Did FoolKiller miss this one? It's always interesting to hear his thoughts about the episodes...
Nope, I caught it but life caught up with me. Things should be calming down now as I am finally getting a good flow in my new position at work and the family health issue, um........resolved itself two nights ago.
I would have liked to more Peter vs Sylar myself but it didn't happen. It seems Peter should wipe the floor with Sylar but he doesn't. I guess Sylar is better able to control his powers.
Or Peter is just a nice guy, so the fighting and killing thing isn't a natural reaction the way it was for Nikki.
I wonder if Peter has picked up all of the abilities that Sylar stole?
That's where he got his telekinesis from, so I assume so. It may require the power to be used in his presence though. I still want to know why he isn't time/space traveling.
I'm was also glad they resolved the Nicky/Jessica thing it was starting to get old. By the way did they ever show if Mrs. Petrelli has any powers?
Definitely. I am happy to find out that the super strength and the crazies are seprate things. Nikki just wasn't mentally stable enough to handle the powers until she came to terms with them. Now we have a kick-butt stripper (my favorite kind).
I think most of the shows will be back in Fall.. But b4 that they're going to have a Heroes Spin-off show *6 or 7 eps*, probably one or two of the guys already in the show would feature in this spin-off, but it's more like a prequel thing. It's called Heroes : Origins.. It'll be enough to Whet my appitite till Chapter 2 begins..
I think it will be during the holiday break in December. In Wiki they are saying the mid-season break. But NBC is saying they have yet to hash that all out yet.
Now, my thoughts. First, let me say I enjoyed the finale. Sacrifice in order to save the day is always good. But I like to pick at their obvious comic references, or stolen sources, whichever it is, so here goes:
So the flying dude picks up the problem (who is also a dude in this case) and flies it high enough that it no longer is a threat. I have seen this somewheres (notice the plural) before. If I see Peter fluttering back down to Earth and crash in Central Park I will be very upset. And actually, I have seen the fly the explosive device high up into the atmosphere multiple times, so a Kryptonite continent isn't all there is. Really, I think if you pick a Superman movie you will find him doing this.
So, Sylar got away and Nathan dies (presumably) in the end. Now, if Nathan suddenly shows up I will not believe it is him until shape shifting hottie turns up alive or we see him and Sylar at the same time.
As it stands teh future that we saw will only change in that New York City did not go boom, but the nuclear explosion in the sky cannot be ignored, nor the fact that a prominent businessman (Linderman) was killed the same night. Flashing back to the future (is this Lost?) I recall the law to track down and register the mutants being called the Linderman Law, or bill, I don't remember exactly. But it was named after Linderman. The two new powers future Sylar had were reaching through walls (DL is still alive) and shape shifting (hottie is still alive). Those things can still happen and Sylar/Nathan can still push for the Linderman Bill because the city was attacked, but it had been prevented at the last minute or the terrorists had screwed it up, whatever they want to say. The future we saw is still very much a possibility, minus the hole where New York once stood.
Speaking of hottie, I think she used to be overweight or ugly and was made fun of and found a way to permanently shift into her current hottie status. That is just judging from teh way she was talking to Micah about the world being an ugly place where people are judged by how they look. Honestly, I don't see how that would have ever been a problem for her, and she isn't so hot that people would just assume she is dumber than a box of rocks. Whatever the case may be, it is not important to the main story.
As for Hiro in the past-----he is Kensei. Maybe?
One question....what in the name of Cerebro is with the eclipse? It obviously has nothing to do with their powers. It just makes a really cool logo, so why keep coming back to it? I would like to see some relevance.