Introduce Yourself! New Member Introductions Thread — Come Say Hello!

  • Thread starter Jordan
New member, grew up playing GT on original Playstation and spent far too much time on GT2 that summer, haven't played much real racing since then only casually. Saw reviews of GT7 and had too much nostalgia not to jump back in and get a PS5 and get racing. Currently still figuring out my setup, just using a controller on the couch now but I have some things on the way.

  • How did you find GTPlanet?
    • Google search for finding GT7 beginner leagues
  • Where are you from?
    • CT, USA
  • When did you start playing racing games?
    • My first racing game was later in the life of the original GT, I soon after got GT2 and really spent a lot of time on that
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
    • Ordered a G29, should get here today. Have never played with any kind of real wheel or setup, excited to try it out for real
  • What other games do you enjoy?
    • Most other sports games with friends, PGA2K, Madden, mainly
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
    • Looking to find a place to talk about sim racing and finding a league or group I can race with online
ciao a tutti, sono Walter
Ho trovato gplanet tramite google, leggendo recensioni sui volanti directdrive.
Vi scrivo dall'Italia, Torino.
la mia passione per i giochi di corse è appena iniziata, non sono molto bravo a guidare, sto imparando.
Mi piace giocare a eurotruck simulator 2.
ma ho intenzione di provare tutti i giochi di corse e di guida più popolari.
Ho comprato un mese fa il nuovo Logitech G PRO Racing Wheel, versione xbox. Lo uso su un pc con ryzen 5900 e trx 3090.
Spero di trovare molte discussioni e informazioni sul mio volante Logitech PRO in futuro e consigli su come impostare l'FFB per molti giochi
Hey there...... been racing since GT3..... have them all since then... mainly a controller racer but have used a few friends wheel/pedal setups before...
I mainly solo race trying to better my lap times..... I'm in the US and race when I can but try to get my daily ticket at the least....

I found this site when looking for a decent tune for my GR010 .... but have been rolling the Lexus SC430 GR2 car thru Sardenga A for credits...
Hello everyone.

I came upon GTPlanet, while researching Gran Turismo 7.

I'm from Canada.

Started playing Gran Turismo, back in the days of the PS2.

I play the game/games using a controller although one day I intend to buy a steering wheel.

Other games I enjoy playing are military oriented/flight.

At this point it's hard to say what I'm most looking forward to in the community, but I must say I really like what I see.

Thanks for having me,

Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Good afternoon everyone!! Hope everyone is doing well heading into the new year!!!

I found GTP through a Google search looking for GT7 leagues!!
I am currently in Va, US.
I have played racing games for a while but am looking for clean racing since open lobbies are just full of destruction and the shadow realm.
I do have a wheel and it’s a fanatic podium.
I like all kind of games so I’ll give anyone a try.
It might be too specific, but I am looking for a US GT7 league that takes place in the evenings. Also steel sharpens steel so if I can help with anything I will.

Thank you for the community and reading the longest post I will probably ever post😂😂
Benvenuti in una discussione speciale solo per i nuovi membri!:D

Questo è il posto migliore per scrivere il tuo primo post e familiarizzare con l'utilizzo del sito. Ecco alcune domande che ci piace porre a tutti...
  • Come hai trovato GTPlanet?
  • Di dove sei?
  • Quando hai iniziato a giocare ai giochi di corse?
  • Giochi con un volante? Se sì, che tipo usi?
  • Quali altri giochi ti piacciono?
  • Cosa non vedi l'ora di fare nella community?
Come sempre, facci sapere se hai bisogno di aiuto per orientarti nel sito o utilizzare il tuo account. Benvenuto su GTPlanet!

Bnasera sono di un paese provincia di Viterbo ho trovato Gt planet seguendo le novità di gran turismo 7
Benvenuti in una discussione speciale solo per i nuovi membri!:D

Questo è il posto migliore per scrivere il tuo primo post e familiarizzare con l'utilizzo del sito. Ecco alcune domande che ci piace porre a tutti...
  • Come hai trovato GTPlanet?
  • Di dove sei?
  • Quando hai iniziato a giocare ai giochi di corse?
  • Giochi con un volante? Se sì, che tipo usi?
  • Quali altri giochi ti piacciono?
  • Cosa non vedi l'ora di fare nella community?
Come sempre, facci sapere se hai bisogno di aiuto per orientarti nel sito o utilizzare il tuo account. Benvenuto su GTPlanet!

Bnasera ho trovato gt planet cercandole novità su Gt7 sono di un paese della provincia di Viterbo ho iniziato con G
T1 attualmente gioco solo con gran turismo 7 con postazione e volante G29su questo canale spero di trovare le risposte ai miei dubbi in merito al gioco
Welcome! I started my adventure with Gran Turismo with GT4, for which I specifically bought a PS2. After the purchase I was heartbroken, but it was stupid to admit my mistake. After two weeks of learning to drive Gran Turismo, I finally liked it and have played all parts since then.

Once Gran Turismo allowed me to save a lot of money. I entered a highway entrance too fast. You know, the kind of long winding one with barriers. I knew it was too fast, I braked for a while and let go of the brake and thus I fit, although I had centimeters to the barriers. If I hadn't practiced letting go of the brake even though I was going too fast in a curve I wouldn't have made it, and letting go of the brake when you're going too fast is against natural reflexes and needs to be learned, it turns out that you can learn to do this in the game, even playing on a gamepad.

It works the other way, too. Learning how to drive slalom in real training on the track, helped me in many tests in GT :)

I hope this was interesting and you will forgive me for helping myself with the translator.

As we say in my country: "wide road".
25 years I have been playing Gran Turismo! Yes, I'm a dinosaur. So, a little late to the GTPlanet party, but I've been secretly reading your articles for years. With GT7 igniting the sparkplugs again this year, I'm ready for a great start to 2023.
  • ¿Cómo te encuentras con GTPlanet?
  • vendo un canal de youtube (vieja escuela) que su temática era Gran turismo 7
  • ¿De donde eres?
  • Soy de Ourense , Galicia , España
  • ¿Cuándo empezaste a jugar juegos de carreras?
  • hace ya unos 40 años
  • ¿Juegas con un volante? Si es así, ¿qué tipo usas?
  • No
  • ¿Qué otros juegos disfrutas?
  • juegos de deportes
  • ¿Qué es lo que más esperas hacer en la comunidad?
  • informarme
  • How did you find GTPlanet? News (Google)
  • Where are you from? Australia
  • When did you start playing racing games? 2004
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use? Kind of. RWA HORI Wheel
  • What other games do you enjoy? F1, Gran Turismo, NASCAR
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? To gain speed on GT7 so I can get closer towards the World Tour Event
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Bello guys i was LooKing for a Time trial Event and found it here
i started 3 years ago
I Drive with a steering Wheel thrustmaster
other Racing Games
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

On the web..
a century ago… 😀
fps games ,fly and wargames
no idea… maybe some nice liverys ?
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

-Google Search
-Norris, TN, USA
-Started on GTSport a couple weeks before GT7 was Released
-Yes! Fanatec Podium
-NHL, Madden, Ace Combat

PSN- OneArmdBandit21
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Hello from Indonesia.

Long time fan of racing games all the way through the first Gran Turismo.
First time racing sim (Fanatex DD Pro) in GT7 though - thumb stick was the RULE!!! before

I used to play a lot (A LOT) of WoW and FF XIV but semi-retired now as I don't have much time as I used to. Love all story-based AAA games from Playstation Studios - GoW Ragnarok, TLOU, Uncharted, Spiderman (also Miles Morales), Horizon series, etc

I hope I can be better in setting up car tuning and also looking forward to racing online with the other members here as well.

Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Good evening!
I found gtplanet while looking settings for Castrol Tom's Supra and Subaru Impreza.
I'm from Ukraine
I started racing when I was 6 years old. This was in 2014. I love cars so much, and then my dad gave me a PS3 with a GT6 game. I still play it, but I started playing seriously recently.
I'm using a PS3 Thrustmaster Ferrari GT steering wheel.
So far I've only played GT6 and GT3, but I plan to play other racing games later.
Find friends and read a lot of interesting things.
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Welcome to a special thread just for new members! 

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...

How did you find GTPlanet?

Where are you from?

When did you start playing racing games?

Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?

What other games do you enjoy?

What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?

As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Thrustmaster t128
Cod,medal of honour etc, golf
just getting advice and ideas


- I found GTplanet looking on Google and YouTube for settings for cars in Gran Turismo 7.

- I come from France.

- I don’t really know, but I think about Gran Turismo on PlayStation, or some other car game, but what’s on is that I was young.

- I play mainly the controller, but also sometimes what is really very rare (see never) at the wheel. And the steering wheel is a Thrustmaster T80.

- I also like the games of the Assassin’s Creed saga, the Gran Theft Auto series and many others...

- To be honest, I don’t really know, I just signed up to thank the people who post their settings and then use them.
Hello everyone,

I discovered GTPlanet while surfing, several years ago, but I think my account had been deactivated.
I live in France.
I started playing racing games 35 years ago.
I play with a controller.
I like adventure games, like Ray-Man.
I would like to be able to talk to members about car settings, races, etc.


PS : my english is so-so...
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Hi all,

I ended up register to forum after I realize how much missing from the GT7 Custom Races options and I needed to open my heart. I have follow GTPlanet news since buying GT7.

Im from Finland and I have been playing racing games since late 90's. I grow up with GT and Need for Speed games with along some other sport titles.

I have always played with controller, but I will buy myself chair and wheel when I'm under 100kg (still 27 to go!). I enjoy racing, sport and open-world games, but I always play solo offline. Last game I finished was Stray (I highly recommend that), current playing GT7 and Guardians of the Galaxy. All time favorite games are NFS Underground 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn.

Thanks for having me!
-I found GTPlanet after searching everything GT7
-From Los Angeles
-First racing game I remember loving was Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road
-Wheel coming for my birthday. Not 100% which one yet
-I actually still really enjoy GTA 5. Especially racing and track building
-Once I get settled it, I want to find clean club/event racing with like minded racers

Hi yall!

Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Hello everyone I heard about this site from one person. I've been playing racing since I was a kid. I play on the controller. My favorite Games Are Resident evil, silent hill and of course GT.I am 16 years old and I want to find friends with whom I will discuss motorsport . So write!)
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Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

I found it searching to see if there was a limited number of designs gt7 allows. I'm from the U.S, been playing racing games since Mario kart lol, not much into racing on GT I enjoy the game for it's design and creative side,, I play almost every racing game available you name it I own it lol. I love all ea sports games , my favorite game is call of duty though. Most looking forward to meeting new gt7 gamers possibly viewing their work sharing ideas etc .
Hi all, found the site whilst searching for ways to complete some of the missions on gt7 ( was getting very frustrated and still am) from the uk, playing on and off for 25 years (big gap between starting as a teenager and kids coming along) still using the controller, would like to try with a wheel at some point. Occasionally play a bit of pga and fifa
Howdy how, everyone, hope you're all having a good day!

I was recommended this site as a nice community to talk about racing games, cars, and car culture in general. I'm from Virginia in the United States. Started playing racing games when I was 5 or 6 with the OG Gran Turismo, Driver, and NFS 3:Hot Pursuit. Sort of went without video games for a while but I was brought back into it.

Atm I don't use a wheel, though I'd like to give it a shot at some point. Being able to practice my manual driving without worrying about damaging anything or getting in an accident is a nice prospect. At the moment, I'm also enjoying Forza Horizon 5, as well as smaller indie games, and occasionally some Escape from Tarkov. As for this community, I look forward to talking about some of my favorite cars (Subaru anyone haha), talking about detailing and sharing car pics and artwork.
Hello everyone
I found GT planet through Facebook.
I come from France Reims
I started on GT 1 with controller
Right now I'm playing on a T GT 2 with GT 7
My favorite games are:
mario kart
I wish to exchange impressions, information on the games and the material.
I can't wait to discover GT planet.
I found GTplanet thanks to Assetto Corsa.
I am from the Czech Republic.
I have been riding for a long time, but now only recreationally.
I've raced in Assetto Corsa online, Project Cars 1 and 2.
I'm behind the wheel.
Other games The Witcher, The Last of Us.
Contribute a little opinion and improve the game.
I'm a fan of Gr. A and Gr.5.