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- TankAss95
StrittanPlease, don't say "we" when you speak for yourself.
Nobody can fully comprehend infinity. They can understand the concept it, but not comprehend it in practice.
StrittanPlease, don't say "we" when you speak for yourself.
I like the idea of a multi verse. In fact, I've been thinking along those lines for some years now, referring to the universe we live in as 'our universe'. To me the Big Bang is like a raindrop falling in a pond and the expanding universe it created, is the ripple traveling across the pond. Other raindrops (varying in size) create their own ripples and can eventually overlap or start within another raindrops ripple. In other words, if this is true, then another big bang could very well happen within our universe.The theory of a multiverse is often seen as a solution to quantum mechanics, and would possibly lead scientists to finding a so called 'Theory of Everything' (TOE).
The concept is impressive, the idea of an infinite number of parallel universes is mind boggling, but is it just science fiction? Even more, can it be proven?
So, what do you think?
The reason why I used singleverse as the title was because I wanted to separate it clearly from the multiverse to stop confusion. Should I change 'singleverse' with just 'universe' then?
Sorry for inconvenience.
Nobody can fully comprehend infinity. They can understand the concept it, but not comprehend it in practice.
They way I understood it was that our minds could only work with finite amounts. To imagine infinite, we need something to compare it to.BobKJust because you can't doesn't mean that nobody else can. There are seven billion people in the world right now, and you're claiming that not a single one of them can comprehend infinity regardless of any training or (mathematical?) ability they may have.
To imagine infinite, we need something to compare it to.
I do understand the meaning of infinity, but I cannot see how anyone could comprehend it (or imagine it) in practice.
A hypothetical example, but a comprehendable example; A monkey tapping away at a typewriter will eventually reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare.
MazdaPriceA demonstration of an infinite amount of time. Given an infinite amount of time, the monkey would eventually reproduce everything that Shakespeare wrote.
That's just stating the obvious. Given an infinite amount of chances, there will be an infinite amount of outcomes that fit in those conditions.
And given an infinite amount of time, the immortal monkey will eventually reproduce every price of literature ever written.
MazdaPriceExactly. It's a demonstration of infinity, something which you claimed the human mind cannot comprehend.
MazdaPriceAgain, something which could be proven.
Relating it back to the OP, it could prove that we live in an infinite universe or that there are an infinite number of other universes.
I can't see how we could prove that we live in an infinite universe.
Stevisiov"If you think you understand infinity, then you do not understand infinity..."
Its a quote from the video below and probably is true for the most part. We have an abstract understanding of infinity as a whole but as we drill down into the details of it, we quickly loose our understanding. A singularity in physics appears as the physical universe tends towards infinity, such as the density of mass within the event horizon of a black whole. Our understanding of physics starts to break down at this point as all sorts of bizarre things are suggested by our current models of physics. Yet mathematical interpretations of infinity suggest that infinities exist.
The bottom line is that the top theoretic physicists don't fully understand what we would describe as an infinity, but that's not to say they don't have any comprehension of what it is.
I believe Tankass's point is somewhat valid, even if its probably not correct in its entirety.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBdaumeA254">YouTube Link</a>
As for the topic at hand, I think the poll is lacking probably the most important option.
'We simply don't know yet'
I went for the infinite multiverse option, but this means very little, at this point its merely more than a guess. No one can say with any real certainty. I don't really believe in the infinite multiverse at all, but if you were to push for an opinion I would suggest that may be the most likely in my humble opinion.
But it's a mysterious "anti-gravity" ('nother placeholder name ala "dark matter") force which seems to act more like a spring.
But people in this thread seem to be shy about using the word belief. Believe what you want, because it's cool, because it has the best evidence, whatever. Belief isn't a scary term that's supposed to put a cap on anything, it's just what you use to pursue new knowledge. There's a lot more belief than fact in physics, trust me. So go for it, pretend like it is fact and keep going till you get slapped in the face with evidence against it or you become a Nobel Prize winner.
And multiple infinite's are impossible.
ExorcetI couldn't watch it to check, but I think this is the right one.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz2L7t3fp6E">YouTube Link</a>
I believe that people who are much more inteligent than I am have done much more research on this and understand it much better than I ever will.
My hypothesis is that if you take a rocket, and just travelled in a perfectly straight line across the universe (for a very long time ) you would eventually end up where you started. This is similar to the fact that if I travelled in a straight line across the earth I would end up where I started at.
Don't ask me where I got this from, or to prove this idea, it's just what I feel is most plausible. I am happy to accept the multiverse theory if it has more evidence, but as of yet, I cannot accept it as part of nature, and especially as the ultimate reality. It just adds more questions rather than answers.
I can't grasp my mind around infinity. It seems too mind boggling.
I don't think we have enough information as of yet to begin accepting the multiverses yet. Is it possible, yes.
JubbyNow, if you're insinuating that the universe curves in on itself... that's another idea.
I agree that there is enough to warrant the discussion, but I truly think that before we go trying to figure out if there are other universes, we need to figure out our own.We have enough evidence that our particular universe is non-random enough to warrant the multiverse belief. In fact, that is the very foundation of it.
Since the multiverse idea is an assumption and not demonstrated, it may of course be disputed. Both sides of the argument are quite rational.
That's what I meant. 👍
I don't really have any reason for believing it, it's just what I feel is most plausible. I don't really accept infinite in nature - to me it's just a mathematical concept.
How long do people stay dead for?