99.9% of the incidents reported in iRacing are dismissed as racing incidents.
They should be watching some of the C Class Silverado races at Martinsville.

I just did one and 12 cautions in 120 laps. Only 63 green flag laps! Pure craziness in Silverado races. Meh, I'm enjoying it though. Not taking the oval stuff near as seriously as the road side of things. Makes everything a little easier to swallow if you know what I mean.
I was watching a Silverado race last night and a guy went full speed into someone under caution. He got spun out and had to pit for repairs, then came out of pits and t-boned the guy going onto the turn. He even messaged,"everyone's getting wrecked now."

Absolute nuttiest thing I've seen on iRacing. I understand people getting mad or frustrated, but staying in control of your actions takes more inner strength than just wrecking someone. Not mention if these are regular racers in that series, you just lost all respect and credibility for future races.
Maybe I'm too nice of a racer, but some people just need to chill. If I get hit or taken out, I just go with it. Nothing more can be done, its done already. The fact that iRacing doesn't take heed of some offenders of their own policy worries me a little bit. Especially repeat offenders. I understand they are running a business to make money and offer a great sim. I just hope they haven't forgotten about the great sim part. No one wants to alienate anyone who pays the membership and all around cost, but if it needs to be done then so be it.
I personally haven't been affected by anything intentional and hope not to be. It really sucks to hear stories here on GTP or watching a race or in a race with this kind of crap. I just don't want iRacing to get this kind of reputation and slow down the growth and overall enjoyment factor. It seems to be growing everyday and that's awesome. Hope it continues to get bigger and better. This is the only sim I really play anymore besides a casual romp in GT5 or a little F1 2011(love f1).
I really don't understand how they can ignore some of the incidents. That one I seen last night was blatantly intentional and while the initial contact wasn't, this person took out 2 others after being spun out. The one guy had nothing to do with the initial incident(just think, Days of Thunder when Cole said to change his tires then went straight out the pit and hit Wheeler) but it was 2 cars not 1. I know, Days of Thunder, I like the movie.

Anyway, to me this is interfering with someone's enjoyment of the sim and shouldn't be tolerated. There will be contact, its racing, but not intentional contact.
Haha, sorry for the rant

This kind of stuff really gets under my skin. Guess I don't understand it because I don't do it.
I don't know if any of what I just said makes any sense. I was just letting it flow.