• Thread starter red7
Well that sucked hard.... 👎

Intel GT Series Regional final for the Australia/Asia/Africa region was held last night. I qualified a bit poorly at ended up 5th (2:01.890).

Got an interesting start, had to fall into 6th as 2 wide through Eau Rouge wasn't an option but on lap 9 the car ahead of me had a spin leaving me no where to go at all and I hit him. Game over.

Disappointing considering I had a top 5 car all week long and just had a bit of unluckiness when it counted most, but ah well that's racing.


Sorry to hear that Mad94d. Related to my experience tonight but I was on the other end of luck.

Ran my first ever official Radical race on Road Atlanta short. It is a manic little track 50-55s laps, no place to rest and 45 tough mins of racing. However, I did ok and everyone else had problems. Started 6th fell to 9th on start, avoided crashed & spun Radicals, let blue flagged drivers past and then passed them again after they crashed or spun. By the end there were only 3 other cars still driving as all others had crashed out or quit.

I led the last 28 laps to win! :)
Grats on the win!

Yeah I'm having a tough time finding speed at SPA. I watched replays & vids but I'm just missing something critical I suppose. Last night at Spa (Fixed Prototype) I claimed 6th in my 1st race but at the next race I dropped down to 10th. I am hoping I'll do much better at this track next season cause this was the 1st time I've ever raced this track in iRacing. I think it's growing on me tho its such a beautiful track 👍

edit: note, the worst part bout SPA is 1x for offtracks left & right. I even got a 1x during pace lap :(
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After racing in North American Regional Finals of the Intel GP Series, I can definitely say that the australians are crazy fast. In our race, the best time in qualifying was 2'02.2xx iirc and I have been able to qualify for the world finals... That obviously doesn't make any sense when considering that Madison Down (Mad94d) didn't qualify! At least, he is/you are (in case you read it) not alone as many strong North American names also had bad luck during the race, hence why I finished 8th.
Just about to purchase the 3 for 1 offer from iRacing, GT5's recent server issues have sent me over the edge. I just want some racing without the hassle of constant lag and DC's. My parents are convinced that because it's a subscription service they'll continue taking money out of their account for the next hundred years or something stupid :grumpy: Sure I'll win them over soon though and they'll let me use their card details...
Just about to purchase the 3 for 1 offer from iRacing, GT5's recent server issues have sent me over the edge. I just want some racing without the hassle of constant lag and DC's.

iRacing has been perfectly reliable for me. Not sure if that has been true for everyone or not, but it is 100% here. Even last night my ping to the server was not as good as usual however, the race went with out a hickup.

In contrast my GT5 league has consistent problems with one driver not being able to see another. My mic also quits regularly.
Just about to purchase the 3 for 1 offer from iRacing, GT5's recent server issues have sent me over the edge. I just want some racing without the hassle of constant lag and DC's. My parents are convinced that because it's a subscription service they'll continue taking money out of their account for the next hundred years or something stupid Sure I'll win them over soon though and they'll let me use their card details...

iRacing has been perfectly reliable for me. Not sure if that has been true for everyone or not, but it is 100% here. Even last night my ping to the server was not as good as usual however, the race went with out a hickup.


iirc, iRacing opened a server farm in Netherlands recently. that means you won't have to connect directly to servers in the states.

To assuage your parents fear of iRacing charging their credit card month after month make sure you go to your My Account page and click on the renewal membship button. You will then see an option to renew or not renew membership automatically.

i know that iracing keeps my credit card info on file so my I can buy additional items automatically (cars, tracks, iracing credits). This might be of concern to your parents. Does anyone know if these autopurchase feature can be turned off or if the member credit card info can be deleted?
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I would've said the blue car. It would've been nice of him to give a bit of room especially considering the red was a little in front and on the inside!
EDIT: with 3 screens it would've been easily avoidable for the blue car but with a single screen and low FOV, maybe not!
Racing incident. The blue car probably should have backed off but you can't always expect it. There was enough room for both cars to get through but the back of the red car slipped out a little much and clipped the blue.

Sucks for both cars, but both had opportunities to avoid the contact.
Yeah the was me in the red car. Happened on the last lap in the final sector, I personally would have backed off if I was him, but I guess he's entitled to try for the corner as well. Took me out for good!
Yeah, I'd go for racing incident, but the onus should have been on the blue car to give a bit more room, but it's just a case of c'est la vie...
If I was in the red car i would have been pi$$ed! I can't see how the blue car was entitled to go for the corner, but I can see how he could have misjudged where the red car was.

This type of incident makes me give a VERY wide berth to any car I overtake in iRacing...
1) blue car should have waited a bit longer before hopping right back on track. I went off track at indy-road-fixed @ Road America last night and just let my opponents pass safely before I jumped back on track. It cost a position or two but I had no chance to hit the Top 5 that race anyway and only lost a tad bit of IR

2) I am thinking red car should've turned in tighter into that curve. That might have avoided the incident. But regardless, I'd blame blue because red clearly had the line plus he shouln't have been trying to punch it like that

* alas, iRacing is a no-fault system. so all you can do is just try your best to avoid all car contacts as much as possible.
Yeah he jumped right back onto the track instead of waiting, and I was going quite fast (at least it seemed). For the most part if I go off I wait as well (thank god for f3) its really not worth risking an accident.

I'll add my name to the database, let's race

Anyone else racing the dallara or star mazda? Makes for some great racing
Oh great. Apparently now my mum is refusing to let use her card to buy it even though I've offered to pay ALL the charges including currency exchange and foreign currency charge (if there is one on her card) :grumpy:

'Can't you just buy a game from England?'

No mum, iRacing is the game I want due to the fact it is so realistic and the physics are pretty damn true to life for a video game.

'I refuse to pay for something that might not even arrive and have to call customer services and talk to some Americans'

Might not arrive? It's a subscription to a website, how can it not 🤬 arrive? Pfft. And why do you automatically assume all Americans are impossible to talk to and annoying? Get a grip.

Parents, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em :banghead:
Yeah, I don't really see it as a race incident as it coul have been avoided, the blue car didn't have any buisiness trying you for possition at that moment. In his case he needed to accept he made a mistake and conceed the possition, specially so close to the finish. Not very smart taking both of you out with just 1 corner to go after making an obvious mistake.
I'm loving the Fixed Indy series and Road America has been awesome to me! The best thing you can do is qualify, track possition at the start is all in this series with the shorter races.
Oh great. Apparently now my mum is refusing to let use her card to buy it even though I've offered to pay ALL the charges including currency exchange and foreign currency charge (if there is one on her card) :grumpy:

'Can't you just buy a game from England?'

No mum, iRacing is the game I want due to the fact it is so realistic and the physics are pretty damn true to life for a video game.

'I refuse to pay for something that might not even arrive and have to call customer services and talk to some Americans'

Might not arrive? It's a subscription to a website, how can it not 🤬 arrive? Pfft. And why do you automatically assume all Americans are impossible to talk to and annoying? Get a grip.

Parents, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em :banghead:

If you have the money, look into getting yourself a prepaid debit card
If you have the money, look into getting yourself a prepaid debit card

I probably wouldn't use it enough for it to be useful, that's the only issue thanks for the advice though. I just have to hope she stops being so pathetic and comes around to it, why do parents always think they know best? :yuck:
I agree, such as in this situation. My mother knows nothing about iRacing and very little about the internet, much less than me anyway.

Then why don't you talk to her? Show her what iRacing is, show her the iRacing official videos? Not the racing vids but the ones that explain the service.
Then why don't you talk to her? Show her what iRacing is, show her the iRacing official videos? Not the racing vids but the ones that explain the service.

I'll have a go, thanks. She's worried about it being an American service or something trivial, I'll talk to her about it again.
I'll have a go, thanks. She's worried about it being an American service or something trivial, I'll talk to her about it again.

Be patient when talking to her and talk to her like an adult not like her son, whining about it won't get you anywhere.
Yeah, I don't really see it as a race incident as it coul have been avoided, the blue car didn't have any buisiness trying you for possition at that moment. In his case he needed to accept he made a mistake and conceed the possition, specially so close to the finish. Not very smart taking both of you out with just 1 corner to go after making an obvious mistake.
I'm loving the Fixed Indy series and Road America has been awesome to me! The best thing you can do is qualify, track possition at the start is all in this series with the shorter races.

The reason I say racing incident is just due to the fact that he was already back on track and was within the racing line. This became a situation of running 2 wide through a corner, so both cars should have maintained a tight line. The OP's car ran wider than it should have in this situation.

I was in a similar situation back when I was 17 or so running in a Formula Continental regional championship. There was no off-track incident, but we were running 2 wide, I was the outside car, and the inside car ran much wider than he should have in that situation. Race marshal decided it was a racing incident.

Just because the driver went off, does not mean he is obligated to give up the position, he is obligated to give the inside car enough room, which he did. The inside car then ran a little wider than he should have, but this could have been due to so many reasons (worn tires, misjudged entry, etc) which can happen many times during the race. Hence, racing incident.
I don't know man, look at the angle of the blue car, he was gunning for the apex as if there was nobody there. True that the red car was gonna use the entire track at that speed, but the blue car was gonna need the entire track to make the corner too... With the red car being in front I think it was time for the blue car to conceed the corner.
Do any of you guys have any video's or even could you just type your personal experience with the game down here so I can show it to my parents? Sort of like a recommendation mentioning that they're a reliable well respected company and if you've had no problems with fraud etc. (I hope not) please say so. I'd be so grateful 👍

My mum is kind of just shouting at me saying 'end of conversation' and won't answer any of my questions, even though I haven't even raised my voice and am trying to keep it civil. I'll chat with my dad, he should understand that a company with links to NASCAR, Indy, Ford, VW, GM, McLaren, Lotus and Williams is hardly a rip-off merchant.

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