You keep saying that. I'm starting to think you're trying to convince yourself of it. If you have seen his video, there's no fear in it. It's deliberate, methodical, and unrelenting.
I've seen a video of someone with no compassion for others.
I never said he was in fear. I said he was a coward for choosing to destroy another man's society over building or finding his own.
Even from within his own weird framework of the world where he's a social outcast, that's cowardly. He lacked the courage necessary to do the hard things to make his life into what he wanted it to be. Nothing to do with fear, everything to do with courage.
Which, in itself, is destructive towards others, and not at all constructive. Rodger is a dark outlier, to be sure - but you disagree with him and do not not understand him, so you have dumbed his motivations down and marginalised his actions. You have judged him based on his contribution to society in accordance with your defenition of what a constructive society is, and when it did not fit, you removed him from the equation. Which is effectively what he did.
Now you've got to be kidding.
You're comparing me to a man who killed multiple people, simply because I say he was a coward for killing people?
Thanks, but you can stick that one up your bum.
His actions are not insignificant, they killed a bunch of people. Whatever his motivations were, the actions that resulted from them were, if anything, the most important part of this whole episode.
His actions were, however, the actions of a coward. The actions of a man who would rather approach a woman with a gun than with an open hand. His actions should not be glorified, they should be recognised as a wholly inappropriate response, both to the problems that he was having and to
any problem that anyone is having.
You have turned a tragedy into a statistic, then decided that no reaction is the best reaction, because as their deaths were the result of an outlier, they do not mean anything.
You point me to exactly where I said that, or anything of the sort.
So instead of writing him off as a loser or a pussy or a coward or whatever term you want to use, how about you at least acknowledge that, whatever his reasons, he had problems, and that if we want to learn and grow from this, then we can't dumb this down to the point where we simply write him off as everything people told him he was.
He had problems.
Everyone has problems. He may have had more than his fair share, and he may have had (almost certainly did have) mental problems that made it very difficult for him to deal with them in the same way that normal people might. I don't accept that his response to those problems is
ever appropriate.
I hope that anyone who is in a similar position sees this as a chance to do better than this coward.
Me, I'd go for South Korea. First world. Good gaming culture, which he was obviously into. White guys are still rare enough that you'll have girls hanging around just because you're white. Easy enough to get random job teaching English, which guarantees you'll meet students and housewives.
Substitute any of a number of Asian, European, or South American countries as suits your tastes.
After all, one of his therapists is said to have reported his case to police on the grounds that he was a danger. Don't you think a better use of your time would be to question what kind of response they had to this?
Do they read GT Planet? Should I be questioning the police from here?
I don't know why you're attacking me, but you seem content to tell me that everything I say is wrong.
What would
you say to the kid?