Make all cars available from the start?

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Make all cars available from the start?

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  • No

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You do not need a separate garage for online use, You only need one garage and that's all you need is just one for your cars đź‘Ť. If you want free cars go to the arcade mode.
You heard it here first folks. Hall will tell you what you need to enjoy the game.
Cant tell you enough how annoyed I was when I went online early in GT5 to get my butt smoked and ran over by a bunch of losers in Zondas, one of the cars available to anyone online.

Were you not also given the choice to drive a Zonda?

If someone is smoking you in a race because you don't want to use the best car available for that race, it's hardly their fault.


Having cars that are unique and unlockable certainly helps a game appeal to a certain segment of the video-gaming audience. And it helps encourage players to play more and longer. But there is no reason it can't be the other way around. And no reason that you can't have platinum / gold / black chrome cars as virtual badges of honor for players who have achieved more versus "regular" versions of the same cars. Look at how the community went gaga over those exclusives!

In the end, Gran Turismo is only a game. You can have every single car in the game in your garage (or, in my case, on two double-backed up Playstation Memory cards) and several years later, those virtual cars will be gone. Or, in the case of games with online back-up like GT5... in several years, you won't be able to go online to show them off.

I'm not slighting collecting culture. I'm the same way. But I think it's absolutely silly to base your self-esteem or enjoyment of the game on what other people have. I have gladly copied out my garages from previous GTs to friends who were casual players and didn't have the time to go through hours of game play to get all those cars. I don't give a damn that every hacker online has a cooler garage than me.

All I care about is that, hey, look, I actually won these championships myself. And that's it.

Having cars unlockable from the beginning or easily unlockable will not destroy a game. Heck, if your issue is the losers who get straight into Zondas at the drop of a hat, having all GT7 content unlockable from the start means that they'll be in and out of the game in a month, tops... leaving online to those who actually care about racing.

Players who did the money glitch made the game easy for them in GT6, so they can buy all the cars they want and pick and choose that car for that race. The GT5 garage editor made the game easy for me.

So the garage editor made the racing easier for you, then? Money glitches win tournaments? Did Lucas Ordonez get his racing seat through a money glitch?

Making it easier for someone to enter a race doesn't make the racing any easier.
1. You are talking about something more specific than the topic of the thread or the poll. You're saying we should have an option to unlock all of the cars at the start of the game. The thread/poll topic is simply should they all be unlocked at the start of the game.

2. Just because you don't find others peoples reasons valid, doesn't mean they don't count.

If someone feels a certain way about this subject but doesn't feel like taking the time to explain it than they have every right to just vote and move on.
Evasion. Also inaccurate for the purposes of what you were first trying to claim.

You are not owed an explanation from anyone
Inaccuracy. You're the one who broached the topic of people not respecting the reasoning of dissenting arguments in this thread. You're the one who posted a bunch of quotes of people giving their reasoning.

You don't get to double down on the argument that people who never actually gave a reasoning also have to be treated as if they have sound reasoning when that invalidates the entire premise of your initial argument.

Heck, the only reason I've taken part for this long is morbid curiosity.
Unfounded arrogance.

If you'd like to keep going, feel free. I might reply, might not, depends on how I'm feeling.
Protip: Don't bother.

How about the fallacy that any and all grinding is inherently bad?
Considering I've put about 15 hours into The World Ends With You in the past two weeks in the same story chapter simply power leveling weapon stats and character levels, that certainly would have been an interesting thing for me to say.

Some of my favorite moments in video gaming has come from grinding. Grinding in the Mideel Forest in Final Fantasy VII so I could get strong enough to take on the WEAPONs or win in the Battle Arena. Grinding through in-game days and nights in the Twin Peak Mountains of Brave Fencer Musashi.
RPGs with logarithmic experience-based level systems, huh? Perfectly comparable. Though, again, see above. I never made the argument that you are saying I made.

When I first played Gran Turismo way back in 1998 I remember getting my butt kicked by the AI regularly. Then I discovered this thing called tuning parts which made my car fast enough to beat the early races. I remember going back and using the credits I hard earned to slowly upgrade my car. It didnt feel like a 'grind'.
That's because what you're describing isn't grinding. What you're describing is progressing through the early part of the game normally. Grinding would be along the lines of the lovely that GT5 had where you were required to do races dozens of times to simply progress to the next race; or repeatedly spam the same Seasonal Event until you had the money to buy the artificially expensive car required for it since it was never given out as a prize car like it would have been in earlier titles.

Incidentally, GT2 and to a lesser extent GT4 also had grinding, but the prize allotment was sufficient enough and the car purchase prices were balanced in proportion to the prize allotment that doing a 5 minute race 4 times would be enough to buy the most expensive car in the game. And both of those games also had better designed single player experiences to boot, so it was much easier to actually make them enjoyable.

lol, asinine. The internet's sneaky passive aggressive way of calling someone stupid because just calling someone stupid outright sounds so bad, doesnt it.
Amusingly, I've told you to your face the past two times you pulled this attitude to kiss my ass, so you really think by this point I would mince words with you?

But we'll have it your way: It is a stupid argument to assume that people who want to be able to access the content of a game as soon as they start the game are just lazy; and likewise it is a stupid argument to assume that someone who dislikes the design of the most recent two GT games was never compatible with the design ethos of the series for its entire 15 year run.

Dont worry, your not lazy. You fall into category #1 from the previous page. You dont like GT mode, a design issue that can be fixed. You just spent a few paragraphs telling me that.
No. I spent a few paragraphs telling you that your assertion that I have a "total disregard ... for the entire 15 year history of Gran Turismo" was completely baseless. I spent one paragraph explaining that the horrible way the past two GT games have been designed (the latter of which having three years of feedback and apologies and putting out something worse) perfectly justifies people wanting an alternate way to progress through the game.

So yeah hes hurting my enjoyment of the game. Cant tell you enough how annoyed I was when I went online early in GT5 to get my butt smoked and ran over by a bunch of losers in Zondas, one of the cars available to anyone online.
If he's hurting your game by having a car you don't have (though, of course, this is false since you also had access to it by the same method he did), logically every single person who has a car that another online player hasn't been able to access by that point is hurting the second player's enjoyment. The person who can put 40 hours into the game on its launch week is hurting the enjoyment of the person who can only spare a few hours a week. The person who bought the game when it first came out is hurting the enjoyment of the person who bought the game when the Senna content was released. The person who bought microtransactions for GT6? Hurting everyone else's enjoyment. Person who was gifted a car in GT5? Hurting everyone else's enjoyment. The person who lucked out and had the 20 million credits when the Chaparral 2J (or some other equally dominant car per PP level)? Hurting the enjoyment of the game for those who weren't so lucky.

Players who did the money glitch made the game easy for them in GT6, so they can buy all the cars they want and pick and choose that car for that race. The GT5 garage editor made the game easy for me.
I was unaware that having a massive surplus of credits was what made the AI pull over to the side of the road on the last lap so you don't lose the race.
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Evasion. Also inaccurate for the purposes of what you were first trying to claim.

Inaccuracy. You're the one who broached the topic of people not respecting the reasoning of dissenting arguments in this thread. You're the one who posted a bunch of quotes of people giving their reasoning.

You don't get to double down on the argument that people who never actually gave a reasoning also have to be treated as if they have sound reasoning when that invalidates the entire premise of your initial argument.

Unfounded arrogance.

Protip: Don't bother.

Haha oh jesus. Things are getting intense.

Listen, I am never ever ever going to convince you. Why? Because you don't get it. Which is fine, you don't need to. But I don't think there is any more anyone can do to make you understand. You've been told over and over and over again and it's just not happening.

Though, I would like to know what YOU think the reason is for people not wanting the option...I honestly can't imagine of what you're thinking about it. I'm not going to hold you to it or anything but it would be interesting to hear.

P.S. I was totally going to us "Pro tip" in my last post...shoulda coulda woulda amiright?
Though, I would like to know what YOU think the reason is for people not wanting the option...I honestly can't imagine of what you're thinking about it. I'm not going to hold you to it or anything but it would be interesting to hear.
They haven't got anything else to be "proud" of.

I exploited the VGT glitch at the very beginning of the game and subsequently bought all the cars that I wanted to drive. Did it take out my enjoyment of the game? Definitely not. If anything the game got better for me now that I didn't have to participate in the utterly dreary chase the rabbit races.

The only thing to be proud of with buying your cars is your ability to persist in the game that is entirely tedious, uncompetitive, boring, and repetitive.

Of course, if simulation mode were any better - i.e. fun, refreshing, new, enjoyable - I wouldn't have as much of a need for all the cars to be available from the very start. I would think that I'll be having too much fun with racing to care about what car I'm driving.

As it happens though, GT's current career mode is boring. The racing is not fun at all. If it continues to be this way - and I have a feeling that it will - a redeeming feature would be to make the cars available at the start of the game. At least I'll be able to have fun focusing on doing time attacks or time trials rather than participating in offline races.

Really, the goal is to make the game fun. To make all the cars available from the start is simply one method. It doesn't even have to be done as long as PD can figure out a way to resurrect the GT series as being a fun, exciting, enjoyable game.
They haven't got anything else to be "proud" of.

I exploited the VGT glitch at the very beginning of the game and subsequently bought all the cars that I wanted to drive. Did it take out my enjoyment of the game? Definitely not. If anything the game got better for me now that I didn't have to participate in the utterly dreary chase the rabbit races.

The only thing to be proud of with buying your cars is your ability to persist in the game that is entirely tedious, uncompetitive, boring, and repetitive.

Of course, if simulation mode were any better - i.e. fun, refreshing, new, enjoyable - I wouldn't have as much of a need for all the cars to be available from the very start. I would think that I'll be having too much fun with racing to care about what car I'm driving.

As it happens though, GT's current career mode is boring. The racing is not fun at all. If it continues to be this way - and I have a feeling that it will - a redeeming feature would be to make the cars available at the start of the game. At least I'll be able to have fun focusing on doing time attacks or time trials rather than participating in offline races.

Really, the goal is to make the game fun. To make all the cars available from the start is simply one method. It doesn't even have to be done as long as PD can figure out a way to resurrect the GT series as being a fun, exciting, enjoyable game.

I totally agree with that last bit. GT mode needs to be changed to make it more fun. I'd would much rather PD make GT Mode better than just went "screw it".
Though, I would like to know what YOU think the reason is for people not wanting the option...

Selection bias.

People who are still interested in Gran Turismo 7, despite the disappointments with GT5 and GT6 have an emotional investment in the game. As such, they'd prefer things to remain status quo.

People turned off by the poor career mode and the grinding aren't really paying attention, anymore. Me? I didn't bother voting until this thread got to Page 5. I've been reading this thread from the beginning, but I didn't care enough to vote. I simply voted to see how it was going.


And then there's the lack of options in the poll. There are some people who believe that it should be easier to buy cars, but don't believe people should just get them for free. There are some people who believe that some cars should be given for free, to give you more flexibility in how you start your career, but that other cars should be "earned." And there are some people with a null opinion, they don't know either way.

Faced with a poll with only all-in or not all-in, they'll tend to vote "not." It's similar to asking: "Do we have the right to kill other people?" Yes/No. With no options for "Yes, in self-defense" or "Yes, to defend someone else," people will tend to vote "no."
I totally agree with that last bit. GT mode needs to be changed to make it more fun. I'd would much rather PD make GT Mode better than just went "screw it".

So why are you disagreeing with the notion of having all cars being unlocked at the start? It's a way of improving the game for a handful of people. What is the benefit of keeping the game as is?
Making every car free from the start would TOTALLY ruin the experience of buying an expensive car as the car wouldn't cost anymore so it wouldn't be rewarding after 1-2 hours of money grinding. Also, credits would become useless.
Why would you want to grind in the first place? Why not just skip the boring part and get right into driving the cars you want to drive?
All cars should not be available and free when starting the game, you should have to buy them if you want to use them. đź‘Ť
Why would you want to grind in the first place? Why not just skip the boring part and get right into driving the cars you want to drive?
Because being patient to be able to buy the car you want after doing a few races can be rewarding. I did this once to be able to get the Chaparral 2J (so much cheaper in GT6 compared to GT5 which was like 14,000,000 credits compared to 4,000,000 credits :))
Because being patient to be able to buy the car you want after doing a few races can be rewarding. I did this once to be able to get the Chaparral 2J (so much cheaper in GT6 compared to GT5 which was like 14,000,000 credits compared to 4,000,000 credits :))
To each their own I suppose.

Though that's the brilliance of options. If we had the choice of completing the game however we wanted, everyone is happy.
I bought pregme cars I bought the current 15th Anniversary cars. Other than actually paying extra beforenpicking the game up, I have cara available to use straight up. We also get free cars by completing races. Free cars in VGT. if someone buys the game right this minute, look how many free cars they get just by logging in.

Plus, the 3 people that boight in game Cr. Spending $70/euro/pounds etc. All they can buy is a Fit.
But having the option to make all cars available isn't going to hurt anyone or anything being there.
You know why some players want all the cars available at the start of a game, to make the game a lot easy for them to play through the career mode in GT7.
You know why some players want all the cars available at the start of a game, to make the game a lot easy for them to play through the career mode in GT7.
It'll be more fun to play.

GT is easy enough as it is. The game pairs you up with cars that don't make sense. The AI is not competitive at all; they actually slow down to let you pass. Why would we want the game to be any easier?
For me, the thrill is gone of going to the dealership and deciding do I want a new or used car. In real life I can buy a car online and just pick one up from any dealer. GT was good for spending time at the dealership in each part of town or continent.

Id like to collect the cars I want and then play through the game with only those cars.
As a real race driver, there are times we cant dribe cara we want to dribe and opens up opportunities to drive something different. Thats cool. But this game has no focus to the goal of completion. Even if it was open to never complete all gold or collecting all stars, having all cars available would open it up that much more.
You know why some players want all the cars available at the start of a game, to make the game a lot easy for them to play through the career mode in GT7.

How many more times are you going to repeat that when you know it's not true? The option to have access to all available cars for online racing has nothing to do with career mode.
Career mode (simulation mode) and online shouldn't have all cars immediately, you have to, obviously, buy them, but if you want them all, get all the cars with every color available for the cars, provided we don't have a garage limit or a stockyard in GT7, and good luck with that and hope it won't take you very long with that.

All cars available from the start is a very bad idea for simulation mode and online, but for arcade, this seems like an extremely logical choice.
How many more times are you going to repeat that when you know it's not true? The option to have access to all available cars for online racing has nothing to do with career mode.
That goes with online racing as well.
Players who did the money glitch made the game easy for them in GT6, so they can buy all the cars they want and pick and choose that car for that race.
Exactly. But did it ruin your enjoyment of the game or affect you in any other way? (I'm guessing no.)

The GT5 garage editor made the game easy for me.
That's interesting. Contradicting, but interesting, still. You'd happily deny others the option to make the game easier and more fun for them, yet you've done exactly that for yourself. Ever heard of ''practice what you preach''?
Exactly. But did it ruin your enjoyment of the game or affect you in any other way? (I'm guessing no.)

That's interesting. Contradicting, but interesting, still. You'd happily deny others the option to make the game easier and more fun for them, yet you've done exactly that for yourself. Ever heard of ''practice what you preach''?
To your first Question, yes.
To your second question, I did get to 100% before I got the GT5 garage editor and the second time is was easy, but I had a ball to earn credits and cars and stuff the first time I did GT5.
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Well, we can see from the new online match maker, depending on race type, all cars will be available. You won't own them, but you never have to buy them if you only race online.
Career mode (simulation mode) and online shouldn't have all cars immediately, you have to, obviously, buy them, but if you want them all, get all the cars with every color available for the cars, provided we don't have a garage limit or a stockyard in GT7, and good luck with that and hope it won't take you very long with that.

All cars available from the start is a very bad idea for simulation mode and online, but for arcade, this seems like an extremely logical choice.
If YOU have the option of choosing to progres through the game via a GT Classic Career, and I choose a different option, perhaps an Open Wheel Career, or Endurance Career, or Custom Career, or Sandbox Mode, and I enjoy my selection and you enjoy yours, why is that a bad thing? You're entitled to your opinion, and you can answer "just because" like everyone else in this thread, but do you actually have a reason why you think it's bad for us to both enjoy the game in our own way or is it just because you want what you want and everyone else has to be forced to play the same way as you and that's that?
As GBalao888 said, All cars available from the start is a very bad idea for simulation mode and online, but for arcade, this seems like an extremely logical choice and he is 100% right.
You know why some players want all the cars available at the start of a game, to make the game a lot easy for them to play through the career mode in GT7.
If I say it enough times it has to be true.
If I say it enough times it has to be true.
If I say it enough times it has to be true.

As GBalao888 said, All cars available from the start is a very bad idea for simulation mode and online, but for arcade, this seems like an extremely logical choice and he is 100% right.
Amazingly, we saw what GBalao888 said. When he said it.