes!!👍, it's my most favourite TV show ever!👍
We're still on season 1 over here in the UK on BBC 2, Ive loved it all so far and cannot wait for the rest of season 1 and indeed the start of season 2!!:D



Hayden Panettiere is the hottest 18-year-old I have ever seen!

What do you guys think?

I strongly agree, she is also a superb actress and singer too!👍