iRacing Paint Schemes Thread

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Use Pen Tool guys, and when creating a selection from the path you created you can choose to use anti aliasing. Do so with 0 pixels resolution and you be fine ;)

Thanks for the info, I'm still learning PS CS5 but I guess I was using the pen tool incorrectly or something, I need to mess with it a little more.
Glad to hear it.

I make it a habit that if I am ever going to paint a car that I haven't done before, I either go to Trading Paints and make sure I have the latest template before I start painting or I go to the iRacing forum and check.

Also, apparently the next version of Trading Paints is going to have a database full of sponsor-less base paint jobs. I think that's pretty cool, will make it easier for people like me who don't need anything truly unique, but don't want to use the stock base paint jobs either.
InterContinental Motorsport McLaren



That looks great...

Anyway, my 1st real attempt at a paint is in progress


No points for guessing what I am making. ;)
I'm not much of a painter but been messing around with it a little lately. Attempting to use the reflective layers in combination with creating a top layer of realistic looking dirt and grime to make a McLaren that looks great but also looks like it's been racing hard.

I'm tired of all these perfectly pretty race cars. :)

I'm building the dirt layer from scratch and it's been tough so far. I'll post a WIP later though.
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Just messing around with the dirty/faded/rock chips/etc look. I don't really take painting very seriously, I just have fun with it :)



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Thanks for the compliment. I try to make whatever I do look good, but it's nothing compared to what many of these guys do. I'm not serious about the sponsors or anything. My NASCAR truck is covered in Japanese anime girls and blood splatter, haha. My next is probably going to be an AKB48 theme. :D

If anyone wants the layers for the dirt and fading on the McLaren, let me know. I'll gladly share, you can change/improve it however you want. I tried to add the effect to the carbon fiber on the front, but it didn't take. Guessing that's a part you simple can't change.

I really like the dirty look, makes it feel more like a real race car than a trailer queen.
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Well I got a little bored so I decided to make my second ever paint scheme.
I looked around on the internet for a while and decided to do Ricky Carmichael's #4 Nascar Truck.


Apologies for the bad graphics but this is what I ended up with after 30 minutes of work.


iRacing's choice of number font's sucked so this is as close as it got.
