A6m5....most people seem to want to hold israel to a different standard than they do the terrorist...and it sickens me.
I do hold them to a different standard. They are victim of non-stop terrorist attacks, surrounded by very aggressive neighbors. They have every right to be firm in fighting back.
Israel is going out of its way to avoid lebanese casualties BUT will not restrict attacks against ANY part of the infastructure the terrorist may be able to use to move freely and continue to resupply with the MISSILES and ROCKETS they are aiming at Israels cities with NO reguard for civilians .
I do not know what part of war you do not understand but when your country is being bombarded 24 hours a day you do what you need to do to protect yourself .
That's why I think ISD should be targetting the guys who's doing the attacking. Not the sandwich shop where they ate their lunch last(I'm just making a point), or where they fill up. With your argument; yes, Hezbollah can be stopped, if you destroy Lebanon. But I don't think that is a good enough reason to bomb civilian infrastructures.
Here is what I would have done after the skirmish at the border:
1) Contact Lebanon. Notify that ISD were coming in to capture(or kill

) Hezbollah militants. If they should protest this, or attempt to protect Hezbollah, Israeli government will consider Lebanon as a ally of Hezbollah.
2a) If Lebanon OK's, I would ask them to support ISD in Lebanon territory and let the hunt begin.
2b) Lebanon warns ISD to stay out. I would order ISD to search for the hostages, and also destroy the rockets that Hezbollah possesses. Take out any Lebanese Forces that get in the way.
2c) Lebanon fully cooperate with Hezbollah. I would order pretty much what Israel is doing now. Maybe a bit more.
Lebenon is reaping the results of ITS failure to provide a secure southern border.
And BTW say Hello to the two thousand UN troops " monitoring " Lebenons southern border ...what use are they ?
Bring the UN in and let them take controll of southern Lebenon....I give them 2 hours on the ground before they are kidnapped and beheaded on live internet ....they are worthless..and I would LOVE to see them try to disarm Hizbolla....hehehee that should be fun .
Lebanese are partially at falut here, I don't doubt that. I agree that U.N. troops are joke. They don't get much done, do they?