New seasonal events: Time Trial No. 31 & Drift Trial No. 31

Do you find weight ballast and power limiter a "real thing" then?
Both have been a part of real life racing series for years so yes they are "real things".

They have also been used and abused in real life to help optimize race performance. Certain series that use ballast penalties had to change their rules to mandate the placement of said ballast because competitors were placing it to enhance the handling thus offsetting the additional weight penalty. As for power limiting NASCAR is probably the best known series to use this in the form of restricter plates to keep the speed of the cars down and yet in recent years those speeds have been on the climb again.
Sure, and abs is still a real part of real life racing as well, can be argued that it was banned for f1 in 1993 along with traction control?, something......... anyway, the tt does not say f1 cars only it says 750pp, point being any advantage allowed by the pd regs is being used. Who would not do that in a real life race?

"How dare you follow the rules of the tt and set a faster time then myself who sets his own stricter rules?" seriously? :lol:
My problems stem at three corners pretty much

1) The first one..I've done it .1-.2 quicker than my current best (55.784).

2) "Les Combes" section..Coming in from the high speed straight is always tricky and I mess up sometimes..leading to a loss of time.

3) Stavelot (15) - I either make it or bomb it in this course..The .4 seconds I found were and I'm not joking entirely in this corner and I still could go another .1-.2 seconds quicker here since I've done it before.

Everything else is just gravy. See helpful map below

Well uga you've still got me by a .1, I had a flyer going and went off in 15, it' my nemeisis. I know there's some more time there, just got to string it all together.

Good fun
Hey Lorenzo,
I think I have a DOME on share,
I did a 1:21.714 with it. So it's not bad.

I did my 1:21.645 with a borrowed car,

You need to fully break in the engine with BSpec, and don't perform any upgrades or weight reduction. I'm doing this right now, so I have my own.

I am doing the B spec as well, but with the Dome witch has stage 2 weight reduction.

I did my best time 1'22.8xx with a set-up that is very different from that what you posted.

I started with the set-up I found in this tread, and then I started to change things until I was comfortable with the handling and speed.

My setup:
119 bhp/ 123 bhp/ 128 bhp <--- this may be useless after the Dome will finish the bspec run. (2nd now in 300km endurance race, 3laps too go.
adjust weight for each configurations to reach 370PP

weight distribution -6 or 49/51 for the heavier configurations

for some reason I could not get the car to work with high front set up.
-25 -20

8.0 8.0




Yeah, I think we'd all like to see some more strict regulations on at least some of these tt's, meanwhile, anything pd allows has to be fair game. A proper filtering system could minimize these sorts of complaints as well

The time trails with no tuning, is the answer, something PD is not very keen to give.
This would save a lot of time for a lot of people, tuning, searching, goggling, exploiting, B-speckling etc.,
I start to feel lile a beta tester for GT5 tt physics.
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Seem to have hit a wall at around 1.23.2xx and i believe there's something I need to do to the Dome to make it faster. Can somebody in the 1.21 league post their updated setup? That would help me find what i'm doing wrong!
Thanks again!
Take care,
Add my second account: GTP_Halpin
Im in the process of making a Dome with my best setup.

I did my best time 1'22.8xx with a set-up that is very different from that what you posted.
Hey man nice driving 👍

Tunes are quite personal I think, what is great for one driver isn't always great for another.
I just share for people who don't have time to tune.

Thanks for posting yours, I will try it out 👍

The time trails with no tuning, is the answer.
Yea, I would prefer If we all had identical cars.
Just driving skill.
any advantage allowed by the pd regs is being used. Who would not do that in a real life race?
Why don't people see this?

These Time Trials are really are 'formula'. The rules have been set by PD, do whatever it takes to go fastest.

Formula PD 👍
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Both have been a part of real life racing series for years so yes they are "real things".

Yes they surely are being used in real life racing, but not in same scale. I mean, we have a 600kg / 900hp car and increase it's weight by 200kg and limit the peak power to almost 50% to meet regulations. Still doesn't sound like a "real thing" to me.

Driving a fully tuned LMP through Eau Rouge over 300km/h is much closer to the "real thing". ;)

The time trails with no tuning, is the answer, something PD is not very keen to give.
This would save a lot of time for a lot of people, tuning, searching, goggling, exploiting, B-speckling etc.

Well uga you've still got me by a .1, I had a flyer going and went off in 15, it' my nemeisis. I know there's some more time there, just got to string it all together.

Good fun

Hehe...I told ya Stavelot is a horrible corner. I've lost many good laps there. On my current time I didn't do the last chicane too well. My run is quite old now though so I really need to get cracking on another one. Good job on getting a new time :) I'm really enjoying myself too, it is great fun.

Spa Map
Sure, and abs is still a real part of real life racing as well, can be argued that it was banned for f1 in 1993 along with traction control?, something......... anyway, the tt does not say f1 cars only it says 750pp, point being any advantage allowed by the pd regs is being used. Who would not do that in a real life race?

"How dare you follow the rules of the tt and set a faster time then myself who sets his own stricter rules?" seriously? :lol:

Still losing alot of tme on the last part of Grand Valley. Not sure if I'm not carrying enough speed or if its my gearing, but coming out of the last corner, the leaders ghost just pulls away like he has NOS or something, lol. Very frustrating to say the least but still trying.
Yes they surely are being used in real life racing, but not in same scale. I mean, we have a 600kg / 900hp car and increase it's weight by 200kg and limit the peak power to almost 50% to meet regulations. Still doesn't sound like a "real thing" to me.

Driving a fully tuned LMP through Eau Rouge over 300km/h is much closer to the "real thing". ;)


As many others have mentioned, everyone here is just playing within the given rule set, I guess it comes down to either being interested in being competitive, or not. Just need to remember that it's a game/simulator, and not reality.

On a different note, as I type this, I am listening to the F1 cars warm up, great sound!
Still losing alot of tme on the last part of Grand Valley. Not sure if I'm not carrying enough speed or if its my gearing, but coming out of the last corner, the leaders ghost just pulls away like he has NOS or something, lol. Very frustrating to say the least but still trying.

Yes, the last bend that you brake for is quite difficult to carry alot of speed.
For me it is very hit and miss :/

I try not to let the speed drop below 104 or 105km/h (64 miles) on that one.
Ive been taking it in 4th aswell.
Yes, the last bend that you brake for is quite difficult to carry alot of speed.
For me it is very hit and miss :/

I try not to let the speed drop below 104 or 105km/h (64 miles) on that one.
Ive been taking it in 4th aswell.

Thanks for the tip Private. Getting ready to give it another shot.
Add my second account: GTP_Halpin
Im in the process of making a Dome with my best setup.

Thanks for being so generous man! this will help me big time!
Now I have to find out how to add friends and share cars etc.

As for the TT rules, I guess there should be 2 types of competition.
One with fixed cars to purely test drivers skills,
and one as is now to test driver and tuning which is also great fun.
Hehe...I told ya Stavelot is a horrible corner. I've lost many good laps there. On my current time I didn't do the last chicane too well. My run is quite old now though so I really need to get cracking on another one. Good job on getting a new time :) I'm really enjoying myself too, it is great fun.

Spa Map

Well I had to go back today and see if I could string a good one together. Stavelot still got me I went in a little conservative just to make sure I got the lap in. Ended up with a 1:55.3. I'm sure I could get into the 1:54s but it could drive me crazy. I'm good with that for a couple days.

Still need to work on the tune, just can't seem to sustain the oversteering speed of the top guys through the corners.
Going in Hot
Well I had to go back today and see if I could string a good one together. Stavelot still got me I went in a little conservative just to make sure I got the lap in. Ended up with a 1:55.3. I'm sure I could get into the 1:54s but it could drive me crazy. I'm good with that for a couple days.

Still need to work on the tune, just can't seem to sustain the oversteering speed of the top guys through the corners.

Nice time 👍 Personally I struggle more with the section from les combes to bruxelles. I beat the no.1 through sector one and three though. Now at 1.54.7, but there's a lot more time to find in that middle sector! Should be able to get a 1.54.2 with some work. :)
any suspension tips for spa seasonal 2nite. ranked 1332 using dual shock. suspension height 5-5 brake balance 4-1 thats all iv changed.
any suspension tips for spa seasonal 2nite. ranked 1332 using dual shock. suspension height 5-5 brake balance 4-1 thats all iv changed.

You've forgot the most important part..What car are you using?
Do you find weight ballast and power limiter a "real thing" then?

I see ballasts used all the time, I've even seen cartons of newspaper used as ballasts before, there is nothing unreal about that. Power limitation is certainly not that hard, even in cars without a modern ECU. I don't really see your point. The presence of ABS in old school cars and racecars is much more far fetched if that is what you are asking...
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Anyone have an F2007 to borrow?? pretty please!!! :dopey:

I want to know how it stacks up against the FGT, I'm currently at 1:56.424 with the FGT.
1:55,588 and currently at 97th place. Did a 1:55,400 but it was red after touching the grass at corner 11 after Bruxelles. I was surprised that I got it red since I been doing multiple laps with the same raceline. Must have been lucky the other times:)

It do hurts a bit that I am just in second on my friendslist but what can I do when Going in Hot does 1:55,3. :) I dont think I can do those times no matter what.

This was a fun TT.
It do hurts a bit that I am just in second on my friendslist but what can I do when Going in Hot does 1:55,3. :) I dont think I can do those times no matter what.

I hear you Lutsika. I always used to be top of my friends list in the TTss, I made sure of it but, I recently added Pr1vateJoker as a friend. So that's the end of me being at the top:) Just have to get used to being best of the rest in my friends list. It's good though, gives you something to aim for.
I have Saidur and GTPL_Yinato on my friends, so I'm not even P1 among my friends. :lol:
I had a 1:54.8xx on Spa, it took me 2 hours to beat it without ABS.:crazy:
Now, 54.7xx
Did some more laps and was leading from my ghost when I got the text in the upper right corner. " your ethernet is disconnected" or something like that. Got quite confused and felt that if I do a bestlap now it will not get registrated or...
I lost all advantage to my ghost and came in at 1:55,604. In some way I am glad I messed up the last 30 seconds but it is not fun to be disconnected just when I am up against my hated ghost:)

Probably it would have been close to take me on top of my friendslist.

Perhaps I can do it again. I did just do 10 laps and 6 of them were under 1:56 so I am getting better and better. When I starded today my best was 156:3.
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So anybody got a tune for the F2007, I just spent awhile trying to get the car to keep slip angle in the turns and drive something like the current #2.

Anybody see dariOPC's lap? He's crazy fast in a straight line and looks like he's taking some corners wrong but is making it work with the car. I know he's super fast in the chicane at the end but that can't be where all that time is.

I know I can get in the 1:54s with my current setup but that doesn't help too much. I've tried everything I can think of, any hot setups out there? Anybody want to share?
Its to bad that we cant see the splittimes in the replays.

It would have been very helpful to compare those to see if its speed or grip who is most important in this track.
Anybody see dariOPC's lap? He's crazy fast in a straight line and looks like he's taking some corners wrong but is making it work with the car. I know he's super fast in the chicane at the end but that can't be where all that time is.
in my opinion DariOPC is one of the best and faster driver on all TT's. He can make incredible time just after few laps. Generally he doesn't spend much time for the TT but when he decide to force it he is a great a monster driver 👍
Did some laps today and its sad that this TT ends tomorrow. Really like this one. Got down to 1:55,4 and that allmost puts me on top of my friendslist. Missing topspot by 0'017 of a second. Had a red lap in 1:55,2 and once again I touched the grass at corner 11. Its to bad since I touched the grass because I took the corner badly and lost speed and time.
My best lap was not perfect and I had a lot of minor misstakes and one big one entering the first chiccane with smoking frontwheels.
I am going to try tomorrow to get on top on my list.
Finally added your second account, waiting for approval. would be great to try your car man!
currently p225 at 1.23.022

I will add you as soon as I'm on,
Unfortunatly I wasn't able to bspec the car enough to need an oil change,
But I've done a 1:21.7xx with the tune I will share.

Nice Time, your flying:tup::gtpflag: