Massive Changes Coming to Gran Turismo 7 in Response to Fan Feedback

  • Thread starter R3V
I hate grinding too. But it's not nessasery to grid to buy all cool cars. We just need to wait for next update. There will be new events. Just hope it will be good paid. I have got 117 cars, and still have interesting events to play. Grind should be fun and it's not really fun.
  • Include a total of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have higher reward settings.
Sounds great. There were cool one-hour events in Sport, but not very difficult. Maybe these 8 will be mach harder, like almost all events in GT7.
I'm guessing 450K for each Endurance race. Based on the one Le Man's race, currently 70K, getting a 100% buff for 20 minutes work so 150K times 3.
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I hate grinding too. But it's not nessasery to grid to buy all cool cars. We just need to wait for next update. There will be new events. Just hope it will be good paid. I have got 117 cars, and still have interesting events to play. Grind should be fun and it's not really fun.
  • Include a total of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have higher reward settings.
Sounds great. There were cool one-hour events in Sport, but not very difficult. Maybe these 8 will be mach harder, like almost all events in GT7.
I appreciate that they are finally listening, but it's pretty obvious from this statement they released an unfinished game. That and the week of silence are pretty unforgivable. Plenty of time for a lot of us to move on. I'll look forward to buying it at a discount if they ever fix it for real.
Great news indeed! I am enjoying a lot GT7, but with this money system its imposible to have all the cars. Now we really need its Sophy and qualifying, at last meke it optional, to whom preefer more real racing, not just dodging cars in the middle of the track
Great news indeed! I am enjoying a lot GT7, but with this money system its imposible to have all the cars. Now we really need its Sophy and qualifying, at last meke it optional, to whom preefer more real racing, not just dodging cars in the middle of the track
This game will be a long term game it will not be finished in 1 year. Look at GTA5 it has been out since 2013 and is still going if they released all the cars at launch then everybody would just grind and grind and grind until they have all the cars then move onto another game. They will not please all of the people all of the time and will probably never please all of the people full stop but this is a game for the long term. Lewis hamilton never started in F1 got the championship and retired in 1 season and never has any other driver .
This game will be a long term game it will not be finished in 1 year. Look at GTA5 it has been out since 2013 and is still going if they released all the cars at launch then everybody would just grind and grind and grind until they have all the cars then move onto another game. They will not please all of the people all of the time and will probably never please all of the people full stop but this is a game for the long term. Lewis hamilton never started in F1 got the championship and retired in 1 season and never has any other driver .
Yes, it is an endurance race! The important is enjoy the game in all its aspects. I presume this will be the only GT title in this generation, and i think is has a lot to offer in much time!
This game will be a long term game it will not be finished in 1 year. Look at GTA5 it has been out since 2013 and is still going if they released all the cars at launch then everybody would just grind and grind and grind until they have all the cars then move onto another game. They will not please all of the people all of the time and will probably never please all of the people full stop but this is a game for the long term. Lewis hamilton never started in F1 got the championship and retired in 1 season and never has any other driver .
Difference being GTV was great day one and got better. GT7 was medicore got to dog crap and now they are paddlinn up ***** creek with Kaz aka "every idiototic decison was his" still in charge.

Long term lol.
Difference being GTV was great day one and got better. GT7 was medicore got to dog crap and now they are paddlinn up ***** creek with Kaz aka "every idiototic decison was his" still in charge.

Long term lol.
You're right GTV was great. Good game despite the standard cars.
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One step in the right direction. It still sucks that game developers now have to face backlash before doing things right. They know what they are doing. They are testing the waters to see what they can get away with and they will keep trying. We have to keep pushing back.

I hope the game is great by the time I can find a PS5 and a decent TV to play it. If this is the game that will get me back into GT, they have to do it right.
No, cars are not just cosmetic items. Are individual guns in destiny only cosmetic? Cosmetic would be things like new wheels, or special decals. Cars are actual gaming content...with statistics and physics.
I get what you are saying but you can't compare them the same way, the cars you race against others are priced completely different than the cars people are complaining about. The cars above 1.000.000 are essentially cosmetic when it comes to racing against other players, you don't need them but they look cool since you don't really need the expensive cars in any race.

If i spend 3.3 million on Aston Vulcan i can't really complain about having enough credits for a 450.000 GR3 car, i made the decision myself.

Unlike real money to buy a gjallarhorn that i can use raids, pvp content to my advantage i don't really need MTX to survive against other players in GT7 and it gets easier and easier as you play the game.
24hr endurance race is the bane of my existence, I hope there are others way to earn cars locked behind those races, cuz probably less than 0.1% of the community are going to do those.
24hr endurance race is the bane of my existence, I hope there are others way to earn cars locked behind those races, cuz probably less than 0.1% of the community are going to do those.
Oh I'm doing it. It's going to take me two weeks but I'll do it.
I get what you are saying but you can't compare them the same way, the cars you race against others are priced completely different than the cars people are complaining about. The cars above 1.000.000 are essentially cosmetic when it comes to racing against other players, you don't need them but they look cool since you don't really need the expensive cars in any race.

If i spend 3.3 million on Aston Vulcan i can't really complain about having enough credits for a 450.000 GR3 car, i made the decision myself.

Unlike real money to buy a gjallarhorn that i can use raids, pvp content to my advantage i don't really need MTX to survive against other players in GT7 and it gets easier and easier as you play the game.
That's nonsensical talk. GT7 Cars are not purely cosmetic or whatever the term "essentially cosmetic" means. Even if you don't personally appreciate or like or aspire to acquire the expensive ones, they're still not simply cosmetic in game. I think I get what you want to say but it's wrong to say it as such, because it's nonsense.
I get what you are saying but you can't compare them the same way, the cars you race against others are priced completely different than the cars people are complaining about. The cars above 1.000.000 are essentially cosmetic when it comes to racing against other players, you don't need them but they look cool since you don't really need the expensive cars in any race.

If i spend 3.3 million on Aston Vulcan i can't really complain about having enough credits for a 450.000 GR3 car, i made the decision myself.

Unlike real money to buy a gjallarhorn that i can use raids, pvp content to my advantage i don't really need MTX to survive against other players in GT7 and it gets easier and easier as you play the game.
Well, just like destiny, the subseplayer base. (Online racers) do not make up the majority of the playerbase for Gran Turismo. There are plenty of people who will time trial those super expensive cars. Online Lobbies are full of "cruise and hangout" rooms.
One step in the right direction. It still sucks that game developers now have to face backlash before doing things right. They know what they are doing. They are testing the waters to see what they can get away with and they will keep trying. We have to keep pushing back.

I hope the game is great by the time I can find a PS5 and a decent TV to play it. If this is the game that will get me back into GT, they have to do it right.
Nothing like jumping on the bandwagon! Have you played the game at all?
Are the ‘chase the rabbit’ races gone? Is the AI improved?

I cannot stand 'chase the rabbit' races, that's not racing to me. They should add qualifying first then an actual race.

Shhh, careful what you ask for. Sony may sic Sophy on you. :lol: Seriously though they have shown they have some killer AI for us in the future. I think they are just tweaking it and deciding how they want to implement it. Maybe they will release it in a format similar to the Lewis Hamilton Challange, but not as paid DLC. Possibly in this...
  • Addition of Online Time Trials and awarding of rewards according to the player’s difference with the top ranked time.
So just because you're not a rally fan means nobody else is or should be? Sound logic. Personally rally to me is one of the coolest and most epic motorsports to exist which makes the treatment it's got in GT7 downright cruel. The rally physics were legitimately better in the older games with how cars handled jumps.
Well, I really enjoyed the Lunar Missions from GT6 and think they should bring them back. GT7 has shown they still have the physics in place to make this happen. C'mon PD I want to drive a Moon Buggy again. Of course, based on Hagerty, the price would be astronomical. :D
This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Massive Changes Coming to Gran Turismo 7 in Response to Fan Feedback

Polyphony Digital studio head Kazunori Yamauchi has made a special post on the PlayStation Blog in which he has given more information about near-future updates coming to Gran Turismo 7, as well as an in-game boost for those affected by the recent server outage...
So, we get some better prize stuff back... To me that is totally secondary to fixing what I see are key issues in the game; vehicle and tyre physics... These are awful in comparison to GT7. if you watch my youtube channel... (iflowboy), you'll see I did a comparison in a Camaro in both GT Sport and GT7.... the car was undrivable in Gt7 due to the fact that the lateral and vertical tyre load "physics" are just plain wrong - and totally unrealistic. The other burning issue is that the AI vehicles are also unrealistic. I know they were poor in GT Sport but they have gone to another extreme. Beyond this, the theme of GT7 is also a disconnect from the GT player base.... bringing existing GT Sport Driver levels across ..... but then making all drivers complete both the driving tests and all Cafe menus to unlock "everything" was a gross miscalculation of their community. To me, the overall issues and dissatisfaction leads me to one significant conclusion- Polyphony Digital did not understand their loyal fans expecations for GT7 - and they clearly didn't bother to get player forums running to decide what GT7 should be - and now they are paying a huge price as players are revolting and leaving.....
So, we get some better prize stuff back... To me that is totally secondary to fixing what I see are key issues in the game; vehicle and tyre physics... These are awful in comparison to GT7. if you watch my youtube channel... (iflowboy), you'll see I did a comparison in a Camaro in both GT Sport and GT7.... the car was undrivable in Gt7 due to the fact that the lateral and vertical tyre load "physics" are just plain wrong - and totally unrealistic. The other burning issue is that the AI vehicles are also unrealistic. I know they were poor in GT Sport but they have gone to another extreme. Beyond this, the theme of GT7 is also a disconnect from the GT player base.... bringing existing GT Sport Driver levels across ..... but then making all drivers complete both the driving tests and all Cafe menus to unlock "everything" was a gross miscalculation of their community. To me, the overall issues and dissatisfaction leads me to one significant conclusion- Polyphony Digital did not understand their loyal fans expecations for GT7 - and they clearly didn't bother to get player forums running to decide what GT7 should be - and now they are paying a huge price as players are revolting and leaving.....
Every time they released a new GT you have to redo the licenses what did you expect free trophies for not completing the licenses
I wasn't too bothered by this fiasco but it's good to hear that changes will be made.
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I really hope we get some Gr.1/2 races in this new update, also sport needs more variety, bop can be for actual racing series, could have a Japanese gt500, world prototype, even various open wheel series, then tuned classes, I’m getting so tired of Tsukuba this week! Very glad for the extra cr. and following changes
A show of gratitude would have been a free 917K for everyone(I mean, it’s been the face of GT7 since the first tease). Plus, the 1 million Cr. As mentioned times before, it costs them nothing to do something like this.
I don't want anymore car being thrown at me for no reason, I want to earn them, either as a reward for an achievement (harder achievement -> greater car), either by buying them with credits I've earnt by playing the available content with decent rewards or racing online with better rewards (and better incentive to clean race)

What I wait from PD is to do all they said and continue to tackle more game issues (but I am not that optimistic), not being showered by gifts that cost them nothing and lowers the value of game content.
Wounder how early in april we get an update with the more events and endurance races, i don’t think we can be as lucky to get in friday april 1, maybe in 2 weeks, but it would be nice to have it next friday,
you'll get a 6 stars ticket, which will give you a 2k pile of cash :lol:

I had a 6 star ticket today (after 1 and 2 stars for four or five straight days). The prizes were a Veyron, an F1500, an engine, a big pile of gold bars, and a small pile of gold bars. I’m sure you can guess what it landed on. This roulette mechanic seems almost designed to purposely tease and create frustration. But it was more than 2k at least.

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