Lamborghini Diablo GT2 Super Lap

  • Thread starter yannagas
Well, first few tries and quite easily come up with 1:02.582, a lap so scrappy far from perfect even on my standard. Surprisingly, good enough to be 54th at the moment. It's possibly because, a) it's still early b) most people keen on Brands Hatch event c) with growing number of discontent users leaving this game I'm having less

Anyway, when I'm well within top 100 I'm usually doing right with my setup. So here it is:

Apply the following BOTTOM UP to avoid the gear ratio discrepancy.


standard brakes 4/5. If you use ABS go higher, like 5/6.

Gear ratio
Set FG to highest, set Max Speed to lowest then apply the below
1st 2.247(tallest) / 2nd 1.740 / 3rd 1.290 / 4th 1.035 / 5th 0.845(shortest) / FG 4.110

7/60/9, triple-plate clutch

PL at 98.6% or whatever to meet PP requirement. Everything else is standard.

DF 80/150, stage 3 WR, lightened window.

I chose to go with ABS-1 this time, makes my life so much easier. With tail happy oversteering car there is little to no advantage with ABS-0...

I also chose not to include the usage of 1st gear. With any given number on FG ratio either the 1st gets too short or the 5th gets too tall so use 1st only to induce oversteer on hairpin entry. Change up to 2nd before you're back on throttle. I stay on 3rd on long right hander before the home straight. Basically use only top 4 gears. The car seems to take long time to shift so changing gears too often is not a good idea I think.

Any suggestion and advise is appreciated.
bone stock 1:06.500 with no aids at all, except for simultaneous leftfoot braking with throttle on decel, point, and dart out. (full half seconds can be gained from proper corner entry and exits, better to brake hard and flat out rather than coast thru turns)

I then toyed with springs, and set the rear harder and harder, it's over 31kg and still not oversteering . rear rideheight a little higher than front, with no damping. stock tranny.

I don't set SRF / ASM , I don't want to bother getting a better time with unrealistic halo training wheels.

I know what I want the car to do at various points on the track, unfortunately, I can't go to my tune settings to magically set it that way. this is where my love for this game ends in heartbreak.
I cant even make it to turn1 without spinning no matter how careful i am...
So i simply quit. Car is undrivable on those tyres

Try soften the rear and stiffen the front. Increasing initial torque on LSD. Decrease the rear brake bias.

Turn 1 is actually 2 turns. Brake gently and earlier before you approach the 1st left hand sweeper. Then ease off a bit so you can straighten the car, and then brake hard before the sharp right. In this way you can go through it.

This car needs your guide for each and every turn. ;)
hello guys,
small video tour of 1.04.084 No aids ABS 1, DS3
adjustment of Thorin Cain with adapting the gearbox of Lewis_Hamilton_
well done to you it's very good job 👍
sorry for the quality is not good :yuck:

Finally I can enjoy this car. At first I kind'a gave up on this trial, but now I had another go and started doing clean laps. I think this setup is ok most of the lap, but at the top of the hill in those fast bends the dampers seize a bit on entry - so if you can suggest a fix I'd appreciate.
I've done a time around
Lamborgini Diablo GT2 '98
580PP, 707hp, 1518kg, 2.14kg/bhp
Brakes 6/8
1) 2.332, 2) 1.740, 3) 1.333, 4) 1.060, 5) 0.876, FG) 4.050
Power at 99.8%
DF 50/100, Ballast 167kg, pos -21%, Mass Distr. 45:55, (W.R. 1 + window weight red.)
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This car is either you manage a clean lap or have an accident in spectacular way - if I do 10 laps I'm lucky to get 1 clean lap. If this were IRL I've written off 80 Lamborghinis or broken my spine 14

Try not to hit the curbs, only start to hit them once your confidence grows. My fastest time has come from a warm up lap when I wasn't even trying. As soon as I start to try I end up smashing into a wall backwards. The hardest part is the top of the hill the car jumps a bit and when you land with brakes locked up the wall on your left says "Hello again!"

The problem with this car is that its springs are stupidly too stiff. The weakest spring rate on rear is twice harder than both front and back of Aventador's combined. I've set the back to its weakest and stiffened the front till the handling got to my liking. At this stage the whole car feels like a rigid alminium road bike. ARB to me makes hardly any difference since the springs are so stiff there is virtually no body roll. Only the soft dampers are my friends that help me a bit.

Watched Eclipsee's replay and his driving so fluid and smooth, lots of left foot brakings, vastly different style from Samurai's where he seems to control his car predominantly throttling with his right foot. I can't emulate either styles yet as I'm not a good athlete my footwork is so lazy... I'm quite confident with my steering work and with my lazy footwork I depended entirely on tall lower gears and LSD setup to get away with for so long, I grew from 5,000th to 500th within 2 months but I had hit plateau and had realised my feet are stopping me going faster so I'm working on them hard at the moment and showing some improvement. Anyway enough rumbling, sorry I wasted your times.
i too used to be in the 5000 + region but been flogging these seasonals a bit and get a smile on my face when i crack the 300 mark but dont last usually drop a few,have a 1:03.2 in this one and thats about my limit,but what i dont get is if you have a same time as some others why these rankings are not the same why not tied rankings, if you earn the time you deserve the number,i know i would be placed a lot higher but oh well im just happy to be up there,even if it is for a short while...:)
I cant even make it to turn1 without spinning no matter how careful i am...
So i simply quit. Car is undrivable on those tyres

I had the same problem, first 4 times I didn't even make it to the start line :D. Bone stock with no aids this thing will spin if you even breath on the brakes whilst the car is anything but straight and level. I got a in the end by lightening, adding ballast, and shifting it around abit. I also inched up the wheels. Aids off (ABS1). From the top of the hill to the entrance of the tunnel I'm virtually just coasting. It's fun, but infuriating at the same time. Compared to the Elise race car in the other seasonal the Lambo is like trying to serve tea from fine china using a catapult.

.. using a wheel BTW. I guess DS3 is probably alot easier on this one.
This car is either you manage a clean lap or have an accident in spectacular way - if I do 10 laps I'm lucky to get 1 clean lap.

Oh hell yes.

The hardest part is the top of the hill the car jumps a bit and when you land with brakes locked up the wall on your left says "Hello again!"

And this. I've lost count of the times I've flown over that stupid rise and gotten a fraction of a second of air, and slid out to the left. If you don't give the perfect amount of brakes going up that hill you're out.
I've just did 1:06.103 with only ABS1, and then 1:04.960 with SRF on, presently ranked at 1895. I got confused with the first two RIGHT TURNS, wish they would have made this one with the reverse track:lol:. So here's my tune for this one and a good day and thank you for this thread to you yannagas :cheers:.
Diablo Seasonal at Fly Me To The Moon Tuning Garage

Cheers mate:cheers: and a good evening to you and fellow racers!
BTW nice Avatar! nice to see the ingredients are safe for a healthy no CIA diet :D:lol:

Currently standing at 2.092 with an early tune based on @Lewis_Hamilton_ heavily modified , still playing around with the lambo trying to find a good tune to post, and one that's enjoyable to drive and improve lap-times.

Weird is the only appropriate word for my findings so far...

I really don't understand how a heavy combo can be faster than a light one, specially on a track like this one.
A heavy car seems to grip better, and coast faster carrying speed and momentum with the extra mass, but doing so uphill??? :confused:Extra weight doesn't seem to affect acceleration either...That weight to power ratio means nothing?
Also torque is something that's very interesting in this combo, even with considerably less horsepower, more torque is faster, even with increased mass. @JujiroMatsuda Increased mass will make the ridiculously stiff springs work better too...
Anyway, working on the suspension ATM, seems a key factor for this TT. High will forgive touching a curb, and will soften the suspension further, maybe even make the braking more controllable, but will make the car unstable and reduce grip while cornering.. Finding the balance is a tricky and lengthy process in this one. Played with toes and cambers, cant say my findings are taking me somewhere solid...Maybe SRF is masking the whole thing again, and i'm just a fool trying all these setups instead of driving and improving laps.
I will go on and post that setup when i have something worth all this hassle:banghead:

@beodo20vt would you be so kind to tell us your LSD settings, brake balance, total weight and horsepower?
I'm currently trying out your tune, seems promising, but there are quite some settings left out, and I'm just doing guesswork!


I was throwing it around like mad and thought it was extremely controllable. Maybe it depends on setup or driving style.

I'm ****ing in love with your setup, 3 laps and down to 1.05 1st one gold, if i knew how to tune i would change whatever it has to be touched to reduce a bit the oversteering while breaking, because even when it allows you to enter drifting it slides too much for me, just giving feedback but no clue on how to change it

As I said in the begining i'm amazed with this setup i'm not even gonna try any other at least today
I'm ****ing in love with your setup, 3 laps and down to 1.05 1st one gold, if i knew how to tune i would change whatever it has to be touched to reduce a bit the oversteering while breaking, because even when it allows you to enter drifting it slides too much for me, just giving feedback but no clue on how to change it

As I said in the begining i'm amazed with this setup i'm not even gonna try any other at least today

do this first: try moving the ballast a bit to the back, then try different brake balance if that doesn't do the trick. Also avoid touching curbs or anything.. the height is extremely low
do this first: try moving the ballast a bit to the back, then try different brake balance if that doesn't do the trick. ...

Wow, that's beyond my understanding. The original weight distribution of this car is already very rearward.

More mass makes more lateral inertia in the corner. So more mass in the rear makes it going sideway more easily, if the rear grip is not proportionally increased. While it's hard (or almost no way) to get more gross grip. Down force is doing not much in this case. Only front/rear balance of grip (mainly by the stiffness of suspension) can be tuned.
Cheers mate:cheers: and a good evening to you and fellow racers!
BTW nice Avatar! nice to see the ingredients are safe for a healthy no CIA diet :D:lol:

Currently standing at 2.092 with an early tune based on @Lewis_Hamilton_ heavily modified , still playing around with the lambo trying to find a good tune to post, and one that's enjoyable to drive and improve lap-times.

Weird is the only appropriate word for my findings so far...

I really don't understand how a heavy combo can be faster than a light one, specially on a track like this one.
A heavy car seems to grip better, and coast faster carrying speed and momentum with the extra mass, but doing so uphill??? :confused:Extra weight doesn't seem to affect acceleration either...That weight to power ratio means nothing?
Also torque is something that's very interesting in this combo, even with considerably less horsepower, more torque is faster, even with increased mass. @JujiroMatsuda Increased mass will make the ridiculously stiff springs work better too...
Anyway, working on the suspension ATM, seems a key factor for this TT. High will forgive touching a curb, and will soften the suspension further, maybe even make the braking more controllable, but will make the car unstable and reduce grip while cornering.. Finding the balance is a tricky and lengthy process in this one. Played with toes and cambers, cant say my findings are taking me somewhere solid...Maybe SRF is masking the whole thing again, and i'm just a fool trying all these setups instead of driving and improving laps.
I will go on and post that setup when i have something worth all this hassle:banghead:

@beodo20vt would you be so kind to tell us your LSD settings, brake balance, total weight and horsepower?
I'm currently trying out your tune, seems promising, but there are quite some settings left out, and I'm just doing guesswork!
Of course if ..

. 626 HP
. 1310 KG

. Brakes:4 - 4

. LSD: Par: 05
Acceleration: 28
Brakes: 15
The hardest front suspension works best 17,57 before...19,00 now.
These days I'll try to use active steering..this car is very nervous ...
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Wow, that's beyond my understanding. The original weight distribution of this car is already very rearward.

More mass makes more lateral inertia in the corner. So more mass in the rear makes it going sideway more easily, if the rear grip is not proportionally increased. While it's hard (or almost no way) to get more gross grip. Down force is doing not much in this case. Only front/rear balance of grip (mainly by the stiffness of suspension) can be tuned.

Yes, I agree with you, what you say is theoretically correct, but I was using @Lewis_Hamilton_ 's setup and corrected the problem @jtoribio94 reported and asked help for, as I propose.

Are you familiar with this setup? Rear springs cant get any softer, the car is very low, and moving ballast a bit to the back, seems to increase rear grip in this case. The car will pivot less that way.. because center of gravity (pivot center) has moved a bit towards the back. This works weirdly more in a static way than a dynamic one depending on speed of course and will only work up to a certain setting. Go further back, and you get what you describe, the dynamic factor (lateral inertia) will kick in.
And yes, rear down force wont help much, but will help a little. I only found it beneficial in the second sector, exiting the tunnel is notably faster and more controllable and grip is also a bit better at the 2 right hander's before the finish straight. However top speed gets reduced 2-3 kmh, but can be counteracted using a heavier more power - torque combo.

@beodo20vt Thanks for the info, with a modified version of your tune, I am doing consistent low 2's and i find it very promising:tup:
I had modified my build on day 2 more towards torquey over horse power - since I watched escama's replay I noticed he short shifted I presumed his engine was heavily capped (it was then but may not be the case now). The car has a lot of traction, as long as you don't touch curbs, hence my acc LSD being max. Adding more torque would accelerate the car out of corners faster. With raised torque which narrows the usable RPM range, I can now raise all the gears more taller, makes the 1st gear more usable, even if you choose to stay in 2nd on left hairpin before the tunnel the engine won't get bogged down much. I've made my 2nd gear more taller now and works better on first right hander mid speed hairpin. The gears are now more closer together which I like better. The closer the gears the quicker the gear change occurs.

More torque would also make the car more violent. More pronounced lift off oversteer so I also had to change my LSD settings. I don't downshift till the last second specially on first right hander after the home straight because engine braking makes the car unstable. At the top of the hill I blip the throttle on each downshift even though I'm using auto clutch paddle shifting in a desperate effort to keep the car from spinning.

I tried both different versions of weight, lightest and heaviest, but I personally felt the lightest to be faster. On the NSX Ascari event the lightest car produced the fastest time and I thought the same method could be applied here, but I have to do more testing, I'm working on it ATM. I'm trying all sorts of things on suspension on all cars as general I'm spending most time on career mode now, rather than on TT so I don't know when I'll come back to this to improve my high 1:01.9s that I set few days ago.

P.S: I hope this ballast vs speed factor won't turn this car into LCC Rocket where you had to have 2/3 of weight of a car at the very back to gain the most traction. I just couldn't drive that thing and I gave up on that:indiff:
@JujiroMatsuda I'm with you... Strange things happen in PD land:D
Check @beodo20vt setup and you will immediately say "Hey WTF???!!!" This heavy torquey thing accelerates better uphill??? Yes it does! low final does wonders with that extra torque... I've even moved the ballast further to the rear, raising the rear ride height a bit to compensate, and it seems better...
As for the uphill right, I follow Ramon's line and have reduced the amount of wrecked Lambos quite drastically...
4th and 3rd gear setting makes the difference here it seems, together with a low brake setting.
With the correct 4th gear setting lifting the throttle a bit while feathering the brake, and downshifting to 3rd's torque-power band with throttle applied , will carry good speed for the next section. At some point I matched Ramon's ghost 2-3 times doing that, but then keep loosing my cool and messing up further down the track..
You need to push crazy hard...then zen cool coasting...then hard again...then zen...
Think of it as a symphony of speedy fast trash Heavy Metal with Enya inserts...

@eclipsee just curious, are u using chassis reinforcement in this one? Are you on the heavy-torquey side too?
Yes, I agree with you, what you say is theoretically correct, but I was using @Lewis_Hamilton_ 's setup and corrected the problem @jtoribio94 reported and asked help for, as I propose.

Are you familiar with this setup? Rear springs cant get any softer, the car is very low, and moving ballast a bit to the back, seems to increase rear grip in this case. The car will pivot less that way.. because center of gravity (pivot center) has moved a bit towards the back. This works weirdly more in a static way than a dynamic one depending on speed of course and will only work up to a certain setting. Go further back, and you get what you describe, the dynamic factor (lateral inertia) will kick in.
And yes, rear down force wont help much, but will help a little. I only found it beneficial in the second sector, exiting the tunnel is notably faster and more controllable and grip is also a bit better at the 2 right hander's before the finish straight. However top speed gets reduced 2-3 kmh, but can be counteracted using a heavier more power - torque combo.

@beodo20vt Thanks for the info, with a modified version of your tune, I am doing consistent low 2's and i find it very promising:tup:

Thanks for the tip guy, now it's much more controllable

@LS Chiou I'll tell you why the ballast in the back helps with grip, it seems to be as you say but if you look at dofferent drift cars in real life they have most of their weight in the front. This is because the weight put on the rear wheels pushes them against the floor, and this force impedes them to slip when you accelerate, so the more weight you have in the rear will lead (up to a point) to an understeering car whilst a car with too much weight in the front doesn't push the rear end against the floor, which combined with a lot of power makes the car slide while accelerating
Hi yannagas & jtoribio94,

I also soften the rear to the minimum and stiffen up the front. In this regard, similar to the setup by Lewis_Hamilton_, but I don't remember other details ATM. I do remember I use toe out (negative number) at the rear, though. I also strive to stabilize the tail in my setting. The toe out looks unreasonable at the first glance but it works well in accelerating out of bends.

A little confusion here, as I check the post #9 by Lewis_Hamilton_, the ballast looks like going to the nose, no? And the f/r distribution shows 43:57, by which the balance is slightly more to the front. The original is 42:58 IIRC. Oh well, now I'm not 100% sure, will check later.

I'll also try adding weight to the rear to see how it goes.
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Hi yannagas & jtoribio94,

I also soften the rear to the minimum and stiffen up the front. In this regard, similar to the setup by Lewis_Hamilton_, but I don't remember other details ATM. I do remember I use toe out (negative number) at the rear, though. I also strive to stabilize the tail in my setting. The toe out looks unreasonable at the first glance but it works well in accelerating out of bends.

A little confusion here, as I check the post #9 by Lewis_Hamilton_, the ballast looks like going to the nose, no? And the f/r distribution shows 43:57, by which the balance is slightly more to the front. The original is 42:58 IIRC. Oh well, now I'm not 100% sure, will check later.

I'll also try adding weight to the rear to see how it goes.
Yeah dude, that's why everbody says that the stock car is understeerer and lewis hamilton's is oversteery, and that's as well why @yannagas moved the ballast to the center so that we solve the oversteering caused by the ballast in the very front changin the weight distribution
@eclipsee just curious, are u using chassis reinforcement in this one? Are you on the heavy-torquey side too?
No, I'm not using it, the only time I found it usefull in GT5 or GT6 was in a Lambo Miura.

Some cars prefer torque, some others prefer HP's, usually a balance of both is a good solution, although this car, (as the LCC Rocket) is a bit biased to torque.

BTW, don't use ballast, your life will be easier.
No, I'm not using it, the only time I found it usefull in GT5 or GT6 was in a Lambo Miura.

Some cars prefer torque, some others prefer HP's, usually a balance of both is a good solution, although this car, (as the LCC Rocket) is a bit biased to torque.

BTW, don't use ballast, your life will be easier.

Thanks for the tips Ramon, I had to find out the hard way!! Did both body rigidity improvement, and rigidity re-whatever,
did an oil change, made a mess of my setup, and guess what! Ended up making a faster lap, finally braking in the 1's.
Maybe placebo effect, but...

Anyway just for anybody who already has done the above, or for anybody who wants to experiment, I'll post this weird setup, maybe somebody will benefit from it???

Time 01,949 looks like can be improved 4-5 tenths, mainly due to the fact that you can maybe do more laps without crashing...maybe...and it rides quite nicely too.

Based on @beodo20vt tune: oil change, i also added body rigidity improvement, and body restoration to see what happens!

617BHP - 1,313kg -40:60 weight distr. - 77,1 Kgfm - 2,12 Kg/BHP - power 75,4% - ballast 74kg @ 50.

63 ------ 65
19,00 ---21,60 ----> new-----> 19,50----21,20
6 ------- 6
6 ------- 6
7 ------- 7
0,1 ----- 0,3
-0,09 --- 0,10

final: 3300


BB: 4 3 (Racing) - all power improvements except turbo - stage 3 weight red. ,standard windows.

This just to prove that I'm faster or at least as fast with this than 1300kg 620BHP 41:59 74,1kgfm 2,09kg/BHP...

or 1308kg 640BHP 44:56 68,6kgfm 2,04kg/BHP

edit: shaved a tenth now at 01.896 with a change at the springs as edited above, made the ride better, more controllable.
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Thanks for the tips Ramon, I had to find out the hard way!! Did both body rigidity improvement, and rigidity re-whatever,
did an oil change, made a mess of my setup, and guess what! Ended up making a faster lap, finally braking in the 1's.
Maybe placebo effect, but...

Anyway just for anybody who already has done the above, or for anybody who wants to experiment, I'll post this weird setup, maybe somebody will benefit from it???

Time 01,949 looks like can be improved 4-5 tenths, mainly due to the fact that you can maybe do more laps without crashing...maybe...and it rides quite nicely too.

Based on @beodo20vt tune: oil change, i also added body rigidity improvement, and body restoration to see what happens!

617BHP - 1,313kg -40:60 weight distr. - 77,1 Kgfm - 2,12 Kg/BHP - power 75,4% - ballast 74kg @ 50.

63 ------ 65
19,00 ---21,60 ----> new-----> 19,50----21,20
6 ------- 6
6 ------- 6
7 ------- 7
0,1 ----- 0,3
-0,09 --- 0,10

final: 3300


BB: 4 3 (Racing) - all power improvements except turbo - stage 3 weight red. ,standard windows.

This just to prove that I'm faster or at least as fast with this than 1300kg 620BHP 41:59 74,1kgfm 2,09kg/BHP...

or 1308kg 640BHP 44:56 68,6kgfm 2,04kg/BHP

edit: shaved a tenth now at 01.896 with a change at the springs as edited above, made the ride better, more controllable.
Glad to serve you my setup.Today I will make trial again and see if I find something new.

Good time of Ramon.. +0:00.008 :embarrassed:
Glad to serve you my setup.Today I will make trial again and see if I find something new.

Good time of Ramon.. +0:00.008 :embarrassed:

yes! Ramon is superfast...👍 however i think he can do a better first sector... But the main attraction you have highlighted!! poor Viper at 6 needs a thousandth to go under 1:banghead:

Oooops, add a sports catalytic converter too.
i can see you adding more torque later on :D

Edit: I noticed something had changed and was slower...Go to check settings and had 575 PP..
a closer look and found out my torque vanished... down to 74,7 from 77,1... then I saw power had dropped too. Is this how fast oil deteriorates in GT6??? maybe 20 laps I did... Even in GT5 i rarely changed oil, but that felt like somebody hit a switch...What gives?
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