Israel - Palestine discussion thread

You're about a generation out on that estimate - you need to be looking at the 1920s when the British had finished screwing the Arabs out of a homeland and started shipping Jewish settlers in (who, to be fair, were settling in unclaimed land rather than within Arabic communities). The Arabs organised protests - not terribly happy at being betrayed by us - and when protests occur there are inevitably riots and deaths. As is usual with riots, blame's not easily laid - but it rather seems to have been a case of retaliation against each other ever since.

You'll want to look up the Nebi Musa riots and the Battle of Tel Hai that preceded it by a couple of weeks.
Questioning UN is irrelevant.
Not if they are wrong. Though I'm not questioning them, I'm questioning you.
This is not about somebody rebelling against the authorities.
There is no authority so infallible as not to be wrong and thus no authority should be above question. But again, I'm not questioning them, I'm questioning you.
Besides that, the courts are working with present law not previous law, so decisions can be made based on current values.
Law and values are irrelevant to right and wrong - the very fact you can say "present law" and "current values" indicates that law and values have been modified and thus either were not right or are not right. But again I'm not questioning them, I'm questioning you.
I recognize and admire your efforts to historically identify "who" or/and "what" is correct, but even if you will get there (which I doubt by the way), won't change anything on the current issue.
I'm not doing that either. I'm trying to get you to say how you've arrived at your premise, by questioning you.

You've established a position that the state of Israel is illegally occupying some land that it took by force from another sovereign state. Clearly to justify this position to yourself you've examined facts and reached your conclusion.

So again, for what seems like about the 20th time this has been asked of you, which lands is Israel illegally occupying, from whom did they take them and what claim does this second sovereign state have to the lands that supercedes the claim that Israel has to them?

You've clearly got these facts to hand - otherwise you won't have reached your conclusion - and you can easily answer "The territory of Spamhammer, taken from the nation of Cheesistan during the war of 1275 despite Cheesistani pioneers discovering the unclaimed territory and settling it in 472BC" or the equivalent - but you're choosing to completely duck the question over and over and over again, linking to articles, videos and Wikipedia pages of other people's thoughts.

This will only lead to the conclusion that you don't want your position to be questioned at all. This generally only happens when a position is either so weak that it stands up to absolutely no scrutiny or when it's founded on sheer belief and has no facts to back it up. Belief has no place in this particular kind of discussion (which is marginally ironic, given that the conflict is masked by rival faiths).

I'm sure neither of these things applies to you and you've used facts to come to a well-considered opinion. But by not actually telling anyone what you think and why you think it, you look like you're just here to shout about how evil Israel is and plug your fingers in your metaphorical ears in case a response makes you question that belief.
You're about a generation out on that estimate - you need to be looking at the 1920s when the British had finished screwing the Arabs out of a homeland and started shipping Jewish settlers in (who, to be fair, were settling in unclaimed land rather than within Arabic communities). The Arabs organised protests - not terribly happy at being betrayed by us - and when protests occur there are inevitably riots and deaths. As is usual with riots, blame's not easily laid - but it rather seems to have been a case of retaliation against each other ever since.

You'll want to look up the Nebi Musa riots and the Battle of Tel Hai that preceded it by a couple of weeks.Not if they are wrong. Though I'm not questioning them, I'm questioning you.There is no authority so infallible as not to be wrong and thus no authority should be above question. But again, I'm not questioning them, I'm questioning you.Law and values are irrelevant to right and wrong - the very fact you can say "present law" and "current values" indicates that law and values have been modified and thus either were not right or are not right. But again I'm not questioning them, I'm questioning you.I'm not doing that either. I'm trying to get you to say how you've arrived at your premise, by questioning you.

You've established a position that the state of Israel is illegally occupying some land that it took by force from another sovereign state. Clearly to justify this position to yourself you've examined facts and reached your conclusion.

So again, for what seems like about the 20th time this has been asked of you, which lands is Israel illegally occupying, from whom did they take them and what claim does this second sovereign state have to the lands that supercedes the claim that Israel has to them?

You've clearly got these facts to hand - otherwise you won't have reached your conclusion - and you can easily answer "The territory of Spamhammer, taken from the nation of Cheesistan during the war of 1275 despite Cheesistani pioneers discovering the unclaimed territory and settling it in 472BC" or the equivalent - but you're choosing to completely duck the question over and over and over again, linking to articles, videos and Wikipedia pages of other people's thoughts.

This will only lead to the conclusion that you don't want your position to be questioned at all. This generally only happens when a position is either so weak that it stands up to absolutely no scrutiny or when it's founded on sheer belief and has no facts to back it up. Belief has no place in this particular kind of discussion (which is marginally ironic, given that the conflict is masked by rival faiths).

I'm sure neither of these things applies to you and you've used facts to come to a well-considered opinion. But by not actually telling anyone what you think and why you think it, you look like you're just here to shout about how evil Israel is and plug your fingers in your metaphorical ears in case a response makes you question that belief.
What do you think about my #1358 comment?
What do you think about my #1358 comment?
Either you mean you made a post at 2 minutes to 2 in the afternoon, or you mean the post that linked to Wikipedia (there's a shock), that I already replied to and that you avoided answering in any way.

21st time... which lands is Israel illegally occupying, from whom did they take them and what claim does this second sovereign state have to the lands that supersedes the claim that Israel has to them?

You've clearly got these facts to hand - otherwise you won't have reached your conclusion - and you can easily answer "The territory of Spamhammer, taken from the nation of Cheesistan during the war of 1275 despite Cheesistani pioneers discovering the unclaimed territory and settling it in 472BC" or the equivalent - but you're choosing to completely duck the question over and over and over again, linking to articles, videos and Wikipedia pages of other people's thoughts.
Either you mean you made a post at 2 minutes to 2 in the afternoon, or you mean the post that linked to Wikipedia (there's a shock), that I already replied to and that you avoided answering in any way.

21st time... which lands is Israel illegally occupying, from whom did they take them and what claim does this second sovereign state have to the lands that supersedes the claim that Israel has to them?
If its the same standard of source for his 'Snowden says ISIS is a Mossad plot' then I think you might end up a little disappointed.................................
The Times
A rocket salvo that killed 11 Gazan children and hit a hospital on a Muslim religious holiday was the work of Palestinian militants hitting their own people, a report has found, in a damning indictment of Hamas’s conduct during last summer’s war with Israel.

The explosion at the Al-Shati refugee camp on July 28, which killed the children buying sweets on the first day of Eid ul Fitr, was the result of misfired rockets by Hamas, Amnesty International concluded.

Hamas blamed Israel for the bombing at the time, but a relation of one the dead children said that Palestinian militants went to the scene and tried to hide the evidence of their involvement

Wake up to who you are defending.
Wake up to who you are defending.
30 Palestinian children have been shot with live ammunition in protests last 3 months

My point is - end the occupation and save lives, otherwise it will never stop... On both sides. Children have no fault of being borned palestinians or jewish, but, to use your words, they will wake up every morning facing the danger and the insanity. I am not defending anybody. I am defending the concept of peace achieved thru a signed, accepted and supported by the all sides involved, treaty.
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And the fact that this peace treaty involves Hamas makes it the equivalent of negotiating with a brick wall.
And the fact that this peace treaty involves Hamas makes it the equivalent of negotiating with a brick wall.
The entire world realized few days ago that Bibi's position is no different than a rejecting a Palestinian state brick as well. That is an extreme and "suicidal" statement, and that's why Israel is not trustworthy (for US) anymore.
Makes sense with your rhetoric so once again. Not surprised you paint Israel as the evil one
Makes sense with your rhetoric so once again. Not surprised you paint Israel as the evil one
I see how you like to twist comments. Specially in Middle East is no white and black only. You will put it in those terms if you want to manipulate the perception, like US did after 9/11 when president Bush told the world, "You are either with us or against us..." and led to a illogical invasion with (again) victims on both sides. Israel's politicians decisions are affecting the whole Israel's population, and continuing the occupation and rejecting one of the main goals of a possible peace negotiation, puts the Israel's government at fault at a level that cannot be denied anymore even by its eternal ally, the United States.

There is no evil... is ideology, stubbornness, Zionism on the jewish side, frustration, will for revenge, pain, suffering, death... on each side. Evil... if you use that, than you need to recognise a God... and... we move off topic.
30 Palestinian children have been shot with live ammunition in protests last 3 months

My point is - end the occupation and save lives, otherwise it will never stop... On both sides. Children have no fault of being borned palestinians or jewish, but, to use your words, they will wake up every morning facing the danger and the insanity. I am not defending anybody. I am defending the concept of peace achieved thru a signed, accepted and supported by the all sides involved, treaty.
OK, let's give the Palestinians their land back - all of it as per the original borders. Do you really think they will accept that and live in peace with Israel?
OK, let's give the Palestinians their land back - all of it as per the original borders. Do you really think they will accept that and live in peace with Israel?
Do the Israelis get to live there too?
Original borders makes no sense, what original borders? If you look at the areas the PLO claimed when they declared independence in 1988 that would include Jerusalem as their capital, so the answer is no, the Israelis don't get to live there :lol:
Original borders makes no sense, what original borders?
Indeed - there were none.

The League of Nations may well have drawn up a division plan for the land but it was meaningless when the Mandate expired. The instant that happened the land was not under any claim by any sovereign nation, but it was declared as autonomous by David Ben-Gurion as the State of Israel. The surrounding nations all immediately staked their claim to it by sending their armies in...

The "original borders" would be the land bordered by Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon without division thereof. After the Arab-Israeli war of 1948, Jordan kept the West Bank and Egypt kept the Gaza Strip (something which someone who claims nations may not gain land from other nations in war). Israel took those back again in 1967 - and rather more than that, taking the entire Sinai Peninsula - but gave back Sinai to Egypt in 1982 and gave up the Gaza Strip and West Bank as "foreign territory" to the Palestinians in 2005 (after allowing the Palestinian National Authority to govern the territories since 1993), leading to the first ever establishment of an independent Palestinian state.
30 Palestinian children have been shot with live ammunition in protests last 3 months

My point is - end the occupation and save lives, otherwise it will never stop... On both sides. Children have no fault of being borned palestinians or jewish, but, to use your words, they will wake up every morning facing the danger and the insanity. I am not defending anybody. I am defending the concept of peace achieved thru a signed, accepted and supported by the all sides involved, treaty.
Toughest kids in the world. 30 of them shot with military grade weapons and ammo and not a single death.
Hamas was more proficient when they killed 11 Palestinian children at the al-Shati refugee camp.

These tear jerk reports do nothing to further any sort of peace, if anything they do the opposite. Not to mention being annoying.
You want some more true stories and not your biased news reports? Hamas don't care about their elderly citizens either. The hospital I was going to volunteer in was being used as a launching pad for missiles by Hamas. This hospital was a rehab facility for the old and disabled. It's blatantly obvious they wanted Israel to retaliate and claim they bombed a hospital. As for me they didn't want my medical skills but rather my dead body to be used as propaganda.

I say again, be very careful with who you support.
You want some more true stories and not your biased news reports? Hamas don't care about their elderly citizens either. The hospital I was going to volunteer in was being used as a launching pad for missiles by Hamas. This hospital was a rehab facility for the old and disabled. It's blatantly obvious they wanted Israel to retaliate and claim they bombed a hospital. As for me they didn't want my medical skills but rather my dead body to be used as propaganda.

I say again, be very careful with who you support.
Hiding a launching pad in a civilian area. Doesn't that qualify as using human shields and becomes a war crime?
OK, let's give the Palestinians their land back - all of it as per the original borders. Do you really think they will accept that and live in peace with Israel?
I think the International Community will actively get involved to help.

You know how to deal with 2 kids that are fighting how to share a piece of cake... tell them in advance how one of them will be allowed to split it, and how the other one will choose first... they will understand how important is to work together, be honest and respect eachother...

Despite the accumulated acute loss and pain on the Palestinian side, I think they can be helped to build Palestine from ashes. Of course, because there is not only hatred on the ground, some of the Israeli companies can get involved, under supervision if required. There are Jewish people willing to help the Palestinians. I think, with the chance of looking at a peaceful future, Palestinians can focus on consolidating their educational, healthcare and social services systems. In order to shift their focus from destructive or how to survive in harsh conditions way of thinking, you can show them how to change their life around. Peace can bring positive motivation back, war will only feed the negative one. I think everybody will understand it is the time for reconciliation, not for more conflict.

Some scholars think the Palestinians lost their chances, because they are too exhausted after so many years of fighting or surviving. They might be right, but I think the International Community will make the difference by getting involved.

As the adopted UN Resolution 65/16 from November 2011 "Reaffirms the necessity of achieving a peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine, the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict, in all its aspects, and of intensifying all efforts towards that end", we can be sure peace will change the Middle East dynamics.

The main problem is with The Zionist plan for the Middle East. After reading this comprehensive translated detailed analyses on the region, everybody can and will understand the danger, because Israel is playing the "divide and conquer" tactic, in a part of the world were such a thing is so easy to be achieved.

Toughest kids in the world. 30 of them shot with military grade weapons and ammo and not a single death.
@Johnnypenso - You are disappointing ... I hope your kids will never ever face something like that. You don't know what you are talking about. Children are children, no matter their nationality, race or color. Better not say anything than make such a comment that describes you as a person. At least you will be hiding it better. When you will understand your mistake, you will also understand how important is to get second chances, like Palestinian and Israeli people need today.
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If there wasn't any ridiculous requests from the Palestinians (such as refugee status being granted for people who never have been in the land) then I think the deal could be done.
If there wasn't any ridiculous requests from the Palestinians (such as refugee status being granted for people who never have been in the land) then I think the deal could be done.
I am sure such details can be discussed thru a possible peace process. It is difficult to contain the term because long time refugees might have kids that got borne somewhere else.

If US wants peace between Israel and Palestinians, there will be peace, and there will be an effort to maintain that, if US interest requires it. Your logic works and my hat is off.
I am sure such details can be discussed thru a possible peace process. It is difficult to contain the term because long time refugees might have kids that got borne somewhere else.

If US wants peace between Israel and Palestinians, there will be peace, and there will be an effort to maintain that, if US interest requires it. Your logic works and my hat is off.

Problem is that Palestine requires preconditions to peace before even discussing it, such as the right of return to the "refugees".
Problem is that Palestine requires preconditions to peace before even discussing it, such as the right of return to the "refugees".
Those are Palestinians that ran away because of the harsh fighting between the sides involved. The ones that want to come back home, need to be part of a possible peace negotiation. The US knows how to work to make either side accept some concessions.

It is difficult to anticipate ... First you have to have the involved sides mandated representatives at the same table, willing to have peace... See, after Bibi "killed" himself by flipflopping, that is very difficult to achieve (honest representative negotiating for peace). Bibi is no good anymore for his electors (he just went back saying he actually accepts a two state solution - the best case scenario will be for him to be considered a "good - smart" politician, but politics doesn't end at Israels borders) and he is not considered honest by the whole world who considers how, finally and under elections pressure, he spoke is mind (or lied to get elected).

Israel can also face the UN Security Council Peace Resolutions, which US is not willing to veto anymore.

Edit - The refugee question was the subject of the adopted UN General Assembly Resolution 194.
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@Johnnypenso - You are disappointing ... I hope your kids will never ever face something like that. You don't know what you are talking about. Children are children, no matter their nationality, race or color. Better not say anything than make such a comment that describes you as a person. At least you will be hiding it better. When you will understand your mistake, you will also understand how important is to get second chances, like Palestinian and Israeli people need today.
Looks like you missed the sarcasm. I am casting doubt upon the claim of 30 children being shot with military grade weapons and not a single one of them killed.
Looks like you missed the sarcasm. I am casting doubt upon the claim of 30 children being shot with military grade weapons and not a single one of them killed.
You are casting doubt because there are not dead children. Try to remove your mind entirely from this topic for a minute and try to be sarcastic again about an issue regarding not dead children.

Do you wanna be sarcastic about a story involving dead children? Here it is - The Israeli military’s pattern of lethal force against Palestinian children - Now smash it with your subtle sarcasm....
You are casting doubt because there are not dead children. Try to remove your mind entirely from this topic for a minute and try to be sarcastic again about an issue regarding not dead children.

So you'd rather he'd just said "I find it highly unlikely that it's possible to shoot 30 children with military grade weapons and not kill any of them"?

I thought the sarcastic way was less confronting, myself. But it hardly makes any difference to the point being made whether it's done straight up or through some rhetorical device.

I'm not entirely sure what you're objecting to. You raised the topic of children being shot in the first place. How about you address the point, instead of the way it was said?

Although it's not like people haven't been trying to get you to do that for the last half dozen pages or so.
I think the International Community will actively get involved to help.
They already are aren't they?
After reading this comprehensive translated detailed analyses on the region, everybody can and will understand the danger, because Israel is playing the "divide and conquer" tactic, in a part of the world were such a thing is so easy to be achieved.
We already do understand. They are not the only ones playing the game either, also the countries using the area and people to fight wars between themselves.

Israel can also face the UN Security Council Peace Resolutions, which US is not willing to veto anymore.
Can you show me where the article says that? I'm having a hard time finding anything to do with the U.N., resolutions, or a veto, thanks 👍