Soprano 3 1 3
And I've found it dissappointing that the negative have been quoted and my pratical reasoning hasn't. I also find it disapointing that grown men can't conversate and have a debate without blowing things out of context. One has to be "Forcing" something on to the other but at the same time is asked for personal reasoning. This is the type of sensitivity I try to avoid when enter into this type of thread. If I agreed with everyone it would no longer be a debate. The sensitivity is truly ashame and I expect more from grown men on the topic of a video game. If you feel my decision is selfish thats too bad. Its an opinion, I stand by it and since you obviously disregarded it, I'll sum it up once more . Now with this closing statement I will depart myself from this discusion since it seems obvious that feelings have been hurt and I obviously haven't composed a worthy contribution to the discusion.
Your decision and opinion is selfish. Your dislike of the sport is your primary reason in which it shouldn't be in GT5. You aren't alone, the others in this thread use the same reasoning and they too are selfish.
One reason some don't want it in because they may have to run an oval race or two to finish the game. If that's not selfish I don't know what is.
I don't want you to leave this discussion, I just want you and others to come up with better reasons to not include NASCAR other then how trashy and boring it may be to you.
You know lets not include a Suzuki Capaccuni because I may have to use it starting out in GT5 racing 50mph for a few race to collect money for my next ride or unlock and event. Brilliant
Once again
Soprano 3 1 3
There has never been a car in the GT series that hasn't been bound to one single series. The F1 cars can tandum with Group C or Le Mans and DTM can be adapted into a field inhabited with JGTC vehicles.
An F1 car racing a Le Mans car. Now I've heard it all.
Maybe you don't know but GT5P has a PP system where cars can be downgraded or upgraded to reach a certain PP to match performance.
Soprano 3 1 3
No.., I personally "reckon" that these cars (if added) will scarcely be used. Since GT has always been primarily about road racing, and thats what im primarily interested in I'd rather have a handfull of ETCC cars. I have never hated NASCAR but I find some of its content utterly rediculous and since there is a game dedicated to the whole series thats arguably good, I cant help but stand oppose to it being in a game thats built upon road racing when theres so much more PD can choose from.
So you don't hate NASCAR
Soprano 3 1 3
Your point about there are plenty of NASCAR games are invalid, as there are plenty of F1 games so why the cries for more F1 cars in GT5? Because we want as many cars as possible in it.
GT has always had at least one oval track in their games with races held on them. We want oval track cars for oval tracks. That is not unreasonable.
Soprano 3 1 3
Some of the points I've stated before summed up for those who missed them. Trully ashame that a good debate could be overshadowed by sensitivity and emotion. Take it or leave it, I've stated my opinion and if you don't like them thats not a problem on my end. But don't blow it up to be something its not.
Your opinon is in the minds of me and others flawed and selfish.
I do agree that you and others have raised some reasonable doubts about including stock cars, but nothing that should stop stock cars from being inclued in GT5.
PD is discovering that adding an oval track in Daytona has increased the excitement in the US market, and from the online numbers the track is the most popular both in the NTSC and Pal regions, so why should they stop now and not give more oval racing?
Whether you want to believe it or not drivers like the close racing oval racing creates. Online numbers prove that, and I see PD moving toward throwing oval racing in GT5P another bone, hopefully stock cars of some sort.