You also tend to think that many gamers have this supreme interest in online racing.
And it's absolutely correct.
Some do have this interest but they also believe there must be an offline to back it up.
Yes, some others think that way. And there is yet another group that could not care less about online. You can then mark the halfway points between those groups and find yet more groups.
The point is, there are different kinds of people playing the game. There is no best group that is more entitled to the game, we're all on equal footing. I don't see why we can't all get what we want when our interests don't interfere.
Otherwise this would just be GT7: The Real Online Simulator. Did at any point we say that you won't get to use your cars? No I don't think so. You were just told that you should earn them, why is that considered an issue?
Because it's like being told you need to sing a song before you can start your car in the morning. It is
completely without purpose, reason, or necessity.
You're acting like there's an absolute no hope for you to use the cars you want to use. Now there's a proposal to make the offline a little easier and the complaining still continues.
No one wants poor proposals. Tweaking GT Mode is a poor proposal because it does not even try to address the problems being brought up and it adds completely pointless complexity.
Here is the problem in short form:
Group A wants to play GT Mode while Group B wants to play Free Mode
Your solution is prevent Group B from playing Free Mode, so it's already terrible. In addition, you might also make GT Mode worse for Group A. Why is there a compromise when both sides can be totally satisfied? It's like getting a good deal and bargaining to make it worse. "I won a free sandwich? That's too good a prize, I demand you charge me half price!"
Here is a good solution:
Group A gets GT Mode
Group B gets Free Mode
Everyone is happy. Except the people who want to police other people, but their opinions don't count.
If you don't have any interest in offline racing then I ask, why are you playing GT then?
For the parts of the game that aren't offline racing perhaps.
The way GT has been set about is that it's a good offline racer first then does a good online 2nd, it's been about progression.
GT has also been about PS1 graphics originally, only have 200 cars, not having LMP or F1 cars, having garage limits, not being able to paint. Obviously because GT started this way, this is the best way to make a GT game and changes can never happen. Never ever.
Without the sarcasm: You're bringing up a null point. Every new GT game (or well, game period) tends to try and distance itself form the old version a little bit. Usually with better things. If it didn't, it would be the same game and there would be no point to selling the new one. If you want to be stuck in the old game for sake of playing the old game, go play the old game. Tradition is not as excuse, and everyone knows it because when a new feature that someone personally likes comes along, no one complains.
Oh sure there's different gamers out there with different preferences , but what does the majority want?
The majority can put it sock in it. They're not important when ideas aren't mutually exclusive, as in this case.
And what about the people who have been playing the GT series for the nearly fourteen years it existed and was perfectly fine without any online multiplayer options whatsoever, before GT5 came out?
What about them?
If anything, they matter the least. If they're perfectly happy with GT1-4, then there's no point pitching a game to them.
Should the game structure these players have come to know through the years be compromised because a few impatient, bratty kids are too lazy and have no concept of hard work and accomplishment to earn their way through a game?
This is the point. One group of players should not dictate how another group plays. The solution is to give each group what they want.
I think a posted above summed up pretty well that in the GT series, progression and single-player have always been the prime focus of the game. I'm not saying the inclusion of online multiplayer is bad, but it should never come at the cost of truncating the features we all enjoyed and were perfectly fine with all through games 1-4.
We being who?
There's a reason the single-player career has always been referred to as simulation mode right up until about now.
Overall I probably wouldn't mind online and single-player being kept as far away from each other as possible that much but I'd still prefer if the online experience were more reflective of how much of the simulation mode the players have completed.
Like I said before, you can have two online modes. One in free mode and one in GT Mode.
Well gee, the best course for a game series is obviously by trashing progression and gamer appeal.
IMO, best course is to stop being developed in the stone ages and recognize the appeal of user generated content and diverse player bases.
I'm all for bettering the design of the Simulation mode, however I don't think that making all the cars available from the start will do it. I didn't say that GT6 and GT5's career modes were the bee's knees, they do need work. GT1-4 however

I personally found GT4 to be one of the worst games, and it was before GT5 so I didn't even have experience with online racing to influence my opinion.
Anyway, the proposal isn't about GT Mode. GT Mode doesn't need to have all cars available, that's not part of GT Mode. All the cars will be available elsewhere. The goal is to make GT Mode optional. Right now it's required if you want to feel like you actually made a good choice to plop down $60 for a game because if you ignore GT Mode you will never get to see 75% of the game content that you paid for. That is ridiculous.
Doesn't making tailor made career modes sound like a lot of work if not too much?
Who are you talking to? Do not, do not, do not make the mistake of looking at this through an extremely narrow perspective.
There isn't even an event maker in GT, so what are you basing your idea on? It takes all of 5 seconds to come up with a simple event maker concept. One that you could build a GT Mode with.
If you're not convinced until you see one, see Forza Motorsport. You can hand craft a race down to the
number of doors allowed per car. Also, see every simulator ever made.
Why should something that has worked before
It has worked as often as it has not worked. In any case, this is like someone questing why we need air travel when logs float on water. Why bother inventing planes when hanging on for dear life to a rotting piece of wood in a typhoon was good enough 10,000 years ago. People these days.
that only needs a few tweaks
Cannot agree.
to make itself very good be exchanged for something totally different to what the philosophy of the game holds?
Pardon the psuedo-mod hat, but you're making an off topic post. Nothing is being exchanged. Things are being added. Nothing is being lost. I don't know how this can be missed at this point unless it's intentional.
Especially if the majority of players are the ones that think the cars shouldn't be available and be worked for.
The majority has no voice here.
The individuals that are doing hotlaps/seasonals , doing offline and online are getting to do that already, it's just the money that has to be won in order to get those things. Which isn't an issue actually except according to what I've seen is the crazy prices for some cars and a career that leaves a lot to be desired. The way you're making it sound is that it's impossible to do right now. There must be a limiting factor of some sort. GT7 will be better at that I rate.
Nothing but opinion that belongs to you.