Legendary cars dealer refresh

  • Thread starter sejtur
The main problem is not Hagerty pricing, it is we don't have enough "grinding" events. We need a few more event like WTC 700 LM or Spa 1h, (with close reward) for exemple a WTC 750 30min at Nurb, a 950 one in LM... They could even just give us the possibility to do The Human comedy missions any time we want and this would solve the economy problem...
We actually do have quite a few. Other games don't have a whole lot of high paying events.

IMO the events are not necessary because of money, but because of the ability to use a variety of cars on the tracks and feel rewarded for doing so. The economy itself is a game of money. It amounts to 1.65 million/hour, which is perhaps not ideal, but adequate.

But the high paying events tend to concentrate players because the difference is too much.
We actually do have quite a few. Other games don't have a whole lot of high paying events.

IMO the events are not necessary because of money, but because of the ability to use a variety of cars on the tracks and feel rewarded for doing so. The economy itself is a game of money. It amounts to 1.65 million/hour, which is perhaps not ideal, but adequate.

But the high paying events tend to concentrate players because the difference is too much.
We have 3 or 4 events that pay that amount. By the time you're done with CE and all the other stuff you should be sitting at around 70-80 mil. That means you have to grind an additional 350 mil or so to get all the cars, which is pushed as a pretty major goal for the players. That's more than 210 (two hundred and ten) hours of grinding the same 3 or 4 events over and over again. A true mark of a balanced economy and abundance of content.
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LeMans WTC700 pays that
Tokyo Expressway WTC600 pays that
Sardegna Group 3 event pays this amount

Why not St. Croix Group 1?
I can see where you're coming from but don't forget it was a new event series that was added so it pays decent but not great amounts.
When more events for that series gets added, the better pay it will be if you think about it, just like what the WTC had.
Is it just me or the LCD is releasing cars at a faster rate compared to before? it seems like it releases new cars as quick as the UCD... I could be wrong though
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Is it just me or the LCD is releasing cars at a faster rate compared to before? it seems like it releases new cars as quick as the UCD... I could be wrong though
Pre-1.11, Hagertys' cars were generally available between 5-8 days (mostly 7). Between 1.11 and 1.15, that was upped to mostly 12 days (with the XJR9, 962 C, Willys, 1969 Fairlady, and Mark IV the only sub-10 days, all at 8). Since then, the E-type and 356 have been available 12 days, F50 13 days, Plymouth XNR 11 days, RX500 9 days, C2 Vette and G.T.350 8 days, and 911 and XJ13 5 days.

Over in the UCD, except for two short stretches immediately after the 1.11 update and again with cars that sold out between 5/1 and 5/4 (which were all over the map with availability between 2 and 13 days) and the 14-day initial appearance of the Cappuccino, the cars have been consistently available between 7-9 days (with some exceptions, of course).
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Couldn't gold all the licences bro?


This was on the S-10 thread.

I did S-10 with no assists other than ABS and have replay to prove it. Pre-1.13, BTW.

I also have the trophy. I could humiliate you further by digging the other licenses you had trouble with, but I'm a kindhearted person.

GTFO kid, this is an adults conversation.
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View attachment 1156825

This was on the S-10 thread.

I did S-10 with no assists other than ABS and have replay to prove it. Pre-1.13, BTW.

I also have the trophy. I could humiliate you further by digging the other licenses you had trouble with, but I'm a kindhearted person.

GTFO kid, this is an adults conversation.
It's fine mate. I'm no match for your enormous e-penis. Your original comment just seemed very odd. Almost as odd as mentioning you could humiliate me by bringing up information I volunteered publicly regarding the tests I had trouble with. People I don't know judging my lack of skills on a video game?, oh the shame.
View attachment 1156825

This was on the S-10 thread.

I did S-10 with no assists other than ABS and have replay to prove it. Pre-1.13, BTW.

I also have the trophy. I could humiliate you further by digging the other licenses you had trouble with, but I'm a kindhearted person.

GTFO kid, this is an adults conversation.
Are you...really trying to "humiliate" someone by showing off how many more gold stars you have in a video game?
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Well, it was THE Rowan Atkinson who owned that car so that might factored in how his F1 was sold in that price.
Was just the going rate for a F1 at the time. Another example with the rarer HDF kit sold for $13.75m the same year. F1s are basically like GTOs in that regardless of history, what they go for is what they go for.

I think George Harrison's F1 might be the only example (maybe Leno as well) that would add in the owner's fame just because of who he was & the fact it had a few tailor made touches done just for George.
View attachment 1156825

This was on the S-10 thread.

I did S-10 with no assists other than ABS and have replay to prove it. Pre-1.13, BTW.

I also have the trophy. I could humiliate you further by digging the other licenses you had trouble with, but I'm a kindhearted person.

GTFO kid, this is an adults conversation.
Imagine my surprise coming across...whatever this is supposed to be.

Are you that deprived of attention in your day-to-day that you have to resort to lauding virtual achievements over someone else? More to the point, you brought a conversation for an entirely unrelated thread here to, again, laud your virtual superiority in a circumstance where, the person you're attempting to embarrass, has admitted to having trouble with the license test in question.

Are you really that pathetic?

No one cares that you have the trophy. No one cares that you did S-10 with no assists other than ABS, or that you have the replay to prove it. No one is going to watch it. As far as the "this is an adults conversation" quip goes, I don't know who or what you're referring to, but I hope you're not referring to yourself as said adult.

Because you're not. Now, for your sake, don't derail this or any other thread with your personal insecurities moving forward. Keep them to yourself.
View attachment 1156825

This was on the S-10 thread.

I did S-10 with no assists other than ABS and have replay to prove it. Pre-1.13, BTW.

I also have the trophy. I could humiliate you further by digging the other licenses you had trouble with, but I'm a kindhearted person.

GTFO kid, this is an adults conversation.
Wait and you were the one talking about e-penises? Looks like yours is getting plenty of love.
View attachment 1156825

This was on the S-10 thread.

I did S-10 with no assists other than ABS and have replay to prove it. Pre-1.13, BTW.

I also have the trophy. I could humiliate you further by digging the other licenses you had trouble with, but I'm a kindhearted person.

GTFO kid, this is an adults conversation.
I haven't put too much time into the licences but I didn't find gold very easy to get on the ones I achieved. I've got mostly bronze and then moved on to doing other stuff. It's very humiliating for me to admit this but I think I'll be lucky to achieve 60% golds! 🥲
I’m actually sort of surprised, come to think of it, that the original Skyline GT-R costs about 300k less credits than the R34 GT-R. What, did they make tons of the KPGC10 or something?

Though I suppose to be fair, the R34 we have in the game isn’t just a typical R34 GT-R, but rather a V-Spec II Nür. Heck if I’d know what a Nismo R34 Z-Tune would go for if they added it.
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