How the Rest of the World Views the United States

  • Thread starter YSSMAN
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OK, I think we've hijacked this thread enough with Krispy Kreme discussion.
Let's talk about Mac D's instead. Would you like an apple pie with that? It still pertains to America, especially seeing as this is probably the second-place company on the "Soon to Take Over the Universe" list, right behind Wal-Mart.
I would like to see more American's views on the paper itself. Now that it's been written.
Coming from a Melbourne perspective, I view America thusly:

Unfortunately, I can't find any Krispy Kremes in stock, they're not listed on the site anyway. I might go have a look in the shop, see if I get a heart attack just from looking at the quantity of sugary and salty snacks.
You mean to tell me you don't have:

Soda: A&W, Cherry Coke, Fresca?
Cereal: Lucky Charms, Cherrios, Apple Jacks, CTC?
Cookies: OREOS, OREOS, Fig Newtons, OREOS, Famos Amos, OREOS?
Candy: 3 Musketeers, M&M Peanutbutter, Recespieces, Red Vines, Kisses?
Seasonings and Sauces: A1, Lawrys, A1, A1, KC Masterpiece, A1?
Chips/Pretzels: Snyders, Pringles, Chex Mix?
PBJ: JIF and Welches?

...And no Rice Aroni or Stoufer's?

How the hell do you live in Australia????

...I guess I now understand why my Aunt always brings a carry on of Jif and Welches, along with M&Ms and Oreos when she travels about the world...

BTW: Krispy Kreme is a fast-food doughnut chain here in the US. It's really not something that is sold on the shelf, although I have seen it here in the local Meijer Stores.
They sell them in boxes of twelve all over the place. Gas Stations, Kroger, Wal Mart, just about everywhere you can get foody stuff. But I agree, one of the best things about America is our deliciously diverse array of food. Right down the road from my house is a Kroger, Wal Mart, MacDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, everything fast food, not to mention O' Charley's, TGI Fridays, Applebee's, Olive Garden (Mmmmmm), P.F. Cheng's (Asian fancy food), El Hacienda Grande....... What else? Name something.
ANyway, I thought YSSMAN's essay was spot on. The only thing I would change is how we view our own country. We take it for granted, definitely, and some say they don't like it, but I think everyone really has a deep admiration of most things American. And everyone else in the world thinks we're fat, lazy bums that either make too much money or not enough, and we guzzle electricity and water like we'ew hoarding it for the coming armageddon. Which is true, except the whole armageddon thing.
Your mom is being taken over by food. Ohhhhh! Count it!
Which reminds me: American Television kicks ass. MTV just started a show called Yo Momma where a bunch of people crack momma jokes at eachother to win $1,000. What a complete waste of TV time.
The USA is judged internationally by the actions of its government on the world stage. This may be right or wrong but most people only know the USA throught news reports on the TV.

How should we veiw the USA?

I just have spent 18 months working in California and Arizona. American people are without a doubt some of the nicest, friendliest, hospitable people i have ever met. The country has stunning scenery, very beautiful and it was an utter pleasure to have spend some of the happiest days of my life there. I love America.

I detest the current administration with every fibre of my being. Part of this is because the American public themselves are being fooled by these liars and scumbags.

the problem is, America is the current administration, the two are inseperable on the international stage and that is saddening. I have heard people say that they hate America because of the wars in Vietnam, Afgan and Iraq, the Abu Graibh and Gitmo atrocities, the current civil war in Iraq and the hypocricy over N Korea and Zimbabwe.

this is how a large part of the world view America, do not say it isnt and do not wonder 'why does every one hate America?'...its plainly obvious.
Speaking of America not being up-to-date on world issues, what thew hell is going on in Zimbabwe? Are you talking about AIDS or something?
What TurboSmoke said^^^^

Spot on post 👍. I love American culture and the people, but really can't stand the Bush administration, and some of the terrible decisions made in the past also. Unfortunately the country is only known for its leaders as far as other nation's people are concerned.
Speaking of America not being up-to-date on world issues, what thew hell is going on in Zimbabwe? Are you talking about AIDS or something?

i am talking about the appauling human rights abuses perpetrated by the Mugabe regime. Remember the 'liberation of Iraq'? Murder, torture, know, like Saddam did and really needed to stop doing..?

These people need the help more than the Iraqis...Zimbabwe has one vital missing component however so dont hold your breath.
i am talking about the appauling human rights abuses perpetrated by the Mugabe regime. Remember the 'liberation of Iraq'? Murder, torture, know, like Saddam did and really needed to stop doing..?

These people need the help more than the Iraqis...Zimbabwe has one vital missing component however so dont hold your breath.

Yea, it's not smack in the middle of a hotbed region of terrorism.

Somebody put a lock on this thread please, the report has been written and it is now completely redundant to the stickied America thread.
Yea, it's not smack in the middle of a hotbed region of terrorism.

Somebody put a lock on this thread please, the report has been written and it is now completely redundant to the stickied America thread.

Hi Dan,

there are plenty of terrorists in that part of Africa...

sure though, lock it up....stick your heads in the sand.
Hi Dan,

there are plenty of terrorists in that part of Africa...

Are you purposely being dense? Yes, I agree, now figure out why I would still say what I said above. Try giving me the benefit of the doubt.

I actually thought to myself earlier "turbo is going to say that there are terrorists in Africa too. Then I thought, no no, he'll understand that I'm referring to 9/11 and how terrorism relates directly to America. He won't just assume that if he points out that there are terrorists in Africa he's somehow defeated my point." I guess I was wrong. Now I'm thinking to myself "turbo is going to say that terrorism in Africa relates directly to America and will assume that somehow that defeats my point." I hope I'm wrong.

sure though, lock it up....stick your heads in the sand.

We arleady have a thread for ranting about AMERICA!!
American Television kicks ass

Ummmm, Okay I guess. I hate MTV, mostly because it isnt MTV anymore. MTV2 is okay on occasion (I heart Wondershowzen), but neither show music videos, much less anything I would consider music anymore.

If you want an example of good American television programing, youre going to have to check FX and their lineup of shows... The Shield, Theif, Nip/Tuck, Resuce Me, etc. All of which are some of the best shows on TV, period.
Somebody put a lock on this thread please, the report has been written and it is now completely redundant to the stickied America thread.

Excellent point. I thought this discussion could evolve or just be good to reflect about views. But it's not. :(


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