New article: Why No Release Date? updated

  • Thread starter cudadude2
You know 9/11 from the American viewpoint? That would be bad marketing...

I'll remember that day forever. People say that if you were old enough to remember back to the day Pearl Harbor got bombed, you'll remember exactly where you were and what you were doing. It seems that it's mostly true. I think the same will happen with 9/11. I remember (I was little then) it was on tv, and I thought it was just a building on fire. A while after that, I realized it was much much more.
Yeah, same, it was so unreal and i think i still havent realized it, which might be impossible if youve just seen it on the TV.

But thats a different topic.
Of course 9/11 was a tradegy and unforgetable! But if that would be happen in any other country in the world, it would be forgoten in about one or two years... There are crazy things going out there in the world but getting no attention because its not in America...

Look at West China... they have killed more than 800 moslems with some headshots on the streets... but nobody cares... Why isn´t America doing anything? Because they got no oil? 8-)

EDIT: Sorry for OT
Of course 9/11 was a tradegy and unforgetable! But if that would be happen in any other country in the world, it would be forgoten in about one or two years... There are crazy things going out there in the world but getting no attention because its not in America...

Look at West China... they have killed more than 800 moslems with some headshots on the streets... but nobody cares... Why isn´t America doing anything? Because they got no oil? 8-)

EDIT: Sorry for OT

Americans care because its America, they are not asking you to care.
You'll get the same response in Spain when it comes to the Madrid train bombings, they remember it, but I trust many Americans won't.
And i bet theyre all just copying from (god that site starts to annoy me).
Argos are probably the biggest UK retailer after the major supermarket's, the supply of which will be a priority for console manufacturer's and game's publisher's.
Argos are probably the biggest UK retailer after the major supermarket's, the supply of which will be a priority for console manufacturer's and game's publisher's.

Which means exactly nothing.
Maybe theyve just heard "hey selling games=$$$" and know that GT5 is going to be huge. I find it just strange that these stores now use the date a couple of days after changed it.
GAME in Australia boast a September release date, I checked yesterday when I was updating my pre-order for Forza Motorsport 3. Looks like GT are trying to get the jump on FM3, if this is the case - but I am slightly doubtful of the finality of this date, as they still wouldn't let me pre-order GT5, although they don't exactly pull these numbers out of their anuses.

I forgot to mention in my post above (I think it was in this thread where I mentioned the infamous release date), that this date was read off a document printed on paper that had a half dozen sheets of other release dates for games, with my very own eyes, as the friendly Aussie (I am not really, just living here) GAME store attendant allowed me to see it for myself. How genuine this is as a source, I don't know and am dubious - but it's stronger than just word of mouth heresay, so please, if you will, merge that information into my above post.

Thankyou very much!
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Which means exactly nothing.
Maybe theyve just heard "hey selling games=$$$" and know that GT5 is going to be huge. I find it just strange that these stores now use the date a couple of days after changed it.

or maybe all the stores recieved a new more accurate (but still not official) date and updated their stores with said date.

I dont remember argos copying play's previous guess date.

Anyway, must keep reminding myself, unless it's from PD it aint official.
Which means exactly nothing.
Maybe theyve just heard "hey selling games=$$$" and know that GT5 is going to be huge. I find it just strange that these stores now use the date a couple of days after changed it.
I believe Argos changed the date first, but regadless, the piece's are falling into place.

Check my post history, you'll see at the turn of the year I commented on a then Sony insider having seen GT5 on an SCEE 2009 release schedule, this at a time when few believed a 2009 release was possible.

Then we hear GOW3 will only be released in March 2010, Heavy Rain is delayed until 2010, and now MAG is reportedly due in January 2010.

Sony need more than Uncharted 2 this Christmas, and more importantly to accompany the PS3 Slim and it's price cut.

Sony knew GT Mobile was needed to give the PSP GO some momentum, on cue it appeared, likewise they need GT5 for the PS3 Slim.
You are assuming the PS3 Slim is real.

I am not saying you are wrong, just that it may not be true. I expect teh 45nm chips to bring a lower price, but I am unsure if a couple of very poor quality spy images are evidence it will be a whole new hardware configuration.
Of course 9/11 was a tradegy and unforgetable! But if that would be happen in any other country in the world, it would be forgoten in about one or two years... There are crazy things going out there in the world but getting no attention because its not in America...

Look at West China... they have killed more than 800 moslems with some headshots on the streets... but nobody cares... Why isn´t America doing anything? Because they got no oil? 8-)

EDIT: Sorry for OT
Well, a quick reply to this.

1. If "the rest of the world" would have forgotten an act of war committed against them, that's a bad commentary on the human race in general. But fortunately I think you're quite mistaken, especially since if any other country lost one trillion dollars from their economy as a result, it would face dire consequences at the very least.

2. I suppose you've already forgotten the Tiananmen Square massacre.

3. No one has been able to do much of anything about China. Ever. Oil or the lack thereof has nothing to do with it.