Nenkai (X/Twitter): Kaz is cooking

  • Thread starter DJShadesUK
What is it that you guys see in it?
I think you should watch some video analysis on it by experts like Super GT.

Sophy's racecraft was very good, almost creepy at times. I'm not sure how you're interpreting its decisions as dumb - no offense to your skill level but I have to assume that interpretation is due to a lack of experience. While the easier Sophy cars were slow and easy to pass, they still made rational decisions, like avoiding contact even if you divebombed them. The more challenging Sophys would actually avoid that contact on purpose and pull a switcheroo, something that isn't necessarily advanced but requires some experience and awareness from a human driver. The difficult Sophys required sheer precision to beat while still having a really creepy human-like awareness of your presence. I think they may have been too aggressive defensively but they were definitely aware and made preemptive decisions, something completely lacking from the normal AI.

So basically it came down to awareness and preemptive decision making. That's what humans do and that's why it was so impressive and challenging.
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Replacing 19 lethargic AIs with an unbeatable one that drifts more than it takes corners, not sure I'm a fan of this option. It has its own flaws that make Sophy quite unrealistic to me. They really need to tweak it first.
I stand corrected then , still interesting would like to see how exactly it worked tho
There are still plenty of streams of them from 2017/18 on YouTube to have a look at if you're interested.

The warm-up/qualifying/races were usually longer than the other splits/timeslots and it had 24 cars in the race instead of 20, otherwise it was pretty much the same.

As for the exact reason why 24-car races weren't otherwise used in other sport mode races at the time, or in any online race after 2018, I could guess but I'm not certain.
Nenkai (X/Twitter): Kaz is cooking

I feel we need to examine the second sentence of the tweet, specifically the “May or may not…” part.

On one hand, it can’t be a coincidence that PD have apparently got a bigger update planned next just as FM8 (I know it’s not technically 8 but oh well) which suggests the “may” part. Have they looked at it and realized they need to throw something bigger than normal to keep more players occupied or was it planned for this time way before and FM8 happens to launch around the same time as the planned bigger update?

On the other hand, if it’s the “may not” part, then some of these predictions are probably way off the mark considerably. Perhaps our perception of bigger than usual content is beyond what PD consider bigger than usual content

I would love to see a more refined career mode added, Sophy AI etc but I feel the latter is more likely but only for a limited period of time once again. All this just my opinion based on further observations of the tweet and the forum.
some of these predictions are probably way off the mark considerably. Perhaps our perception of bigger than usual content is beyond what PD consider bigger than usual content
^this. It wasn't called "huge update" but "the biggest we get so far" it doesn't mean then that we will get abnormal amount of content. I think it will be just decent update with new track 4-5 cars new events and possibly new features like championships, missions etc. MAYBE somekind of Sophy implementation?

The biggest update so far is Grand Valley one with 4 cars/1track and additional features like PSVR2 and Sophy seasonal events. We should expect something more thant that but not overthink this with some total game changing things like new GT Career mode. I don't know why people wish list this it is totally impossible to get. We had world circuit events and PD will likely expand on this not adding another very similar career mode, those changes are more for GT8 to be honest.

Bring just back the Seasonal Events and update them weekly...
I did like those AI interpretations of those esport events we've got on december. I was wondering always, why PD doesn't do them more often? I would be very happy to drive AI version of every esport race they made.
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Replacing 19 lethargic AIs with an unbeatable one that drifts more than it takes corners, not sure I'm a fan of this option. It has its own flaws that make Sophy quite unrealistic to me. They really need to tweak it first.

I still rather play against sophy ai in beta form than road block ai we have now thats dosen’t even put up a fight or even race you they act like you dont excist

The last sophy challanges was the most fun i had racing against ai in gran turismo game
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I would like to see B-Spec back, especially if they bring back 24hr racing where you can share driving duty with your B-Spec Bob. It would also help with the money issue. But I think what we want will be ignored once again. We will probably get all the variations of Miata's, Skylines and Demios in a big dump, instead of cars we want like Ferrari 488/Pista/296, Viper ACR, C8 Z06, 720S/765LT, Porsche 935's, updated GT3 cars from Ferrari, Aston, Porsche, Chevy etc.
Who wants RM models that we had in GT5?? (for some cars that raced in real life)
I think with the GT7's level of customization, the RM feature could be replaced by racing cockpit upgrades for the cars. That's basically the only thing missing, we can tune the cars to be faster than their Racing Versions but we have to keep the standard interior as it is for now...
I'd be surprised if PS5 didn't have enough CPU headroom to run a full grid of Sophy instances. The game in its 120hz performance mode can reach a nearly-locked 120FPS, which is not too surprising considering we're talking about a game that's still targetting 60FPS on the potato PS4 CPU.
  • 3 CARS
  • some places to take photo
  • couple new race events
  • some fixes

at the end REMEMBER .... 12 cm is longer/bigger then 11,9 cm

It will be bigger than that, thats for sure nenkai would not put a tweet that its going to be the biggest update if its just the regular update, i dont think it will be any less than 5 cars and 1 new track, proably a lot more events than the normal updates brings to
We will probably get all the variations of Miata's, Skylines and Demios in a big dump, instead of cars we want like Ferrari 488/Pista/296, Viper ACR, C8 Z06, 720S/765LT, Porsche 935's, updated GT3 cars from Ferrari, Aston, Porsche, Chevy etc.
Who's "we"?

I want a Fiat Coupe or Mitsubishi FTO back, not those highly overrated Forza/ACCmobiles.
I'd be surprised if PS5 didn't have enough CPU headroom to run a full grid of Sophy instances. The game in its 120hz performance mode can reach a nearly-locked 120FPS, which is not too surprising considering we're talking about a game that's still targetting 60FPS on the potato PS4 CPU.
It's not the graphical capability that would determine if it could do this or not.
...that's why I said CPU?
You did mention the CPU, but you then focused on the fps which isn't fully relevent.

We simply don't know enough to make any determination other that based on what we've seen, and we have seen no more than 4 instances running in the same race on a single PS5.

That could simply have been to balance the races provided, but we've not seen anything yet to suggest we'll get more than that even in showcases. Given the way Sophy works from seperate instances for each opponent and how much more information is it calcualting to form it's own decision making I can imagine we won't see a full grid anytime soon.

I don't know that it's impossible, but what we've seen so far suggests otherwise.
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You did mention the CPU, but you then focused on the fps which isn't fully relevent.

We simply don't know enough to make any determination other that based on what we've seen, and we have seen no more than 4 instances running in the same race on a single PS5.

That could simply have been to balance the races provided, but we've not seen anything yet to suggest we'll get more than that even in showcases. Given the way Sophy works from seperate instances for each opponent and how much more information is it calcualting to form it's own decision making I can imagine we won't see a full grid anytime soon.

I don't know that it's impossible, but what we've seen so far suggests otherwise.
The FPS is limited by both the GPU and the CPU. The game being able to run at a nearly-locked 120FPS, which on itself suggests the framerate it could reach if fully unlocked would be substantially higher, means that both of them are able to keep up, and most importantly that the game is primarily if not exclusively GPU-limited (otherwise even with the 1080p resolution drop the framerate wouldn't improve).

There is then enough headroom on the CPU to run the game at 120FPS, if not more. In practical terms, they could spend twice as long on each CPU-related task, and the game would still be able to hold onto its normal 60FPS target just fine - which makes perfect sense given the game has the same 60FPS target on the PS4's CPU which was notoriously terrible even for its time.

If you wanna mention something I actually didn't consider, it would be memory. It could be the case that each Sophy instance is substantially more memory-intensive than the regular AI and that it can't fit on the PS5's RAM I guess, but I don't really know if that's how it would work.
The FPS is limited by both the GPU and the CPU.
It's usually limited by one of those things, not both. Hence the reason, not fully relevant as opposed to irrelevant.
The game being able to run at a nearly-locked 120FPS, which on itself suggests the framerate it could reach if fully unlocked would be substantially higher, means that both of them are able to keep up, and most importantly that the game is primarily if not exclusively GPU-limited (otherwise even with the 1080p resolution drop the framerate wouldn't improve).

There is then enough headroom on the CPU to run the game at 120FPS, if not more. In practical terms, they could spend twice as long on each CPU-related task, and the game would still be able to hold onto its normal 60FPS target just fine - which makes perfect sense given the game has the same 60FPS target on the PS4's CPU which was notoriously terrible even for its time.

If you wanna mention something I actually didn't consider, it would be memory. It could be the case that each Sophy instance is substantially more memory-intensive than the regular AI and that it can't fit on the PS5's RAM I guess, but I don't really know if that's how it would work.
I'm not arging that the PS5 doesn't have any headroom when running GT7, I'm sure it has quite a bit. But how much more headroom does it need to run each insance of Sophy? Probably a lot, and yes the memory is likely another issue, that's a good point you made there.

My point is simply that what we have seen so far is no more than 4 instances in any given race, therefore we have seen nothing to suggest we should expect a full grid of Sophy AI in a race. We know each AI is it's own instance, we know it's processing a lot more data, so without having the hard data, it's reasonable to conclude that there is a reason Sony haven't shown off a full grid of Sophy AI running on a single PS5.
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I would like to see B-Spec back, especially if they bring back 24hr racing where you can share driving duty with your B-Spec Bob. It would also help with the money issue. But I think what we want will be ignored once again. We will probably get all the variations of Miata's, Skylines and Demios in a big dump, instead of cars we want like Ferrari 488/Pista/296, Viper ACR, C8 Z06, 720S/765LT, Porsche 935's, updated GT3 cars from Ferrari, Aston, Porsche, Chevy etc.
B-Spec would be good, but without any depth, it is hard to imagine it being used for anything but AFK credit grinding and maybe getting a break for endurance races (which we don't really have anyway).

Also I feel like I have seen the usual joke of 'Miatas and Skylines' for like a decade now, just because they have no urgency to add the latest crop of an oversaturated super/hypercar market. I feel like the current crop and additions so far have been good, with the main issue being single player content and probably the limitations of Sport mode selections, leaving not as much to do with these cars as one would hope.
I feel we need to examine the second sentence of the tweet, specifically the “May or may not…” part.

On one hand, it can’t be a coincidence that PD have apparently got a bigger update planned next just as FM8 (I know it’s not technically 8 but oh well) which suggests the “may” part. Have they looked at it and realized they need to throw something bigger than normal to keep more players occupied or was it planned for this time way before and FM8 happens to launch around the same time as the planned bigger update?

On the other hand, if it’s the “may not” part, then some of these predictions are probably way off the mark considerably. Perhaps our perception of bigger than usual content is beyond what PD consider bigger than usual content

I would love to see a more refined career mode added, Sophy AI etc but I feel the latter is more likely but only for a limited period of time once again. All this just my opinion based on further observations of the tweet and the forum.
I'm not sure how well-versed Nenkai is in American culture but the phrase "may or may not" is almost universally used sarcastically and has been for years. It means a definite yes. "I may or may not have sent that guy to the shadow realm".
I'm not sure how well-versed Nenkai is in American culture but the phrase "may or may not" is almost universally used sarcastically and has been for years. It means a definite yes. "I may or may not have sent that guy to the shadow realm".
It's also a object lesson in redundancy, and a phrase I detest as a result.

"May" is an expression of probability. It's a measure of both how likely something is to have happened and, as a result of all probabilities adding up to one, a measure of how likely it is to have not happened.

Thus "may" is a measure of all probabilities and the word natively includes the probability of "not", thus it's entirely superfluous to say the second part...

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