New Need For Speed: Shift GTP Racing League - Season I (Manny Challenge)

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I just filled an incident report with the support team, who knows how that will work out.

From what I am seeing at the EA forum there was a tare down of their servers to remove older games on the 11th and the dummies must have corrupted their database’s that have to do with the friends list for their matchmaking server system.

Great!👍 So if we make new accounts (and I have to make the carreer mode over again, get a lot of money again to buy cars?), this problem will be gone? Have anyone tried this option?
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Me and thefast1 made new profiles days ago If you remember my post and It makes no difference at all.

Just logged Into shift and guess what It's still not operational.
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I just logged on, and it's doing the same thing again.
When I posted yesterday, it was working fine.
I started a private lobby, and invited someone to race and not get booted.
Just now, as soon as I sent the invite, I got the message that
I had lost connection.
I received a reply from EA this morning.
My question asked if they knew that we were unable to race in private lobbies.

Their reply:


Are you aware that we are unable to use Private Lobby?...
Discussion Thread
Response (Charlie)
05/17/2010 08:01 PM


Thank you for writing to Electronic Arts customer support.

I would like to inform you that we are aware of the fact that you are unable to use private lobby, You can only use it after getting the permission of the player to whom it belongs.

If there is anything else we can help you with please let us know.

Thank you,

Electronic Arts Customer Support
05/17/2010 05:52 AM
I wrote to the EA support, but of course they say: "This is to inform you that NFS Shift servers are up and online."


No comment.

I won't sell Shift if GT5 comes out, as I don't wan't the further owner to become mad because that game..
I'll fire it up! but to be sure in my job I'll give some petrol to the fire too..:banghead::banghead::banghead:
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Thank you for writing to Electronic Arts customer support.

I would like to inform you that we are aware of the fact that you are unable to use private lobby, You can only use it after getting the permission of the player to whom it belongs.

If there is anything else we can help you with please let us know.

I sent your response from " EA " to the " DUDE AT EA " to let him know what IDOTS he works with, and tried with as much British Slashing Whit as a yank could muster to inform him that " we are being played " ...........
Hear is the response to my incident report from EA support " CHECK THIS OUT "

Thank you for writing to Electronic Arts customer support.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused to you thus far.

In this case, I would suggest you to remove a few names from your buddy/Friend list, preferably with whom you do not play much. Once you could able to invite the player of your choice,
you could add them again as this could have been caused due to some issue with the friends list. Also, try to connect your inter net line directly into the PS 3 and see if the issue remains or not. Sometimes with one person being on a wireless connection and one person being on a wired connection can have a drastic effect on how strong the connection is between you two.

If you still face the problem then please furnish the following information while contacting us next :

-Your play station id
-EA account name
-Date of birth
-Zip code

If there is anything else we may do to assist you please let us know.

Thank you,

EA Online Support

How stupid are those dummies ???????

I just tore them a new one......Gerrrrrrrrrrrr.....

------------------ UPDATE -----------------
After trying to follow the advice from EA I have now destroied my Friends list and will rebuild it soon, but at time I would like to thank Add and BRP for helping me as I commited " Friend Hairy Carrie " and snuffed everyone and re friending Add and BRP. I was thinking that loading friends anew might rewrite to the EA database so they would be recognized, to no avail. How Fd is this.....
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I'm logged in now
Another problem I found yesterday:
I cleared all saved dated from one of my accounts.
Started a new game, but when I went to Options,
I was unable to choose controller configurations.
It set me on #1.
EA have 1000's of users world wide with this lobby problem. We know our internet ect ect Is ok every other game on the marker works fine if one of the assholes that answer the problem actually picked up a pad and had a go they would see there was a problem. Or admitting to the problem they know about but don't know how to fix would be a step forward. Just think how many people have brought this game and the DLC and how rich they got off it. They profit from us so should listen to us the customer but they don't care.
There clutching at straws simple as.
They have deleted somthing they shouldn't have and every time the get a E mail about the problem they have a nice big list of BS excuses that they can use to fub us off with.

If I am honest I dont think they have any intention of fixing or acknowledging the problem for either one of two reasons.

Reason one that the rumors are true and EA have lost the contract for the next NFS and are not going to bother fixing the problem as it will cost them more money for somthing they will see no profit return on.

Reason two is that they have got the contract for the next NFS and are saving all the money and time for the next one that will no doubt already be in the pipe line.

EA really are bad at online management at like I said before I will never buy another EA sports game as long as I live.

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Shift locks my PS3 up at times. If I'm finished with a race and go to chat it'll freeze. Or if I try to send a message after a race it does it. Not sure why.
Aparently my presure is paying off, here is a response from a WHEEL at EA

Greetings All,
As LeftyWright69 stated above, he and I have had a few PM's back and forth and he's provided me with some information that the server support team needed to investigate this issue.

Needless to say, there continues to be a problem with private matches and inviting your friends into them. You guys know the bug and if you don't, just read the posts above.

Please rest assured that we are investigating this bug to determine what's causing it to happen and get a fix implemented as soon as possible.

We do apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue.

Well I guess this proves " no one likes talking to me " he he he.....
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Totally off topic, I now have my G27.
Trying to sort the settings out, but so far I've got it down to only being
10 stinkin seconds slower a lap than when using my pad :crazy: at Road A
So maybe by the time EA gets this sorted, I'll be closer to being up to speed.
Actually, I don't care this online problem any more, if I want, i can play in public lobby with you guys, it is not impossible, just hard a bit..

But the number one game will not be any more Shift!

As soon as I get SCC I'll prefer that, but if there will be any events in SHift League in the future, it will be a pleasure to join you guys.

I think a lot of you have the SCC, so if there is any idea for an SCC league, or to join Manny's SCC Series, it would be great!
Shift locks my PS3 up at times. If I'm finished with a race and go to chat it'll freeze. Or if I try to send a message after a race it does it. Not sure why.

I get the same problem but only when my wireless signal Is low.
Drew just posted this on EA Forums:

Greetings Everyone,
I have an update on this issue. I'm happy to say that the server support team has a fix for this issue. However, implementing the fix will require us to bring down the servers for a little while. Therefore, we are going to wait until 5am (EDT) to implement the fix. That's when we usually have the least amount of players logged into the servers.

By this time tomorrow the servers will be fixed. I'll log back on tomorrow to double check with you all to ensure that you are not experiencing any more problems with the NFS Shift servers.
Drew just posted this on EA Forums:

Greetings Everyone,
I have an update on this issue. I'm happy to say that the server support team has a fix for this issue. However, implementing the fix will require us to bring down the servers for a little while. Therefore, we are going to wait until 5am (EDT) to implement the fix. That's when we usually have the least amount of players logged into the servers.

By this time tomorrow the servers will be fixed. I'll log back on tomorrow to double check with you all to ensure that you are not experiencing any more problems with the NFS Shift servers.

Ok lets see how that plans out
Man I think I got my point across to EA, It's the first time anyone there ever listened to me. Those Fn Canned answers that I saw the support team giving out was just to much for me to handle and I think I lost my patience with them. I know there were a ton of people saying something about it, but I feel good that I directly challenged there logic with some good ol insults SCREAMING how they were ignoring everyone. Router problem, Schmouter problem LOL.... those foolzzzzz
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Drew just posted this on EA Forums:

Greetings Everyone,
I have an update on this issue. I'm happy to say that the server support team has a fix for this issue. However, implementing the fix will require us to bring down the servers for a little while. Therefore, we are going to wait until 5am (EDT) to implement the fix. That's when we usually have the least amount of players logged into the servers.

By this time tomorrow the servers will be fixed. I'll log back on tomorrow to double check with you all to ensure that you are not experiencing any more problems with the NFS Shift servers.

So, Have You tried it yet? Does it works?

Anyway, I've got the SCC now, so before I join the Scc series, I would like to practice that game. Is there anybody who could join me during the weekend?
So, Have You tried it yet? Does it works?
I just logged in, created private and public lobbies.
Invited someone, and did not get booted.
None of my friends are online, so can't tell if they received invite.
However, I went to recent players, and none we lit up.
I just logged in, created private and public lobbies.
Invited someone, and did not get booted.
None of my friends are online, so can't tell if they received invite.
However, I went to recent players, and none we lit up.

IT WORKS FOR ME!!👍 I can't belive it!

The guy on EA forum really did it! :sly:

Thanks for Lefty and BRP for their work about this problem!

So, do we make the delayed races this weekend Mr President???
I'm really hungry for some action!
IT WORKS FOR ME!!👍 I can't belive it!

The guy on EA forum really did it! :sly:

Thanks for Lefty and BRP for their work about this problem!

So, do we make the delayed races this weekend Mr President???
I'm really hungry for some action!
Are you logged in?
Will try, but even players I recently raced are not showing up.

You know, this is a minimal problem if we can make a private lobby. (You can invite someone without he is showed up.)
I saw You wrote this problem to NFSDrew, and after i see he really can fix the problems, I'm sure he will fix that too in a short time!