New article: Why No Release Date? updated

  • Thread starter cudadude2
I'm willing to bet my Lion bar that the GT5 info blowout will be next month at Gamescon. It simply makes sense since the franchise is biggest in EU. I think I'm correct in saying it starts August 19th so might not be too long to wait.

See if the game was announced next month with a release date that would be more than enough time to hype it above the clouds and back. If at TGS is would not leave enough time for an advertising campaign. I'm assuming here the game will have a WW release date or very close (if GT Portable is doing something along those lines hot damn if the flagship game is not.)

It's not going to take much to market GT5. Literally a 30 second advert with the GT logo and a pretty car at the back will be enough. :P

There is one right before that but this is the one that matters.
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I'm willing to bet my Lion bar that the GT5 info blowout will be next month at Gamescon. It simply makes sense since the franchise is biggest in EU. I think I'm correct in saying it starts August 19th so might not be too long to wait.
I thought this was the Games Convention we were looking for ...31.07-02.08/2009, it's online only?
I'm willing to bet my Lion bar that the GT5 info blowout will be next month at Gamescon. It simply makes sense since the franchise is biggest in EU. I think I'm correct in saying it starts August 19th so might not be too long to wait.

See if the game was announced next month with a release date that would be more than enough time to hype it above the clouds and back. If at TGS is would not leave enough time for an advertising campaign. I'm assuming here the game will have a WW release date or very close (if GT Portable is doing something along those lines hot damn if the flagship game is not.)

It's not going to take much to market GT5. Literally a 30 second advert with the GT logo and a pretty car at the back will be enough. :P

Actually, I believe That in Gamescon, GT might not be present in any form GT:Portable/GT5. they have Revealed A lot of GT:Portable, so if they are they will show a little bit more from it, but no GT5, Although, Im Kind of Sure there will be a GT5 Blowout at TGS. Why?:

-1. Its in Japan, Their Hometown, so Moving Stuff, Cars, Advertisement, Game Designers and the Kaz Himself, will be easier.

-2. AND If I am the creator of my Masterpiece, I Wont allow a distracted Translator, or Any Translator to present My Masterpice and that the people/critics Dont understand my Language. I think he wont be as comfortable as in Japan.

-3. I think they are giving Some time to create a little bit of Hype for GTPSP, so lets Say I present my Not so big Game, and hope to sell a lot of copies By Presenting something x47652 Times bigger than my Not so Big Game just a month Later, everyone will forget about GTPSP and just talk/comment/buy GT5
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I agree with everything you said except the translator part.^^
Yamauchi understands English, he has a translator on his side because, thats what i imagine at least, his pronunction isnt that good.
Listen up all you bozos. TGS is 2 months from now. Just 2 months. Is is then that you will be getting your release date that you've all been whining for. And another pretty trailer. And maybe even a playable demo. TGS is just before the FM3 release so it makes perfect sense to steal T10's thunder right around then and keep images of GT5 fresh in the minds of gamers who are ON THE FENCE. Sony and Polyphony(moreso Sony actually) are just trying to steal the undecided ones.
You know what I think? Perhaps we should just
shut down this forum until we get some factual information
related to the release, and nothing more than the release.
The only thing I can see when I look at the thread list are speculative titles about Porsche, Top Gear Test Track, and visual damage, and everyone attempting to compile and analysis: "I'm pretty sure this." Great. Wonderful. But. We don't know anything until TGS.
You'll probably tell me I shouldn't log to this forum if I don't want to hear the complaining and abject "misery" the GT fanbase is subjected to. But, frankly, shut down the GT5 forum until we get some legitimate news from Amar or Jordan...
edit: or anyone else who didn't see a random release date on IGN.

Seriously. :/
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FM3 will be a big step for Turn10 like the step from GT2 to GT3 was for PD...
What makes you think that?

We'll have a game with damage on all cars, we'll have Lamborghini, Porsche, the Ring, etc. Why buy GT5 at that point?
Because I like collecting all kinds of cars, especially when they have the best models and arguably best representation among racing games.

You know what I think? Perhaps we should just
shut down this forum until we get some factual information
Seriously? No, YOU just go away. If you can't stay away from here and it bugs you, it's not our fault you like to click it.
GT5P could sink PD if Shift (or some other game) comes out and is a better racer. The first thing everyone will do is compare them against each other. If Shift is half as good as they say it will be in 'pro' mode and makes GT5P feel dated or even if it's just a small step better, GT5 will lose many customers. We'll have a game with damage on all cars, we'll have Lamborghini, Porsche, the Ring, etc. Why buy GT5 at that point?
seriously I don't understand. Do you like GT or not?
Seriously? No, YOU just go away. If you can't stay away from here and it bugs you, it's not our fault you like to click it.

Whine away, then. If you want to spend the rest of the next 1 to 1½ pondering over a video game, all the power to you.
Not only are you really not in the position to forbid him posting about the game, you suggested to shut down a very active forum with many serious discussions without any "whining". Why dont you just stay away if you dont want to read anything about the game?
I'm not saying "kill the forum" or anything. The game doesn't even exist yet. There's two more months before we could here anything veritable from the developers (TGS). Most of the threads are locked anyhow.

edit: The most adequate response to the title of the thread should be the following:
"Because Polyphony Digital isn't going to release it this early; because there isn't any legitimate or veritable resources to support the most accurate date. Because Polyphony Digital has a specific way of business."
Too me, that's the end of it. The topic of this particular thread is replicated in every other thread anyway.
So my advice to you toward what seems to apparently be a voice of dissent is to kick back.
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I'm not saying "kill the forum" or anything. The game doesn't even exist yet. There's two more months before we could here anything veritable from the developers (TGS). Most of the threads are locked anyhow.

edit: The most adequate response to the title of the thread should be the following:
"Because Polyphony Digital isn't going to release it this early; because there isn't any legitimate or veritable resources to support the most accurate date. Because Polyphony Digital has a specific way of business."
Too me, that's the end of it. The topic of this particular thread is replicated in every other thread anyway.
So my advice to you toward what seems to apparently be a voice of dissent is to kick back.

Did you run out of your Meds or something?
Cause I'm right? Or are you just a die-hard fanboy? Get over it. I'm not coming to the forums until I see news on the front page.

No I'm not. You're just all over the place. And obviously it's not out yet and we probably won't hear any news for two months, but that's no reason to shut the forum down. It's here FOR speculation and anything that anyone finds. :crazy:
Where do these people keep coming from?

And for the record, first you said the forum should be shut down until we received justifiable information on GT5 (whatever your definition of such information is), and then when called out you claim you're not saying "kill the forum"?

What? :odd:
they're trolls dont pay attention to them, just report


Just keep doing what you're doing. As unfortunate as it is, I can't really contribute anything as of late. As I stated , we won't get news until we get news.

added: Personally, I really don't feel encouraged when I haven't any resources.

I tend to fly off the handle...pretty far off the handle.
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This article is sterile, at best. It implies that GT and FM are in competition, when it's only their platforms that are.

People with PS3 will buy GT, the ones with 360 will get to FM. En masse. You can bet a third of each platform's owners will buy these.

In term of content, gameplay, eye candy and aftermarket support combined, GT has no rival, neither does FM.

This article is nothing but a rant, to generate traffic. And it works. Even its backbone is flawed. The difference between what the fans want and what the developer is ready to disclose... Players want every detail out "now", but whine a month after the game release because they've been spoiled. It won't change anytime soon.
150 people have worked on Gran Turismo 5 for around five years, with a production cost of approximately 50 times more than the PlayStation original. With so much effort behind it, there’s no real doubt that GT5 will be good. The question is, will it be worth the wait?

That made me thinking:

8h x 150 = 1,200h/day
1,200h x 7 = 8,400h/week
8,400h x 52 = 436,800h/year
436,800h x 5 = 2,184,000 hours total

By doing 8h days they should have had about that much time available to spend on GT5, of course part of it has gone for those other projects but anyway.. Should make a good game :D

btw, that's about 258 years of 24/7/12 working :)


I don't know how much they earn in Japan, but being careful, if we multiply that with 30€ (what would be my guess for the minimum cost / hour for the employer) we get close to 65,500,000€ for the salaries only... :lol:
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This article is sterile, at best. It implies that GT and FM are in competition, when it's only their platforms that are.

People with PS3 will buy GT, the ones with 360 will get to FM. En masse. You can bet a third of each platform's owners will buy these.

If you own both consoles you will be in a fortunate position of owning both games. However I know of a few people who are going to drop FM3 as soon as GT5 comes out and even some of them are going to trade their 360s in and cancel their xbox live account. This to me just shows how powerful GT5 is as a franchise.

For me personally im already making plans for GT5 despite not knowing a release date or what the game contains. My purchases so far are a HDTV, PS3, G25, and hopefully soon a racing cockpit. The expense of this is around £1400!

Some of my family and friends think im mad making such purchases for a game and have said to me "Shouldn't you wait until the game is released". My reply has been "Why because I don't need a reviewer to tell me how good GT5 will be".

In a strange way im enjoying all this mystique about GT5. Still I have no doubts it will appear at the Tokyo game show and I cannot wait to see the reaction of this especially on the forza forums.
they can fix bugs with online updates!!

I have to say that this attitude is what is ruining gaming for the masses at the moment.

That made me thinking:

8h x 150 = 1,200h/day
1,200h x 7 = 8,400h/week
8,400h x 52 = 436,800h/year
436,800h x 5 = 2,184,000 hours total

More realistically it would be something like...

7X80 = 560 h/day (Say 80 developers, 40 QA, 20 Managers)
560 x 5 = 2800 h/week (5 day weeks)
2800 x 48 = 134400 h/year (Japanese people have holidays too?!)
134400 * 5 = 672,000 hours total

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This is yet another attempt by some low end writer to put PD into a corner and force them into giving out more details. Unfortunately, such as small minded article will be overlooked and ignored by PD, which is a good thing in my book.

As a GT fan of many years, my strive for perfection is becoming harder to please with every incarnation of the game, and the ONLY thing keeping me sane about GT5 is PD's similar strive for perfection.

If PD start breaking their marketing plans for the sake of a few fanboys, if they announce a release date too early, if they try to please the media, they're breaking their own professional standards.

If PD starting breaking their own rules, god only knows what rules will get broken in game development, and what will be released may only be half the game it could. I'll probably then be one of the masses who mourn what could have been, and then turn that black box under the TV into nothing more than a DVD player.

.: Rant over :.